Semen Retention is a Powerful Metabolic Enhancer

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
LOL, like some bee?
Yes,very interesting that you said that considering. That the first time I had this dream,I had not eaten honey in like 2 years and I ate back some freshly harvested honey the very day before I had this dream
May 2, 2021
i love this guy talking on semen retention, i did almost 2 months and didn't get my hypo symptoms better, but maybe now with my current protocol and routine it would help.


I feel blessed to have found this video, he really articulates this information in an accessible way without giving off an incel vibe. I'm only 5 or so days in but the feeling is palpable. Possible placebo but I'm finding that this is actually help me have more clarity on what I should be eating too, I find myself much more in tune with hunger.
Apr 25, 2018
Yes it is. Keeps Dopamine and Androgens Receptor levels high and Prolactin levels low. An ideal practice for productivity and motivation.
It probably makes your receptors more sensitive to dopamine...similar to going on a caffeine fast...or sugar fast but again, idk if it's Peaty


Jan 9, 2021
I started studying a little bit the topic of SR about 2 years ago. I fapped once since and never went back. I think I may never fap again in my life. I would have to be very unhealthy, stressed out to even consider it at this point. I think it is a good adjunct to a pro-metabolic dietary and lifestyle mindset. The wet dreams happened once every few weeks, then months, and now I have them quite rarely. I can't really remember the last one I had.


Jan 18, 2020
hows going all of you semen retainers?


Nov 1, 2019
what to do when you re super horny and cant access sex at that moment?
its literally super stressfull which makes sleeping hard


Jan 18, 2020
what to do when you re super horny and cant access sex at that moment?
its literally super stressfull which makes sleeping hard
transmutation techniques bra, head standing, and kegel I've heard, cant guarantee tho
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Perhaps it has SOME benefits in some cases/circumstances, but to listen to these crazy guys who claim they suddenly become desirable to women because they don't masturbate is just LOLworthy.

Women have pursued me and I've had the attention of women even on days where I would masturbate more times than I could count.

I don't believe in pheromones either since I've used huge doses of various compounds, including haidut's Androsterone, and it never made any difference with women that would not otherwise have unfolded on zero supplements or hormones at all.

I think guys had mental issues and use this new found discovery or enlightenment to then open up the way they cater to or try and "attract" women in to their lives that otherwise did not find them desirable anyways AKA they change factors that attempt to DRIVE women to them and pass this off as nofap magically making women attracted as if not touching your penis or orgasming as a guy will make any women lust after you.

From my experience this is a resounding NO. I have masturbated plenty and had girlfriends and women pursue me ... And I have experimented with hormones and pheromones at other times and it made zero difference with women at all.

Also I got super lean and did not succeed with women ... The first time a girl actually signaled interest was when I hit like 20% bodyfat.

I am not saying it can't help, but regarding female attraction I have first-hand experience otherwise.


Oct 5, 2014
Perhaps it has SOME benefits in some cases/circumstances, but to listen to these crazy guys who claim they suddenly become desirable to women because they don't masturbate is just LOLworthy.

Women have pursued me and I've had the attention of women even on days where I would masturbate more times than I could count.

I don't believe in pheromones either since I've used huge doses of various compounds, including haidut's Androsterone, and it never made any difference with women that would not otherwise have unfolded on zero supplements or hormones at all.

I think guys had mental issues and use this new found discovery or enlightenment to then open up the way they cater to or try and "attract" women in to their lives that otherwise did not find them desirable anyways AKA they change factors that attempt to DRIVE women to them and pass this off as nofap magically making women attracted as if not touching your penis or orgasming as a guy will make any women lust after you.

From my experience this is a resounding NO. I have masturbated plenty and had girlfriends and women pursue me ... And I have experimented with hormones and pheromones at other times and it made zero difference with women at all.

Also I got super lean and did not succeed with women ... The first time a girl actually signaled interest was when I hit like 20% bodyfat.

I am not saying it can't help, but regarding female attraction I have first-hand experience otherwise.
It is very clear that using hormonal supplements directly and immediately affect sexual attraction from women (positive or negative). Or anyother supplement or special health activity in fact. Why would semen retention don't produce the same? It changes hormonal profile. I have experienced it. It is not bull****.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
It is very clear that using hormonal supplements directly and immediately affect sexual attraction from women (positive or negative). Or anyother supplement or special health activity in fact. Why would semen retention don't produce the same? It changes hormonal profile. I have experienced it. It is not bull****.

Well, it never worked for me ... I've never experienced any positive difference attributable to hormones, attraction from resultant use of hormones, or etc.


Mar 20, 2013
Retention is great. I highly recommend Jonathan's "Sexual Kung Fu" channel on YouTube. Lots of great information.

1.5 years into this and it goes beyond words. My life has changed dramatically and it's a direct result of retention. You simply have to experience it firsthand, for a long period of time, with a lot of introspection and discipline, to understand. The only way to know is to experience it yourself.

If you know you know. And the only way to know is to do it. It's also the only real cure for sexual frustration. Do it for long enough and you'll understand why.

It's a great teacher. Slow but thorough.


Jan 18, 2020
Retention is great. I highly recommend Jonathan's "Sexual Kung Fu" channel on YouTube. Lots of great information.

1.5 years into this and it goes beyond words. My life has changed dramatically and it's a direct result of retention. You simply have to experience it firsthand, for a long period of time, with a lot of introspection and discipline, to understand. The only way to know is to experience it yourself.

If you know you know. And the only way to know is to do it. It's also the only real cure for sexual frustration. Do it for long enough and you'll understand why.

It's a great teacher. Slow but thorough.
do you still have a libido? have you got a woman?


Oct 5, 2014
Well, it never worked for me ... I've never experienced any positive difference attributable to hormones, attraction from resultant use of hormones, or etc.
That's weird. It happens to me very noticeably. Didn't you notice a negative experience either?


Jan 4, 2021
I think it's extremely unhealthy to supress your desires. Just unload when you're horny, however often / not often that may be. It's natural
It’s animalistic if we just give into our desires, especially with the awareness and insight that we have... perhaps that even makes it demonic.

I think I would’ve hurt and killed many people if I just gave into every desire.

Perhaps there is a balance depending on the circumstances and it might actually be more “natural” to not give into your desires when it of lesser virtue.


Jan 4, 2021
It definitely works, be careful with prostate congestion though. Prostatic Congestion | Mens Health Handbook

You can mostly avoid prostatic congestion by avoiding prolonged erections and edging. It is better to have a quick release without prolonged stimulation if you must or to have sex than to cause swelling which can take weeks to feel normal again and many months to reverse completely.

I think once you “rub the lamp” it’s better to just “let the genie out of the bottle” because it always seems to bother and nag at me for days when I keep it in after I‘ve already “danced” with temptation.

On the flipside if my mind just doesn’t even go there it feels great.


Jan 4, 2021
I am on semen retention, at least 600 days by now dont count every day atm but its better than any supplement I have ever taken, of course there are lows, but it is the closest thing to being on top off the world, Gods gift to man

My hormonal system is on point, deep voice, square jaw and cheekbones, I have all the high T/DHT traits, and have been on semen retention for nearly 2 years now, I am 17 aswell
Are you kidding me and you started at 15? That is quite extraordinary.
1. Being on this forum at 17
2. Doing semen retention for 600 days and at that age.

Can you elaborate a bit more on what brought you on this path, being on the RPF and starting retention at 15?


Jan 4, 2021
im curious if people have tracked how long theyve been free of these things, alongside maybe something like pufa and anti depressants, and noted the benefits and how things improve the longer you stay away from these things
Cut out tapwater for about 2 years now too.

I noticed I feel worse after taking a shower, I get bloated and when I wash my hair it needs around 2 days to recover...

Recently stopped washing my hair not only with shampoo but with the tapwater. Will try bottled water to wash my hair with… albeit it might turn out expensive.


Jan 4, 2021
“I believe in ascending levels of sexual arousal, or sexual energy. The lowest form would be hedonistic desire, self pleasure and the consumption of porn (It's this that I associate with high estradiol levels & such). Following this would be hedonistic pleasure seeking through casual sex. As you get higher in this 'ascension', the sexual energy is cultivated (instead of spilled) and redirected towards physical action and greater tasks. This ultimately leads to the final biological development of the being and the complete realisation of its in borne abilities. And then the energy can overflow and fertilise the earth.

Lower forms of life, insects, rodents, reproduce early in their life and at a high rate to maximise survival, their life purpose is aimed at reproduction and survival. Higher forms of life, jungle cats, elephants, humans, the urge to reproduce is delayed at least until the being has become fully developed in its natural abilities. It's not easy to say what the life 'purpose' of a Jaguar is but mere survival and reproducibility sounds too meek! I believe you should aim to cultivate your 'sexual energy', your 'will to power' whatever you want to call it, towards the development of your being - and sexual activity should be not a conscious goal but happen due to a pure excess of POWER, overflowing from ACTION.

Do not desire women! Desire to develop your in borne abilities and discharge your energy over the earth! Women will come as a consequence.”

This is excellent @GodsHound
Can I use some of it for my page? I will make sure to put your name under it.
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