Secondary Pellagra from Covid/jabs?


Jun 26, 2017
Well isn't this interesting?
(Not sure if anyone has already commented on this article, so please let me know if it is a duplicate thread.)

"...Many extra-pulmonary symptoms of COVID-19 strikingly resemble those of pellagra, vitamin B3 deficiency (e.g., diarrhoea, dermatitis, oral cavity and tongue manifestations, loss of smell and taste, mental confusion)..."



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Aug 4, 2017
Well isn't this interesting?
(Not sure if anyone has already commented on this article, so please let me know if it is a duplicate thread.)

"...Many extra-pulmonary symptoms of COVID-19 strikingly resemble those of pellagra, vitamin B3 deficiency (e.g., diarrhoea, dermatitis, oral cavity and tongue manifestations, loss of smell and taste, mental confusion)..."

That is interesting. You should add it to the "Covid....something fishy going on" thread. COVID....... Something fishy going on......


Funny you should start this thread. In the past few weeks I've search pellagra a number of times due to a sudden need for extra b3. I've not had flu or a cold or anything resembling covid symptoms. I have not had flu for about 5 years. I have been in close contact with the injected. Recently I've noticed a strange kind of inflammation that only seems to be resolved by taking b3. I have also noticed a weird hyperpigmentation when exposed to sunlight. It does seem to fed. I've been wondering what was fuelling my increased need for this vitamin and wondered if I was developing pellagra following shedding exposure. Increased radiation exposure might also play a part in this – being out in the sun does not feel restorative these day – I often feel like I am being cooked. I’ve been in hotter temperatures in the past and did not experience this.

I am interested to know if anyone else has needed to increase their b3/bcomplex intake lately. Also is the ability to utilise b3 being impaired somehow
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May 31, 2018
– being out in the sun does not feel restorative these day – I often feel like I am being cooked. I’ve been in hotter temperatures in the past and did not experience this.

YES YES YES. I've been feeling THIS for years now!! I keep saying I feel like I'm being microwaved. I've been in 118* in Vegas decades ago and walked in it, but I can be in CA in 84* and like I said it feels like I'm in a microwave.


YES YES YES. I've been feeling THIS for years now!! I keep saying I feel like I'm being microwaved. I've been in 118* in Vegas decades ago and walked in it, but I can be in CA in 84* and like I said it feels like I'm in a microwave.
I get this when I've been in a shopping mall
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