SCIATIC "Nerve Flossing"

Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains
Sciatica is unbearable! I have experienced it, and it sent me, and others I know, racing to the hospital, with noises that can be mistaken for childbirth.

A little over two weeks ago my husband fractured his spine, and the pain has had him in a recliner day and night. When his leg started hurting I knew disaster was not far away. Despite my pleading and warning to get up and move around more, disaster came, with the pain in his leg worse than the fracture. At one point yesterday he couldn't walk. I was beside myself with upset, that a bad situation had gone from bad to worse, and expressed my frustration by saying, "What's next adult diapers cause you can't walk?" At that point he agreed to do some of the things I had been suggested, that were too scary of a thought before.

With him ready to head to the hospital for some relief, I set out to find a way to avoid that hot mess scenerio. After reading so much of the same advice, on the internet, that hadn't been working, with heat and ice and more sitting around "bed rest", I ran across the curious term "nerve flossing". The video I posting below is a simple exercise that worked! We only did it once for only a few minutes, but immediately afterward his pain was gone. We were astounded! What a jewel to put in my bag of tricks!


Nerve flossing is fantastic when done properly. Here is a link for those who may be behind a keyboard more often than they'd like:

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Various parts of the elderberry tree have been used throughout history for medicinal and culinary purposes (2).

Historically, the flowers and leaves have been used for pain relief, swelling, inflammation, stimulating the production of urine, and inducing sweating. The bark was used as a diuretic, a laxative, and to induce vomiting (1Trusted Source).

In folk medicine, the dried berries or juice are used to treat influenza, infections, sciatica, headaches, dental pain, heart pain, and nerve pain, as well as a laxative and diuretic (2).

Additionally, the berries can be cooked and used to make juice, jams, chutneys, pies, and elderberry wine. The flowers are often boiled with sugar to make a sweet syrup or infused into tea (1Trusted Source).“



Jul 17, 2021
I relieved my mom's chronic sciatic pain in less than a week using a combination of red light and SCENAR therapy. For decades she had debilitating pain that would keep impair her movement and sleep -causing her to rely on advil. Now she is able to move pain free and no longer needs any sort of medication. The red light and SCENAR was directed on her psoas muscles to help restore metabolic function and regrow damaged nerves. A few sessions were enough to absolve any sort of pain and now she does a maintenance routine with the light.

Nerve entrapment is due to a loss of gliding from the fascia, usually caused by metabolically weak/stressed muscles. In this case, the normal contract-relax mechanisms are disrupted as these weak muscles end up becoming "tight" (constantly contracted). The nerves that lie underneath then become compressed and irritated from the lack of movement. Releasing the muscles through massage or stretching can provide temporary relief but will almost never resolve the issue, sometimes making it worse over time. It's not until the muscle is returned to a better metabolic state that it can then restore optimal fascial gliding and no longer impede the nerves.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I relieved my mom's chronic sciatic pain in less than a week using a combination of red light and SCENAR therapy. For decades she had debilitating pain that would keep impair her movement and sleep -causing her to rely on advil. Now she is able to move pain free and no longer needs any sort of medication. The red light and SCENAR was directed on her psoas muscles to help restore metabolic function and regrow damaged nerves. A few sessions were enough to absolve any sort of pain and now she does a maintenance routine with the light.

Nerve entrapment is due to a loss of gliding from the fascia, usually caused by metabolically weak/stressed muscles. In this case, the normal contract-relax mechanisms are disrupted as these weak muscles end up becoming "tight" (constantly contracted). The nerves that lie underneath then become compressed and irritated from the lack of movement. Releasing the muscles through massage or stretching can provide temporary relief but will almost never resolve the issue, sometimes making it worse over time. It's not until the muscle is returned to a better metabolic state that it can then restore optimal fascial gliding and no longer impede the nerves.
My brother bought a device many many years ago that sent an electrical impulse into the muscle, stimulating it to contact and then relax, is this SCENAR similar to that?


Jul 17, 2021
My brother bought a device many many years ago that sent an electrical impulse into the muscle, stimulating it to contact and then relax, is this SCENAR similar to that?

SCNEAR and NMES (Neuromuscular electrical stimulation) are somewhat similar yet NMES is focused purely on generating contractions within a muscle. SCENAR has a broader array of applications as it was designed for Soviet Cosmonauts as a universal health device that could treat nearly any ailment they experienced in space. In the case of my mom's sciatica it was used to help rebuild the neuromuscular pathways of the psoas muscles which had become weakened over time. This spark allowed the muscle to be become stronger and metabolically healthier, eventually releasing the pressure off of the sciatic nerve.

Denas PCM 6-2020 (NeuroDenas)

I have this device which is less-expensive and more user friendly compared to many of the other ones out there. The technology is mostly ignored/suppressed here in the United States --due to its effectiveness and wide range of uses-- so the market is small unfortunately. There also is not a whole of support information on how to use the device either as many of the studies are in Russian. That said it is one of my favorite health devices that I use daily.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Key to skeletal balance, a sense of orientation and muscular coordination, the balanced pelvis forms a rim-like base for the spinal vertebrae, rib cage, shoulder girdle and head. Shortening of the psoas leads to a host of unfortunate conditions. Inevitably, other muscle groups become involved in compensating for the loss of structural integrity and pelvic instability. Pelvic instability shows itself as pelvic tilts, forward flexion, twists, dips or torques. Symptoms associated with instability include mid and low back pain, hip socket tension, leg length discrepancies, knee and ankle problems, TMJ and jaw pain, difficulty in breathing, groin pain, shoulder pain, difficulty in standing and walking, and excessive muscle tension throughout the body. Even headaches and dizziness may be traced to pelvic instability.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The first is located just behind the big toe, and the second is located under the ball of the foot. To release these points, you can use a lacrosse ball or tennis ball. Place the ball under your foot and roll it around until you find a tender spot. Once you find a tender spot, apply pressure and hold for 30-60 seconds.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Treat the right area. You can treat lower back pain by applying pressure to the reflexes on the soles of your feet, the entire area around your heel and around your ankle, as well as the inner edge of each foot—the reflex points for your spine are located along the inside edges of your feet. You can treat upper back pain by applying reflexology to the reflex points for your shoulders and upper back, which are represented on the soles and tops of your feet just beneath the base of your toes.”
  • Reflexology is a specific training. It utilizes a microsystem like the bottom of the foot.
  • There are charts to guide the practitioner in applying pressure.
  • You should apply pressure to different body parts to stimulate a response in another part of the body.

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
People who watch tv all day have more than lack of vitamin D causing their health problems....

My e-mail exchange I had with Ray Peat…

“Hi Dr. Peat,
Another question I am sure you will have an
interesting answer for, is there any detriment
to muscles with prolonged bed rest.”

“Yes, muscles and bones atrophy.” -Ray Peat


May 10, 2022
I seen a thing called barefoot rehab on YouTube shorts where they treat sciatica by pushing really deep on the bad nerve areas and tearing loose the adhesions. Like deep muscle tissue work. I bet it does help by the looks of it.
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