SArsCov2 is here to stay - yearly vaccinations - aggressive Mutations?


Sep 24, 2016
As expected from RNA-viruses, SarsCov2 is mutating quickly.

First variations appear that already evade or diminsih the effectivity of the current approved vaccines, be it mRNA or Vector-Stuff.

Also, we see varying efficiencies of the available vaccines in protection-effectivity. In Israel, some double-shot patients of Pfizer still developed infections, other vaxes like Sino stuff are only 75% effective per se. Disregarding the statistcal tricks they did in approval-trials in the first place.

So what we have are a myriad of differnt vaccines and a very quickly spreading and mutating virus capable of getting "resistant" to vaccines by altering its spike-protein.

Also, VAccine-production capacity and actual vaccination process is slow na dcan't keep up with the mutations unless huge new facilities will be built....

That means that SArsCov2 won't be eliminated in the near future. Nor is there a chance for natural herd-immunity when it mutates so fast. ou'll probaly see background-immunity but any will get repeatedly ill regardless.

This means: It is here to stay. And will there be a yearly vaccine campaign?

Also, when there are millions of humans about with so and so-immunity by faulty vaccines, will that increase the risks of Mutations that really become aggressive?

A lot of question marks.

And for the Vax-Gates-Conspiracy folks:

A yearly vax-campaign will see very quick admissions: THe tech is approved, jus alter the mRNA yearly and get green light. Similar with the flu vaccine. Will they exploit that? If CDC et. al. no longer look whats really in it?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
And for the Vax-Gates-Conspiracy folks:

A yearly vax-campaign will see very quick admissions: THe tech is approved, jus alter the mRNA yearly and get green light. Similar with the flu vaccine. Will they exploit that? If CDC et. al. no longer look whats really in it?

Not sure what is conspiratorial about this. This is exactly how the flu vaccine cash cow works, and multiple pharma executives have been caught saying on and off record that flu vaccines are a pillar of pharma industry/profit (as opposed to public health). After decades of society accusing people of being conspiracy theorists for claiming that Big Pharma has no financial incentive to cure any chronic disease as it would be punished by investors, now even Goldman Sachs sings that exact same tune. Namely, curing your patients is a financial suicide.
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