Russia & Israel did 9/11 (new documentary)


Mar 29, 2016


Jun 22, 2021
Some other facts worth noting:

George H.W Bush and George W Bush are 33rd degree freemasons

They are also both Committee of 300 - one of the wealthiest sub-families in the world

They are BOTH Skull and Bones members


Also you can find docs proving Bin Laden had LENGTHY financial dealings with the Bush family spanning decades before 9/11 and that Bin Laden visited many military bases across many years in the US under the pseudonym 'Tim Osman' and was a CIA asset

Also - if you have some time to kill - I would HIGHLY recommend reading the documents the CIA claimed they found in Bin Ladens compound - I'll help you out and give you 2 documents on THEIR WEBSITE (thats how shameless they are)

They are RUBBING IT IN YOUR FACES at this point


Mar 15, 2014
Why are people so afraid of blaming the US government? It's literally proven that they were in on it too

The following is from some guy who worked for the military, and dropped never-before-seen footage of the collapse the same day that Putin declared war on Ukraine. Because he just happened to be there at exactly the right time on 9/11, and also happened to never post his exclusive video until 21 years later



Mar 15, 2014
They are RUBBING IT IN YOUR FACES at this point
Yeah, they seem to do this all the time. Either they really get off on doing it, or the spookier possibility is that they're for some reason, required to make it public knowledge.

They did it with the Coronavirus and Monkeypox "simulations" too, and with Larry Silverstein's on-video "Pull it!" confession, and the Antarctic pyramid that Google Earth seems to be okay with us knowing about, among many others.

Most of these stone-cut wonders in Arabia, such as Petra (there are many more than just Petra though), could've easily been demolished but they chose not to, and to "let us know". Same goes for the Baalbek pillar foundations, which the Romans did not build, among many other structures. Why?

They let it be public knowledge to anybody who can connect the dots that Grecoroman architecture was preceded by a MUCH larger, and fantastically stone-cut building, carved out of a cliff, in the middle of the Arabian desert.

The mainstream dates are meaningless because you cannot date rock, you can only date animal remains and the date of rock formation (aka when the lava cooled and became rock). You cannot know the date when the rock was carved.

Much like how "species" are a fake construct because nobody has ever tested whether black-striped and red-striped geese or whatever can reproduce, ALL dates of ancient buildings are open questions because they're only dated based on the age of human remains surrounding them (and sometimes not even that)

For example, it could be the case that many of the temples/structures were built prior to the Greeks/Nabateans/whatever, and that these people simply found them much later and occupied them. And now that we see their remains, we pretend that those people built it.
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Jul 25, 2013
I think the idea of independently-operating countries is questionable, considering the fact that the New World Order exists (see global "pandemic"). So to say Russia or Israel did this or that assumes that these countries are not part of the NWO.


Jun 27, 2022
This is really dumb. Israel yes, Saudi Arabia yes, the United States yes....but Russia, no way. If 9/11 was a false flag in order to get the US to invade the Middle East at the behest of Israel, how does that help Russia who backs Syria and Iran, and even Iraq. It doesn't, Russia and Israel have opposing strategic interests.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Most of these stone-cut wonders in Arabia, such as Petra (there are many more than just Petra though), could've easily been demolished but they chose not to, and to "let us know". Same goes for the Baalbek pillar foundations, which the Romans did not build, among many other structures. Why?

Petra is in Jordan, not Arabia. The more reasonable question is why would anyone have wanted to demolish such ancient structures, much less to have exerted the tremendous effort to do so?


Sep 9, 2019
I think the idea of independently-operating countries is questionable, considering the fact that the New World Order exists (see global "pandemic"). So to say Russia or Israel did this or that assumes that these countries are not part of the NWO.
Fair point Fred but the people responsible are very adept at hiding behind other identities, corporate, financial, national, religious, ideological. Not sure how helpful it really is to be using these labels in retort given sensibilities around all of them. Drop them in your mind where you see or hear them if that applies to you.



Aug 22, 2019
This is really dumb. Israel yes, Saudi Arabia yes, the United States yes....but Russia, no way. If 9/11 was a false flag in order to get the US to invade the Middle East at the behest of Israel, how does that help Russia who backs Syria and Iran, and even Iraq. It doesn't, Russia and Israel have opposing strategic interests.

“I know only one organization that has made terrorism the main tool of solving political problems. It is the Russian special services. The KGB was engaged in terrorism for many years, and mass terrorism. At the special department of the KGB they trained terrorists from practically every country in the world. These courses lasted, as a rule, for a half-year. Specially trained and prepared agents of the KGB organized murders and explosions, including explosions of tankers, the hijacking of passenger airliners, strikes on diplomatic, state and commercial organizations worldwide.” —Alexander Litvinenko

Russia and Israel have opposing strategic interests.
The Soviet Union founded the state of Israel in 1948. The Soviet Bloc was the key factor in swaying the U.N. Partition Plan vote which created Israel. Yet we have all been lead to believe, deliberately, that it was the U.S. and Britain that founded it through the Balfour Declaration. Why have we been misled about this?


Aug 22, 2019
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, whose father was a Polish communist, marches in a Soviet parade with Putin years after predicting in 1995 that "muslims" would bring down the WTC. What friends we keep....

Posted on September 21, 2019
MOSCOW, RUSSIA – MAY 9, 2018: Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic (L-R background) take part in a flower laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexander Garden by the Kremlin Wall during celebrations marking the 73rd anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War, the Eastern Front of World War II. Mikhail Klimentyev/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS (Photo by Mikhail KlimentyevTASS via Getty Images)
MOSCOW, RUSSIA – MAY 9, 2018: Israel’s Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Minister of Environmental Protection, Ze’ev Elkin, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (L-R) holding a portrait of his father Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin during an Immortal Regiment march on the day of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-45 Great Patriotic War, the Eastern Front of World War II. Alexei Druzhinin/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS (Photo by Alexei DruzhininTASS via Getty Images)MOSCOW, RUSSIA – MAY 9, 2018: Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic, Israel’s Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Minister of Environmental Protection, Ze’ev Elkin, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (L-R) holding a portrait of his father Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin during an Immortal Regiment march on the day of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-45 Great Patriotic War, the Eastern Front of World War II. Alexei Druzhinin/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS (Photo by Alexei DruzhininTASS via Getty Images)


Mar 15, 2014
Petra is in Jordan, not Arabia.


Anyway, regardless of today's definitions, the architectural style in Jordan also exists multiple places in Arabia, like in Hegra (but not in the Levant). So grouping them together is simply the logically correct decision.

Well, they would have wanted to demolish these things in order to hide reality, and the amount of exertion required to do so would have been fairly small--destroying is a lot easier than building--you just come in with dynamite and it's gone.

Anyway you're focusing on one small part of my argument, the much larger argument is that they seem to not care about revealing the truth, and even explicitly go out of their way to do so--why is that?
Why would Google want to hide a natural geologic formation?
Hope you're not serious

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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Well, they would have wanted to demolish these things in order to hide reality, and the amount of exertion required to do so would have been fairly small--destroying is a lot easier than building--you just come in with dynamite and it's gone.

Who is they? And when? Do you understand anything about archaeology?

Hope you're not serious

I'm very serious. This reminds me of people who are convinced there are pyramids on Mars. Geologists don't find anything that unusual about it. It is unusual, but not that unusual. Study mineralogy and you won't be so surprised that geologic formations can have amazing geometric shapes
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