RP Email Advice Comment: Consciousness Is Electronic / Dreaming


Jun 18, 2015
Since we are trying to understand consciousness through the fusion of biology of physics and that aether, what do you guys think about this book? https://ia802502.us.archive.org/31/items/magnetism1small/magnetism1small.pdf

It seems that people like Tesla were completely against Einstein and Quantum Physics that was mental illness according to him. I don't know what to think about Eric Dollard as well.

Considering his influnce by Vernadsky(noosphere), magnetobiology , living water, and by people involved in parapsyhology......all of this can be considered Broscience by "normal people" and mainstream scientists......see below qute by Peat on Einstein ....

Yes Tesla thought that Einsten formulations can not be implied in real life .....wrong part was in equotion of Time.....it his vortex of Time or dynamic theory of gravity he explains....mass , space and time....those 3 are parts of "matter" or energy....he concluded that t is only infinity and at the the same time it is only constant ( we divide time on past, present and future) but jn real scenarion because t is constant it is always present....we see past and future also in present as images....this fits very well with Peat quote that I posted in first post on this page...."when we share consciousness through space, and call it "former lives" and "after life" when we share consciousness across time."

Eric Dollard it seems...all those things are taken from Viktor Schauberger( or Tesla) which is the first who talked about Living Water ....now Gerald Pollack only confirmed Schauberger theories...

And Peat talk a lot abot anomalous or polywater or living water....

". To adjust one's interpretive system at that time to rationalize Polanyi's results would have required discarding the basic assumptions that were behind Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, and maybe even his theory of Brownian motion. However, by 2011, fewer people have invested their personal development in those ideas of short-range electrical binding forces that prevailed early in the 20th century, and now, for example, the evidence of "delocalized holes in DNA" can be discussed more openly. Eventually, science textbooks may be rewritten to show a steady progression of understanding from Bose, though Polanyi, Perutz, Szent-Gyorgyi, Ling, and Damadian (inventor of the MRI, holder of the patents infringed by GE, non-winner of the Nobel prize).

The only thing pathological about the polywater episode was the extreme effort that was made to stigmatize a whole category of research, to restore faith in the old doctrine that insisted there are no long range ordering processes anywhere in the universe.

"100 years ago, Albert Einstein was a major influence in popularizing the "only local" dogma of atomic interactions. (His work led directly to "quantum physics," but he never accepted its irrational implications.(1) I don't think he ever considered that the assumptions in his [atomic-quantized] theory of the photoelectric effect were the problem.) One charged atom is completely neutralized by its association with an oppositely charged atom, and the force is described by the inverse square law, that the force decreases with the square of the distance between point charges, meaning that the force is very strong at very small distances. However, a physicalsurface, a plane where one substance ends and another begins, follows different rules. "

1. From Einstein's 1926 letter to Max Born: "Quantum mechanics is very worthy of regard. But an inner voice tells me that this is not yet the right track. The theory yields much, but it hardly brings us closer to the Old One's secrets. I, in any case, am convinced the He does not play dice." Quoted in P. Busch and G. Jaeger, "Unsharp quantum reality," 4 May 2010.

"Everything in biology depends on the internal order of cells, and on the interactions of each cell with its surroundings. All of these orderly interactions involve contacts between biological molecules and water. The forces regulating interactions on that scale must be understood before life can be understood, but the nature of the forces at these interfaces has been controversial for 100 years. "

What is missing, being what Wheeler, Tesla & Einstein was alluding to, the simple explanation that ties it all together. Tesla believed and stated the way to achieve that simplicity:

"the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration."


Feb 18, 2016
They all claim to have gotten it from ancient Egypt.

Newton by his own admission got it from the Egyptians. He called it prisca sapienta which means ancient wisdom or sacred wisdom (handed down from when the gods walked with men).

"This question of measurement is only one example of Newton's faith in the prisca sapientia of Ancient Egypt. He was also convinced that atomic theory, heliocentricity and gravitation had been known there [See McGuire and Rattansi (1966, p. 110)]." -- Martin Bernal, historian, 1987

"[Newton] certainly believed in an Egyptian prisca sapientia, which he saw it as his mission to retrieve." -- Martin Bernal, historian, 1987

"... the Egyptians ... concealed mysteries that were above the common herd under the veil of religious rites and hieroglyphic symbols." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, 1694

Where the Egyptians got it from and where they came from is the real question.

"They [the Egyptians] don't seem to have an ancestry, they don't seem to have any period of development, they just seem almost to appear overnight." -- Toby Wilson, egyptologist, 2003

"How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of 'development.' But in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the start. The answer to the mystery is of course obvious but, because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom considered. Egyptian civilization was not a 'development', it was a legacy." -- John A. West, egyptologist, 1979

"We are told that the evolution of human civilization is a linear process -- that it goes from stupid cave man to smart old us with our hydrogen bombs and striped toothpaste. But the proof that the Sphinx is many, many thousands of years older than the archaeologists think it is, that it preceded by many thousands of years even dynastic Egypt, means that there must have been, at some distant point in history, a high and sophisticated civilization -- just as all the legends affirm." -- John A. West, egyptologist, 1993

think the reason Egypt had access to advanced knowledge is because they barely survived a cataclysm that took out every other advanced civilization.

"The priests of Sais, for example, told Solon, about 550 BC, that since Egypt was not subject to massive floods they had preserved, not only their own records, but those of other people; that the towns of Athens and Sais had been built by Minerva; the former nine thousand years ago, the second only eight thousand; and to these dates they added the well known fable of the people of the island of Atlas...." -- Georges Cuvier, naturalist, 1825

"He [Pythagoras] taught that the soul was immortal and that after death it transmigrated into other animated bodies. After certain specified periods, the same events occur again; that nothing was entirely new, that all animated beings were kin, and should be considered as belonging to one great family. Pythagoras was the first to introduce these teachings to Greece." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

"And Pythagoras learned from Egyptians his teachings about the gods, his geometrical propositions and theory of numbers, as well as the transmigration of the soul into every living thing." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.

"It was from his stay amongst these foreigners [Egyptians and Babylonians] that Pythagoras acquired the greater part of his wisdom." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

"Some again (one of whom is Choerilus the poet) say that he [Thales] was the first person who affirmed that the souls of men were immortal...." -- Diogenes Laertius, historian, 3rd century

I think the soul is some kind of coherent electric field that inhabits living beings and goes from lifeform to lifeform through the ether

Thanks some great info being posted here.

My best guess is India for the Egypts success in the past however it's always good to ask if they had some knowledge of the ether or higher power why did it all fall apart for the Egyptians?
I'm thinking if it was the usual human hubris its unusual for the claims made about them that they would in entirety fall victim to this type of behaviour.


Feb 18, 2016
Since we are trying to understand consciousness through the fusion of biology of physics and that aether, what do you guys think about this book? https://ia802502.us.archive.org/31/items/magnetism1small/magnetism1small.pdf

It seems that people like Tesla were completely against Einstein and Quantum Physics that was mental illness according to him. I don't know what to think about Eric Dollard as well.

I posted a video from this guy about the toroflux guessing the human cell wil be found to be like this,if we keep Lings model in mind and Peats thoughts on the vortex of energy flowing through the cell. I didn't know much about him but was looking for something quick on the torus.

I never knew much about this guy who's book you posted but his manner should set off alarm bells,mania,he is part of a group who look for donations on line,they get together and provide tons of information people don't understand so start investing time into it believing the secrets will be known to them,once invested into it it's hard for people to step back so they keep dropping him his buck or two he keeps asking for.
He ties this up with well read philosophical angles hence his facination for lenses. He could easily be plagiarising a lot of work,be careful how much time you spend on this.

He is also putting tons of books online,better discernment is required here,Deirdre Carrabines "the unknown God" is an incredible book,the amount of information she condenses into it is very similar to how Peat writes. She deserves the money from this,she's not dead like some of the other books he put online.


Feb 18, 2016
Considering his influnce by Vernadsky(noosphere), magnetobiology , living water, and by people involved in parapsyhology......all of this can be considered Broscience by "normal people" and mainstream scientists......see below qute by Peat on Einstein ....

Yes Tesla thought that Einsten formulations can not be implied in real life .....wrong part was in equotion of Time.....it his vortex of Time or dynamic theory of gravity he explains....mass , space and time....those 3 are parts of "matter" or energy....he concluded that t is only infinity and at the the same time it is only constant ( we divide time on past, present and future) but jn real scenarion because t is constant it is always present....we see past and future also in present as images....this fits very well with Peat quote that I posted in first post on this page...."when we share consciousness through space, and call it "former lives" and "after life" when we share consciousness across time."

Eric Dollard it seems...all those things are taken from Viktor Schauberger( or Tesla) which is the first who talked about Living Water ....now Gerald Pollack only confirmed Schauberger theories...

And Peat talk a lot abot anomalous or polywater or living water....

". To adjust one's interpretive system at that time to rationalize Polanyi's results would have required discarding the basic assumptions that were behind Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, and maybe even his theory of Brownian motion. However, by 2011, fewer people have invested their personal development in those ideas of short-range electrical binding forces that prevailed early in the 20th century, and now, for example, the evidence of "delocalized holes in DNA" can be discussed more openly. Eventually, science textbooks may be rewritten to show a steady progression of understanding from Bose, though Polanyi, Perutz, Szent-Gyorgyi, Ling, and Damadian (inventor of the MRI, holder of the patents infringed by GE, non-winner of the Nobel prize).

The only thing pathological about the polywater episode was the extreme effort that was made to stigmatize a whole category of research, to restore faith in the old doctrine that insisted there are no long range ordering processes anywhere in the universe.

"100 years ago, Albert Einstein was a major influence in popularizing the "only local" dogma of atomic interactions. (His work led directly to "quantum physics," but he never accepted its irrational implications.(1) I don't think he ever considered that the assumptions in his [atomic-quantized] theory of the photoelectric effect were the problem.) One charged atom is completely neutralized by its association with an oppositely charged atom, and the force is described by the inverse square law, that the force decreases with the square of the distance between point charges, meaning that the force is very strong at very small distances. However, a physicalsurface, a plane where one substance ends and another begins, follows different rules. "

1. From Einstein's 1926 letter to Max Born: "Quantum mechanics is very worthy of regard. But an inner voice tells me that this is not yet the right track. The theory yields much, but it hardly brings us closer to the Old One's secrets. I, in any case, am convinced the He does not play dice." Quoted in P. Busch and G. Jaeger, "Unsharp quantum reality," 4 May 2010.

"Everything in biology depends on the internal order of cells, and on the interactions of each cell with its surroundings. All of these orderly interactions involve contacts between biological molecules and water. The forces regulating interactions on that scale must be understood before life can be understood, but the nature of the forces at these interfaces has been controversial for 100 years. "

What is missing, being what Wheeler, Tesla & Einstein was alluding to, the simple explanation that ties it all together. Tesla believed and stated the way to achieve that simplicity:

"the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Do you have any recommendations or maybe a thread on some topics if you had time on non-physical phenomenon?

Mae Wan Ho mentioned Lings research?on how water creates a different molecular shape around potassium and sodium rendering the original geometry redundant to influencing the flow of "ether",it's the new geometry caused by water that gives the signal,the mainstream will cause havoc when they refuse to see this and create treatments around dry chemistry. It's an inversion from nature.

With the above in mind it's interesting to think about what human geometry really is at the surface,is some extra layer there creating a different shape and this body is just a dry molecule of sort?
Dec 25, 2014
Since we are trying to understand consciousness through the fusion of biology of physics and that aether, what do you guys think about this book? https://ia802502.us.archive.org/31/items/magnetism1small/magnetism1small.pdf

It seems that people like Tesla were completely against Einstein and Quantum Physics that was mental illness according to him. I don't know what to think about Eric Dollard as well.

Tesla called Einstein a beggar in purple cloth pretending to be a king.

Do you have any recommendations or maybe a thread on some topics if you had time on non-physical phenomenon?

there was a thread showing that electric fields effect morphology.

I remember reading or hearing somewhere that attempts at manipulating dna to manipulate morphology didnt work and that cells still fucntion without dna but electrical fields have a much larger effect on cellular function and morphology


Jun 18, 2015
Do you have any recommendations or maybe a thread on some topics if you had time on non-physical phenomenon?

Mae Wan Ho mentioned Lings research?on how water creates a different molecular shape around potassium and sodium rendering the original geometry redundant to influencing the flow of "ether",it's the new geometry caused by water that gives the signal,the mainstream will cause havoc when they refuse to see this and create treatments around dry chemistry. It's an inversion from nature.

With the above in mind it's interesting to think about what human geometry really is at the surface,is some extra layer there creating a different shape and this body is just a dry molecule of sort?
Well ...Victor Schauberger theories( "Our Senseless Toil, Fertile Earth, Living Energies about living water are interesting in my opinion....he talked also about many other things.....about those energies in nature( fructigens, qualigens and dynagens).... geometry and forces in nature ...that hearth is not simply a "pump"..... and such as how blood in human body behave on different stimulis and temperatures...and about all anomalous points(temperatures) of water

Gerald Pollack confirmed some of things so it is enough for me to not see Schauberger ideas as a broscience.

And there is a lot of scientist in Russia in these fields.....and lot of literature

With the above in mind it's interesting to think about what human geometry really is at the surface,is some extra layer there creating a different shape and this body is just a dry molecule of sor
Yeah ..well pure physical and chemistry rules can not apply to bioenergy and life as Albert Szent also stated that molecules have no life at all.....Peat talk abot importance of correcting some bichemistry in order to allow those "non physical" bioenergies ( from the environment) to flow through the body....and when those two are matched it is a state of " health" or bioenergy equilibrium....so if both of those are not in coherence "life" fails to keep going and evolving

And this book is interesting to read it was mentioned as Tesla' s Bible A THEORY OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY it takes a lot of time to read
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Aug 6, 2015
...........does free will exist ? or is everything planned by the universe ? has everything already happened ?


Mar 12, 2016
...........does free will exist ? or is everything planned by the universe ? has everything already happened ?

I always wondered this. I think hard determinism as a philosophy is ultimately reductionistic in the same manner that biological science can sometimes be. You can't look at parts (atoms) and determine the characteristics of the whole (mind) just from that observation. Although as neither a biologist nor a physicist, I won't pretend I've wrapped my head around it.

Mae-Wan Ho seemed to think there was a biological basis for free will: The Biology of Free Will


Aug 6, 2015
I always wondered this. I think hard determinism as a philosophy is ultimately reductionistic in the same manner that biological science can sometimes be. You can't look at parts (atoms) and determine the characteristics of the whole (mind) just from that observation. Although as neither a biologist nor a physicist, I won't pretend I've wrapped my head around it.

Mae-Wan Ho seemed to think there was a biological basis for free will: The Biology of Free Will

...................so, what is life ? Has it already happened ?


Mar 12, 2016
...................so, what is life ? Has it already happened ?

That's an assumption from the mainstream view of the fate of the universe - that it has a beginning and an end. You might be interested in the idea that 'life' is happening, and will continue to happen, forever.


Aug 6, 2015
That's an assumption from the mainstream view of the fate of the universe - that it has a beginning and an end. You might be interested in the idea that 'life' is happening, and will continue to happen, forever.

does the universe continue to exist when I die ?


Aug 6, 2015
is your life just a reflection of your diet, biology and thoughts ?

are diet and your thoughts connected ?


Oct 27, 2013
is your life just a reflection of your diet, biology and thoughts ?

are diet and your thoughts connected ?

Yes you diet has an influence on which thought bubble is chosen to enter your consciousness. The choice is made from many possible vibrations happening simultaneously, whichever has the strongest energy, is the one your brain shows you.


Mar 12, 2016
is your life just a reflection of your diet, biology and thoughts ?

are diet and your thoughts connected ?

I'm inclined to say yes. When I'm sick, the nature and content of my thoughts are completely different to when I am well. Since diet can affect these things, I would say that diet and the mind are connected in some way.


Aug 6, 2015
I'm inclined to say yes. When I'm sick, the nature and content of my thoughts are completely different to when I am well. Since diet can affect these things, I would say that diet and the mind are connected in some way.


then the meaning of life would be to create a diet, lifestyle, and thoughts that made you happy and helped others too ?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
then the meaning of life would be to create a diet, lifestyle, and thoughts that made you happy and helped others too ?

That's pretty much what Peat said when asked directly. He also mentioned keeping the intestine clean, dopamine high and serotonin low as key factors in maintaining that "meaningful" sense about life.
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