RP Email Advice Comment: Consciousness Is Electronic / Dreaming

Dec 25, 2014
Well, my guess is that it is inside the cells and inflenced by cells but it is also in the global field or "ether" so it might be able to go outside the body and survive after death? I think that Ray said this more or less somewhere?

That idea is older than history

Ancient greek

"Certain thinkers say that the soul is intermingled in the whole universe, and it is perhaps this reason that Thales came to the opinion that all things are full of gods." -- Aristotle, philosopher, On The Soul, 350 B.C.

"He [Pythagoras] declared also that the soul is immortal and that there is a change from one body to another. Wherefore he said that he himself had been before Trojan times Aethalides, and that in the Trojan era he was Euphorbus, and after that Hermotimus the Samian, after which Pyrrho of Delos, and fifthly Pythagoras." -- Hippolytus, priest, 2nd century

"He [Pythagoras] showed to his disciples that the soul is immortal, and to those who were rightly purified he brought back the memory of the acts of their former lives." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

"He [Pythagoras] taught that the soul was immortal and that after death it transmigrated into other animated bodies. After certain specified periods, the same events occur again; that nothing was entirely new, that all animated beings were kin, and should be considered as belonging to one great family. Pythagoras was the first to introduce these teachings to Greece." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

Ancient Egypt

"And Pythagoras learned from the Egyptians his teachings about the gods, his geometrical propositions and theory of numbers, as well as the transmigration of the soul into every living thing." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.

"In the very midst of feasting, upon any small occasion, it is ordinary for them [Egyptians] in a heat to rise, and without any regard of their lives, to fall to it with their swords. For the opinion prevails so much amongst them, that men's souls are immortal, and that there is a transmigration of them into other bodies, and after a certain time they live again...." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.


"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell." -- Matthew 10:28


"And now we might add something concerning a certain most subtle spirit which pervades and lies hid in all gross bodies; by the force and action of which spirit the particles of bodies attract one another at near distances, and cohere, if contiguous; and electric bodies operate to greater distances, as well repelling as attracting the neighboring corpuscles; and light is emitted, reflected, refracted, inflected, and heats bodies; and all sensation is excited, and the members of animal bodies move at the command of the will, namely, by the vibrations of this spirit, mutually propagated along the solid filaments of the nerves, from the outward organs of sense to the brain, and from the brain into the muscles. But these are things that cannot be explained in few words, nor are we furnished with that sufficiency of experiments which is required to an accurate determination and demonstration of the laws by which this electric and elastic spirit operates." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, Principia, 1687

"...it is sufficient to assume only one movement, the first of unmoved things, which being eternal will be the principle of motion to everything else." -- Aristotle, Physics, Book VIII, 350 B.C.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That idea is older than history

Ancient greek

"Certain thinkers say that the soul is intermingled in the whole universe, and it is perhaps this reason that Thales came to the opinion that all things are full of gods." -- Aristotle, philosopher, On The Soul, 350 B.C.

"He [Pythagoras] declared also that the soul is immortal and that there is a change from one body to another. Wherefore he said that he himself had been before Trojan times Aethalides, and that in the Trojan era he was Euphorbus, and after that Hermotimus the Samian, after which Pyrrho of Delos, and fifthly Pythagoras." -- Hippolytus, priest, 2nd century

"He [Pythagoras] showed to his disciples that the soul is immortal, and to those who were rightly purified he brought back the memory of the acts of their former lives." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

"He [Pythagoras] taught that the soul was immortal and that after death it transmigrated into other animated bodies. After certain specified periods, the same events occur again; that nothing was entirely new, that all animated beings were kin, and should be considered as belonging to one great family. Pythagoras was the first to introduce these teachings to Greece." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

Ancient Egypt

"And Pythagoras learned from the Egyptians his teachings about the gods, his geometrical propositions and theory of numbers, as well as the transmigration of the soul into every living thing." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.

"In the very midst of feasting, upon any small occasion, it is ordinary for them [Egyptians] in a heat to rise, and without any regard of their lives, to fall to it with their swords. For the opinion prevails so much amongst them, that men's souls are immortal, and that there is a transmigration of them into other bodies, and after a certain time they live again...." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.


"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell." -- Matthew 10:28


"And now we might add something concerning a certain most subtle spirit which pervades and lies hid in all gross bodies; by the force and action of which spirit the particles of bodies attract one another at near distances, and cohere, if contiguous; and electric bodies operate to greater distances, as well repelling as attracting the neighboring corpuscles; and light is emitted, reflected, refracted, inflected, and heats bodies; and all sensation is excited, and the members of animal bodies move at the command of the will, namely, by the vibrations of this spirit, mutually propagated along the solid filaments of the nerves, from the outward organs of sense to the brain, and from the brain into the muscles. But these are things that cannot be explained in few words, nor are we furnished with that sufficiency of experiments which is required to an accurate determination and demonstration of the laws by which this electric and elastic spirit operates." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, Principia, 1687

"...it is sufficient to assume only one movement, the first of unmoved things, which being eternal will be the principle of motion to everything else." -- Aristotle, Physics, Book VIII, 350 B.C.

Yep, sadly this idea has been banned from serious science up until about 5-10 years ago when the evidence became too strong to ignore.


Feb 18, 2016
That idea is older than history

Ancient greek

"Certain thinkers say that the soul is intermingled in the whole universe, and it is perhaps this reason that Thales came to the opinion that all things are full of gods." -- Aristotle, philosopher, On The Soul, 350 B.C.

"He [Pythagoras] declared also that the soul is immortal and that there is a change from one body to another. Wherefore he said that he himself had been before Trojan times Aethalides, and that in the Trojan era he was Euphorbus, and after that Hermotimus the Samian, after which Pyrrho of Delos, and fifthly Pythagoras." -- Hippolytus, priest, 2nd century

"He [Pythagoras] showed to his disciples that the soul is immortal, and to those who were rightly purified he brought back the memory of the acts of their former lives." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

"He [Pythagoras] taught that the soul was immortal and that after death it transmigrated into other animated bodies. After certain specified periods, the same events occur again; that nothing was entirely new, that all animated beings were kin, and should be considered as belonging to one great family. Pythagoras was the first to introduce these teachings to Greece." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

Ancient Egypt

"And Pythagoras learned from the Egyptians his teachings about the gods, his geometrical propositions and theory of numbers, as well as the transmigration of the soul into every living thing." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.

"In the very midst of feasting, upon any small occasion, it is ordinary for them [Egyptians] in a heat to rise, and without any regard of their lives, to fall to it with their swords. For the opinion prevails so much amongst them, that men's souls are immortal, and that there is a transmigration of them into other bodies, and after a certain time they live again...." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.


"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell." -- Matthew 10:28


"And now we might add something concerning a certain most subtle spirit which pervades and lies hid in all gross bodies; by the force and action of which spirit the particles of bodies attract one another at near distances, and cohere, if contiguous; and electric bodies operate to greater distances, as well repelling as attracting the neighboring corpuscles; and light is emitted, reflected, refracted, inflected, and heats bodies; and all sensation is excited, and the members of animal bodies move at the command of the will, namely, by the vibrations of this spirit, mutually propagated along the solid filaments of the nerves, from the outward organs of sense to the brain, and from the brain into the muscles. But these are things that cannot be explained in few words, nor are we furnished with that sufficiency of experiments which is required to an accurate determination and demonstration of the laws by which this electric and elastic spirit operates." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, Principia, 1687

"...it is sufficient to assume only one movement, the first of unmoved things, which being eternal will be the principle of motion to everything else." -- Aristotle, Physics, Book VIII, 350 B.C.

Great quotes.
The claim is all of the names you mention took from the unpanishads/Vedanta,Newton included.
I'm thinking any human can access this kind of perception,they don't need to read the Vedanta to do so.

Peats take in mind and tissue is meaning and reality are flowing through the Structure of the brain,the hologram is projecting through the flesh,these meanings can be changed through biochemistry by altering structure,perhaps temporarily adjusting the electric current or magnetic field ,LSD or DMT potential do it this way as a fast track to this without making permanent changes to the structure biologically,with time however biological structures should follow suit if the patterns/meanings/perceptions can be maintained.
Interestingly he noted that when somebody is depressed this is their meaning but they know their is a better state beyond the depression,another meaning. We then have layers and layers of meaning?
Obviously he understands the outside environment pressing on the organism and shaping accordingly.

What does it all mean?


Sep 9, 2016
Great quotes.
The claim is all of the names you mention took from the unpanishads/Vedanta,Newton included.

What does it all mean?
Very interesting things you say . Btw how old is Rigveda according to you ?. Post colonial era india is f***ed up with most of the books being re-translated and so on so i highly doubt the authenticity of most of the translated ancient scriptures .
What makes you think Newton took it from the vedas ( i highly doubt that he ever read them)?
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Feb 18, 2016
Very interesting things you say . Btw how old is Rigveda according to you ?. Post colonial era india is f***ed up with most of the books being re-translated and so on so i highly doubt the authenticity of most of the translated ancient scriptures .
What makes you think Newton took it from the vedas ( i highly doubt that he ever read them)?

I agree it's not necessary to have read it but some have speculated.
Back in those times people like Newton had a keen interest in books,I believe the british empire were in the early stages of invading India at that the time of Newtons birth,they would have had to have taken an interest in the Hindu believe system to conquer there, It's plausible Newton got a watered down translated version or simply dialogue with someone who spent time there.

Erwin Shcrodinger,David Bohm and many more in modern times were influenced by it also.

I don't know how old it is outside of the mainstream view.
I wouldn't trust many translated or many of those who offer their opinions on what it might mean convolute it even more in many cases,the meaning of some words can't be translated very well to English.


Feb 18, 2016
Below quote from a Danny Roddy interview with Peat.

"I don’t know much about his work, but about 60 years ago I read about people who had detailed knowledge of preceding lives. Since I am always starting from the radical empirical awareness of complexity constantly changing in meaningful ways, I am also always considering ways to understand the meanings of the regularities. I think a quality of coherence in things, covering situations that used to be explained by a luminiferous ether, can be thought of as a “formative ether,” with resonant processes that span spaces and times. We can resonate in the same time with organisms in different places, affecting our complex developmental processes. Substances are always participating in particular situations or fields, and are never merely random. The “orthogenetic” theory of evolution described a developmental inertia, in which the existence of a structure leads to more of the same structure. A structure in one organism affects its interactions, so that a functional (or eco-) system tends to develop its own inertia. Within a certain society, these functional systems could span generations, eliciting “phenocopies” transgenerationally. Lancelot Whyte’s “formative principle” and Rupert Sheldrake’s “formative causation” just need a more concrete physical substrate, that I think exists in fragments, from Leibniz to Bose to Polanyi, to Horace Dudley and J.L. Anderson, etc. The idea of resonance needs a better understanding of substance as/incorporating its fields—and nothing has private independent fields."

Question from jcastro in email responses.
Q: I have been re-evaluating spirituality and the oft sought-after "enlightenment"; joy, ecstasy, the realization of pure boundless love. The Laughing Buddha, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Mister Rogers being models of this state.

I am thinking about the physiological blueprint for this state.

Low: serotonin, lactic acid, histamine, estrogen, nitric oxide, cortisol, adrenaline, PUFA

High: nutrition, steroids, neurosteroids, dopamine, cellular respiration, CO2, light, "hyperthyroidism", movement, stimulation, novelty, friendship, romance.

Am I wrong or missing something? Are there any non-obvious mediators?
Ray Peat said:
I think that’s right, and a healthy intestine is central to it all.


Aug 17, 2016
Below quote from a Danny Roddy interview with Peat.

"I don’t know much about his work, but about 60 years ago I read about people who had detailed knowledge of preceding lives. Since I am always starting from the radical empirical awareness of complexity constantly changing in meaningful ways, I am also always considering ways to understand the meanings of the regularities. I think a quality of coherence in things, covering situations that used to be explained by a luminiferous ether, can be thought of as a “formative ether,” with resonant processes that span spaces and times. We can resonate in the same time with organisms in different places, affecting our complex developmental processes. Substances are always participating in particular situations or fields, and are never merely random. The “orthogenetic” theory of evolution described a developmental inertia, in which the existence of a structure leads to more of the same structure. A structure in one organism affects its interactions, so that a functional (or eco-) system tends to develop its own inertia. Within a certain society, these functional systems could span generations, eliciting “phenocopies” transgenerationally. Lancelot Whyte’s “formative principle” and Rupert Sheldrake’s “formative causation” just need a more concrete physical substrate, that I think exists in fragments, from Leibniz to Bose to Polanyi, to Horace Dudley and J.L. Anderson, etc. The idea of resonance needs a better understanding of substance as/incorporating its fields—and nothing has private independent fields."

Question from jcastro in email responses.
Q: I have been re-evaluating spirituality and the oft sought-after "enlightenment"; joy, ecstasy, the realization of pure boundless love. The Laughing Buddha, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Mister Rogers being models of this state.

I am thinking about the physiological blueprint for this state.

Low: serotonin, lactic acid, histamine, estrogen, nitric oxide, cortisol, adrenaline, PUFA

High: nutrition, steroids, neurosteroids, dopamine, cellular respiration, CO2, light, "hyperthyroidism", movement, stimulation, novelty, friendship, romance.

Am I wrong or missing something? Are there any non-obvious mediators?
Ray Peat said:
I think that’s right, and a healthy intestine is central to it all.
Hat-tip to jcastro for that great question.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The idea of resonance needs a better understanding of substance as/incorporating its fields—and nothing has private independent fields

I would add to that the following quote from Nikola Tesla:
Ray Peat On Alternative Views In Cosmology
"..."the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Hey, @nikolabeacon, you may like Peat's email exchange above. Very Tesla-esque I think. Come to think of it, I have not encountered Peat speak of Tesla. Does anybody know of any mentions in any of his articles or interviews?


Feb 18, 2016
I would add to that the following quote from Nikola Tesla:
Ray Peat On Alternative Views In Cosmology
"..."the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Hey, @nikolabeacon, you may like Peat's email exchange above. Very Tesla-esque I think. Come to think of it, I have not encountered Peat speak of Tesla. Does anybody know of any mentions in any of his articles or interviews?

Energy available on the surface attracts from the environment, this might explain pheromones and androsterone effect some have mentioned.
This could be why the human brain is layered,reptile,mammal,higher.

Im curious if this is how he sees perfect perception,as in the body at its most functional for allowing the maximum "ether flow" through ,would it be a potential longterm state.


Jun 18, 2015
I would add to that the following quote from Nikola Tesla:
Ray Peat On Alternative Views In Cosmology
"..."the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Hey, @nikolabeacon, you may like Peat's email exchange above. Very Tesla-esque I think. Come to think of it, I have not encountered Peat speak of Tesla. Does anybody know of any mentions in any of his articles or interviews?
He mentioned Tesla in one of his articles..something jn relation to Edison....and it seems that he is pretty fond of parapsyhology ( started by Vladimir Behterev) , and other Teslian ideas

Here is a his interesting quote that mentions luminiferous ether...and vortex...and some parapsyhology phenomenons......all of which Tesla spoked about and even coined the therm luminiferous ether...and vortex of time.....There is some research going on in Serbia in Tesla institue in colaboration with Lomonosov universitiy in Moscow.......I am a "student" at " free Teslian university" oopened this yeear which colaborates with Tesla institue....russians will donate many projects...:)

Especially interesting is Tesla Vortex of Time....

"I think the main idea is that, because of the way that things are interconnected, each of us existing in and for others, we call it telepathy when we share consciousness through space, and call it "former lives" and "after life" when we share consciousness across time. Family members and close friends sometimes share consciousness telepathically, especially when the “receiver" is asleep and dreaming, and the same receptive state seems occasionally to be in contact with them when they have died. The physical basis for this objective consciousness would be something like a vortex, a whirlwind or resonance, in the “neutrino sea,” or “luminiferous ether” or subquantal medium." Peat


Feb 18, 2016
Mae Wan Ho in the Living Rainbow discusses the dodecahedron which is thought to represent the "ether", she then highlights Daniel Shechtmans quasicrystal and chaplins water icosahedron,Chaplins model is a two state model of highly ordered icosahedral structure and inter converts between a fully expanded low density form and a collapsed high density form. The hydrogen bonds don't break when expanding.

"It is significant that quasicrystals do represent minimum energy structures,and hence a kind of equilibrium between harmony and tension in just the right degree,which may be where beauty lies".


Jun 18, 2015
I would add to that the following quote from Nikola Tesla:
Ray Peat On Alternative Views In Cosmology
"..."the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Hey, @nikolabeacon, you may like Peat's email exchange above. Very Tesla-esque I think. Come to think of it, I have not encountered Peat speak of Tesla. Does anybody know of any mentions in any of his articles or interviews?
From the book "Tесла Еволуција Свести Човечанства" Велимир. А......his favourite foods was lamb, duck meat, soups, milk, grated apples with cheese, potatoes and celeriac....he thought that milk is purest food in nature and in later part of his life he lived just on milk, cookies, and celeriac smoothie .

Also he used and experimented with electicity for healing his body .....I found it very similar to some of Gilbert Ling ideas and this...and Ray shared positive thought as well on healing potential of electicity...especially for bones if I remember correctly...

Gerard-Graham-Ling microelectrodeEdit

Also known as the Ling-Gerard microelectrode and after the 1940s further developed into the glass capillary microelectrode has played a vital role in modern neurophysiology and medicine

John Eccles applied the microelectrode to studies of activity of individual units within the spinal cord and brain and Andrew Huxley used it in muscle cells.

In 1963, Hodgkin with Huxley, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work on the basis of nerve "action potentials," the electrical impulses which enable the activity of an organism to be coordinated by a central nervous system. Hodgkin and Huxley shared the prize that year with John Eccles, who was cited for his research on synapses.[20] Worldwide use of this new microelectrode spread rapidly after this[21] and has subsequently proven to be one of the most important devices applied to the study of cellular physiology.[22][23] The microelectrode in use today is essentially the same as this, except that it usually contains a concentrated salt solution, and is commonly referred to as the glass capillary.[24] In 1950 Gerard was nominated for the Nobel Prize for helping to develop the microelectrode as used in Electrophysiology.


Jun 18, 2015
He mentioned Tesla in one of his articles..something jn relation to Edison....and it seems that he is pretty fond of parapsyhology ( started by Vladimir Behterev) , and other Teslian ideas

Here is a his interesting quote that mentions luminiferous ether...and vortex...and some parapsyhology phenomenons......all of which Tesla spoked about and even coined the therm luminiferous ether...and vortex of time.....There is some research going on in Serbia in Tesla institue in colaboration with Lomonosov universitiy in Moscow.......I am a "student" at " free Teslian university" oopened this yeear which colaborates with Tesla institue....russians will donate many projects...:)

Especially interesting is Tesla Vortex of Time....

"I think the main idea is that, because of the way that things are interconnected, each of us existing in and for others, we call it telepathy when we share consciousness through space, and call it "former lives" and "after life" when we share consciousness across time. Family members and close friends sometimes share consciousness telepathically, especially when the “receiver" is asleep and dreaming, and the same receptive state seems occasionally to be in contact with them when they have died. The physical basis for this objective consciousness would be something like a vortex, a whirlwind or resonance, in the “neutrino sea,” or “luminiferous ether” or subquantal medium." Peat

In this article he writes about this topic

Pathological Science & General Electric: Threatening the paradigm

"In 1971 or '72 I learned of H.C. Dudley's idea of a "neutrino sea," that he suggested might be equivalent to the "luminiferous ether" that had previously been used to explain light and electromagnetism. I wrote to him, asking if he thought neutrinos could be involved in biological ordering processes by resonating with matter under some circumstances. He had been developing a theory, in which atomic nuclei might interact with a neutrino "ether," in ways that could affect the decay rate of the unstable isotopes, and so it didn't seem unreasonable to him that biological structures might also interact with neutrinos.

"Different substances have different electron affinities, creating a phase boundary potential, a charged layer at the interface. (Electrical double layers at interfaces are important in semiconductors and electrodes, but biologists have carefully avoided discussing them, except in the very narrow context of electrodes.) The electrically active surface of a substance, even though it's made of atoms and electrons, projects its electrical field in proportion to its area. This principle is as old as Coulomb's law, but the habit of thinking of electrical charge on the atomic scale seems to make people forget it. It's exactly the sort of space-filling field that Polanyi's adsorption isotherm describes. It's also involved in crystal strength and elasticity as studied by Polanyi, in piezoelectricity, and in generation of semiconduction in amorphous materials, as used in Stan Ovshinsky's processes.
Long range structural and electronic interactions produce "antenna" effects, which are sensitive to very weak fields, whether they originate inside or outside of the organism. Magnetobiology is often treated as a pseudo-science or pathological science, because "real science" considers heating and chemical bond reactions to be the only possible effects of low energy fields or radiation. Solco Tromp, beginning in the 1930s, showed that cells behave like liquid crystals, and that liquid crystals can respond to very low electrical and magnetic fields."

"In Russia, GE had very little influence on the acceptability of ideas in science, and Boris Deryagin continued (from the 1930s until 1990) to study the properties of water near surfaces. In 1987 his group demonstrated that cells can clear particles from a space around themselves, extending more than a cell's diameter away. This distance is similar to the cell free zone in flowing blood adjacent to the walls of arterioles, which is probably the result of multiple interacting forces. At present, processes such as cell adhesion of leukocytes and stem cells (and tumor cells) to the blood vessel wall and movement through the blood vessel into the tissues (diapedesis) is explained in terms of adhesion molecules, disregarding the plausible effects of long range attractive or repulsive forces. Clumping or sludging of red blood cells occurs when the organism is failing to adapt to stress, and could be reasonably explained by a failure of protective repulsive fields. These fields are developed and maintained by metabolism, primarily oxidative energy metabolism, and are modified by endogenous regulatory substances and external conditions, including electromagnetic and electrical fields. "
Dec 25, 2014
Great quotes.
The claim is all of the names you mention took from the unpanishads/Vedanta,Newton included.
I'm thinking any human can access this kind of perception,they don't need to read the Vedanta to do so.

They all claim to have gotten it from ancient Egypt.

Newton by his own admission got it from the Egyptians. He called it prisca sapienta which means ancient wisdom or sacred wisdom (handed down from when the gods walked with men).

"This question of measurement is only one example of Newton's faith in the prisca sapientia of Ancient Egypt. He was also convinced that atomic theory, heliocentricity and gravitation had been known there [See McGuire and Rattansi (1966, p. 110)]." -- Martin Bernal, historian, 1987

"[Newton] certainly believed in an Egyptian prisca sapientia, which he saw it as his mission to retrieve." -- Martin Bernal, historian, 1987

"... the Egyptians ... concealed mysteries that were above the common herd under the veil of religious rites and hieroglyphic symbols." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, 1694

Where the Egyptians got it from and where they came from is the real question.

"They [the Egyptians] don't seem to have an ancestry, they don't seem to have any period of development, they just seem almost to appear overnight." -- Toby Wilson, egyptologist, 2003

"How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of 'development.' But in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the start. The answer to the mystery is of course obvious but, because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom considered. Egyptian civilization was not a 'development', it was a legacy." -- John A. West, egyptologist, 1979

"We are told that the evolution of human civilization is a linear process -- that it goes from stupid cave man to smart old us with our hydrogen bombs and striped toothpaste. But the proof that the Sphinx is many, many thousands of years older than the archaeologists think it is, that it preceded by many thousands of years even dynastic Egypt, means that there must have been, at some distant point in history, a high and sophisticated civilization -- just as all the legends affirm." -- John A. West, egyptologist, 1993

think the reason Egypt had access to advanced knowledge is because they barely survived a cataclysm that took out every other advanced civilization.

"The priests of Sais, for example, told Solon, about 550 BC, that since Egypt was not subject to massive floods they had preserved, not only their own records, but those of other people; that the towns of Athens and Sais had been built by Minerva; the former nine thousand years ago, the second only eight thousand; and to these dates they added the well known fable of the people of the island of Atlas...." -- Georges Cuvier, naturalist, 1825

Peats take in mind and tissue is meaning and reality are flowing through the Structure of the brain,the hologram is projecting through the flesh,these meanings can be changed through biochemistry by altering structure,perhaps temporarily adjusting the electric current or magnetic field ,LSD or DMT potential do it this way as a fast track to this without making permanent changes to the structure biologically,with time however biological structures should follow suit if the patterns/meanings/perceptions can be maintained.
Interestingly he noted that when somebody is depressed this is their meaning but they know their is a better state beyond the depression,another meaning. We then have layers and layers of meaning?
Obviously he understands the outside environment pressing on the organism and shaping accordingly.

What does it all mean?

"He [Pythagoras] taught that the soul was immortal and that after death it transmigrated into other animated bodies. After certain specified periods, the same events occur again; that nothing was entirely new, that all animated beings were kin, and should be considered as belonging to one great family. Pythagoras was the first to introduce these teachings to Greece." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

"And Pythagoras learned from Egyptians his teachings about the gods, his geometrical propositions and theory of numbers, as well as the transmigration of the soul into every living thing." -- Diodorus Siculus, historian, 1st century B.C.

"It was from his stay amongst these foreigners [Egyptians and Babylonians] that Pythagoras acquired the greater part of his wisdom." -- Porphyry, philosopher, 3rd century

"Some again (one of whom is Choerilus the poet) say that he [Thales] was the first person who affirmed that the souls of men were immortal...." -- Diogenes Laertius, historian, 3rd century

I think the soul is some kind of coherent electric field that inhabits living beings and goes from lifeform to lifeform through the ether


Jun 16, 2015
I think the reason Egypt had access to advanced knowledge is because they barely survived a cataclysm that took out every other advanced civilization.

Did you ever read Velikovsky's book, Worlds in Collision?
Dec 25, 2014
In this article he writes about this topic

Pathological Science & General Electric: Threatening the paradigm

"In 1971 or '72 I learned of H.C. Dudley's idea of a "neutrino sea," that he suggested might be equivalent to the "luminiferous ether" that had previously been used to explain light and electromagnetism....

Interesting paper by a CERN physicist on the matter. The ether could be a neutrinos super-fluid and they might be responsible for the long searched for gravity.


We have shown that massive cosmological relics are not classical gasses. If they have attractive interactions or are fermions, they instead are a super-fluid. This implies that WIMP dark matter scenarios are inconsistent: WIMPs cannot both be decoupled and localized for the age of the universe. Cosmic background neutrinos must exist. They are a super-fluid, and their self-interactions are a gravitational theory. These dynamics arise in the SM, which is a renormalizable quantum field theory. We suggest that this may actually be the gravity that we observe.

"...experiments carried out by T. Townsend Brown, Paul A. Biefeld, and others, suggest that electric and gravitational fields may be strongly connected at voltages as low as 105 ev. If true, this would indicate the standard field theories are seriously flawed." -- Paul A. LaViolette, author, 1992

I think the ether is made out of neutrinos and space is filled with plasma and they interact to form the cosmos we see.

"It is an interesting fact that most of the material in the visible universe, as much as 99% according to some estimates, is in the plasma state." -- Donald A. Gurnett and Amitava Bhattacharjee, physicists, 2005

"Probably more than 99 percent of visible matter in the universe exist in the plasma state." -- Wolf-Dietrich Kraeft, physicist, et al., 2005

"It is estimated that as much as 99.9% of the universe is comprised of plasma." -- Krzysztof Murawski, physicist, 2002

"Today it is recognized that 99.999% of all observable matter in the universe is in the plasma state...." -- Anthony L. Peratt, physicist, 1997

"More than 99% of all known matter is in the plasma state." -- Wolfgang Baumjohann and Rudolf A. Treumann, physicists, 1996

"...the universe is 99.999% matter in the plasma state." -- Anthony L. Peratt, physicist, May 1995

"It is thought that more than 99.9% of matter in the universe is in plasma. Indeed, plasmic matter begins at about 50 km above the earth's surface in the ionosphere." -- Kyōji Nishikawa and Masahiro Wakatani, physicists, 1994

"Different substances have different electron affinities, creating a phase boundary potential, a charged layer at the interface. (Electrical double layers at interfaces are important in semiconductors and electrodes, but biologists have carefully avoided discussing them, except in the very narrow context of electrodes.) The electrically active surface of a substance, even though it's made of atoms and electrons, projects its electrical field in proportion to its area...

Long range structural and electronic interactions produce "antenna" effects, which are sensitive to very weak fields, whether they originate inside or outside of the organism. Magnetobiology is often treated as a pseudo-science or pathological science, because "real science" considers heating and chemical bond reactions to be the only possible effects of low energy fields or radiation. Solco Tromp, beginning in the 1930s, showed that cells behave like liquid crystals, and that liquid crystals can respond to very low electrical and magnetic fields."

"Diamagnetic substances include water, protein, diamond, DNA, plastic, wood, and many other common substances usually thought to be nonmagnetic." -- Martin D. Simon, professor, May 2000

"In 1987 his group demonstrated that cells can clear particles from a space around themselves, extending more than a cell's diameter away. This distance is similar to the cell free zone in flowing blood adjacent to the walls of arterioles, which is probably the result of multiple interacting forces...These fields are developed and maintained by metabolism, primarily oxidative energy metabolism, and are modified by endogenous regulatory substances and external conditions, including electromagnetic and electrical fields. "

"By applying an electric field across a spherical capacitor filled with a dielectric liquid, a body force analogous to gravity is generated around the fluid." -- James E. Arnold, geoscientist, March 1995


Sep 9, 2016
Do you think that quantum computing and AI like DeepMind will simulate consciousness in the next 25-30 years timeframe?
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