Removing Skin Growths With Coconut MCT Oil

Mar 10, 2021
"Many years ago, Harry Rubin was impressed by hearing from a pathologist that he had been able to find diagnosable cancer somewhere in the body of every person over the age of 50 that he had autopsied. If everyone has cancer by the age of 50, that means
that cancer is harmless for most people, and that small cancers might frequently appear, and be spontaneously removed as part of the body's regular house-cleaning. One of the reasons that spontaneous regression of tumors seems so rare is undoubtedly that most tumors are quickly cut out by surgeons."- Ray Peat

Like most people I feared cancer. I had an aunt and a great grandfather that died of skin cancer, another grandfather died of lung cancer, from cigarettes, and all were not pleasant deaths. Before reading Ray Peat's unconventional
collection of science and rational, sunscreen and yearly check-ups were the only thing to calm those fears. Any unexplainable pain or anything else persistent always crossed my mind with what if?

Believing Ray Peat's take on cancer made more sense to me than what the medical industry was pushing with all their intrusive procedures, as the only way out of it. After all nobody I knew was spared death going that route. Come to think of it nobody was dying of it in the old days either. So I have decided that I will never cut out skin cancer. The little monsters are so easily accessable!

I started getting strange growths on my back a couple of years ago. I took a pic so I could monitor them. I couldn't understand where they were coming from. I had been "Peating" and clearing PUFA's out for several years. Long story short I traced it back to the chemicals in my clothing. The spots were only growing where certain usual tops I lived and slept in were touching my skin. I was devastated not just because I am the healthiest person I know and didn't deserve this, but because I also decided to rid myself of anything that isn't cotton, and had near nothing left to wear. The terrible chemicals they put in fabrics, upholstery, leather and such is shocking! This wasn't the first issue I had with them, but that's for another time.

I had had success ridding myself of a couple of other growths with coconut oil, but it took diligence and the most part of a year, with some scary times when they got bigger before they got smaller. I had a friend who said she ran out of coconut oil and started using the coconut mct oil I gave her on a nasty spot on her leg and said it was looking better pretty quick. Remembering that, i tried it recently on a spot on my back, the only one i could reach, and within 2 weeks the growth shriveled up and fell off! I am working on a second one and it is quickly doing the same! Attached are my before and after pics of the first one and the progression now of the second one!

I summize that the reason MCT oil works so well on these skin growths is for the same reason it is irritating to stomach & intestines and melts plastic, it is some powerful stuff!



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Jun 7, 2020
New Mexico
Wow, thanks for this. I'll have to try MCT oil on some spots I have that have been troubling me. I've already tried emu oil, olive oil, manuka honey, iodine, etc... They are stubborn buggers.


Nov 18, 2020
Ooh, I hope it works on liver spots, that would be great. I have only had one liver spot in my lifetime, the result of working outdoors during my twenties. I tried removing it using this stuff called "black salve". Stay far away from that black salve! It did nothing for the liver spot but it did attack a tiny blemish nearby and turned it into a giant deep sore. Rats! It took forever to heal and I will always have a pock mark. Stupid stuff. I ended up getting the liver spot removed with a laser, and that was no fun either. If I ever get another liver spot it would be so much easier to just rub a bit of MCT oil on it.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
iodine didnt really work for me
gonna give this a try, thanks for sharing @Rinse & rePeat
It works quick too! The pic with the close-up is almost totally falling off now since taking that pic two days ago. I should have an "after" pic by the end of this weekend of it gone!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
How often do you apply it? Once a day?
Once a day in the close up pics cause I can't reach I and I gotta find someone to help me, but the first before and after pic from far away I could reach it so I was doing it twice a day and it came off quicker.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Wow, thanks for this. I'll have to try MCT oil on some spots I have that have been troubling me. I've already tried emu oil, olive oil, manuka honey, iodine, etc... They are stubborn buggers.
Take a before and after pic for us!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Ooh, I hope it works on liver spots, that would be great. I have only had one liver spot in my lifetime, the result of working outdoors during my twenties. I tried removing it using this stuff called "black salve". Stay far away from that black salve! It did nothing for the liver spot but it did attack a tiny blemish nearby and turned it into a giant deep sore. Rats! It took forever to heal and I will always have a pock mark. Stupid stuff. I ended up getting the liver spot removed with a laser, and that was no fun either. If I ever get another liver spot it would be so much easier to just rub a bit of MCT oil on it.
That black salve sounds like some scary stuff! I haven't tried mct on liver spots, and being they aren't really a growth, and more of a skin pigmentation I'm not sure mct is a right fit, but who knows. You might try raw honey on those since honey has a bleaching effect.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
How often do you apply it? Once a day?
Also don't cover it with a bandaid. I did that with regular coconut oil and my growth got bigger overnight, it scared me! This is a more subtle approach that doesn't cause a violent reaction, maybe from lack of oxygen it grew, I dont know, but the bandaid backfired and took much longer to get it gone with the regular coconut oil.
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Jun 7, 2020
New Mexico
Also don't cover it with a bandaid. I did that with regular coconut oil my growth got bigger overnight, it scared me! This is a more subtle approach that doesn't cause a violent reaction, maybe from lack of oxygen it grew, I dont know, but the bandaid backfired and took much longer to get it gone with the regular coconut oil.
Yikes! I tried Mannuka honey with a bandaid and didn't like the results of that either. It definitely could be something to do with a lack of oxygen to the area. And, speaking of oxygen, there is a compound called ozonated olive oil. I did try it on a spot on the face and it itched like crazy. My whole face burned from it, so I stopped using it. I don't know if that was a good sign or not, but I decided I'd rather try something less intense.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Good luck with

Yikes! I tried Mannuka honey with a bandaid and didn't like the results of that either. It definitely could be something to do with a lack of oxygen to the area. And, speaking of oxygen, there is a compound called ozonated olive oil. I did try it on a spot on the face and it itched like crazy. My whole face burned from it, so I stopped using it. I don't know if that was a good sign or not, but I decided I'd rather try something less intense.
Yeah you don't want to rile those little monsters up. I have had the same happen puting on a bandage with manuka and baking soda too, getting that same angry reaction. Applying a little MCT while letting it still breath seems to be a slow death without a fight.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Yeah you don't want to rile those little monsters up. I have had the same happen puting on a bandage with manuka and baking soda too, getting that same angry reaction. Applying a little MCT while letting it still breath seems to be a slow death without a fight.
With warts applying clear nail polish to choke them out doesn't cause that angry reaction. I wonder how mct will work on warts hmmmm...
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