Relationships and the Reflection Principle


Feb 12, 2020
But just from that little peak, its pretty clear that you have a nervous, anxious, erratic, hyperactive energy about you. You can't catch the eye of high quality, attractive women because you basically have the aura of a woman. No polarity between you and the more desirable type of woman you are after makes you literally not exist to them. So all you get is the overweight ones who have denser, masculine auras due to the sheer size of their physical bodies which are attracted to your nervous aura like moths to a flame.
being nervous, anxious, hyperactive and erratic is the aura of a desirable woman?
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Dec 17, 2018
being nervous, anxious, hyperactive and erratic is the aura of a desirable woman?
The point is women are naturally more excitable. Women are more prone to health issues related to hyperarousal such as anxiety, panic attacks, restlessness, hyperactivity (such as fidgeting), emotional lability. This same aura of hyperarousal that is more natural to women also makes them more empathetic, caring, cooperative in groups, and them being more labile means their positive emotions are amplified, not just their negative ones. It is this polarity between the hyperarousal and restlessness of women and the reduced arousal and calmer tendencies of men that is a major determinant in attraction.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
Men are supposed to be laconic, but now that there's a whole culture-industry of no bull**** tell it like it is double-spaced social media posts I don't take it too seriously.


Dec 1, 2021
Men are supposed to be laconic, but now that there's a whole culture-industry of no bull**** tell it like it is double-spaced social media posts I don't take it too seriously.
Do I have to be American to understand what you mean with the culture-industry example?

And the whole "tell it like it is" is only true online, Irl most of those people don't even look you in the eye unless they are on copious amounts of drugs.


Dec 1, 2021
The point is women are naturally more excitable. Women are more prone to health issues related to hyperarousal such as anxiety, panic attacks, restlessness, hyperactivity (such as fidgeting), emotional lability. This same aura of hyperarousal that is more natural to women also makes them more empathetic, caring, cooperative in groups, and them being more labile means their positive emotions are amplified, not just their negative ones. It is this polarity between the hyperarousal and restlessness of women and the reduced arousal and calmer tendencies of men that is a major determinant in attraction.
I don't agree with this. Women are not more excitable than men, they just have worse emotional control. An excited men is going to be more passionate than an excited woman, yet in a calm state a man will be less excited than a woman. This is my impression.


Jun 22, 2021
I can't really assume too much about your behavior since this is a forum, but the things you post about and the way you post gives us a peak into your mind. But just from that little peak, its pretty clear that you have a nervous, anxious, erratic, hyperactive energy about you. You can't catch the eye of high quality, attractive women because you basically have the aura of a woman. No polarity between you and the more desirable type of woman you are after makes you literally not exist to them. So all you get is the overweight ones who have denser, masculine auras due to the sheer size of their physical bodies which are attracted to your nervous aura like moths to a flame.

Also if you are prone to arguments at all (with women or men, doesn't matter) this also indicates a nervous, hyperactive aura. You should not be arguing on a regular basis. If you do, that is a sign of internal chaos.

The Fact of the matter is this:

Women like ERRATIC/MENTALLY UNSTABLE men who are completely unpredictable and MORE TOXIC/EMOTIONAL than them - this is the truth. These guys make a girl "feel something"

Calm men bore them to death, this is why they choose to date/marry them - they use them as BETA BUX and financial/mental stability as their back-up plan

Deep Down Inside though, Girls like males who are all over the place and have a destructive lifestyle

My cousin, Good face, height, and frame has lived with HIS MOM his entire life and only moved out of his moms house because his girlfriend let him move in with her who could support him. DUDE NEVER CARED ABOUT HIS LIFE, spent a lot of his time on drugs and NEVER held a job yet ALWAYS had chicks going for him. Theres so many examples of this

Once YOU KNOW THIS FACT as a man, and once you realize face, height, and frame are ALL MODIFYABLE with a healthy metabolism, you "give up" on life so to speak, because MONEY//status/success in other avenues WILL NEVER Make a woman GENUINELY LIKE YOU, women CANT CONTROL who they genuinely like, thus unless you BECOME THAT MALE, the mans existence becomes meaningless




Dec 1, 2021
The Fact of the matter is this:

Women like ERRATIC/MENTALLY UNSTABLE men who are completely unpredictable and MORE TOXIC/EMOTIONAL than them - this is the truth. These guys make a girl "feel something"

Calm men bore them to death, this is why they choose to date/marry them - they use them as BETA BUX and financial/mental stability as their back-up plan

Deep Down Inside though, Girls like males who are all over the place and have a destructive lifestyle

My cousin, Good face, height, and frame has lived with HIS MOM his entire life and only moved out of his moms house because his girlfriend let him move in with her who could support him. DUDE NEVER CARED ABOUT HIS LIFE, spent a lot of his time on drugs and NEVER held a job yet ALWAYS had chicks going for him. Theres so many examples of this

Once YOU KNOW THIS FACT as a man, and once you realize face, height, and frame are ALL MODIFYABLE with a healthy metabolism, you "give up" on life so to speak, because MONEY//status/success in other avenues WILL NEVER Make a woman GENUINELY LIKE YOU, women CANT CONTROL who they genuinely like, thus unless you BECOME THAT MALE, the mans existence becomes meaningless



You don't have to take it to the bitter extreme dude. It just means that the women you speak of need more guidance, yet here we are in 2023 and we have more fatherless figures than ever.

So if a kid has no decent upbringing, what standards is that kid going to have for himself and for others? Superficial ones.

I agree that attractiveness is very important, but if underneath that atractiveness lies nothing but destruction, yet the girl still wants a guy like that... she is beyond saving. It is like knowing drugs are bad for you and still doing them because they "feel good". It is like ******* up someone for personal gain and then saying "I had no other choice". Short term planning instant gratification culture brought us here.

What do you think will happen after 10-20 years when all these women will either settle with a giant simp or be alone forever? If people can't take example now, and also not after 10 years society is doomed, but I have more faith in humans than this. Remember Weimar, and all the degeneracy they came up with? It was all gone in a fortnight, nobody knew what happened and how it happened, and nobody complained. Truth prevails.


Dec 17, 2018
I don't agree with this. Women are not more excitable than men, they just have worse emotional control. An excited men is going to be more passionate than an excited woman, yet in a calm state a man will be less excited than a woman. This is my impression.
This is based on research on the differences in activity in brain regions in male versus female brains. One major distinction is the locus coereleus which is a prominent brain regions involved in arousal and enhanced arousal in response to stress is more sensitive in women due to structural differences as well as hormonal differences. Estrogen enhances catecholamine synthesis and reduces COMT activity which is what deactivates catecholamines. So there is more NE and less breakdown in the locus coereleus in women which leads to increased activity of this brain region.

The Fact of the matter is this:

Women like ERRATIC/MENTALLY UNSTABLE men who are completely unpredictable and MORE TOXIC/EMOTIONAL than them - this is the truth. These guys make a girl "feel something"

Calm men bore them to death, this is why they choose to date/marry them - they use them as BETA BUX and financial/mental stability as their back-up plan

Deep Down Inside though, Girls like males who are all over the place and have a destructive lifestyle

My cousin, Good face, height, and frame has lived with HIS MOM his entire life and only moved out of his moms house because his girlfriend let him move in with her who could support him. DUDE NEVER CARED ABOUT HIS LIFE, spent a lot of his time on drugs and NEVER held a job yet ALWAYS had chicks going for him. Theres so many examples of this

Once YOU KNOW THIS FACT as a man, and once you realize face, height, and frame are ALL MODIFYABLE with a healthy metabolism, you "give up" on life so to speak, because MONEY//status/success in other avenues WILL NEVER Make a woman GENUINELY LIKE YOU, women CANT CONTROL who they genuinely like, thus unless you BECOME THAT MALE, the mans existence becomes meaningless



Of course, excitement is very vital. So vital that women sometimes may seek attention from hardened criminals in order to feel something. But this does not mean they prefer destructive men over financially stable and traditionally successful men. Only severely damaged women do. Women would much prefer an exciting man who is also traditionally successful and not a violent criminal and lowlife with no future. Does not mean they do not sometimes settle for lowlifes who are attractive and exciting but have little going for them. You are correct there.

But if you were to give a woman a choice between two men who were equally as attractive in her eyes, with all the features and preferences she wants, but the first one is an attractive guy working minimum wage living in a trash apartment but lacks masculine, driven personality and financial stability, and the second one has a driven personality and a successful business and is moderately wealthy as a result, she will undoubtedly choose the second one.

You are also confusing calm with boring. The man who is calm and in control of his life is what I am talking about. I am not talking about anhedonic couch potatoes that are lethargic and overly chill and have no motivation and internal drive to become better. This is not masculine at all. These men may be calm but lack initiative and motivation. The masculine man's nervous system is calm, but maintains appropriate levels of arousal when needed and has a hunger for life. Masculine men don't sit around being calm and tranquil all the time. The calmness reflects the internal environment, the nervous system. Calm, but focused, driven, in control of your own destiny.
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Sep 9, 2019
This is based on research on the differences in activity in brain regions in male versus female brains. One major distinction is the locus coereleus which is a prominent brain regions involved in arousal and enhanced arousal in response to stress is more sensitive in women due to structural differences as well as hormonal differences. Estrogen enhances catecholamine synthesis and reduces COMT activity which is what deactivates catecholamines. So there is more NE and less breakdown in the locus coereleus in women which leads to increased activity of this brain region.
I must say I'm also a little sceptical about such stark behavioural conclusions, even on the basis of research like this. Are we really looking at "male versus female brains" without control for a century of Bernays-esque cultural poison. I mean, "sex sells" right. Will the brain not take form around it to an extent. Is this a chicken and egg thing. I don't know, maybe you can school me.


Feb 13, 2021
Deep Down Inside though, Girls like males who are all over the place and have a destructive lifestyle
Some girls do, sure. Maybe many girls due to cultural manipulation. You definitely have a point.

But...why does it really matter? Why care about what these types of people think of you?


Feb 13, 2021
Men are supposed to be laconic, but now that there's a whole culture-industry of no bull**** tell it like it is double-spaced social media posts I don't take it too seriously.
What do you mean? Can you expound on this?


Feb 12, 2020
So all you get is the overweight ones who have denser, masculine auras due to the sheer size of their physical bodies which are attracted to your nervous aura like moths to a flame

what is the BMI cut-off value for attracting a dainty, fidgety and anxious man?


May 30, 2018
This is great and the direction I hope culture and my own life can develop more around. I would add it’s usually very important for men to cultivate an expanding and positive brotherhood at all stages of life. The same mirror principle also applies to building a brotherhood. Strive to become the kind of brother you want to have and from your quality brotherhood there is often much more opportunity to cross paths with like minded women striving for similar compatible qualities. A much higher way of going about "bros before hoes" with no negative vibes towards others. I would imagine the same is usually true for women. The building of a positive sisterhood could help greatly with finding positive like minded groups of men in brotherhoods who will be compatible. A positive community can facilitate the formation of good relationships even far outside the community. Its true women are attracted to a man's relative wealth and status, but belonging to a network of brotherhoods and sisterhoods that respect and value you is an enormous source of real wealth that is very attractive. Not that career, health and financial success aren't important to strive for, but social wealth can very much be even more important. I'd even say for most men I know in good marriages and relationships its mostly due to their social wealth. Their looks, finances, and career are very average even sometimes below average. Living in the flow of giving and receiving love. It just works.
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Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
This manifested both ways for me, when I wasn’t ready to align with good women, they still entered my life….. those were lessons on my karma…. But these opportunities present themselves for one to learn and ponder…. So therefore, like doesn’t always attract like


Feb 13, 2021

Even if 95 PERCENT of women act this way (and it's DEFINITELY not NEARLY that much), the 5% that remains is still a HUGE NUMBER of GOOD women.

Why not live in a world of your OWN DESIGN where the 95 percent and their decisions are MEANINGLESS and irrelevant?

(Not trying to mock your writing style, I like your writing style. Just having some fun wit it...)
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Feb 13, 2021
This is great and the direction I hope culture and my own life can develop more around. I would add it’s usually very important for men to cultivate an expanding and positive brotherhood at all stages of life. The same mirror principle also applies to building a brotherhood. Strive to become the kind of brother you want to have and from your quality brotherhood there is often much more opportunity to cross paths with like minded women striving for similar compatible qualities. A much higher way of going about "bros before hoes" with no negative vibes towards others. I would imagine the same is usually true for women. The building of a positive sisterhood could help greatly with finding positive like minded groups of men in brotherhoods who will be compatible. A positive community can facilitate the formation of good relationships even far outside the community. Its true women are attracted to a man's relative wealth and status, but belonging to a network of brotherhoods and sisterhoods that respect and value you is an enormous source of real wealth that is very attractive. Not that career, health and financial success aren't important to strive for, but social wealth can very much be even more important. I'd even say for most men I know in good marriages and relationships its mostly due to their social wealth. Their looks, finances, and career are very average even sometimes below average. Living in the flow of giving and receiving love. It just works.
Yes! Should've mentioned that this concept can apply to all sorts of relationships, not just romantic ones. Maybe it's all one and the same. Thanks for bringing that up!

Yeah social wealth is huge. Relationships can definitely form a faster bridge to a brighter future, if they're giving & loving ones.

I can only hope culture flows in this direction. Up until now the cultural manipulators seem to be doing increasingly well with classic divide-and-conquer tactics. Is the tide turning? It is for some...
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