Regeneration Of The Kidneys - Something That Is Still Unresolved In Medicine


Jul 3, 2016
Greetings everyone. I hope everyone is doing well.

Ever since I've started studying natural oriented medicine, self medicine and the likes, I found out very soon that the kidneys form a challenge.

Taking herbal concentrated capsules is bad for the kidneys for example.

The kidney appears to regenerate itself according to a study.

Losartan and Telmisartan are drugs that can improve (regenerate?) kidney health per this topic:
Low-dose Aspirin As Treatment For Kidney Disease / Failure

They are ARB drugs. Telmisartan is a PPAR-gamma antagonist. Telmisartan also crosses the blood brain barrier in sufficient dosages.

I came across the following PDF by a professional ND which states that:
- Diuretics are not good for the kidneys
- Certain mushrooms are good for the kidneys

Ginkgo Biloba seems to be protective for the kidneys according to a certified herbalist who cites studies for this.

Golden leaf gingko Biloba is an exclusive product sold by the famous natural cancer doctor Dr. Beljanski, which is a different form of ginkgo Biloba, harvested and processed when the leaves are golden. This golden leaf ginkgo Biloba might be more powerful in having an healing effect for the kidneys.

Cocoa was also good for the kidneys according to another topic here on the RP Forum.

Red light therapy could also help possibly.

Who knows more, on how to actually regenerate the kidneys? Are there any statistics to be found in which regions or countries kidney disease is the lowest among earth?

I hope we can find out more on how to tackle this health issue.

One of the reasons I'm asking is I'm feeling a pressure on my lower right back. I felt lower back pain all night yesterday. I think it's kidney orientated because I have had signals of kidney trouble earlier when cleansing parasites. I think these problems started when I took mastic gum years back which is a resin, which can be damaging to the kidneys.

Thank you.
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Jul 3, 2016
Per the document above:

Herbal diuretics-- do the kidneys
really need to be cleansed?
• Often sold in health food stores often as detox teas.
These include uva ursi, juniper, buchu, goldenrod,
dandelion, parsley.
• Diuretics push the kidneys to work harder. They
don’t “build the kidneys” or do anything to protect
kidney tissue from the damage of chronic kidney
• Usually these herbs are high in potassium, which can
be dangerous with advanced kidney disease.

So I'm not sure.. What would make parsley stand out?


Nov 29, 2017
From your herbalist’s website.

Richard Whelan ~ Medical Herbalist ~ Parsley

Apigenin for starters is extremely high in dried parsley. It was also known for kidney support in the Middle East. Can’t see it being harmful to the kidneys unless function is extremely poor.


Feb 13, 2016
I think anticholinergic things would be good for the kidneys. So red light like you mentioned would be great. Anything that keeps your blood sugar up, like coffee, fruits, gelatin (while minimizing muscle meat and probably even milk), thyroid, progesterone, moving to a high altitude, antiserotonin things like cold showers and sleep deprivation and NoFap/no alcohol (these are a bit stressful and maybe not as "Peaty" as the other suggestions) and possibly ergot derivatives, strictly avoiding PUFA, eating low fat in general, along those lines.

Dr. Peat said the main thing that causes kidney degeneration is growth hormone, and growth hormone is secreted most especially by low blood sugar and high acetylcholine, aka parasympathetic dominance and learned helplessness.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Greetings everyone. I hope everyone is doing well.

Ever since I've started studying natural oriented medicine, self medicine and the likes, I found out very soon that the kidneys form a challenge.

Taking herbal concentrated capsules is bad for the kidneys for example.

The kidney appears to regenerate itself according to a study.

Losartan and Telmisartan are drugs that can improve (regenerate?) kidney health per this topic:
Low-dose Aspirin As Treatment For Kidney Disease / Failure

They are ARB drugs. Telmisartan is a PPAR-gamma antagonist. Telmisartan also crosses the blood brain barrier in sufficient dosages.

I came across the following PDF by a professional ND which states that:
- Diuretics are not good for the kidneys
- Certain mushrooms are good for the kidneys

Ginkgo Biloba seems to be protective for the kidneys according to a certified herbalist who cites studies for this.

Golden leaf gingko Biloba is an exclusive product sold by the famous natural cancer doctor Dr. Beljanski, which is a different form of ginkgo Biloba, harvested and processed when the leaves are golden. This golden leaf ginkgo Biloba might be more powerful in having an healing effect for the kidneys.

Cocoa was also good for the kidneys according to another topic here on the RP Forum.

Red light therapy could also help possibly.

Who knows more, on how to actually regenerate the kidneys? Are there any statistics to be found in which regions or countries kidney disease is the lowest among earth?

I hope we can find out more on how to tackle this health issue.

One of the reasons I'm asking is I'm feeling a pressure on my lower right back. I felt lower back pain all night yesterday. I think it's kidney orientated because I have had signals of kidney trouble earlier when cleansing parasites. I think these problems started when I took mastic gum years back which is a resin, which can be damaging to the kidneys.

Thank you.

Kidneys actually regenerate almost as well as liver, as long as you limit their exposure to FFA (PUFA) in the blood. It is not a coincidence that niacinamide helps people with CKD. Aspirin and anything else that is anti-lipolytic also helps.
There is evidence that it is the breakdown of... | Ray Peat Forum
Increased Fat Oxidation Is The Cause Of Kidney Damage

The same mechanism is implicated in pancreatic damage (beta cells) that leads to diabetes, liver disease (cirrhosis), heart failure, etc. None of these conditions are as mysterious, complicated or untreatable as the whitecoats would have you believe.
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Jul 3, 2016
From your herbalist’s website.

Richard Whelan ~ Medical Herbalist ~ Parsley

Apigenin for starters is extremely high in dried parsley. It was also known for kidney support in the Middle East. Can’t see it being harmful to the kidneys unless function is extremely poor.
The source of the document above is Dr. Henderson ND and her website is

The other website cites about the kidneys the following pdf file which states the scientific research of the protective effect of ginkgo Biloba for the kidneys:

But if there is a lot of Apigenin in parsley that is interesting, as Apigenin seems good for the kidneys:
Flavonoids in Kidney Health and Disease

Is the oxalic acid content of dried parsley enough to cause trouble, in regards to kidney stones?

Some supplements named Kidney Cleanse like this one which contain parsley, say they contain parsley seeds. What part of parsley is the best part used?

Now Foods, Kidney Cleanse, 90 Veggie Caps

I think anticholinergic things would be good for the kidneys. So red light like you mentioned would be great. Anything that keeps your blood sugar up, like coffee, fruits, gelatin (while minimizing muscle meat and probably even milk), thyroid, progesterone, moving to a high altitude, antiserotonin things like cold showers and sleep deprivation and NoFap/no alcohol (these are a bit stressful and maybe not as "Peaty" as the other suggestions) and possibly ergot derivatives, strictly avoiding PUFA, eating low fat in general, along those lines.

Dr. Peat said the main thing that causes kidney degeneration is growth hormone, and growth hormone is secreted most especially by low blood sugar and high acetylcholine, aka parasympathetic dominance and learned helplessness.
What would a powerful anticholinergic drug or supplement be? Isn't ashwagandha anticholinergic?

Kidneys actually regenerate almost as well as liver, as long as you limit their exposure to FFA (PUFA) in the blood. It is not a coincidence that niacinamide helps people with CKD. Aspirin and anything else that is anti-lipolytic also helps.
Increased Fat Oxidation Is The Cause Of Kidney Damage

The same mechanism is implicated in pancreatic damage (beta cells) that leads to diabetes, liver disease (cirrhosis), heart failure, etc. None of these conditions are as mysterious, complicated or untreatable as the whitecoats would have you believe.
Interesting, I will consider starting aspirin again, and niacinamide once in a while. What are good doses for both? And what about actual nephrons being damaged due to high dose resins? Does the kidney regenerate damage related to that too? Why I'm asking is, anytime I do something that is exhaustive for the kidneys, I get the same symptoms, ever since I took that mastic gum years ago. Itches during sleep as well.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
anytime I do something that is exhaustive for the kidneys

If you look at those threads I linked to they talk about doses for niacinamide.
What are those things that are "exhaustive" for the kidneys? Exhaustive exercise would certainly qualify but not sure what else you think falls into that group. There are actual kidney toxins in the food supply but I am not sure the resins fall into that category. Can you elaborate on what resins you are ingesting and where did you see them being mentioned as nephrotoxic?


Jul 3, 2016
If you look at those threads I linked to they talk about doses for niacinamide.
What are those things that are "exhaustive" for the kidneys? Exhaustive exercise would certainly qualify but not sure what else you think falls into that group. There are actual kidney toxins in the food supply but I am not sure the resins fall into that category. Can you elaborate on what resins you are ingesting and where did you see them being mentioned as nephrotoxic?
Thanks I'll check those for dosages. Exhaustive meaning, a high dose Artemisia Absinthium cleanse program for example, taking 1600 mg at once every night in capsules. And now, as the kidneys are agitated, taking ginkgo Biloba capsules will induce itching at times at night.


Feb 13, 2016
The source of the document above is Dr. Henderson ND and her website is

The other website cites about the kidneys the following pdf file which states the scientific research of the protective effect of ginkgo Biloba for the kidneys:

But if there is a lot of Apigenin in parsley that is interesting, as Apigenin seems good for the kidneys:
Flavonoids in Kidney Health and Disease

Is the oxalic acid content of dried parsley enough to cause trouble, in regards to kidney stones?

Some supplements named Kidney Cleanse like this one which contain parsley, say they contain parsley seeds. What part of parsley is the best part used?

Now Foods, Kidney Cleanse, 90 Veggie Caps

What would a powerful anticholinergic drug or supplement be? Isn't ashwagandha anticholinergic?

Interesting, I will consider starting aspirin again, and niacinamide once in a while. What are good doses for both? And what about actual nephrons being damaged due to high dose resins? Does the kidney regenerate damage related to that too? Why I'm asking is, anytime I do something that is exhaustive for the kidneys, I get the same symptoms, ever since I took that mastic gum years ago. Itches during sleep as well.

Anti histamines are anti-cholinergic. But acetylcholine is related to essentially everything in your lifestyle and mental state


Mar 29, 2016
I think the problem is that we look at the kidneys as like a black box. So we tend to treat it as something like garbage in garbage out. We're not asking why did my kidneys get this sickly. Why did I get to this point? It's a big blank that needs to be filled. Unless you know the why, you're just like a regular medical doctor that throws drugs at a problem without understanding enough of the problem at hand. It doesn't matter if the substance isn't pharma and that it's herbal. What matters is you know what made your kidney deteriorate, and knowing that, you can half a better chance of finding the cure you're looking for.

The kidneys have many parts. Do you know which part has a problem? Is it the glomerular capillaries? It is the nephrons? Is it the tubules? What markers can you use to determine which part is likely wrong? I'm not speaking as an expert, and I'm self-treating my hypertensive condition. I see that is kidney related. I also see that it's also cardiovascular-related, and I believe it is plaque that's formed in the glomerular capillaries. I'm not even 50% sure about this, but I think it's better than just treating the kidneys as a black box.

Something tests even mislead. I did a kidney ultrasound and I got excellent results - all negative. I don't trust it though. I think it tells me there's a problem only when the kidneys are already way into an advanced stage of disease. Too late. I don't want to get to that point but I will get to that point if I rely on the false negative of a kidney ultrasound. I'd rather use blood markers which gives me a clearer indication of my kidney health.

I check urine albumin creatinine ratio. I check serum albumin. I may check serum uric acid, and if it's high, I'd want to find out if uric acid is being excreted normally in urine. I may also want a urinalysis just to check my urine specific gravity. i'd also use urine pH strips to take my urine pH during different times of the day. Having a good acid-base balance helps avoid the formation of stones. I'd also like to know the state of my capillaries. The RDW in a CBC gives me an indication of the presence of plaque in the capillaries, which very well limits the filtration rate. I'd also like to know my WBC and neutrophils and lymphocyte values, from the CBC, as it may give me an indication of the presence of low-grade infections that could lead to the gradual accumulation of plaque in the kidney capillaries.

Without knowing what you're dealing with, it is close to useless or even harmful taking in substances that are supposed to be helpful. Think of it as being in a cave and lost. If you have a map that gives you confidence that the direction you're headed is correct, you will have confidence in staying on course. Otherwise, you'll be unsure of every step you're taking and you won't stay on course. You won't get claustrophobic but you'll still end up feeling helpless and maybe just give up.
Feb 26, 2018



Potassium Citrate

Chanca Piedra

Dietary fat around 10% of calories.

Protein cycling, e.g. eat a very low protein breakfast.

Potentially dry fasting can help the kidneys...

Careful with Aspirin, too much can lower the GFR
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
a high dose Artemisia Absinthium cleanse program

I don't think the resins are the problem with that program but rather the massive amount of ROS generated by high dose artemisinin. This is the mechanism of action for this herb against cancer. User @bzmazu can shed more light on this and whether he experienced any kidney issues with artemisinin.


Mar 2, 2019
Dr Michael Hamblin, a photobiomodulation researcher, has stated that red / infrared light seems to help people with kidney failure. These are often sick, elderly people who can’t tolerate transplants. Its one of the only things that seems to help.

IMO anything that helps the blood vessels and circulatory system would be a good place to start.


Jul 13, 2014
Dr. Peat said the main thing that causes kidney degeneration is growth hormone, and growth hormone is secreted most especially by low blood sugar and high acetylcholine, aka parasympathetic dominance and learned helplessness.
Cyproheptadine is both anticholinergic and inhibits growth hormone.

Here's a list of anticholinergics I put together

Diamant / Adamantine
Doxylamin Succinate
Forskolin (also Pro Dopamine)
Glycine (causes acetylcholine to be broken down)
Racetams (piracetam, etc.)
Feb 26, 2018
What is a safe daily amount then?

I started to have kidney related issues around 2 grams a day. I am fine if I stay under 1 gram a day. For a while I was taking several grams daily but I found I got better and longer lasting pain relief by simply taking 650mg aspirin (2 pills) with 4mg supplemental copper.

Prostaglandins serve some role in the kidney, supressing them can lower the GFR, particularly in people who already have poor kidney function. Aspirin can be problematic, but it is not as bad as other NSAIDs.
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I don't think the resins are the problem with that program but rather the massive amount of ROS generated by high dose artemisinin. This is the mechanism of action for this herb against cancer. User @bzmazu can shed more light on this and whether he experienced any kidney issues with artemisinin.
"Artemisia Absinthium cleanse program for example, taking 1600 mg at once every night in capsules." all my research on Art never came across this?! My 200 mg dose is actually a little stronger than what my body weight calls for...have no kidney issues and that has never come up in my research...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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