"Reductive" stress harms cells, mitochondria protect by increasing metabolism


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Finally a study that provide me with some "ammo" during my arguments with people I know who work in the medical profession. A common topic in such arguments is the mainstream medical idea that it is almost impossible to have too much antioxidants and too little oxidation. In fact, to many doctors it is excessive oxidation that we need to guard carefully against as it creates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have a proven role in many chronic conditions. High oxidation (metabolic) rates are also linked to the "rate of living" theory that says that the "faster" you live (metabolize) the shorter your lifespan will be. Of course, the fact that high ROS and high oxidation rate are actually inversely correlated, and the fact that bats - the species with one of the highest metabolic rate per unit of mass - have one of the longest lifespans relative to other species is conveniently ignored (or actively shut down) during such discussions:):

Well, the study below finally brings some much-needed clarity on this confusion and argues directly that accumulation of molecules containing sulfhydryl/thiol (reductant) groups is such a dangerous state for the organism, that higher organisms have developed a specialized mechanism to get rid of thiols promptly. That mechanism is through increased mitochondrial function (oxidation) resulting in higher metabolic rate. This immediately reminded me of another study that came out 3-4 years ago demonstrating that the human organism promptly recognizes as threats a number of environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors in the environment, as soon as it comes into contact with them, and the main pathway through which the organism disposes of such molecular threats is, again, through increased metabolic rate and consequently oxidative destruction of those offending molecules.

So, to a layman like me, it appears that the metabolic rate is a one of the (if not THE) fundamental protective mechanisms higher organisms have evolved in order to deal with virtually any environmental stressor (direct/molecular or indirect/psychological). Thus, it would actually be a good idea if one maintains his/her metabolic rate high rather than low.

Now, another question that arises is what exactly are those thiol containing molecules. Well, while there are probably more than 100 different molecules with such groups present (and used) by the organism, the ones that represent the bulk of the "herd" include albumin, coenzyme A (CoA), reduced glutathione (GSH), cysteine, methionine, etc. However, the thiol groups in albumin and CoA are not free, and as such those two members do not contribute to reductive stress. It is the free/unpaired thiol group that has reducing (electron-donating properties). So, in terms of contributors to reductive stress, we are left with GSH, cysteine and methionine. Both Peat and I have mentioned GSH quite often as it is part of the GSH/GSSG ratio, which is (naturally) a redox indicator. So, a higher ratio is indicative of a shift towards reduction, and the study below now claims that such a shift is perceived as stress by the organism and emergency steps have to be taken to push the body back towards oxidation. I hope this is sufficient evidence that one should not supplement with GSH, which, aside from being absurdly expensive, has now been demonstrated to be detrimental to the organism. I also hope that it is good evidence in favor of keeping the metabolic rate high, which is another way of saying keeping the organism in a relatively oxidized state. Thus, this study also lends credence to other interventions for pushing the body towards oxidation such as taking niacinamide (to raise the NAD/NADH ratio) or oxidizing agents such as quinones (vitamin K, methylene blue, CoQ10, etc), thyroid, and even some steroids (e.g. progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone, DHT, etc) as they can shift all of the major redox indicators towards oxidation (e.g. NAD/NADH ratio, pyruvate/lactate ratio, acetoacetate/beta-hydroxybutyrate, GSSG/GSH ratio, etc). Now, if somebody's blood tests confirm that the total glutathione (GSH+GSSG) pool is low and GSH supplementation is advised by medical staff, then there is a much safer alternative. Simply taking glycine would allow one to synthesize as much GSH as needed, and that approach has been confirmed in several human studies already (including people with HIV). The reason is that GSH is a combination of glycine and cysteine, and there is always an abundance of cysteine in the body/blood. So, glycine (not cysteine) availability is the true limiting factor of glutathione synthesis, and glycine's myriad of other benefits for the body makes it a no-brainer when it comes to handling glutathione deficiencies. That being said, the issue for most people is not a lack of GSH but rather an excess, which causes the "reductive stress" the study below is talking about.

Speaking of cysteine and methionine, I don't think these two amino acids need any introduction to my readers. Both have been confirmed, in numerous animal studies with species spanning the entire taxonomy of complexity from worms to monkeys, to have detrimental effect on the organism when present in excess. In fact, a number of studies on caloric restriction (CR) looking to extend lifespan discovered that the life-extending properties of CR were due to the lower amount of ingested cysteine/methionine (and tryptophan). Ergo, dietary cysteine and/or methionine (and/or tryptophan) restriction has been demonstrated to provide the same extension of lifespan (15%-20%) as CR, but without any restriction in calories. A quick Google search for say "cysteine restriction lifespan" or "methionine restriction lifespan" (no quotes when Googling) would provide a lot of published studies on that topics.

Even in regards to issues concerning day-to-day health, several human studies have demonstrated resolution of obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, etc by restricting dietary methionine intake to NMT 2mg/kg body-weight daily. That means the optimal/healthy methionine daily intake is 20-30 times lower than most people consume on a daily basis. Some of the highest concentrations of methionine are found in grains and muscle meats, while cysteine is mostly found in the latter. Thus, we are once again back to the basic diet of the "Peatarian" - i.e. eating non-starchy foods, with plenty of metabolic boosters in them, while avoiding ingesting things high in reductants (muscle meats, grains, alcohol, etc).

But, as the infomercials say, "wait, there is more!". Apparently, the rate of thiol oxidation controls protein folding and stability. In other words, accumulation of thiol groups can lead to both protein misfolding (think "mad cow" disease), as well as direct decline in the ability to synthesize vital proteins such as insulin. This once again connects the metabolic rate to a number of crucial regulatory processes in the organism that are known to decline with aging, and is now becoming apparent that the well-known decline of the metabolic rate with aging is hardly a coincidence. In other words, aging and disease are the same processes, and both stem from the decline of the metabolic rate that serves as a master conductor of the entire organism with its trillions of cells.

Reductive stress triggers ANAC017-mediated retrograde signaling to safeguard the endoplasmic reticulum by boosting mitochondrial respiratory capacity
Boosted mitochondrial capacity safeguards cells under stress

"...According to a team of plant researchers, mitochondria provide unexpected help for cells in a crisis by respiring away harmful substances. The current study produced by the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants (IBBP) at the University of Münster and the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES) at the University of Bonn has been published in the journal Plant Cell."

"..."The main job that mitochondria have," explains study leader Prof. Markus Schwarzländer from the IBBP at the University of Münster, "is to act as hubs of metabolism. What is surprising now is that evidently they are also able to take care of an excess of reduced sulfur compounds, so-called thiols, which could otherwise lead to damage at other places in the cell." To support this, a special crisis program is triggered, the ANAC017 signaling pathway. "The 'alternative oxidase' protein then ensures there is a higher respiratory capacity in the mitochondria in plants," says Schwarzländer. This process was jointly discovered some years ago by two teams of researchers from Australia and Belgium. What is new now, is the discovery that it can be triggered through reductive stress and can serve to protect protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), i.e. the export system for proteins in the cell."

"...Something that is also new—and unexpected—is that the mitochondria manage to respire away thiols at a high rate. "This contradicts current thinking," Schwarzländer concedes, "which is why we used several different methods in order to be able to validate our observations independently and rule out any possible errors." To this end, the team developed a new method for dynamically investigating the energisation of mitochondria."

"...He adds that the idea of a collaboration between ER and mitochondria during reductive stress came to light just recently through work being done on yeast and animal cells. "What was particularly surprising was the observation that thiols can indeed be respired away at a high rate by mitochondria in plants—either directly or via a kind of 'metabolic bypass' which now needs to be examined." As a result, the mitochondria in the cell acquire a new, unexpected function as the 'patron saints' of protein folding in the ER. According to the researchers, it is regulated by the cell, depending on the cell's requirements."

"...All life consists of cells. All cells need proteins, which have to be folded very precisely to be able to fulfill their function. Proteins which are secreted from animals, fungi and plants—or which contribute to environmental interaction on their surface—have to be stabilized by means of so-called disulfide bridges. One example of this in humans is insulin. In general, though, countless vital receptor and signaling proteins only function with the correct links via disulfide bridges. These are established at a very precise place in the cell, the so-called endoplasmic reticulum (ER). For this purpose, sulfur atoms from each of two thiol groups of the amino-acid cysteine in the interior of the ER are oxidized and linked covalently."

"...If, however, more disulfide bridges are suddenly needed, or if they are broken up by a stress factor or by certain chemical substances, this is problematic for the cell. Wrongly folded proteins can cause extensive damage, even death. It is for this reason that the cell reacts with special crisis programs. These well-examined programs support protein-folding in the interior of the ER—for example, by providing additional capacity in the oxidization machinery. The novel finding in this study is the discovery that, when a crisis arises, the ER receives support from another area of the cell."
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Jan 26, 2017
A place that needs more coconuts and sun
@haidut great find and thank you for posting! This seems to be a great unifying paper showing the importance of oxidative status in disease cases. One question I have is how do electron-withdrawing substances ("cardinal adsorbants" I think Ling calls them) impact the variety of redox ratios? Do they only help with removing extra calcium from the mitochondria and cytoplasm?
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Dec 1, 2021
@haidut good find.

No exactly directly related but have you looked into any of the work done by Dr Inigo San Millan around cancer cell metabolism and mitochondrial health. He seem's to be going against the mainstream's narrative and has been putting more and more out about cancer stemming from damaged or deranged mitochondrial function.

It was his work that lead me to Ray Peat in a round about way, he was saying the people he researches (professional cyclists) have the healthiest or highest functioning mitochondria have almost no instance of cancer and some of the highest carbohydrate intake among all people.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut great find and thank you for posting! This seems to be a great unifying paper showing the importance of oxidative status in diseases cases. One question I have is how do electron-withdrawing substances ("cardinal adsorbants" I think Ling calls them) impact the variety of redox ratios? Do they only help with removing extra calcium from the mitochondria and cytoplasm?

True oxidizing agents can directly oxidize one or more of the reduced components of those ratios. In other words, those oxidizing agents like say menadione (vit. K3) can directly oxidize NADH back to NAD (which raises the NAD/NADH ratio), GSH back into GSSG (which raises the GSSG/GSH ratio), etc.


Sep 15, 2013
This is an awesome study that puts a lot of things into perspective very clearly, aided greatly by your commentary Haidut. Thanks!


Mar 29, 2016
Great great thread and post haidut.

A common topic in such arguments is the mainstream medical idea that it is almost impossible to have too much antioxidants and too little oxidation. In fact, to many doctors it is excessive oxidation that we need to guard carefully against as it creates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have a proven role in many chronic conditions.
It's not only the conventional doctors, but also many naturopaths as well as orthomolecular doctors that has this outmoded thought, as if we are stuck to Linus Pauling's time when vitamin C and all other antioxidants is the answer to everything. It was later on, not sure if it was in the 70s or 80s, that researchers caught on to the idea that oxidants are not all bad. But it's hard to erase the stigma on oxidants and to this day, we have George Wiseman selling hydrogen gas as the best antioxidant with his hydrogen machine, without any qualification, and Thomas Levy saying the same thing on Pat Timpone's One Radio Network. Nothing against vitamin C nor any device that provides us antioxidants, it's just that the way they products are sold they're just devoid of context and nuance. It's like A is bad, and B is good. Popeye good Brutus bad. Loki bad Thor good and so on and so forth. Nothing against Pat Timpone, Thomas Levy, or George Wiseman. Just that consumers have to do their research and think more critically in this mad, mad world.

Both Peat and I have mentioned GSH quite often as it is part of the GSH/GSSG ratio, which is (naturally) a redox indicator. So, a higher ratio is indicative of a shift towards reduction, and the study below now claims that such a shift is perceived as stress by the organism and emergency steps have to be taken to push the body back towards oxidation. I hope this is sufficient evidence that one should not supplement with GSH, which, aside from being absurdly expensive, has now been demonstrated to be detrimental to the organism.
I've always had the impression that the higher the GSH/GSSG ratio the better. Perhaps I read into earlier posts and didn't keep up with later posts and interviews on this matter.

Now, if somebody's blood tests confirm that the total glutathione (GSH+GSSG) pool is low and GSH supplementation is advised by medical staff, then there is a much safer alternative. Simply taking glycine would allow one to synthesize as much GSH as needed, and that approach has been confirmed in several human studies already (including people with HIV). The reason is that GSH is a combination of glycine and cysteine, and there is always an abundance of cysteine in the body/blood. So, glycine (not cysteine) availability is the true limiting factor of glutathione synthesis, and glycine's myriad of other benefits for the body makes it a no-brainer when it comes to handling glutathione deficiencies.
I'm glad I take gelatin from beef tendon daily. This post validates that approach. I've always wondered about why taking glutathione isn't a good idea. Now I know that not only is it a waste of money (as I've read that you want to make internal glutahione, not take "external" glutathione, but I couldn't understand what is meant by internal glutathione and external glutathione), but that it is harmful.

That being said, the issue for most people is not a lack of GSH but rather an excess, which causes the "reductive stress" the study below is talking about.
I had always thought it was excess GSSG though as many people lack glycine in their diet.

Even in regards to issues concerning day-to-day health, several human studies have demonstrated resolution of obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, etc by restricting dietary methionine intake to NMT 2mg/kg body-weight daily. That means the optimal/healthy methionine daily intake is 20-30 times lower than most people consume on a daily basis. Some of the highest concentrations of methionine are found in grains and muscle meats, while cysteine is mostly found in the latter. Thus, we are once again back to the basic diet of the "Peatarian" - i.e. eating non-starchy foods, with plenty of metabolic boosters in them, while avoiding ingesting things high in reductants (muscle meats, grains, alcohol, etc).
Is this the main reason Peat doesn't like starchy foods? It makes sense but often it is framed around persorption isn't it? But glad to hear of this. But given that starch isn't high in protein, with perhaps wheat having the highest protein content, I wonder if it makes much of a difference to avoid starch for this reason. As if I avoid starch, I will have to take table sugar or fruits. On the other hand, I enjoy real Coke.

As a result, the mitochondria in the cell acquire a new, unexpected function as the 'patron saints' of protein folding in the ER. According to the researchers, it is regulated by the cell, depending on the cell's requirements."

"...All life consists of cells. All cells need proteins, which have to be folded very precisely to be able to fulfill their function. Proteins which are secreted from animals, fungi and plants—or which contribute to environmental interaction on their surface—have to be stabilized by means of so-called disulfide bridges. One example of this in humans is insulin. In general, though, countless vital receptor and signaling proteins only function with the correct links via disulfide bridges. These are established at a very precise place in the cell, the so-called endoplasmic reticulum (ER). For this purpose, sulfur atoms from each of two thiol groups of the amino-acid cysteine in the interior of the ER are oxidized and linked covalently."

"...If, however, more disulfide bridges are suddenly needed, or if they are broken up by a stress factor or by certain chemical substances, this is problematic for the cell. Wrongly folded proteins can cause extensive damage, even death. It is for this reason that the cell reacts with special crisis programs. These well-examined programs support protein-folding in the interior of the ER—for example, by providing additional capacity in the oxidization machinery. The novel finding in this study is the discovery that, when a crisis arises, the ER receives support from another area of the cell."
This adds a new wrinkle as I'd thought of disulfide bridges as equivalent to oxidized glutathione and that too much of it leads to protein misfolding, and that has been the thinking, isn't it? The disulfide bridges cause mucus to be thick and when too much disulfide bridges occur due to too much GSSG, this leads to mucus gumming up the airways causing poor gas exchange in the lungs, and this leads to poor external respiration.

However, this shows the other side of the nature of disulfide bridges.

Finding that balance seems to be the answer, although what defines balance is a more difficult question it seems.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Great great thread and post haidut.

It's not only the conventional doctors, but also many naturopaths as well as orthomolecular doctors that has this outmoded thought, as if we are stuck to Linus Pauling's time when vitamin C and all other antioxidants is the answer to everything. It was later on, not sure if it was in the 70s or 80s, that researchers caught on to the idea that oxidants are not all bad. But it's hard to erase the stigma on oxidants and to this day, we have George Wiseman selling hydrogen gas as the best antioxidant with his hydrogen machine, without any qualification, and Thomas Levy saying the same thing on Pat Timpone's One Radio Network. Nothing against vitamin C nor any device that provides us antioxidants, it's just that the way they products are sold they're just devoid of context and nuance. It's like A is bad, and B is good. Popeye good Brutus bad. Loki bad Thor good and so on and so forth. Nothing against Pat Timpone, Thomas Levy, or George Wiseman. Just that consumers have to do their research and think more critically in this mad, mad world.

I've always had the impression that the higher the GSH/GSSG ratio the better. Perhaps I read into earlier posts and didn't keep up with later posts and interviews on this matter.

I'm glad I take gelatin from beef tendon daily. This post validates that approach. I've always wondered about why taking glutathione isn't a good idea. Now I know that not only is it a waste of money (as I've read that you want to make internal glutahione, not take "external" glutathione, but I couldn't understand what is meant by internal glutathione and external glutathione), but that it is harmful.

I had always thought it was excess GSSG though as many people lack glycine in their diet.

Is this the main reason Peat doesn't like starchy foods? It makes sense but often it is framed around persorption isn't it? But glad to hear of this. But given that starch isn't high in protein, with perhaps wheat having the highest protein content, I wonder if it makes much of a difference to avoid starch for this reason. As if I avoid starch, I will have to take table sugar or fruits. On the other hand, I enjoy real Coke.

This adds a new wrinkle as I'd thought of disulfide bridges as equivalent to oxidized glutathione and that too much of it leads to protein misfolding, and that has been the thinking, isn't it? The disulfide bridges cause mucus to be thick and when too much disulfide bridges occur due to too much GSSG, this leads to mucus gumming up the airways causing poor gas exchange in the lungs, and this leads to poor external respiration.

However, this shows the other side of the nature of disulfide bridges.

Finding that balance seems to be the answer, although what defines balance is a more difficult question it seems.

Some of the confusion on the ratios is due to me not explaining properly why I write them in specific way, so apologies for that. The ratio for glutathione commonly used in published literature is GSH/GSSG, which is akin to switching NAD and NADH and having it as the NADH/NAD ratio. So, when written like that, we want those ratios kept on the lower side. If it is written as the oxidized/reduced form ratio then we have GSSG/GSH, NAD/NADH, pyruvate/lactate, etc and written like that we want them higher. The way the ratios are written does not really matter from a factual perspective as long as one pays attention to whether they are in the oxidized/reduced or reduced/oxidized form, and changes the rest of the wording story to say higher ratio (for the former) or lower ratio (for the latter) form is desirable.
I think the article makes an argument that insufficient GSSG (disulfide bridges) is a factor in protein misfolding and insulin synthesis, but I may be reading it wrong. Can you pls provide some links arguing increased disulfide bridge levels are detrimental to health.
In Re: starch - yes, I think the endotoxin/persorption angle is perhaps the main reason Peat advocates against it, but there is also the high phosphate content (combined with low calcium), and the methionine content as well. Oh, there is also the issue with poor protein utilization from grains and the fact that it is incomplete protein (lacks some essential amino acids). Anyways, the more I learn about grains the more they start to look like truly a food that one would eat liberally when there is nothing else available or money is really hard to come by. No wonder the "elite" is pushing us towards a plant-based (mostly legumes) industrial food system (with the occasional bug/worm as a "treat":): - i.e. it is cheap to produce and great at sickening the "plebs".


Apr 17, 2017

NAD+, Reductive Stress and the Magic of Superoxide

Superoxide is not like the other electron carriers. Most electron carriers, such as NADH, need to give their electron to something else before they can accept another. When oxygen gets an electron to become superoxide, it takes two more!! This is the key to escaping reductive stress.

Reductive Stress

Redox biology describes the flow of electrons. Electrons flow from the carbon and hydrogen in fats and carbohydrates to molecular Oxygen – O2. O2 is the “terminal electron acceptor”. The electrons don’t flow along wires, they flow through electron carriers, such as NAD+. When NAD+ absorbs an electron (and a proton, H+, which are readily available in solution), it becomes NADH.

Things that gain electrons are reduced and things that lose electrons are oxidized. You can remember this with the mnemonic OILRIG, which means Oxidation Is Losing, Reduction Is Gaining with respect to electrons.

NADH is the reduced form of NAD and NAD+ is the oxidized form. Fat, glucose and ethanol are all converted to acetyl-CoA before entering the citric acid cycle. Each turn of the citric acid cycle requires three oxidized NAD molecules – NAD+. The less NAD+ is within the mitochondria, the slower the citric acid cycle can proceed and the slower your metabolism can run.

Mitochondria with a relatively high ratio of the reduced NADH to the oxidized NAD+ are said to have “reductive stress”. Metabolism cannot proceed efficiently because there are not enough available electron carriers.

The classic way that NADH becomes oxidized back to NAD+ is by handing it’s electrons to Complex 1 of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Whenever a redox reaction happens between two molecules, one is reduced and the other is oxidized. So in this reaction Complex 1 is reduced. Remember that Reduction Is Gaining and it gained the electron that NADH lost. Oxidation Is Losing.

Biology has a bunch of “redox couples”, which is what NAD+ and NADH are collectively called. Others include FAD and FADH2; glutathione, which cycles between oxidized (GSSH) and reduced (GSH); and lipoic acid, which cycles back and forth between lipoic acid (oxidized) and dihydrolipoic acid (reduced). The only way for one of these that is reduced to become oxidized is for it to reduce something else. You have to have someone to hand the electron to.

Why do cells get reductive stress?

The electron transport chain works by pumping protons across the inner membrane to create a voltage gradient. The protons flow back through Complex V, releasing energy that is used to convert ADP to ATP. When energy levels are high – which can be from high blood glucose after a meal or high levels of free fatty acids while fasting; when energy demand is low – perusing Facebook or reading this blog; the ADP becomes converted to ATP, slowing the flow of protons through Complex V. The voltage gradient across the membrane becomes higher. It becomes harder for NADH to hand it’s electrons to Complex I, which has to push harder to pump protons. NADH levels build up and NAD+ levels drop.

At this point acetyl-CoA levels begin to climb, starting a feedback loop that slows down fat oxidation by inhibiting CPT1, the rate limiting enzyme in beta-oxidation.

This is reductive stress and the outcome is fat buildup.


Let’s say that you’re from a starch eating culture. You have very saturated body fat. It’s morning time and you are starting to make breakfast. It’s harvest season, food is plentiful, you’ve been feasting and packed on a few lbs. Your leptin levels have increased and so AMPK is phosphorylated and your body fat is being rapidly oxidized. Energy demands are low since you’re only casually getting breakfast together. Do you rapidly hit a state of reductive stress since free fatty acids are plentiful, AMPK is activated (fat is being burned quickly) and activity levels are low? Where will the electrons flow to? What is the source of NAD+?

The reduced electron carriers – NADH and FADH2 – have to push electrons onto the electron transport chain. If ATP levels are high and the proton gradient is high this process will proceed slowly. This is the very situation in which superoxide will be maximally generated – low insulin (you’re fasted), high proton gradient, activated AMPK, saturated fat.

When the proton gradient is high and saturated fat is being oxidized quickly, succinate dehydrogenase activity is maximal. Succinate dehydrogenase is the prime driver of mitochondrial ROS production. The electrons entering the chain through succinate dehydrogenase move backwards through Complex I and “ping” out through a process called reverse electron transport (RET). These electrons form superoxide.

Superoxide is a reduced electron carrier. It is O2–, an oxygen that has absorbed an extra electron. Reduction Is Gaining (electrons). Who does it hand its electron to?

Unsaturated fat causes reductive stress

The starch eating human will have a relatively high metabolic rate due to mitochondrial superoxide generation. The superoxide will regenerate NAD+ and keep things humming. The Tsimane farmer-foragers, who live on manioc and sorghum, are an example of this.3

Unsaturated fats reduce mitochondrial superoxide production by reducing succinate dehydrogenase activity. In the lab we can cause obesity in mice by giving them a high fat diet composed mostly of high-PUFA, corn fed lard spiked with a little soybean oil.

Antioxidants Cause Reductive Stress

Oxidants are electron takers. Anti-oxidants are the opposite: electron donors. OILRIG: Oxidation Is Losing, Reduction Is Gaining.

Oxidative stress can be defined as having too high of a percentage of intracellular “redox couples” in the oxidized state. Glutathione, for instance, is the body’s “master antioxidant”. It can live as either the reduced version (GSH) or the oxidized version (GSSG). When the percentage of GSSG is too high we say the cell has oxidative stress.

Reductive stress is the opposite of oxidative stress and is often characterized by the redox couple NAD+/NADH. The NAD+ is the oxidized form and is lacking an electron (Oxidation Is Losing and hence the positive charge). The NADH form has gained an electron and is the reduced form (Reduction Is Gaining).

If a problem in obesity is reductive stress as defined by a low NAD+/NADH ratio, we can rephrase that as “there are too many electrons”. Much of popular thinking around obesity has been that we could help it with antioxidants, which are electron donors. This is akin to saying, “The baby is drowning, add more bathwater.”

The Antioxidant NAC Acutely Lowers NAD+/NADH Ratio and Metabolic Rate

I’ve argued that a crucial mitochondrial pathway that regenerates NAD+, allowing for an efficient metabolism, is Glutathione-NNT. Glutathione converts Hydrogen Peroxide (ROS) back to water, becoming oxidized in the process. Glutathione reductase uses a molecule of NADPH to reduce the glutathione, creating a molecule of NADP+, which is used to regenerate NAD+ by the enzyme NNT.

If an exogenous antioxidant is applied, this pathway is short circuited and metabolism slows. The more antioxidant you add, the slower will be the metabolic rate.1

In addition to the acute depressive effect on NAD+ level and metabolic rate, the NAC also increases ROS production. The exact mechanism of the increase in ROS is unclear, but a couple possibilities are a) increased Nox4 (the mitochondrial NADPH oxidase) activity due to high levels of NADPH, b) reduced levels of glutathione reductase due to high levels of its end product glutathione or c) reduced NNT activity due to low levels of NAD+ and acetylation by inactivation of SIRT3. Whatever the mechanism is, reductive stress causes elevated levels of ROS.

Readers of the blog might be thinking, “I thought ROS was a good thing.” And it is when it is being efficiently removed by the glutathione-NNT pathway. Cellular levels of ROS are determined by their rate of production minus their rate of removal. Reductive stress creates a removal problem.

This is, in fact, why I recommend supplementing with lipoic acid in addition to Succinade. The lipoic acid is to convert some NADH to NAD+ to get things deacetylated and electron flow moving. The Succinade is to generate some more ROS to help balance out your mostly unsaturated body fat which is probably what gave you the reductive stress in the first place. I’ve been taking lipoic acid first thing in the morning then following with Succinade two hours later.

Antioxidants Prevent Adrenal Driven Thermogensis

In the second paper2, mice were given an adrenal hormone mimic (CL316,246) for ten days. One group was given normal water and the other was given NAC in their drinking water for three days before and the ten days during adrenal stimulation. The mice given water only had massively increased mitochondrial content and lowered fat content in their white adipose tissue compared to the mice given NAC.

NAC prevented an increase in mitochondrial formation in white adipose tissue of mice due to adrenal stimulation. The left image shows mice stimulated with an adreanl mimc (CL316,246) for 10 days. The green is mitochondria and the purple is fat. The image on the right shows the same situation except the mice were given NAC in their drinking water. Notice much less mitochondria and more fat than the left image.

Again the antioxidant leads to a buildup of ROS. In tissue culture there is increased lactate export – a marker of reductive stress – at the same time as increased markers of oxidative stress. Antioxidants cause reductive stress which causes oxidative stress.

This pro-oxidant effect of antioxidants was, even in the absence of 3-AR stimulation (adrenal mimic), associated with decreased oxygen consumption and increased lactate production in adipocytes. We observed similar antioxidant effects in WT mice: NAC blunted 3-AR stimulation–induced browning of white adipose tissue and reduced mitochondrial activity in brown adipose tissue even in the absence of 3-AR stimulation. NAC … increased mitochondrial oxidative stress. … chronic antioxidant supplementation can produce a paradoxical increase in oxidative stress associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in adipocytes.
Peris & Asterholm, “Antioxidant treatment induces reductive stress associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in adipocytes”

Vitamin E And Soybean Oil

The second paper2 showed a similar effect to NAC on metabolic rate using Vitamin E – an antioxidant.

Oxygen Consumption Rate is diminished by NAC or Vitamin E.

Did you know that the single most potent dietary source of gamma-tocopherol – a form of vitamin E – is soybean oil? If you wanted to give yourself reductive stress, consuming a food which contains a lot of PUFA to minimize ROS generation combined with a potent antioxidant to reduce glutathione reductase and/or SIRT3 activity would presumably be an excellent way to get there.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Antioxidants cause reductive stress which causes oxidative stress.

Yep, very true.

Though, vitamin E/C work more like "structural" antioxidants and are not nearly as dangerous as NAC. The latter has direct inhibitor effects on several of the Krebs cycle steps and possible Complex IV of the electron transport chain.


Aug 17, 2016
Some of the confusion on the ratios is due to me not explaining properly why I write them in specific way, so apologies for that. The ratio for glutathione commonly used in published literature is GSH/GSSG, which is akin to switching NAD and NADH and having it as the NADH/NAD ratio. So, when written like that, we want those ratios kept on the lower side. If it is written as the oxidized/reduced form ratio then we have GSSG/GSH, NAD/NADH, pyruvate/lactate, etc and written like that we want them higher. The way the ratios are written does not really matter from a factual perspective as long as one pays attention to whether they are in the oxidized/reduced or reduced/oxidized form, and changes the rest of the wording story to say higher ratio (for the former) or lower ratio (for the latter) form is desirable.
I think the article makes an argument that insufficient GSSG (disulfide bridges) is a factor in protein misfolding and insulin synthesis, but I may be reading it wrong. Can you pls provide some links arguing increased disulfide bridge levels are detrimental to health.
In Re: starch - yes, I think the endotoxin/persorption angle is perhaps the main reason Peat advocates against it, but there is also the high phosphate content (combined with low calcium), and the methionine content as well. Oh, there is also the issue with poor protein utilization from grains and the fact that it is incomplete protein (lacks some essential amino acids). Anyways, the more I learn about grains the more they start to look like truly a food that one would eat liberally when there is nothing else available or money is really hard to come by. No wonder the "elite" is pushing us towards a plant-based (mostly legumes) industrial food system (with the occasional bug/worm as a "treat":): - i.e. it is cheap to produce and great at sickening the "plebs".
pushing us towards a plant-based (mostly legumes) industrial food system (with the occasional bug/worm as a "treat":): - i.e. it is cheap to produce and great at sickening the "plebs".
but glued together with gums (at best).


Sep 27, 2018
Do you think it's better to have low total glutathione? Or is it only the ratio that matters?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Now, another question that arises is what exactly are those thiol containing molecules. Well, while there are probably more than 100 different molecules with such groups present (and used) by the organism, the ones that represent the bulk of the "herd" include albumin, coenzyme A (CoA), reduced glutathione (GSH), cysteine, methionine, etc. However, the thiol groups in albumin and CoA are not free, and as such those two members do not contribute to reductive stress. It is the free/unpaired thiol group that has reducing (electron-donating properties). So, in terms of contributors to reductive stress, we are left with GSH, cysteine and methionine. Both Peat and I have mentioned GSH quite often as it is part of the GSH/GSSG ratio, which is (naturally) a redox indicator. So, a higher ratio is indicative of a shift towards reduction, and the study below now claims that such a shift is perceived as stress by the organism and emergency steps have to be taken to push the body back towards oxidation. I hope this is sufficient evidence that one should not supplement with GSH, which, aside from being absurdly expensive, has now been demonstrated to be detrimental to the organism. I also hope that it is good evidence in favor of keeping the metabolic rate high, which is another way of saying keeping the organism in a relatively oxidized state. Thus, this study also lends credence to other interventions for pushing the body towards oxidation such as taking niacinamide (to raise the NAD/NADH ratio) or oxidizing agents such as quinones (vitamin K, methylene blue, CoQ10, etc), thyroid, and even some steroids (e.g. progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone, DHT, etc) as they can shift all of the major redox indicators towards oxidation (e.g. NAD/NADH ratio, pyruvate/lactate ratio, acetoacetate/beta-hydroxybutyrate, GSSG/GSH ratio, etc). Now, if somebody's blood tests confirm that the total glutathione (GSH+GSSG) pool is low and GSH supplementation is advised by medical staff, then there is a much safer alternative. Simply taking glycine would allow one to synthesize as much GSH as needed, and that approach has been confirmed in several human studies already (including people with HIV). The reason is that GSH is a combination of glycine and cysteine, and there is always an abundance of cysteine in the body/blood. So, glycine (not cysteine) availability is the true limiting factor of glutathione synthesis, and glycine's myriad of other benefits for the body makes it a no-brainer when it comes to handling glutathione deficiencies. That being said, the issue for most people is not a lack of GSH but rather an excess, which causes the "reductive stress" the study below is talking about.
Jorge, you could patent this method of seeking 'redox couples' and promoting the oxidized one.

"In cells, thiols are present at millimolar concentrations and highly reduced. The total glutathione concentration is 2–17 mM [6] and the percentage of reduced glutathione is 91% for whole cells [7]. Specifically in the cytosolic compartment, glutathione is even more reduced, with recent evaluations yielding values of~99.97% [8,9]. Protein thiols are more abundant than glutathione (10–50 mM) [6]. They are~90% reduced and they represent ~70% of the total pool of reduced thiols [7]. Two important thiol/disulfide networks are represented in cells by glutathione, glutaredoxin, and glutathione reductase, and by thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase. Intracellular thiols are ultimately kept reduced mainly by the action of NADPH.

In contrast, in the extracellular environment, and particularly in the plasma compartment, thiols are more oxidized and at much lower concentrations. As shown in Table 1, total reduced thiols in plasma add up to ~0.4–0.6 mM. Within this group, low molecular weight reduced thiols are represented by cysteine, cysteinylglycine, glutathione, homocysteine, and γ-glutamylcysteine, which together constitute only 12–20 μM. Remarkably, total glutathione is ~6 μM and~55% reduced. For the other low molecular weight thiols, the percentage reduced with respect to total is ~4% for cysteine, 9% for cysteinylglycine, 3% for homocysteine, and 1% for γ-glutamylcysteine. The most abundant thiol in plasma is HSA [Health Savings Account] (~0.6 mM) and is mostly reduced (~75%)."

Regarding glutathione synthesis, I would prioritize glycine as well based on safety, but to claim that it's the true limiting factor is a stretch. How is it feasible to increase glutathine pool by taking extra (acetyl)cysteine if glycine availability was the blockage? And what about the positive effects that follow?

Even in regards to issues concerning day-to-day health, several human studies have demonstrated resolution of obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, etc by restricting dietary methionine intake to NMT 2mg/kg body-weight daily. That means the optimal/healthy methionine daily intake is 20-30 times lower than most people consume on a daily basis. Some of the highest concentrations of methionine are found in grains and muscle meats, while cysteine is mostly found in the latter. Thus, we are once again back to the basic diet of the "Peatarian" - i.e. eating non-starchy foods, with plenty of metabolic boosters in them, while avoiding ingesting things high in reductants (muscle meats, grains, alcohol, etc).
You continue to run around with this number despite what was discussed about it! It would take a ritual to expel it at this point.

A typical daily urinary loss of bulline/taurine is 150-200 mg/d, ignoring other losses, how would it be viable to replenish it to maintain balance consuming that little foulium/sulfur? Even healthy persons respond fairly well to additional bulline provided that it's tolerated at the gut level, raising the possibility of suboptimal status. Consider someone that wastes foulium at an extreme rate not only as bulline, but also as foulate/sulfate. Treating the cause is easier said than done, how to proceed in the meantime? Bulline and foulate are derived for the most part from the toxic amino acids (rather than directly from diet), likely lowering their availability in the process. Supplementation of bulline and foulate alleviate the issue, but a complete and sustainable response is often achieved only if the parent molecules are covered.

In Re: starch - yes, I think the endotoxin/persorption angle is perhaps the main reason Peat advocates against it, but there is also the high phosphate content (combined with low calcium), and the methionine content as well. Oh, there is also the issue with poor protein utilization from grains and the fact that it is incomplete protein (lacks some essential amino acids). Anyways, the more I learn about grains the more they start to look like truly a food that one would eat liberally when there is nothing else available or money is really hard to come by. No wonder the "elite" is pushing us towards a plant-based (mostly legumes) industrial food system (with the occasional bug/worm as a "treat":): - i.e. it is cheap to produce and great at sickening the "plebs".
It can be that the elite pushes a plant-based diet because they know what pasture is best for us. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and see nothing but a well-formed sheep.

The starch plug was unnecessary and I wouldn't go down the road of arguing against such diet from the amino acid angle because it's shooting yourself in the "foot". Example:


Meals will help to equilibrate amino acids while the difficulty in exceeding consumption of protein remains, something that's easy to do with meats. Compare the amount of morthionine in a dish with and without beef.

"It is commonly, although mistakenly, thought that the amino acid intake may be inadequate in vegetarian diets. As we and others have argued, the amounts and proportions of amino acids consumed by vegetarians and vegans are typically more than sufficient to meet and exceed individual daily requirements, provided a reasonable variety of foods are consumed and energy intake needs are being met. The claim that certain plant foods are “missing” specific amino acids is demonstrably false. All plant foods contain all 20 amino acids, including the 9 indispensable amino acids [33]. Importantly, rather than “missing” indispensable amino acids, a more accurate statement would be that the amino acid distribution profile is less optimal in plant foods than in animal foods. Lysine is present in much lower than optimal proportions for human needs in grains, and similarly the sulfur containing amino acids (methionine and cysteine) are proportionally very slightly lower in legumes than would be optimal for human needs. This would be important for someone who ate only rice or only beans, for sustenance, every day. This classic implementation of a protein quality assessment framework focusing on isolated single proteins remains an erroneous approach in practice [36,37]. The terms “complete” and “incomplete” are misleading [33,38]. In developed countries, plant proteins are mixed, especially in vegetarian diets, and total intake of protein tends to greatly exceed requirement. This results in intakes of all 20 amino acids that are more than sufficient to cover requirements. In the EPIC-Oxford study, amino acid intakes were estimated in both meat-eaters and vegetarians [24]. For the lacto-ovo-vegetarian and vegans assessed, based on an average body weight of 65 kg, we calculated that lysine intakes were 58 and 43 mg/kg, respectively, largely higher than the 30 mg/kg estimated average requirement [39]. An insufficient intake of lysine is not therefore expected in these populations. Granted, inadequate lysine could be more likely in vegans, where a very high proportion of their protein intake comes from cereals only. However, even when eating a plant-based diet of limited variety, significant amounts of total protein can be achieved from a high intake of low-protein foods such as vegetables and fruits [11]."

"Another factor to consider is differential rates of protein digestibility that impact amino acid availability, often considered as being poorer for plant proteins. This remains a matter of debate. There is very little evidence at present regarding a marked difference in protein digestibility in humans. The more precise data collected so far in humans, assessing real (specific) oro-ileal nitrogen digestibility, has shown that the differences in the digestibility between plant and animal protein sources are only a few percent, contrary to historical findings in rats or determinations using less precise methods in humans [37]. For soy protein isolate, pea protein flour or isolate, wheat flour and lupine flour, the figures were 89–92%, similar to those found for eggs (91%) or meat (90–94%), and slightly lower than those reported for milk protein (95%). It is important to note that most of the plant proteins studied came from raw, untreated (unheated, or minimally heated) sources, and some were ingested in complex food matrices such as (unheated) flour [37], i.e., in the worst conditions for plant protein because of the presence of trypsin inhibitors and the poor enzyme accessibility of some native proteins. While further research may be warranted to explore possible variations in the bioavailability of some specific amino acids, the body of evidence so far does not show a difference large enough to result in risk of insufficient amino acid absorption for vegetarian and plant-based diets."

"Finally, if the proportions of specific amino acid intakes from vegetarian diets are inadequate for meeting total protein requirements at the reported RDA levels of 0.8 g/kg body weight, then there would need to be a separate, higher, total protein RDA for vegetarians. This case is, however, at variance with the results of the data that have been used to directly estimate protein requirements. In a meta-regression of nitrogen balance studies in humans, Rand and colleagues [40] examined the protein sources in three separate groups: animal, vegetable, and mixed. They found no differences in the slope or the intercept for nitrogen balance in these three subgroups, suggesting that total protein requirement is similar with plant-based or animal-based diets [39,40]. When interpreting this analysis, however, it is important to note that the “vegetable” diets included mixtures of plant proteins (cereals and legumes) or good quality soy protein; there were no rice-only, or bean-only diets. Therefore, the evidence suggests a similar total protein requirement to those following western vegetarian diets in general [41] or diets rich in both cereals and legumes [42]. Overall, when diets are at least slightly varied, suggestions that vegetarians to be sure to achieve a higher total protein intake than the RDA, or to pay strict attention to choosing plant foods with complementary amino acid patterns are simply over-precautious."


Mar 29, 2016
Some of the confusion on the ratios is due to me not explaining properly why I write them in specific way, so apologies for that. The ratio for glutathione commonly used in published literature is GSH/GSSG, which is akin to switching NAD and NADH and having it as the NADH/NAD ratio. So, when written like that, we want those ratios kept on the lower side. If it is written as the oxidized/reduced form ratio then we have GSSG/GSH, NAD/NADH, pyruvate/lactate, etc and written like that we want them higher. The way the ratios are written does not really matter from a factual perspective as long as one pays attention to whether they are in the oxidized/reduced or reduced/oxidized form, and changes the rest of the wording story to say higher ratio (for the former) or lower ratio (for the latter) form is desirable.
I think you were clear as day and it's more the case that I have unsettled questions on my understanding of these ratios, as I fail to tie together the incongruity of my understanding of the GSH/GSSG ratio to our understanding of the NAD/NADH ratio. I just wasn't sure if the need to maintain a higher NAD/NADH ratio for optimal mitochondrial respiration necessarily means that we have to maintain a high GSSG/GSH, or low GSH/GSSG ratio. It may be just that the energy production process is favored by a high NAD/NADH ratio, and that the protection of our tissues from oxidative stresses is favored by a high GSH/GSSG ratio. Maybe each of these ratios don't exist in their own individual islands, but impact each other in some way and level.

I think the article makes an argument that insufficient GSSG (disulfide bridges) is a factor in protein misfolding and insulin synthesis, but I may be reading it wrong. Can you pls provide some links arguing increased disulfide bridge levels are detrimental to health.
The 6th video is where CMJ discusses glutathione. This is where I picked up what my current understanding of GSH, GSSG, and the disulfide bridges:

In Re: starch - yes, I think the endotoxin/persorption angle is perhaps the main reason Peat advocates against it, but there is also the high phosphate content (combined with low calcium), and the methionine content as well. Oh, there is also the issue with poor protein utilization from grains and the fact that it is incomplete protein (lacks some essential amino acids). Anyways, the more I learn about grains the more they start to look like truly a food that one would eat liberally when there is nothing else available or money is really hard to come by.
Among starches, grains are probably better avoided and root starches may be better, although I admit that it's hard to wean me away from eating rice as my main sugar source. It is odd that I've now come full circle and have long come back to eating white rice. I ate brown rice for a long time, 16 years, grudgingly out of a need to manage better my hypoglycemia because the fiber content helps a lot. But after going cold turkey (and continuing to do so) from PUFA, my hypoglycemic condition is gone and I went back to white rice. Since it has no fiber, less endotoxin is produced as well. If eating brown rice that leads to persorption issues, then that issue is gone as well. Brown rice also gets to be moldy, and cannot be stored at room temperature for long before mold grows on the fiber content. It's ironic that the "bad" rice is really the good rice, especially when there is no blood sugar issues to deal with.

Among the major grains, rice to me is the safest. Corn is all GMO, and wheat's gluten issues seem to be a matter of human's development of new versions, even without the aid of GMO. However, the Einkorn, said to be the oldest wheat variety, doesn't have gluten problems. The protein content in wheat being higher can be seen as a positive, although it would increase the methionine and cysteine intake for those who eat wheat products as a staple.

I read once that the reason grains are popular is because rulers can determine how much a farmer grows because the crop can be seen easily, as it is above ground. This way, the ruler knows how much to tax a farmer as the yield of a harvest can be easily estimated. Root crops such as potato, sweet potato, yucca, yam and other tubers are harder to tax. So root crops have been disfavored, even though it's said that the caloric production from root crops are higher than grain crops.

Grain or root starch notwithstanding, there's enough choice for us to choose the starch that works well with us as our carbs. A paleo diet rich on fruits isn't for everybody as fruits are expensive and not as affordable.

I'm of the opinion that if one doesn't eat too much lean meat, and shifts the amount of methionine and cysteine lost that way in the diet, towards glycine-rich parts of the livestock, he can reduce more his methionine and cysteine intake in a more significant way than in cutting back on starches. But that takes some adjustment, as habits and lifestyles we grow up in are hard to overcome.


Mar 29, 2016
The second paper2 showed a similar effect to NAC on metabolic rate using Vitamin E – an antioxidant.

Did you know that the single most potent dietary source of gamma-tocopherol – a form of vitamin E – is soybean oil? If you wanted to give yourself reductive stress, consuming a food which contains a lot of PUFA to minimize ROS generation combined with a potent antioxidant to reduce glutathione reductase and/or SIRT3 activity would presumably be an excellent way to get there.
The study referred to here is guilty of not stating adequately what kind of vitamin E it used. This is intentionally misleading.


Mar 29, 2016
The study must be written by a professional ghost writer for pharma to malign gamma-tocopherol.

Soya oil that we buy is already devoid of Vitamin E because it's been processed out.

You would have to buy gamma-tocopherol as a supplement. And gamma-tocopherol prevents arterial plaque to be formed from oxidized cholesterol, as well as lyse oxidized cholesterol from plaque that has already formed.

Nice hit job on gamma-tocopherol from probably the same people who promote tocotrienol as superior to natural tocopherol.

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt is their name of the game.

As their unstated and.covert mission statement is to make people very unhealthy and highly profitable.
Mar 24, 2018
Finally a study that provide me with some "ammo" during my arguments with people I know who work in the medical profession. A common topic in such arguments is the mainstream medical idea that it is almost impossible to have too much antioxidants and too little oxidation. In fact, to many doctors it is excessive oxidation that we need to guard carefully against as it creates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have a proven role in many chronic conditions. High oxidation (metabolic) rates are also linked to the "rate of living" theory that says that the "faster" you live (metabolize) the shorter your lifespan will be. Of course, the fact that high ROS and high oxidation rate are actually inversely correlated, and the fact that bats - the species with one of the highest metabolic rate per unit of mass - have one of the longest lifespans relative to other species is conveniently ignored (or actively shut down) during such discussions:):

Well, the study below finally brings some much-needed clarity on this confusion and argues directly that accumulation of molecules containing sulfhydryl/thiol (reductant) groups is such a dangerous state for the organism, that higher organisms have developed a specialized mechanism to get rid of thiols promptly. That mechanism is through increased mitochondrial function (oxidation) resulting in higher metabolic rate. This immediately reminded me of another study that came out 3-4 years ago demonstrating that the human organism promptly recognizes as threats a number of environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors in the environment, as soon as it comes into contact with them, and the main pathway through which the organism disposes of such molecular threats is, again, through increased metabolic rate and consequently oxidative destruction of those offending molecules.

So, to a layman like me, it appears that the metabolic rate is a one of the (if not THE) fundamental protective mechanisms higher organisms have evolved in order to deal with virtually any environmental stressor (direct/molecular or indirect/psychological). Thus, it would actually be a good idea if one maintains his/her metabolic rate high rather than low.

Now, another question that arises is what exactly are those thiol containing molecules. Well, while there are probably more than 100 different molecules with such groups present (and used) by the organism, the ones that represent the bulk of the "herd" include albumin, coenzyme A (CoA), reduced glutathione (GSH), cysteine, methionine, etc. However, the thiol groups in albumin and CoA are not free, and as such those two members do not contribute to reductive stress. It is the free/unpaired thiol group that has reducing (electron-donating properties). So, in terms of contributors to reductive stress, we are left with GSH, cysteine and methionine. Both Peat and I have mentioned GSH quite often as it is part of the GSH/GSSG ratio, which is (naturally) a redox indicator. So, a higher ratio is indicative of a shift towards reduction, and the study below now claims that such a shift is perceived as stress by the organism and emergency steps have to be taken to push the body back towards oxidation. I hope this is sufficient evidence that one should not supplement with GSH, which, aside from being absurdly expensive, has now been demonstrated to be detrimental to the organism. I also hope that it is good evidence in favor of keeping the metabolic rate high, which is another way of saying keeping the organism in a relatively oxidized state. Thus, this study also lends credence to other interventions for pushing the body towards oxidation such as taking niacinamide (to raise the NAD/NADH ratio) or oxidizing agents such as quinones (vitamin K, methylene blue, CoQ10, etc), thyroid, and even some steroids (e.g. progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone, DHT, etc) as they can shift all of the major redox indicators towards oxidation (e.g. NAD/NADH ratio, pyruvate/lactate ratio, acetoacetate/beta-hydroxybutyrate, GSSG/GSH ratio, etc). Now, if somebody's blood tests confirm that the total glutathione (GSH+GSSG) pool is low and GSH supplementation is advised by medical staff, then there is a much safer alternative. Simply taking glycine would allow one to synthesize as much GSH as needed, and that approach has been confirmed in several human studies already (including people with HIV). The reason is that GSH is a combination of glycine and cysteine, and there is always an abundance of cysteine in the body/blood. So, glycine (not cysteine) availability is the true limiting factor of glutathione synthesis, and glycine's myriad of other benefits for the body makes it a no-brainer when it comes to handling glutathione deficiencies. That being said, the issue for most people is not a lack of GSH but rather an excess, which causes the "reductive stress" the study below is talking about.

Speaking of cysteine and methionine, I don't think these two amino acids need any introduction to my readers. Both have been confirmed, in numerous animal studies with species spanning the entire taxonomy of complexity from worms to monkeys, to have detrimental effect on the organism when present in excess. In fact, a number of studies on caloric restriction (CR) looking to extend lifespan discovered that the life-extending properties of CR were due to the lower amount of ingested cysteine/methionine (and tryptophan). Ergo, dietary cysteine and/or methionine (and/or tryptophan) restriction has been demonstrated to provide the same extension of lifespan (15%-20%) as CR, but without any restriction in calories. A quick Google search for say "cysteine restriction lifespan" or "methionine restriction lifespan" (no quotes when Googling) would provide a lot of published studies on that topics.

Even in regards to issues concerning day-to-day health, several human studies have demonstrated resolution of obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, etc by restricting dietary methionine intake to NMT 2mg/kg body-weight daily. That means the optimal/healthy methionine daily intake is 20-30 times lower than most people consume on a daily basis. Some of the highest concentrations of methionine are found in grains and muscle meats, while cysteine is mostly found in the latter. Thus, we are once again back to the basic diet of the "Peatarian" - i.e. eating non-starchy foods, with plenty of metabolic boosters in them, while avoiding ingesting things high in reductants (muscle meats, grains, alcohol, etc).

But, as the infomercials say, "wait, there is more!". Apparently, the rate of thiol oxidation controls protein folding and stability. In other words, accumulation of thiol groups can lead to both protein misfolding (think "mad cow" disease), as well as direct decline in the ability to synthesize vital proteins such as insulin. This once again connects the metabolic rate to a number of crucial regulatory processes in the organism that are known to decline with aging, and is now becoming apparent that the well-known decline of the metabolic rate with aging is hardly a coincidence. In other words, aging and disease are the same processes, and both stem from the decline of the metabolic rate that serves as a master conductor of the entire organism with its trillions of cells.

Reductive stress triggers ANAC017-mediated retrograde signaling to safeguard the endoplasmic reticulum by boosting mitochondrial respiratory capacity
Boosted mitochondrial capacity safeguards cells under stress

"...According to a team of plant researchers, mitochondria provide unexpected help for cells in a crisis by respiring away harmful substances. The current study produced by the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants (IBBP) at the University of Münster and the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES) at the University of Bonn has been published in the journal Plant Cell."

"..."The main job that mitochondria have," explains study leader Prof. Markus Schwarzländer from the IBBP at the University of Münster, "is to act as hubs of metabolism. What is surprising now is that evidently they are also able to take care of an excess of reduced sulfur compounds, so-called thiols, which could otherwise lead to damage at other places in the cell." To support this, a special crisis program is triggered, the ANAC017 signaling pathway. "The 'alternative oxidase' protein then ensures there is a higher respiratory capacity in the mitochondria in plants," says Schwarzländer. This process was jointly discovered some years ago by two teams of researchers from Australia and Belgium. What is new now, is the discovery that it can be triggered through reductive stress and can serve to protect protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), i.e. the export system for proteins in the cell."

"...Something that is also new—and unexpected—is that the mitochondria manage to respire away thiols at a high rate. "This contradicts current thinking," Schwarzländer concedes, "which is why we used several different methods in order to be able to validate our observations independently and rule out any possible errors." To this end, the team developed a new method for dynamically investigating the energisation of mitochondria."

"...He adds that the idea of a collaboration between ER and mitochondria during reductive stress came to light just recently through work being done on yeast and animal cells. "What was particularly surprising was the observation that thiols can indeed be respired away at a high rate by mitochondria in plants—either directly or via a kind of 'metabolic bypass' which now needs to be examined." As a result, the mitochondria in the cell acquire a new, unexpected function as the 'patron saints' of protein folding in the ER. According to the researchers, it is regulated by the cell, depending on the cell's requirements."

"... Tutta la vita è costituita da cellule . Tutte le cellule hanno bisogno di proteine, che devono essere piegate in modo molto preciso per essere in grado di svolgere la loro funzione . Proteine che sono secrete da animali, funghi e piante o che contribuiscono all'interazione ambientale sulla loro superficie — devono essere stabilizzati mediante i cosiddetti ponti disolfuro . Un esempio di questo nell'uomo è l'insulina . In generale, tuttavia, innumerevoli recettori vitali e proteine di segnalazione funzionano solo con i collegamenti corretti tramite ponti disolfuro. Questi sono stabiliti in un momento molto posto preciso nella cellula, il cosiddetto reticolo endoplasmatico(ER). A tale scopo, gli atomi di zolfo di ciascuno dei due gruppi tiolici dell'amminoacido cisteina all'interno dell'ER vengono ossidati e legati in modo covalente".

"... Se, tuttavia, sono improvvisamente necessari più ponti disolfuro, o se vengono rotti da un fattore di stress o da determinate sostanze chimiche, questo è problematico per la cellula. Le proteine ripiegate in modo errato possono causare danni estesi, persino la morte . è per questo motivo che la cellula reagisce con speciali programmi di crisi. Questi programmi ben esaminati supportano il ripiegamento delle proteine all'interno del pronto soccorso, ad esempio fornendo capacità aggiuntiva nel meccanismo di ossidazione. La nuova scoperta di questo studio è la scoperta che, quando si verifica una crisi, il pronto soccorso riceve supporto da un'altra area della cellula".

Finally a study that provide me with some "ammo" during my arguments with people I know who work in the medical profession. A common topic in such arguments is the mainstream medical idea that it is almost impossible to have too much antioxidants and too little oxidation. In fact, to many doctors it is excessive oxidation that we need to guard carefully against as it creates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have a proven role in many chronic conditions. High oxidation (metabolic) rates are also linked to the "rate of living" theory that says that the "faster" you live (metabolize) the shorter your lifespan will be. Of course, the fact that high ROS and high oxidation rate are actually inversely correlated, and the fact that bats - the species with one of the highest metabolic rate per unit of mass - have one of the longest lifespans relative to other species is conveniently ignored (or actively shut down) during such discussions:):

Well, the study below finally brings some much-needed clarity on this confusion and argues directly that accumulation of molecules containing sulfhydryl/thiol (reductant) groups is such a dangerous state for the organism, that higher organisms have developed a specialized mechanism to get rid of thiols promptly. That mechanism is through increased mitochondrial function (oxidation) resulting in higher metabolic rate. This immediately reminded me of another study that came out 3-4 years ago demonstrating that the human organism promptly recognizes as threats a number of environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors in the environment, as soon as it comes into contact with them, and the main pathway through which the organism disposes of such molecular threats is, again, through increased metabolic rate and consequently oxidative destruction of those offending molecules.

So, to a layman like me, it appears that the metabolic rate is a one of the (if not THE) fundamental protective mechanisms higher organisms have evolved in order to deal with virtually any environmental stressor (direct/molecular or indirect/psychological). Thus, it would actually be a good idea if one maintains his/her metabolic rate high rather than low.

Now, another question that arises is what exactly are those thiol containing molecules. Well, while there are probably more than 100 different molecules with such groups present (and used) by the organism, the ones that represent the bulk of the "herd" include albumin, coenzyme A (CoA), reduced glutathione (GSH), cysteine, methionine, etc. However, the thiol groups in albumin and CoA are not free, and as such those two members do not contribute to reductive stress. It is the free/unpaired thiol group that has reducing (electron-donating properties). So, in terms of contributors to reductive stress, we are left with GSH, cysteine and methionine. Both Peat and I have mentioned GSH quite often as it is part of the GSH/GSSG ratio, which is (naturally) a redox indicator. So, a higher ratio is indicative of a shift towards reduction, and the study below now claims that such a shift is perceived as stress by the organism and emergency steps have to be taken to push the body back towards oxidation. I hope this is sufficient evidence that one should not supplement with GSH, which, aside from being absurdly expensive, has now been demonstrated to be detrimental to the organism. I also hope that it is good evidence in favor of keeping the metabolic rate high, which is another way of saying keeping the organism in a relatively oxidized state. Thus, this study also lends credence to other interventions for pushing the body towards oxidation such as taking niacinamide (to raise the NAD/NADH ratio) or oxidizing agents such as quinones (vitamin K, methylene blue, CoQ10, etc), thyroid, and even some steroids (e.g. progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone, DHT, etc) as they can shift all of the major redox indicators towards oxidation (e.g. NAD/NADH ratio, pyruvate/lactate ratio, acetoacetate/beta-hydroxybutyrate, GSSG/GSH ratio, etc). Now, if somebody's blood tests confirm that the total glutathione (GSH+GSSG) pool is low and GSH supplementation is advised by medical staff, then there is a much safer alternative. Simply taking glycine would allow one to synthesize as much GSH as needed, and that approach has been confirmed in several human studies already (including people with HIV). The reason is that GSH is a combination of glycine and cysteine, and there is always an abundance of cysteine in the body/blood. So, glycine (not cysteine) availability is the true limiting factor of glutathione synthesis, and glycine's myriad of other benefits for the body makes it a no-brainer when it comes to handling glutathione deficiencies. That being said, the issue for most people is not a lack of GSH but rather an excess, which causes the "reductive stress" the study below is talking about.

Speaking of cysteine and methionine, I don't think these two amino acids need any introduction to my readers. Both have been confirmed, in numerous animal studies with species spanning the entire taxonomy of complexity from worms to monkeys, to have detrimental effect on the organism when present in excess. In fact, a number of studies on caloric restriction (CR) looking to extend lifespan discovered that the life-extending properties of CR were due to the lower amount of ingested cysteine/methionine (and tryptophan). Ergo, dietary cysteine and/or methionine (and/or tryptophan) restriction has been demonstrated to provide the same extension of lifespan (15%-20%) as CR, but without any restriction in calories. A quick Google search for say "cysteine restriction lifespan" or "methionine restriction lifespan" (no quotes when Googling) would provide a lot of published studies on that topics.

Even in regards to issues concerning day-to-day health, several human studies have demonstrated resolution of obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, etc by restricting dietary methionine intake to NMT 2mg/kg body-weight daily. That means the optimal/healthy methionine daily intake is 20-30 times lower than most people consume on a daily basis. Some of the highest concentrations of methionine are found in grains and muscle meats, while cysteine is mostly found in the latter. Thus, we are once again back to the basic diet of the "Peatarian" - i.e. eating non-starchy foods, with plenty of metabolic boosters in them, while avoiding ingesting things high in reductants (muscle meats, grains, alcohol, etc).

But, as the infomercials say, "wait, there is more!". Apparently, the rate of thiol oxidation controls protein folding and stability. In other words, accumulation of thiol groups can lead to both protein misfolding (think "mad cow" disease), as well as direct decline in the ability to synthesize vital proteins such as insulin. This once again connects the metabolic rate to a number of crucial regulatory processes in the organism that are known to decline with aging, and is now becoming apparent that the well-known decline of the metabolic rate with aging is hardly a coincidence. In other words, aging and disease are the same processes, and both stem from the decline of the metabolic rate that serves as a master conductor of the entire organism with its trillions of cells.

Reductive stress triggers ANAC017-mediated retrograde signaling to safeguard the endoplasmic reticulum by boosting mitochondrial respiratory capacity
Boosted mitochondrial capacity safeguards cells under stress

"...According to a team of plant researchers, mitochondria provide unexpected help for cells in a crisis by respiring away harmful substances. The current study produced by the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants (IBBP) at the University of Münster and the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES) at the University of Bonn has been published in the journal Plant Cell."

"..."The main job that mitochondria have," explains study leader Prof. Markus Schwarzländer from the IBBP at the University of Münster, "is to act as hubs of metabolism. What is surprising now is that evidently they are also able to take care of an excess of reduced sulfur compounds, so-called thiols, which could otherwise lead to damage at other places in the cell." To support this, a special crisis program is triggered, the ANAC017 signaling pathway. "The 'alternative oxidase' protein then ensures there is a higher respiratory capacity in the mitochondria in plants," says Schwarzländer. This process was jointly discovered some years ago by two teams of researchers from Australia and Belgium. What is new now, is the discovery that it can be triggered through reductive stress and can serve to protect protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), i.e. the export system for proteins in the cell."

"...Something that is also new—and unexpected—is that the mitochondria manage to respire away thiols at a high rate. "This contradicts current thinking," Schwarzländer concedes, "which is why we used several different methods in order to be able to validate our observations independently and rule out any possible errors." To this end, the team developed a new method for dynamically investigating the energisation of mitochondria."

"...He adds that the idea of a collaboration between ER and mitochondria during reductive stress came to light just recently through work being done on yeast and animal cells. "What was particularly surprising was the observation that thiols can indeed be respired away at a high rate by mitochondria in plants—either directly or via a kind of 'metabolic bypass' which now needs to be examined." As a result, the mitochondria in the cell acquire a new, unexpected function as the 'patron saints' of protein folding in the ER. According to the researchers, it is regulated by the cell, depending on the cell's requirements."

"...All life consists of cells. All cells need proteins, which have to be folded very precisely to be able to fulfill their function. Proteins which are secreted from animals, fungi and plants—or which contribute to environmental interaction on their surface—have to be stabilized by means of so-called disulfide bridges. One example of this in humans is insulin. In general, though, countless vital receptor and signaling proteins only function with the correct links via disulfide bridges. These are established at a very precise place in the cell, the so-called endoplasmic reticulum (ER). For this purpose, sulfur atoms from each of two thiol groups of the amino-acid cysteine in the interior of the ER are oxidized and linked covalently."

"...If, however, more disulfide bridges are suddenly needed, or if they are broken up by a stress factor or by certain chemical substances, this is problematic for the cell. Wrongly folded proteins can cause extensive damage, even death. It is for this reason that the cell reacts with special crisis programs. These well-examined programs support protein-folding in the interior of the ER—for example, by providing additional capacity in the oxidization machinery. The novel finding in this study is the discovery that, when a crisis arises, the ER receives support from another area of the cell."
So, if I am not mistaken, is lipoic acid being a thiol also negative? despite being a PDH co-farm?


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Increasing metabolism always brings me back to coconut oil.
Ray Peat, PhD Quotes on Coconut Oil

“Coconut oil serves several purposes. Its butyric acid is known to increase T3 uptake by glial cells. It has a general pro-thyroid action, for example by diluting and displacing anti-thyroid unsaturated oils, its short-and medium-chain fatty acids sustain blood sugar and have anti-allergic actions, and it protects mitochondria against stress injury.”

"the short and medium chain saturated fatty acids have antihistamine and anti-serotonin actions."

“When added to a balanced diet, coconut oil slightly lowers the cholesterol level, which is exactly what is expected when a dietary change raises thyroid function. This same increase in thyroid function and metabolic rate explains why people and animals that regularly eat coconut oil are lean, and remarkably free of heart disease and cancer."

"Coconut oil and other tropical oils also contain some hormones that are related to pregnenolone or progesterone."

"when I first used coconut oil I saw an immediate response, that convinced me my metabolism was chronically inhibited by something that was easily alleviated by 'dilution' or molecular competition. I had put a tablespoonful of coconut oil on some rice I had for supper, and half an hour later while I was reading, I noticed I was breathing more deeply than normal. I saw that my skin was pink, and I found that my pulse was faster than normal"

“An important function of coconut oil is that it supports mitochondrial respiration, increasing energy production that has been blocked by the unsaturated fatty acids. Since the polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit thyroid function at many levels, coconut oil can promote thyroid function simply by reducing those toxic effects. It allows normal mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, without producing the toxic lipid peroxidation that is promoted by unsaturated fats.”

"While components of coconut oil have been found to have remarkable physiological effects (as antihistamines, anti-infectives/antiseptics, promoters of immunity, glucocorticoid antagonist, nontoxic anticancer agents, for example), I think it is important to avoid making any such claims for the natural coconut oil, because it very easily could be banned from the import market as a “new drug” which isn’t “approved by the FDA.”

“There are many directly anti-thyroid substances, but the only directly thyroid-activating substances I know of are coconut oil, progesterone, and pregnenolone. The saturated fatty acids, especially the highly soluble smaller molecules found in coconut oil, probably tend to simply dilute and weaken the inhibition that is chronically exerted by the polyunsaturated fatty acids, but butyric acid seems to have some specific effects, such as facilitating the uptake of T3 by nerve cells and shifting cells away from the expression of the stress-related proteins.”

“Structural integrity of the mitochondria is essential for functional respiration and steroid synthesis. Coconut oil, thyroid hormone, pregnenolone, and progesterone stabilize mitochondrial structure.”


Mar 29, 2016
So, to a layman like me, it appears that the metabolic rate is a one of the (if not THE) fundamental protective mechanisms higher organisms have evolved in order to deal with virtually any environmental stressor (direct/molecular or indirect/psychological). Thus, it would actually be a good idea if one maintains his/her metabolic rate high rather than low.

As we've come to associate the other side of the coin - oxidative stress - with inflammation and with tissue destruction, what more can we say about reductive stress other than lowering metabolic rate? It would seem to me that a layman would be more alarmed over having oxidative stress and not as much over reductive stress. Oxidative stress is like a fire that needs to be extinguished, where reductive stress is an invisible toxin that slowly doesn't raise any alarm but slowly wears you down like a shoe sole being worn down and eventually has to be replaced.

How can the effect of reductive stress be further dramatized so people are not just aware of it, but be moved to take action?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
So, if I am not mistaken, is lipoic acid being a thiol also negative? despite being a PDH co-farm?
No. I think that opposing denialism of reductive stress by adopting the other extreme isn't the best stance. If there's one mineral to be associated with antioxidation, it is selenium. A thread was created about it on the same day as this, where temporary high doses are encouraged (200+ mcg). Normally, such amounts are above the optimum intake, increasing the risks of adverse effects over time, but it would be silly to condemn without knowing the context, maybe the person is having their thyroid cooked or is actively cooking it with Iodoral. The problem is not the antioxidants, but in stuffing yourself with them without need.

When a molecule that's recycled multiple times is consumed, it's not rare to be indifferent which form it was ingested because it would only take one cycle for it to lose the initial property.

For the sake of illustration:

- Selenium source and level on performance, selenium retention and biochemical responses of young broiler chicks :chicken:


- Effects of Chemical Form of Selenium on Plasma Biomarkers in a High-Dose Human Supplementation Trial


- Selenium intake, status, and health: a complex relationship

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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