Red Light Therapy: The Top 10 Most Amazing Benefits


Jul 13, 2014
Thank you. I have the red light device mini and the infrared device mini as well. The incandescent bulbs make me feel fantastic however, after using them for a few minutes, and can bring me out of a rut within 15 minutes, or so. I feel much less from the red light devices. It would be a shame if they were causing me harm.
I completely agree with you on this. I've used all three also. I have the red light mini- it does nothing, barely noticable at all. In contrast, infrared mini is incredibly effective and healing with immediate and noticable effects. Incandescent is exactly the same- extremely effective and healing to the point where I don't want to turn it off!. If anything my approach is the opposite of what @Daniel11 is suggesting. No one even uses 808nm. 830nm/850nm are very well studied and theres loads of literature supporting their benefits


Apr 13, 2017
Red light man is selling hundreds of these lamps and he hasn't once discussed any problems with infrared on the head /face. Have you got any studies to back up what you're saying

No studies, i was just sitting on the beach and watching the girls go by and noticed how much better i felt when they were wearing red and orange bikinis instead of blue ones, of course non-visable infrared bikinis could be cool…

Infrared wavelengths are great for warming the body, but its claim to fame for penetrating the body deeper are misleading, its true the longer the wavelengths the farther it can travel, the longest wavelengths in nature can travel the whole universe, its because of observing photons from the cosmic microwave background that we know when the big bang originated down to a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, of course what caused the big bang we have no idea.

Infrared wavelengths have a affinity for and are readily absorbed by water so some of the light photons will go deeper but most will be absorbed and scattered by the water molecules in the tissue of your epidermis and dermis, this will warm you up and make you feel good but its not doing the same thing as photobiomodulation. Im not saying you should not use infrared light, just be aware of how your using it.

Photobiomodulation is not about thermally warming the body its where you are leaving the red therapy light on or very close to the skin and through the eyes for 2-8 min on each location where the penetrating light photons are photo-dissociating nitric oxide from the mitochondrial enzymes cytochrome c oxidase helping relive oxidative stress with in your cells of your tissue and systemically via white blood cells and through your eyes via the optic nerve enhancing neuronal cell functioning.

With incandescent light bulbs or infrared saunas the light is much more dispersed and can have nice warming effect for the body and be helpful, or if you have a infrared LED unit keeping it back from the body probably 12” or more should allow the light to be dispersed enough to be safe for long term use, when i say long term use i mean months and years, because i feel getting the light photons through the eyes is a kind of form of electromagnetic cellular nutrition that can be used very beneficially for ones whole life.

For this use of light photons called photobiomodulation especially through the eyes that i feel orange and red spectrums in the 610 nm - 670 nm wavelength range are the best choice.

“In the current study, we demonstrate down-regulation of nitrosative stress and protection against apoptosis within the CNS by 670 nm light mediated photobiomodulation”

Photobiomodulation Induced by 670 nm Light Ameliorates MOG35-55 Induced EAE in Female C57BL/6 Mice: A Role for Remediation of Nitrosative Stress

Low-level light therapy of the eye and brain


Apr 13, 2017
That's an interesting response. For me it's always been the opposite for many hours after treatment.

One of the things we know about red light is that it enhances oxidative energy production, which means that each cell will require more of what they need to function properly. So in theory, if there's something you're deficient in, including glucose or one (or more) of the nutrients required to produce the enzymes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, then that could be the cause of your brain fog.

In my research, Ray always recommends liver and eggs to eliminate deficiencies, so a meal of that with a ton of sugar before trying therapy again should help you find the truth.

Thats right, when you start increasing the energy in your body you will need more good nutrients, i like nutritional rich mushrooms; Reshi, Cordycepts, Turkey Tail, also MSM is excellent supplement to benefit liver and digestive functioning, look for OptiMSM.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Also these glasses are very helpful if you have to be outside or at places that have bright florescent lights, like shopping centers, stores, schools, airplanes and most commercial buildings. They also have red glasses you can wear at night the last hour or two before sleep.
I got my Daywalker glasses last week. I really like them and have gotten lots of compliments.
Daywalkers Archives | Biohacked


Jan 13, 2020
i just need to know if i can use red light therapy desk lamp at my work desk? Maybe i can buy a LED light therapy desktop lamp and just turn on for 4 to 6 hours at work? WSill be fine to use it at my bedside as well and just leave the LED infrared lamp when sleeping?


Jan 13, 2020
Will it be the same effect if i buy grow lights at a cheaper price but following the smae specifications 660nm and 860nm infrared LED and just leave it at my work desk and turn it on while im working or at my night table leaving it on the whole night?


Jan 13, 2020
i recently got hold of a grow LED infrared red light which i got it from amazon and use it for my work desk and just leave it on for 3 hours everyday. and it seems that it works on my face, wrinkles begin to slowly disappear and my face feels like its lifted for 1 week use. Here is a before and after pictures. I even document it on my blog


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Mar 27, 2023
Bumping an old thread but looking for a new desk lamp and ran into this. Is hours of 660nm still considered ok for eyes, skin etc.
What is the best option for desk lamp setup?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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