Red Light Severely Dropping Pulse/Temps And Causing Nosebleeds


Feb 13, 2016
I started using incandescent light (2 250W, 130V bulbs running on standard 120V to increase redder frequencies relative to bluer frequencies) a few days ago, and it has been very relaxing and has improved the quality of my sleep quite a bit. It has also made me calmer and has interestingly improved my writing ability while I'm sitting under it. That's why I don't think it's harming me in any way.

However, my temps have dropped from being usually in the mid 99s to the low 97s (drastic drop) and my pulse has dropped from being in the low 80s to being in the high 60s/low 70s. I'm also getting nosebleeds. It has also not been helping my ADHD/concentration issues, which was the reason I got the bulbs in the first place.

I'm not super, super strict about my diet, but I'm relatively strict in that most of my calories in a day are from low-fat milk/OJ/cheese with usually one non "peat-approved" meal like meat and starch, store-bought mashed potatoes with possibly some gums, cheeseburger + coke (but no fries). I get close to 100g of protein usually, but my appetite is pretty variable, so if I'm genuinely not hungry, I don't force myself to eat.

Has anyone experienced pulse/temp decrease and/or nosebleeds from red light or know any plausible reason for it? My first guess is that my thyroid function is actually a lot more pathetic than I thought it was and the red light is suppressing my stress hormones, revealing my actual horrible metabolism... I have no explanation for the nosebleeds though. My supplements are 4-5 cups of coffee, 1-2 standard aspirin tablets, vit E occasionally, 10 mg Vit K usually (for the aspirin) and 6000 IU of vitamin D.

Thanks for reading!


Apr 5, 2016
Aspirin and vitamin E has a pretty strong thinning effect on the blood, if you're taking Vit K to at the same time as vitamin E you might be canceling out the anti-coagulant effect of Vit K as Vitamin E and K compete for the same metabolic pathway. So the aspirin and vit E may be contributing to the nosebleeds even with the Vit k.

I think you're theory about it lowering your stress hormones is very sound, if your body has been running on adrenaline and cortisol it can do a very good job of keeping you're pulse and temps high.

Red light has been shown to improve blood flow, that combined with Aspirin and Vit E could be causing the bleeds.


Jul 13, 2014
red light is supposed to release nitric oxide and therefore increase pulse/ temp....weird


Feb 13, 2018
If you’re running on stress hormones and having attentional problems then maybe you should temporarily stop using caffeine (a couple of months) and see what happens.
I get close to 100g of protein usually, but my appetite is pretty variable, so if I'm genuinely not hungry, I don't force myself to eat.
Are you an ectomorph?


Mar 1, 2013
It's highly doubtful its the red light aspirin can do this. Try to share more detail what your doing so we can help you isolate it.

Green Dot

Jun 4, 2021
It's highly doubtful its the red light aspirin can do this. Try to share more detail what your doing so we can help you isolate it.
Strong bump but I had a similar experience

I very occasionally supplement aspirin, daily supplementation of 100mcg mk7 and a cup of coffee a day.

I noticed blood from my nose while using my redlight.

And I never in my life have gotten a nose bleed. Just so happened that I took a 135mg dose of aspirin a couple of days ago.


I noticed bruising after using red light. I then found out it can thin the blood. If aspirin is being supplemented at the same time this can probably account for the bleeding.
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