Ray's perspective on the pandemic



This is from Ray's latest interview with Patrick Timpone.

PT: So, can it be argued then that this whole corona thing, 18 months ago, was no more than just a normal, everyday, life when people get colds and they detox -- or whatever you want to call it, exosomes, viruses, call it what you want -- and if they had just left it alone, we wouldn't have any of this -- masking, all this stuff?

RP: Yeah, the excess deaths analysed -- the data right from the CDC was analysed by Genevieve Briand and she showed that their own data doesn't show any excess deaths. It was just a standard flu and cold season.

PT: And that was it?

RP: Yeah, you can't come to any conclusion except that there are political agendas creating fear to sell something they're holding in the background.

PT: So, it's almost like, Dr. Peat, it would have to have been a really well planned out, coordinated effort, between all these people -- WHO, CDC, UN, the media, the AMA, the whole -- it has to be the whole thing was well planned out...

RP: Right. The Rockerfeller Foundation laid out the agenda about ten years ago. And then just months before the pandemic appeared, the WEF and Johns Hopkins University had a practice run* to get all the government people ready and coordinated with the policy. So the record is there showing it has been planned, and nothing real happened, but they were pre-informed how they should act, and the policies that they should put in place, not for the public health, but for the interests of these powerful organisations.

PT: And what are your opinions on what some of the motives are -- your own intuition, deep down, what do you think?

RP: Oh, exactly what the founder and chairman of the WEF has written: that it's to destroy the existing -- they call it the "legacy economy" -- to destroy the normal existing economies of the world, and replace them with artificial intelligence: owned by the monopolies, rented out to the public, but absolutely under the centralised ownership of the digital technology world.

PT: This whole Great Reset thing, what's gonna be involved with a lot of different ideas pushed forward...

RP: Yeah, digitising everything, eventually having artificial intelligence running school and university courses as well as legal procedures. New York was the first government to acknowledge that they were going to start putting into place the programme of the WEF to replace normal education with online education, normal medicine with digital, online medicine, replace local economy with online shopping, so that the monopolies like Amazon will increase their wealth fabulously.

*I think he's talking about Event 201


Aug 10, 2018
It is so obvious that this is the truth, and it is in such plain sight that I have no idea how they are managing to pull this (perhaps the greatest scam of all times) off with such ease. Inexplicably, it seems that the vast majority of people have, overnight, turned into mindless propaganda-spewing sheep. Well, the signs have been there for decades, but I can't explain how so many previously free-thinking people have fallen so hard and so fast.


Jun 13, 2019
RP: Yeah, the excess deaths analysed -- the data right from the CDC was analysed by Genevieve Briand and she showed that their own data doesn't show any excess deaths. It was just a standard flu and cold season.
how would you respond to the argument that although their aren't excess deaths, their may have been if there were 0 lock downs? Because when I use that argument, everyone always responds with "yea because the lock downs worked, it could have been worse if we did nothing" Everyone on this forum always mentions Sweden, but Sweden actually used masks, "socially distanced", and many businesses still closed down, despite their being no official government lock down. I wonder if there is a country that had absolutely 0 change, from start to finish. That would be a good country to examine, although I'm not sure that theirs any out there.


Sep 24, 2016
It is so obvious that this is the truth, and it is in such plain sight that I have no idea how they are managing to pull this (perhaps the greatest scam of all times) off with such ease. Inexplicably, it seems that the vast majority of people have, overnight, turned into mindless propaganda-spewing sheep. Well, the signs have been there for decades, but I can't explain how so many previously free-thinking people have fallen so hard and so fast.

Sadly, the answer is in your question.
Society, politics, history, civilization. However you brand it, are subject to the same laws of nature as the humans that create it, follow the same physiological laws, necessities and processes.

We are in a negative feedback loop, self-reinforcing downward spiral.

That’s what you observed: it started a long time ago, accelerated and is now incredibly fast. Unstoppable. The bandwidth of outcomes narrowing with every passing second.


Mar 18, 2021
And how does the strong push for the vaccine which they believe will cure COVID tie into their plan to keep COVID going so that they can usher in the great reset?


Mar 18, 2021
I’m also confused as to why, if the entire economy is automated and digitized and we won’t need doctors, lawyers, etc. to the same degree that we need now as worker bees, and millions will lose their jobs to AI and take a UBI, why would the global elites need 7 billion people on the planet? What for? Would they not just be taking up space, rotting away with their UBI?

Are you guys implying that the global elites, who just unleashed a virus which killed 2 million directly and tens of millions indirectly (pushing 3rd world citizens into starvation) are actually compassionate people deep down and would like to keep all 7 billion of us, just because ?


Feb 26, 2018
RP: Yeah, the excess deaths analysed -- the data right from the CDC was analysed by Genevieve Briand and she showed that their own data doesn't show any excess deaths. It was just a standard flu and cold season.


Looks like at John Hopkins UNiversity, there has been considerable questioning of Genevieve Briand's analysis?

Some quotes from the above article.

"However, Emily Gurley, an associate scientist in the Department of Epidemiology at the School of Public Health, noted in an email to The News-Letter that because Briand’s presentation does not specifically examine excess deaths, her conclusions are flawed.

Researchers (from both within the CDC and outside) have already analyzed data on vital statistics to show that >300,000 deaths have occurred in 2020 than occurred during the same time in other recent years (after accounting for changes in the size and age of the population),” Gurley wrote.""

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
“Researchers (from both within the CDC and outside) have already analyzed data on vital statistics to show that >300,000 deaths have occurred in 2020 than occurred during the same time in other recent years (after accounting for changes in the size and age of the population),” Gurley wrote.""

This is an example of how researchers game the system through selective framing. Notice that "other recent years" is not defined. Which years? 2020 was actually less than the 11-year average of 1999-2009 in the US (820). So "other recent years" obviously doesn't go back that far to include that period. Why not? Doesn't fit the narrative? The US trend has been downward for the last 20 years. What changed in 2020? Excess mortality caused by lockdowns and the damaged economy (suicides, violence, drug overdoses, delayed disease diagnoses/treatments, etc.).


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is so obvious that this is the truth, and it is in such plain sight that I have no idea how they are managing to pull this (perhaps the greatest scam of all times) off with such ease. Inexplicably, it seems that the vast majority of people have, overnight, turned into mindless propaganda-spewing sheep. Well, the signs have been there for decades, but I can't explain how so many previously free-thinking people have fallen so hard and so fast.

"...The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist."

Nowadays, instead of the devil we have the word "conspiracy". You try to discuss anything that is right before your eyes but does not match the official agenda, and you get quickly cancelled as a conspiracy nut, even if you cite studies, evidence, etc. The cabal implementing this do not hide that they are subjectivists and that reality is what THEY define, not what you experience. Most people around you have long ago given up on handling reality. In fact, they are incapable of handling the real world, so they have pretty much given up on being an independent human in return for a comfortable, manufactured reality streaming from their digital devices. If we cannot even agree with the people around us on what reality is, life with those people becomes impossible. And we are at that point right now.


Oct 19, 2019
If we cannot even agree with the people around us on what reality is, life with those people becomes impossible. And we are at that point right now.
It's no surprise philosophy and therefore topics like ontology and epistemology are nowhere near school curriculums.


Dec 31, 2020
I have not listened to the podcast but assuming Ray really did say that, it saddens me to read. Not because I disagree, which I do, but because his articles have always resonated with me as well researched and cutting through the bull**** in search of the truth. I don't really have a horse in this race, I wish the borders would open and let me reunite with my loved ones but I can't ignore the facts, and in my opinion they all point to the existence of this virus.

I live in Spain and we were hit by the first wave before the US and most western countries with the exception of Italy, and we were hit harder than any other country for a long time. Even though our government tried to hide a lot of deaths to appear less incompetent, we have had a massive excess mortality increase which have only been curbed because of lockdowns. Graphs and maps from EUROMOMO. My region wasn't even hit particularly hard in the first wave and the ICUs were still full for the first time ever as far as I know. A regular cold or flu doesn't do that.

Anecdotally, one of the villages where my coworker is from was hit early before the lockdowns They have an old population and every day he would hear of someone he knew passing away. The aunt of a neighbor, the parent of a friend and so on. Even with all the strict measures I know several young people who have had it and they lost the sense of smell which required rehab to and they're still in the process of recovering. One of them had no symptoms apart from that and the other one felt fine but would get breathless just walking from the sofa to the fridge. He also fainted the first time he tried to work out a month after. Both were in their early twenties.

You don't seem to like the word conspiracy, but w hat else can you call this? Are you suggesting all the statistics have been forged? Were my close family members involved in this lie? Were they experiencing a normal virus or a placebo? I can tell you they were all young and in shape, and they've had plenty of flus and colds. This was neither. I travelled to a different region for medical purposes a few months after and overheard nurses talking about how a 55 year old colleague had died after being in the front lines and how their kids were still in shock that their relatively young ear doctor had passed away.

The asian countries with no lockdowns and strict border control and safety measures have all done great, while countries that tried to ignore it like Brazil have not (see Manaus as an example DEFINE_ME). Is it really so hard to believe that western governments are incompetent phonies who haven't had the slightest clue on how to deal with this from the beginning? I think you give them too much credit on being able to pull off an organized scam like this on a world level. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Finally, before you are tempted to label me as a close minded sheep I am just following the facts and trying to come to my own conclusions. I try to never take sides so I tend to get labeled as the enemy from both sides. This has happened when I have told coworkers that I will not be taking the vaccine since it's too early to call it safe and it has not been proved to stop the spread so I would not even contribute to herd immunity. If you have facts that contradict mine please share, I have an open mind and I'm willing to listen to arguments from both sides. I do not agree with the government's lockdowns, policies etc. I'm not on their side, I'm just someone trying to be as unbiased as possible and form my own opinions.


Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I live in Spain and we were hit by the first wave before the US and most western countries with the exception of Italy, and we were hit harder than any other country for a long time. Even though our government tried to hide a lot of deaths to appear less incompetent, we have had a massive excess mortality increase which have only been curbed because of lockdowns. Graphs and maps from EUROMOMO. My region wasn't even hit particularly hard in the first wave and the ICUs were still full for the first time ever as far as I know. A regular cold or flu doesn't do that.

Spain, Italy and New York were all hit hard with mortality because they, contrary to decades of established sound medical practice of only intubating as a last resort, followed the WHO guideline to intubate patients early as a means of avoiding aerosolization of virus. That was never done for other respiratory illnesses, except for perhaps SARS, so naturally the same degree of mortality can not be expected.
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May 30, 2018
I have not listened to the podcast but assuming Ray really did say that, it saddens me to read. Not because I disagree, which I do, but because his articles have always resonated with me as well researched and cutting through the bull**** in search of the truth. I don't really have a horse in this race, I wish the borders would open and let me reunite with my loved ones but I can't ignore the facts, and in my opinion they all point to the existence of this virus.

I live in Spain and we were hit by the first wave before the US and most western countries with the exception of Italy, and we were hit harder than any other country for a long time. Even though our government tried to hide a lot of deaths to appear less incompetent, we have had a massive excess mortality increase which have only been curbed because of lockdowns. Graphs and maps from EUROMOMO. My region wasn't even hit particularly hard in the first wave and the ICUs were still full for the first time ever as far as I know. A regular cold or flu doesn't do that.

Anecdotally, one of the villages where my coworker is from was hit early before the lockdowns They have an old population and every day he would hear of someone he knew passing away. The aunt of a neighbor, the parent of a friend and so on. Even with all the strict measures I know several young people who have had it and they lost the sense of smell which required rehab to and they're still in the process of recovering. One of them had no symptoms apart from that and the other one felt fine but would get breathless just walking from the sofa to the fridge. He also fainted the first time he tried to work out a month after. Both were in their early twenties.

You don't seem to like the word conspiracy, but w hat else can you call this? Are you suggesting all the statistics have been forged? Were my close family members involved in this lie? Were they experiencing a normal virus or a placebo? I can tell you they were all young and in shape, and they've had plenty of flus and colds. This was neither. I travelled to a different region for medical purposes a few months after and overheard nurses talking about how a 55 year old colleague had died after being in the front lines and how their kids were still in shock that their relatively young ear doctor had passed away.

The asian countries with no lockdowns and strict border control and safety measures have all done great, while countries that tried to ignore it like Brazil have not (see Manaus as an example DEFINE_ME). Is it really so hard to believe that western governments are incompetent phonies who haven't had the slightest clue on how to deal with this from the beginning? I think you give them too much credit on being able to pull off an organized scam like this on a world level. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Finally, before you are tempted to label me as a close minded sheep I am just following the facts and trying to come to my own conclusions. I try to never take sides so I tend to get labeled as the enemy from both sides. This has happened when I have told coworkers that I will not be taking the vaccine since it's too early to call it safe and it has not been proved to stop the spread so I would not even contribute to herd immunity. If you have facts that contradict mine please share, I have an open mind and I'm willing to listen to arguments from both sides. I do not agree with the government's lockdowns, policies etc. I'm not on their side, I'm just someone trying to be as unbiased as possible and form my own opinions.

Personally I think a real bioweapon virus was released, but isn’t particularly harmful long term to anybody but the most unhealthy, which unfortunately is a lot of people. Chinese leadership was prepared and motivated to protect their population better than most because they correctly see themselves in a Cold War with some western elite. Some nations on purpose allowed it to cause as much chaos as possible to have the intended social and economic effects as Ray suggests. That’s just what my intuition tells me. It’s all too convenient for accomplishing everything they explicitly want to happen.


in my opinion they all point to the existence of this virus.

Ray is not doubting the existence of the virus.

He is, however, questioning whether it's responsible for excess deaths, which is another point you raised, and around which a lot of this discussion is hinging. If it's not responsible for excess deaths, as most people claim it is, then it's no more harmful than regular flu, and the global response has been a devastating over-reaction. Ray's also suggesting that the whole thing was planned, in order to facilitate a complete restructuring of society -- and that's another matter altogether.


Dec 31, 2020
Well the quotes don't say it's not responsible for the excess deaths, they deny that excess deaths exist. Maybe on a yearly aggregate that's true for the US, but it's easy to see massive peaks before lockdowns in many countries. What caused these peaks if not the virus? Also even if you say it has been planned (which I find hard to believe but not impossible) there would have to be many countries which were not in on it. New Zealand managed to control it early, and Australia later. I am really sure that Spain would not have been in on it and their response has been every bit as pathetic as the US one so it's not unreasonable to assume that it's been due to incompetence too in the US.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Well the quotes don't say it's not responsible for the excess deaths, they deny that excess deaths exist. Maybe on a yearly aggregate that's true for the US, but it's easy to see massive peaks before lockdowns in many countries. What caused these peaks if not the virus?

Doctors to a very large degree. Toxic experimental drugs, excessive intubations, serotonin poisoning, refusal of early alternative treatments (eg, HCQ, ivermectin) and inhumane isolation of patients are the foremost in my mind.


Feb 27, 2021
how would you respond to the argument that although their aren't excess deaths, their may have been if there were 0 lock downs? Because when I use that argument, everyone always responds with "yea because the lock downs worked, it could have been worse if we did nothing" Everyone on this forum always mentions Sweden, but Sweden actually used masks, "socially distanced", and many businesses still closed down, despite their being no official government lock down. I wonder if there is a country that had absolutely 0 change, from start to finish. That would be a good country to examine, although I'm not sure that theirs any out there.
Nope, people here don't use masks.


Mar 18, 2021
Ray is not doubting the existence of the virus.

He is, however, questioning whether it's responsible for excess deaths, which is another point you raised, and around which a lot of this discussion is hinging. If it's not responsible for excess deaths, as most people claim it is, then it's no more harmful than regular flu, and the global response has been a devastating over-reaction. Ray's also suggesting that the whole thing was planned, in order to facilitate a complete restructuring of society -- and that's another matter altogether.
I think the whole thing was planned, but the virus may not be as harmless long-term as Ray makes it out to be. I believe they are using the virus to both usher in the NWO and also to de-populate (slowly). I don’t think it’s just one objective, it’s a multi-layered initiative.


Oct 19, 2019
Personally I think a real bioweapon virus was released, but isn’t particularly harmful long term to anybody but the most unhealthy, which unfortunately is a lot of people.
This is the crux of the whole thing. Over the last 30+ years society has been sleep walking into the shambolic level of general health we see now, which is why the virus has done so much damage. We are hearing people say "well X was fit and healthy and it even hit them hard", but those people were not fit and healthy! They may appear it compared to many, but let's be honest the bar is so low now that pretty much not being obese is classed as health these days. Compared to 30 years ago the decline is incredible and it is only getting worse. I have not seen a single person who I would class as in good general metabolic health have anything more than a couple of days of feeling rough at worst. Everyone I know who has had it and been hit hard has been in poor general health, whether they admit it or not.


Jul 29, 2014
and in my opinion they all point to the existence of this virus
Ray is not doubting the existence of the virus.

Yeah I was going to point this out too. I don't think he denied the virus exists.

Maybe on a yearly aggregate that's true for the US, but it's easy to see massive peaks before lockdowns in many countries. What caused these peaks if not the virus?

These two things can be true at the same time. The virus could have caused a peak of deaths and also there may be no increase in yearly mortality. It's possible that the people died from (or with) COVID were the same people who were likely to die soon anyway. Intubation may also have contributed as @Perry Staltic pointed out.
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