Ray Peat is wrong about Stalin and the Second World War/WW2


Jun 4, 2016
Did you stop reading Stalin's biography halfway through? Or did you simply miss the part where Stalin got kicked out of seminary for spreading Darwinian books and inciting the students to miss their prayer hours?
You are a moron.
How good his grades were or whether he finished it, wasn't the point. The point was that he was exposed to religion in his early years. But I suspect it's above your mental capacity. Hence, your comment


Jun 4, 2016
Ray had a very sunny view of Stalin/Russia/communism. I highly disagree with him on that. That being said, it's funny when they label Peat as ultra right wing
Ray had more realistic view of the SU than many even highly educated people in the west do. Thats why it seems so "sunny". The role of propaganda in the west is very underestimated and often dismissed or unnoticed. It was a big part of my "culture shock" when I moved to the US.


Mar 27, 2021
Ray had more realistic view of the SU than many even highly educated people in the west do. Thats why it seems so "sunny". The role of propaganda in the west is very underestimated and often dismissed or unnoticed. It was a big part of my "culture shock" when I moved to the US.
What about the propaganda that surrounds Germany in WW2?


Nov 23, 2023
What about the propaganda that surrounds Germany in WW2?
dont bother. It only goes one way with these people. "We are the victims", forever and ever. Look at Oleg's name, he is the descendant of a people that had their most productive (read: most likely to dissent) workers killed and imprisoned for three generations or more, by their very own government. Nothing but the most dull and primitive instincts and senses are left in a people so utterly devoured by a murderous ideology for so long. The result of 70 years of bolshevism, a brutal civil war and the second world war, is the modern Russian man: an ape-like being, devoid of deeper thoughts, the perfect blunt force tool with which to destroy a continent of culture such as Europe. If you ever wondered why every country neighbouring Russia hates it, it's because of Russians and how they behave. The Russians of today can't even be blamed for their own, admittedly incredible, level of cruelty and stupidity, because like i said, 2/3s of the last century a gang of political hijackers spent exterminating every last bit of innovative thought, weaponizing their subhuman brutality in the most awful way against the European nations and cultures.


Nov 23, 2023
We kicked the f..g fritzes back to their lair along with their third reich/eu sidekicks. Thats all I care
See, this is what I mean. Russians are subhumans devoid of critical thought. They claim they did all their raping and murdering for 70 years for the good of getting the German Fascists out, but they conveniently leave out the fact that their government supplied the Nazis with the materials and skills used to conquer France and Poland:

And then they also ignore the fact that even before they ever fought Fascist Germany, they invaded Romania, Finnland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland!


Nov 23, 2023
The horrors of post-soviet poverty and despair are touted by Russians as the great reward God supposedly gave them for beating Fascist Germany. Russia leads the world in HIV infections, depression, alcoholism, youth crime, while their political elite lounges on the world's biggest and most expensive yachts. This has been the standard in Russia for over 100 years now and when one sees how utterly depraved and idiotic the average Russian is, one begins to understand why things are the way they are.


Mar 27, 2021
dont bother. It only goes one way with these people. "We are the victims", forever and ever. Look at Oleg's name, he is the descendant of a people that had their most productive (read: most likely to dissent) workers killed and imprisoned for three generations or more, by their very own government. Nothing but the most dull and primitive instincts and senses are left in a people so utterly devoured by a murderous ideology for so long. The result of 70 years of bolshevism, a brutal civil war and the second world war, is the modern Russian man: an ape-like being, devoid of deeper thoughts, the perfect blunt force tool with which to destroy a continent of culture such as Europe. If you ever wondered why every country neighbouring Russia hates it, it's because of Russians and how they behave. The Russians of today can't even be blamed for their own, admittedly incredible, level of cruelty and stupidity, because like i said, 2/3s of the last century a gang of political hijackers spent exterminating every last bit of innovative thought, weaponizing their subhuman brutality in the most awful way against the European nations and cultures.
Yeah I know what you mean. Though I will say I’d expect more open mindedness on this forum.


Sep 9, 2019
Russians are subhumans devoid of critical thought.
Juri, good sir. Please mind your manners. Inside and out.

I'm not endorsing your statement here. I just want to point out. That's your kind. And if you gave me your life from top to bottom, along with a permission slip signed with the tears of angels I could mold you this way at a distance.

The people most likely to be buried alive in the next 7 years are those who don't understand, those who sympathise and those who do a bit of both. Grab a shovel my dude. And no bullet can land in you.

Move along now. Keep walking.

KGB methods were probably imported from a certain outfit in the City of London before refinement. But don't start blaming the "British". I understand how painful this can be. Keep walking.


May 10, 2016
Ray had more realistic view of the SU than many even highly educated people in the west do. Thats why it seems so "sunny". The role of propaganda in the west is very underestimated and often dismissed or unnoticed. It was a big part of my "culture shock" when I moved to the US.
Right so how many people did Stalin execute and murder in your educated opinion?


Feb 26, 2018
Hi everybody,

a rare anti-peat thread today. I tried posting a book-sized thread yesterday but hit the character limit. It was basically my commentary on another book called "The Chief Culprit - Stalin's Grand Design To Start The Second World War".
I will instead briefly quote Ray twice and comment on those quotes:

"But the communists got to the point where Stalin had stopped the active persecution of religion in the early 1940s because he saw that nearly everyone in Russia was an orthodox true believer. And so he said, what's a socialist party doing persecuting their main supporters? And Putin is following Stalin to that degree. He's using the common concepts natural to his country of spiritual values, honoring traditional morality and speaking in terms involving. He references to God and that really offends like a lot of the so-called Marxists and communists in Russia hate him for that. They want to go back to the old-fashioned persecution of believers and so when he talks in a national ethnic manner they say that means. He's a fascist and wants to, among other things, restore the kind of communism that existed under Stalin and others."

Source: #80: World War 3 | Heavy Metals | Progesterone for Hair Loss | T3 to T4 Thyroid Ratio with Ray Peat [LDWVtsqEOF0].mp3-transcript.txt

When saying "in the early 1940s", does Ray mean the summer of 1941? Because he is correct, Stalin did stop the persecution of believers when he declared a "Great Patriotic War". Of course you want support in the broad range of the populace when the attacker, the German Wehrmacht, destroys your best divisions within a couple of days:

Seen below: Ukrainian civilians welcoming German soldiers as liberators in late summer 1941

.View attachment 59198View attachment 59199View attachment 59200

The more egregious of Ray's errors lays in a second quote, pertaining to Trotzki and his supposed fooling of western leaders.

Ray said:

"I think Stalin's innovation was to try to placate the outside world. By declaring socialism against world revolution, socialism in one country, and the problem was that the idea of world revolution was supported by the big imperialists of US, Germany, and Japan all were secretly supporting Trotsky. The idea of world revolution is where the extreme anti-Stalin falsifications had to begin.

I link that Prager U video about how horrific communism, Marxism, Stalin and Lenin are. So what what is the. Oh, a good place to start is by looking at a criticism of the major American historians of of of. The Soviet Union or Stalin or Trotsky, we have a falsified history of Trotsky, just as much as of Stalin. Trotsky's connections to the US and Hitler have almost totally been eliminated. But. There is convincing data that he was acting as an agent for Germany and the US way back while he was still in Russia."

Source: #47: The Power Elite | Vaccines | Hair Loss | UFOs | Surviving The Great Reset with Ray Peat, PhD [De0fXmRnunU].mp3-transcript.txt

This is simply Ray falling for Stalin's trick. I never thought I'd see that but those familiar with Stalin know how he spent his life fooling people much more intelligent than himself. It is also a classic method of the late dictator, to play a Hegelian game of thesis and antithesis, presenting himself and his idea as a synthesis. In human relations, this plays out as Stalin putting up one side against the other, and then sweeping in over the weakened "survivor". That is how he debated the Mensheviks in Gori, that is how he got rid of Sinoviev and Trotsky. Speaking of Trotsky, what happened to him and what was his role? Ray makes it sound as if the two political heavyweights of bolshevism, Trotsky and Stalin, simply had different goals, but I believe that to be wrong. Ray talks about "world revolution" and "socialism in one country", pertaining to alleged Trotskyist and Stalinist ideological schools respectively, being diametrically opposed and actively conflicting.

But they aren't.

Otherwise Stalin would not have had Trotsky assassinated. Stalin didn't murder his opposition randomly, just for disagreeing with him, and he isn't known to indiscrimantely persecute all those he personally disagrees with. Ray's first quote about Stalin having a "change of mind" regarding religious people proves that. If Stalin did have an irrational paranoia at any time, then why did he not murder Trotsky after winning the internal struggle? And because he did eventually give the assassination order, why did Stalin bother to get rid of Trotsky at all, seeing that Stalin at the time was the undisputed leader of the Soviet Union, and not Trotsky?

Did Stalin’s paranoia increase? No. On the eve and at the very beginning of World WarII, Trotsky presented a clear and imminent danger not only to Stalin, but to the entire Soviet leadership. Trotsky fanatically supported the World Revolution, as Ray acknowledged . Once he realized that it hadfailed in Germany (1918/1919) and throughout the world, he warned that Soviet Russia could not survive encircled by capitalist states. The only hope was to turn Soviet Russia into a military campand use its forces to aid revolutions whenever and wherever an opportunity appeared. Stalin insisted for years that Trotsky was wrong and the Soviet Union first had to build “Socialism in One Country.” The Soviet Union would not export revolution. Then Stalin took more radical measures than Trotsky had proposed to turn the Soviet Union into a military camp. He carried out forced collectivization and industrialization, and built the GULAG camps for forced labor. Under Stalin the Soviet Union became an industrial power and the military base for said World Revolution. Summing up, Trotsky loudly called for the World Communist Revolution. Stalin acted to achieve the same goal, but said that Trotsky’s slogans were wrong. Stalin’s rhetoric was successful and duped Trotsky, who thought he was exposing Stalin when he declared to the world that Stalin had betrayed the cause of Communism and World Revolution. Trotsky did not understand that criticism was necessary for Stalin and was part of his plan. With his accusations, Trotsky dulled the fears of the West that Stalin would actually pursue World Revolution. Trotsky claimed that there was no reason to fear Stalin, that Stalin was “the greatest mediocrity in power,” and that his regime would implode from within. “Stalin’s personal dictatorship clearly nears its sunset,” Trotsky said in November 1931.

Thus, with Trotsky’s dubious endorsement, the West helped Stalin to create a powerful military industry, and to prepare his country and army, by simply leaving it alone, or in the case of the United States, by shipping entire factories overseas! Ray likes to talk about the collaboration between Nazi Germany and the United States but what about the collaboration between the United States and the Soviet Union:

Mind you, this was before war had broken out in Europe.
Back to Trotsky:
Trotsky’s opinion had credibility for Western politicians; after all, he had played a keyrole in the revolution, the Civil War, and the establishment of the Red Army. He founded it and was its leader, and engineered its first international use in the war against Poland 1919/1920, the only war the Soviet Union ever lost. Trotsky launched the World Revolution, but he lost power. Stalin, if one believed Trotsky, was not instigating revolution but building socialism in one country, the Soviet Union. Stalin let Trotsky leave the Soviet Union and provided him with publicity around the world. Contact with Trotsky was a standard accusation against so called “enemies of the people” at every political trial in Moscow. Stalin could have called his enemies any number of names, but he stubbornly called them Trotskyites, giving Trotsky additional political weight. If Trotsky had asserted the opposite, if he had said that Stalin was preparing for aggression, if he had warned the West of the dangers of Stalin’s malice, he would have been murdered as early as 1927. Gradually, Trotsky sensed Stalin’s true intentions however.
He said on June 21, 1939:

"Hitler will send his main forces west, and Moscow will want to use the advantages of her position."

That is why Stalin had him murdered. He stopped being an useful idot, a tactic from Stalin's favorite chapter of his favorite playbook.
Everything else and what true Soviet intentions were, you can read about in:
I didnt know Ray was that supportive of Stalin.
Stalin, whose real name is Dschughaschwili (he literally gave himself this name because it sounds cool) was a paranoid, insecure narcissist. His wife comittted suicide because of him , you should read his letter to her after she died, it's all about him not a word of grief or compassion.

About 20 million of his own people died because of him, including 5 million ukrainis that starved to death in one winter. 20 Million people is a careful estimate btw. Communism killed between 50-100 million people in the 20th century, I would be very careful to support any of those leaders in any way. Its not an accident that communism lead to genoicide and millions of deaths ,across several countries and cultures.
The gulag system in russia was brutal and not much better than the concentration camps in germany ; and they were in place many years before the concentration camps.
Stalin might have very well started WW3 if he could or at least invaded Yugoslavia and Albania if he could have.


Mar 21, 2021
Ray had more realistic view of the SU than many even highly educated people in the west do. Thats why it seems so "sunny". The role of propaganda in the west is very underestimated and often dismissed or unnoticed. It was a big part of my "culture shock" when I moved to the US.
America is the most propagandized country in the world and don’t even know it. And the other 50 percent are mass distracted by tv, sports tik tok ,celebrity culture and most are not interested to learn or are not smart enough to understand.


Feb 26, 2018
"For historical and cultural (and political) reasons,however, the Soviet scientist is likely to see everything hedoes as having social significance and ideological overtones,apart from any urging he might get from the bureaucrats topraise the insights of Lenin and Stalin into his particularfield. Sometimes these paragraphs of praise that areincluded in occasional scientific papers seem simply bizarreto a westerner, who is used to politicians being politicians,and scientists being scientists. But the fact is that both Lenin and Stalin were remarkable intellectuals who believed it was their political responsibility to be very well informed about cultural and scientific matters."
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