Ray Peat & Blood Typing

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
That’s good to hear. The blood type A forbidden foods are almost everything that is highly concentrated in vitamins in minerals that are actually bio available. It amazes me that the creator came up with a list this bad, considering he’s blood type A himself. The recommendations for the other blood types are somewhat decent though. Also I don’t like that blood type A is just labelled as “naturally” low in stomach acid and this problem isn’t investigated further but instead is managed with a malnourishing diet. Stomach acidity is not just something that exists in isolation. It’s determined by multiple things including histamine levels, thyroid etc and they can be worked on. Maybe blood type A is predisposed to histapenia or hypothyroidism. I believe I am. Low stomach acidity is a serious health problem that affects not just digestion of meat but also mineral absorption so it’s absolutely imperative to work on the weak link
I think the "O" types got it as right, with all the recommended protein, ascl the "A"s with their recommended dairy. The person that wrote the book didn't invent the science, Japan did. They believe it to hold so much weight that they even have blood typing kits in vending machines. The science is not about how much bioavailable nutrients there are in a recommended food, but how foods react to your body type and lectins, apples vs oranges. It is just another BRANCH extended, not intended to act like it's a ROOT.


Feb 12, 2020
I think the "O" types got it as right, with all the recommended protein, ascl the "A"s with their recommended dairy. The person that wrote the book didn't invent the science, Japan did. They believe it to hold so much weight that they even have blood typing kits in vending machines. The science is not about how much bioavailable nutrients there are in a recommended food, but how foods react to your body type and lectins, apples vs oranges. It is just another BRANCH extended, not intended to act like it's a ROOT.

As far as I know dairy is a no on the D'Adamo list. The only okay animal protein is salmon but the farmed is toxic and it's not realistic to have wild salmon as a staple

The bioavalability point I made is about the starch. Tubers are the only starch worth eating from a nutrient density+bioavailability perspective and they are not allowed due to their lectins. Sweet potatoes and yams are also not recommended

So if you can't have starch you're left with fruit as a carb source. Tropical foods are also much more mineral and vitamin dense and have a better glucose and fructose ratio. Just looked some of them up for type A:

papaya: avoid
mango: avoid
banana: avoid
tangerine: avoid
orange: avoid
pineapples are okay but those are definitely not safe as a staple

out of the vegetables, the fruit-like vegetables are among the only safe ones to eat, aaaand:

tomato: avoid
bell peppers: avoid
eggplant: avoid

How are you gonna eat a peat or even paleo diet that has some decent nutrient density while taking into considerations these lectin recommendations? Live on carrots, zuchini and apples? Can't even get calories from saturated fats because coconut lectins are a problem too.

the blood type a diet is the most restricive one I've ever seen. If one is trying to avoid grains, beans and nuts while looking out for the type A lectins, they would be driven crazy by orthorexia and will waste away from starvation. I'm speaking from personal experience.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
As far as I know dairy is a no on the D'Adamo list. The only okay animal protein is salmon but the farmed is toxic and it's not realistic to have wild salmon as a staple

The bioavalability point I made is about the starch. Tubers are the only starch worth eating from a nutrient density+bioavailability perspective and they are not allowed due to their lectins. Sweet potatoes and yams are also not recommended

So if you can't have starch you're left with fruit as a carb source. Tropical foods are also much more mineral and vitamin dense and have a better glucose and fructose ratio. Just looked some of them up for type A:

papaya: avoid
mango: avoid
banana: avoid
tangerine: avoid
orange: avoid
pineapples are okay but those are definitely not safe as a staple

out of the vegetables, the fruit-like vegetables are among the only safe ones to eat, aaaand:

tomato: avoid
bell peppers: avoid
eggplant: avoid

How are you gonna eat a peat or even paleo diet that has some decent nutrient density while taking into considerations these lectin recommendations? Live on carrots, zuchini and apples? Can't even get calories from saturated fats because coconut lectins are a problem too.

the blood type a diet is the most restricive one I've ever seen. If one is trying to avoid grains, beans and nuts while looking out for the type A lectins, they would be driven crazy by orthorexia and will waste away from starvation. I'm speaking from personal experience.
Of course! You are right about all of that! My girlfriend is always on this maddening rat wheel all day long trying to get in all the recommended nutrients, and is puzzled the next day why she isn't losing weight. I say to her over and over, "vitamins do not equal weight loss", apples & oranges. I DO NOT RECCOMEND leaving Ray Peat to do the blood type diet, cause as i originally stated it will only lead to further problems. The science of it is fascinating and CAN BE beneficial to those dealing with pain, to be used to hone not hinder Ray Peat protocol. Goodness gracious it is hard enough to navigate the Ray Peat recommendations!


Mar 5, 2018
blood type diets are BS
Agree, Dadamo diet is BS cause it is not based on scientific studies. However blood type does matter, for example here are several studies showing different carb tolerance:

Serum amylase activity altered by the ABO blood group system in Chinese subjects

Association of ABO Blood Groups with Diabetes Mellitus among the University Students of District Mardan, Pakistan
Our study showed that the individual having blood group B (43% ) have high blood sugar level followed by A (29%), O (19%), and AB (9%). Both in males and females blood group B having high glucose level as compared to other blood groups, which shows that blood group B have more chances of diabetes.

ABO blood group and risk of newly diagnosed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A case-control study in Han Chinese population
compared with blood group O, the fully adjusted ORs of developing NAFLD were 1.50 (95% CI: 1.13, 1.99) for blood group A, 1.59 (95% CI: 1.19, 2.14) for blood group B, and 1.37 (95% CI: 0.86, 2.18) for blood group AB.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Agree, Dadamo diet is BS cause it is not based on scientific studies. However blood type does matter, for example here are several studies showing different carb tolerance:

Serum amylase activity altered by the ABO blood group system in Chinese subjects

Association of ABO Blood Groups with Diabetes Mellitus among the University Students of District Mardan, Pakistan
Our study showed that the individual having blood group B (43% ) have high blood sugar level followed by A (29%), O (19%), and AB (9%). Both in males and females blood group B having high glucose level as compared to other blood groups, which shows that blood group B have more chances of diabetes.

ABO blood group and risk of newly diagnosed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A case-control study in Han Chinese population
compared with blood group O, the fully adjusted ORs of developing NAFLD were 1.50 (95% CI: 1.13, 1.99) for blood group A, 1.59 (95% CI: 1.19, 2.14) for blood group B, and 1.37 (95% CI: 0.86, 2.18) for blood group AB.
Thank you for that info Jet9. If DAdamo's diet worked as an overall diet, I would have stuck with it. It took me a year to lose ten pounds and my perfectly white teeth as well, but for pain it worked wonders for my dad and I.


May 23, 2013
@Rinse & rePeat I never thought about the Blood Type diet as the reason why some people here don't well with dairy and OJ and other Peat recommended foods. I have not read the book but I have read much of the D'Adamo website.
It seems to me that most people would benefit from the blood type diet for the following reasons:
1. Reduced Starch
2. Reduced PUFA/Increased MUFA/SFA (partly because Olive oil is easily accessible and on every diet's good oil list)
3. Increase in nutrient-dense foods (eggs, milk, low tryptophan meat)

I can certainly see how you can tweak this and still make it peaty. However, If you're an A-type, it may be difficult to get copper since shellfish and most organ meats are off-limits. I find it interesting that certain things like Gelatin, Coconut Oil, soda, and cinnamon are not generally acceptable.
It appears Mexican Coke would be off-limits too, maybe because of the HFCS in the soda and HFCS being high in starch??

I didn't know much about lectins but Wikipedia says the following: "Lectins may be disabled by specific mono- and oligosaccharides, which bind to ingested lectins from grains, legumes, nightshade plants, and dairy; binding can prevent their attachment to the carbohydrates within the cell membrane"
Oligosaccharides are a component of fibre from plant tissue. Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin are present in Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, chicory, leeks, onions, and asparagus.
That might also explain why the aforementioned vegetables are on the extremely beneficial list for typeA, and beneficial/Neutral for the other blood types.

On a big picture level, D'Adamo falls into the same trap as many others before him - blaming sugar for all evils, not realizing the damaging effects of estrogenic foods..etc. He may be on to something with the effects of lectins, but IMO, his stance on sugar and estrogen casts a cloud over his other concepts.

But since it can be tweaked (you are proof of that), it's worth incorporating into the Peat plan! After all, Dr. Peat advocates experimentation right! I'll eat more eggs, spelt bread, liver, scallops, carrots and fruit. On a side note, I just found a place near Chicago that has no yeast, sourdough spelt breads! - they also sell on amazon Amazon.com : Organic Bread of Heaven

Please tell me more about the honey you use, what type, and why the honeycomb?

Btw, I'm glad you and your father have had success with this approach - thanks for sharing!


Jul 29, 2020
You're opinion holds no weight against my 10 year experience with it.
My mother has been in the alternative circles for years, probably 35+ and her vegetarian friend. She told me about the blood type diet years ago, I ofcourse being a curious kid, tried it out then, and earlier last year. Some things are legit with it, for instance I'm type 0+. I definitely have to avoid beans, most starch and wheat, these just baloon me up. I respond amazing to meat. Milk? I'm still in the process of testing milk (been testing it for little short than a year) and it seems milk only works without starches. And then it's pretty hard to get enough calories in without starches when you're working a physically demanding job and you're weightlifting. Getting calories from honey and milk just doesn't seem right. So you could make an argument that blood type diet works. But then again, half of the stuff on the list doesn't work for me. It's like astrology imho. Half of the stuff they get right, half don't.

I'm happy if it works for you, don't get me wrong, and me voicing my opinion (albeit poorly phrased) is just that, me voicing my opinion. I definitely could take some things from the blood type diet and still have the Ray Peat as a staple (which we all agree on). So, thanks for giving me ideas @Rinse & rePeat !!


Jul 29, 2020
Like let me give an example.

"Tea, for instance, contains theine that, like caffeine, raises adrenaline level in the body which is already high for type O’s."

Had I not known better, I'd avoid coffee like crazy, because to an uneducated person, that post makes sense right. Coffee=cortisol?
But I know better and understand that coffee only raises my cortisol if I take a 500mg dose at time unfed. So on a semi full stomach (or empty if having only an espresso) I only see positives. Better digestion of infamous hard-to-digest food (see potatoes which are also forbidden for me), more strength, a mental ally in tackling complex ideas etc. I definitely think coffee is very net positive and the least of my concerns when it comes to health.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you for that info Jet9. If DAdamo's diet worked as an overall diet, I would have stuck with it. It took me a year to lose ten pounds and my perfectly white teeth as well, but for pain it worked wonders for my dad and I.

@Rinse & rePeat I never thought about the Blood Type diet as the reason why some people here don't well with dairy and OJ and other Peat recommended foods. I have not read the book but I have read much of the D'Adamo website.
It seems to me that most people would benefit from the blood type diet for the following reasons:
1. Reduced Starch
2. Reduced PUFA/Increased MUFA/SFA (partly because Olive oil is easily accessible and on every diet's good oil list)
3. Increase in nutrient-dense foods (eggs, milk, low tryptophan meat)

I can certainly see how you can tweak this and still make it peaty. However, If you're an A-type, it may be difficult to get copper since shellfish and most organ meats are off-limits. I find it interesting that certain things like Gelatin, Coconut Oil, soda, and cinnamon are not generally acceptable.
It appears Mexican Coke would be off-limits too, maybe because of the HFCS in the soda and HFCS being high in starch??

I didn't know much about lectins but Wikipedia says the following: "Lectins may be disabled by specific mono- and oligosaccharides, which bind to ingested lectins from grains, legumes, nightshade plants, and dairy; binding can prevent their attachment to the carbohydrates within the cell membrane"
Oligosaccharides are a component of fibre from plant tissue. Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin are present in Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, chicory, leeks, onions, and asparagus.
That might also explain why the aforementioned vegetables are on the extremely beneficial list for typeA, and beneficial/Neutral for the other blood types.

On a big picture level, D'Adamo falls into the same trap as many others before him - blaming sugar for all evils, not realizing the damaging effects of estrogenic foods..etc. He may be on to something with the effects of lectins, but IMO, his stance on sugar and estrogen casts a cloud over his other concepts.

But since it can be tweaked (you are proof of that), it's worth incorporating into the Peat plan! After all, Dr. Peat advocates experimentation right! I'll eat more eggs, spelt bread, liver, scallops, carrots and fruit. On a side note, I just found a place near Chicago that has no yeast, sourdough spelt breads! - they also sell on amazon Amazon.com : Organic Bread of Heaven

Please tell me more about the honey you use, what type, and why the honeycomb?

Btw, I'm glad you and your father have had success with this approach - thanks for sharing!
Wow Philomath that took my original post to new heights! After I first read the Eat Right For Your Blood Type book over 10+ years ago, I was strict with it, like it was my religion. It is like everything else, it works until it doesn't, but my dad's rheumatoid arthritis never came back. To your point, tweaking is exactly what I have done. Where the blood type diet says avocados and pork is TOXIC to ALL blood types, and Ray Peat does too, makes for easy decisions, whether it is good for me or not. Where Ray Peat says potatoes are a good source of protein, and the blood type diet says to avoid it, and Ray Peat goes on further to say we should avoid starches, it doesn't make it hard to figure out what foods I am gonna lean into and potatoes aren't it for me, and not because the make me feel bad either, cause they give me no issues. This has been a good "checks & balances" way for me to be more sure of my individualistic diet, rather than me picking and choosing Ray Peat foods and arguing with myself over them, because I "feel good eating them". We all should know by now, reading Ray Peat's science and landing in our, "if you gotta disease then you ate it" situations, that those immediate gratifications have long term consequences. As smart as I am, I am not going to pit myself, against D'Adamao and the Japanese by arguing with that science, I'd rather check with Ray Peat to see if the recommendation is right for me, like getting a second opinion. There is not much guess work in my diet. There is much debate now, since the D'Adama pioneer discovered this new word, but I am more interested in the root rather than debating with a branch as to who was first Adam and Eve or Chimps with their "A" blood type, to me lectins are lectins. I love how in an interview, Ray Peat was asked the question about the food blood typing, and he intelligently said that he didn't know much about it and offered no further comment on the subject. I guess it is for Japan to know and us to find out. You really updated and furthered my knowledge on the subject Philomath! Thank you, THANK you so much!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@Rinse & rePeat I never thought about the Blood Type diet as the reason why some people here don't well with dairy and OJ and other Peat recommended foods. I have not read the book but I have read much of the D'Adamo website.
It seems to me that most people would benefit from the blood type diet for the following reasons:
1. Reduced Starch
2. Reduced PUFA/Increased MUFA/SFA (partly because Olive oil is easily accessible and on every diet's good oil list)
3. Increase in nutrient-dense foods (eggs, milk, low tryptophan meat)

I can certainly see how you can tweak this and still make it peaty. However, If you're an A-type, it may be difficult to get copper since shellfish and most organ meats are off-limits. I find it interesting that certain things like Gelatin, Coconut Oil, soda, and cinnamon are not generally acceptable.
It appears Mexican Coke would be off-limits too, maybe because of the HFCS in the soda and HFCS being high in starch??

I didn't know much about lectins but Wikipedia says the following: "Lectins may be disabled by specific mono- and oligosaccharides, which bind to ingested lectins from grains, legumes, nightshade plants, and dairy; binding can prevent their attachment to the carbohydrates within the cell membrane"
Oligosaccharides are a component of fibre from plant tissue. Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin are present in Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, chicory, leeks, onions, and asparagus.
That might also explain why the aforementioned vegetables are on the extremely beneficial list for typeA, and beneficial/Neutral for the other blood types.

On a big picture level, D'Adamo falls into the same trap as many others before him - blaming sugar for all evils, not realizing the damaging effects of estrogenic foods..etc. He may be on to something with the effects of lectins, but IMO, his stance on sugar and estrogen casts a cloud over his other concepts.

But since it can be tweaked (you are proof of that), it's worth incorporating into the Peat plan! After all, Dr. Peat advocates experimentation right! I'll eat more eggs, spelt bread, liver, scallops, carrots and fruit. On a side note, I just found a place near Chicago that has no yeast, sourdough spelt breads! - they also sell on amazon Amazon.com : Organic Bread of Heaven

Please tell me more about the honey you use, what type, and why the honeycomb?

Btw, I'm glad you and your father have had success with this approach - thanks for sharing!
To your question about the raw honeycomb, I had not been all on board with honey because of their various histamines, which depends upon where the bees get the pollen from to make it as to what a reaction might be. As time has gone on, and I have been "Peating" for almost 5 years, and feeling REALLY healthy, I decided to give a box of honeycomb, that I had in my pantry, intended for a cheeseplate that never happened, a try. I had had it before, and chewing in it really sent my sensitive teeth to the moon! This first time back though I strategized how to use this honeycomb up, that nobody was eating, before it went to waste. Instead of using my teeth to extract the honey from the waxy comb, I put the chunk in my mouth and kept it in the middle of my tongue and pressed it against the top of my mouth, savoring it carefully and slow, which gave me the most euphoric feeling this time doing it this way! Throughout the further days I would stop in in the kitchen and do it again, enjoying the calm and clarity it gave me. I find raw honeycomb used this way, away from food, to be more beneficial, ending up more medicinal, than just nutritional. I suppose that is why some medication are directed to be taken on an empty stomach, to concentrate it's power. I eat a chunk in the morning, on an empty stomach for quicker digestion and have it on an empty stomach at night has improved my sleep too. The only honeycomb I have tried, so far, is from the Savannah Bee Company, which is raw acacia honey, very mild, and most tolerated type of honey for people with histamine issues. It is so well accepted by my body, that it has acclimated me to tolerate other honeys now. The other I have settled on is called "Really Raw Honey". it has been "capped" with honeycomb, pollen and propolis. I like having it as an alternative to the raw honeycomb, because of the benefits of the extra "cappings", but also because it is more affordable. That honeycomb is like a drug addiction! I have attached pics of the two for you! If you decide to give it a whirl let me know what you think!


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
My mother has been in the alternative circles for years, probably 35+ and her vegetarian friend. She told me about the blood type diet years ago, I ofcourse being a curious kid, tried it out then, and earlier last year. Some things are legit with it, for instance I'm type 0+. I definitely have to avoid beans, most starch and wheat, these just baloon me up. I respond amazing to meat. Milk? I'm still in the process of testing milk (been testing it for little short than a year) and it seems milk only works without starches. And then it's pretty hard to get enough calories in without starches when you're working a physically demanding joob and you're weightlifting. Getting calories from honey and milk just doesn't seem right. So you could make an argument that blood type diet works. But then again, half of the stuff on the list doesn't work for me. It's like astrology imho. Half of the stuff they get right, half don't.

I'm happy if it works for you, don't get me wrong, and me voicing my opinion (albeit poorly phrased) is just that, me voicing my opinion. I definitely could take some things from the blood type diet and still have the Ray Peat as a staple (which we all agree on). So, thanks for giving me ideas @Rinse & rePeat !!
I am glad you explained yourself Equinois. Our experiences with the Blood Type Diet has drawn us to the very same conclusion, to moved on and find the bigger picture. Coming off so many years of milk avoidance from the blood type diet, and another decade avoiding it before that because it made me vomit often, I just figured I was intolerant. In my daily devotional reading about health I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant with raw milk. I have no issues with it, except for drinking it in large amounts. as "Peat" recommends would ruin my figure, and I have no access to raw skim milk. It is refreshing that our "meeting of minds" has us in a better place with each other, piecing it all together. Thanks again for taking the extra time!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Like let me give an example.

"Tea, for instance, contains theine that, like caffeine, raises adrenaline level in the body which is already high for type O’s."

Had I not known better, I'd avoid coffee like crazy, because to an uneducated person, that post makes sense right. Coffee=cortisol?
But I know better and understand that coffee only raises my cortisol if I take a 500mg dose at time unfed. So on a semi full stomach (or empty if having only an espresso) I only see positives. Better digestion of infamous hard-to-digest food (see potatoes which are also forbidden for me), more strength, a mental ally in tackling complex ideas etc. I definitely think coffee is very net positive and the least of my concerns when it comes to health.
Of course, you are totally right about that! I am suppose to avoid coffee, milk and oranges, and probably would if I were dealing with pain. Anyone in pain doesn't care about digestion, cortisol and being healthy even. Whatever it takes, just get the pain gone!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Of course, you are totally right about that! I am suppose to avoid coffee, milk and oranges, and probably would if I were dealing with pain. Anyone in pain doesn't care about digestion, cortisol and being healthy even. Whatever it takes, just get the pain gone!
....I don't deal with pain so I drink my coffee, milk and fresh juiced oranges :)


Jul 18, 2018
I'm blood type A and all the blood type A foods are the foods that wreck me and everything I'm supposed to avoid are the foods I do great with

Same experience. Blood type A here but do well physically and mentally with animal protein rich meals.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I think the quote below is good advice for A blood types, since they have thicker blood than O blood types. O blood types have trouble keeping their blood clotted. O blood types need to be more careful drinking too much alcohol, taking vitamin E and aspirin without ample amounts of vitamin K. I am an O blood type and when I gave birth to my first son the doctor took an hour and a half to stop my uncontrollable bleeding. He said I would have been one who would have died giving in the olden days bleeding to death, like many women did back then.

"Since the blood becomes more concentrated, viscous, and clottable during the night (especially during long winter nights), the risk of a heart attack or stroke would probably be reduced by drinking orange juice before getting out of bed (and at bed-time), to dilute the blood and decrease adrenaline and the free fatty acids, which contribute to the increased tendency to form clots in the morning. (Assanelli, et al., discuss the importance of adrenaline in morning/winter sudden death; Antoniades and Westmoreland show that the availability of glucose can override major promoters of clotting and bleeding.)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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