Ran across this on Twitter, had no idea the level of brainwashing around contemporary hygiene products.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

View: https://twitter.com/LaDiovanna/status/1614113654189719552?

The comments are wild. The emotionality against anyone saying anything unsympathetic to big hygiene products is insane. The people are shut down in a way I've only seen in a few topics evoke.

Keep in mind that majority of those "responses" on Twitter are in all likelihood bots. Musk tried to raise awareness about this, and even balked at buying Twitter as he knows very well most "users" there are chat-GPT instances, trained to gaslight/abuse any dissenters. However, he either quickly realized his own ventures depend heavily on fake social media hype by bots, so he stopped the anti-bot campaign or bought Twitter, or even more likely scenario - he was told by the advertising industry to shut up or else...If the public realizes no more than 5%-8% of social media "discourse" is "organic" (read: human), the advertising industry represented by Google, Meta, YouTube, TikTok, etc would be done in a matter of days.


Sep 7, 2022
I miss the internet from 15 years ago.
I could search for the most obscure stuff and got thousands of results, all from different websites i never heard about.
Today i get 200 results at most, no matter what i look for, all from the same sites.

It's like that TNG episode where doctor crusher get's trapped in a shrinking warp-bubble (or something like that).

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
What is that thing behind him?



Sep 10, 2019
Haidut brings up a great point. Also, so many of these TikTok clip scenarios are scripted.


Jul 10, 2021
Southern Michigan
My twitter account is just a window to that part of the world. I try to appear as generic as possible on there. I was just really surprised by how much hygiene norms are a tribal trigger. As I've thought about this over the course of the day, I've realized that this is a deeply imprinted cultural norm. Humans have an instinctual drive towards hygiene, which is set by cultural norms. People who analyze behavior more deeply and become critical of a component of the established norms risk ostracization. It's weird to touch instinct, it's powerful.

I doubt the AI's current capacity to interpolate aspects of that discussion. It would have to interpret slang, understand the video reference, pick a side, etc. Not that that is impossible, it just seems like elements of that would be difficult. For an AI to be able to do all that, and still be unable to contradict its operator seems like the operator would still have to police the AI's output which demands attention and effort, which runs counter to the cause for AI in the first place . I did read comments that were suspect, from accounts that were suspect, though.

For fun, since it's relevant. Soap is an Antichrist symbol. Soap washes away oils, Christ means Annointed, anointment is done with oil. Shampoo would be more specific, since anointment happens on the head. You can see the symbol expounded on in movies like fight club, but it creeps in all over. In the book of Job, the roles of Proctor and Gambler are played by the devil (he bets God that he can turn Job, then he administers tests upon Job. This type of symbol use is more likely on the part of the muse, not the content generating human. Watch for soap mentioned in odd places, the spirits seem to like leaving 'calling cards'.


Apr 3, 2015
I miss the internet from 15 years ago.
I could search for the most obscure stuff and got thousands of results, all from different websites i never heard about.
Today i get 200 results at most, no matter what i look for, all from the same sites.

It's like that TNG episode where doctor crusher get's trapped in a shrinking warp-bubble (or something like that).
Well, that goes for pretty much anything and any "industry". Most things (companies, media outlets, etc.) are owned by a few companies, hence there's very little to no variety and that goes for opinions/critical thinking too.


Jan 16, 2023
united states
Well, that goes for pretty much anything and any "industry". Most things (companies, media outlets, etc.) are owned by a few companies, hence there's very little to no variety and that goes for opinions/critical thinking too.
spot on
wealthy elite have fulfilled their goal of lowered monopolistic competition on the internet, and high barriers to entry


Oct 6, 2021
Everyday showers and baths are feminizing man. I thought to make a thread about it. And all popular products are pure poison. I know some people who often mention their hygienic routines and it is very annoying, and they always say something like ou I have to take shower, I cant go a day without shower and stuff like that. wtf. I use soap only when I have worked something in the yard and my hands are muddy or black, yet I look cleaner and smell better than these hygiene people.

For fun, since it's relevant. Soap is an Antichrist symbol. Soap washes away oils, Christ means Annointed, anointment is done with oil. Shampoo would be more specific, since anointment happens on the head. You can see the symbol expounded on in movies like fight club, but it creeps in all over. In the book of Job, the roles of Proctor and Gambler are played by the devil (he bets God that he can turn Job, then he administers tests upon Job. This type of symbol use is more likely on the part of the muse, not the content generating human. Watch for soap mentioned in odd places, the spirits seem to like leaving 'calling cards'.
Very interesting, didn't know it, but I have always disliked soap and Im a believer.
In my country soap used to be made from pork fat back in the day. I have seen such soaps and they smell strange but not in a bad way.
I remember when I was a child my grandmother was washing the dishes with fresh nettle, and all relatives were making fun of her and she was saying '''the nettle cleans better than that fairy'' :D
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