Q-anon And The Deep State



I saw this all over FB and am wondering about it as well. @x-ray peat @haidut thoughts? I try not to tag you guys so apologies if bothersome. I am really curious about this and trust your thoughts on EUT in the past.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I saw this all over FB and am wondering about it as well. @x-ray peat @haidut thoughts? I try not to tag you guys so apologies if bothersome. I am really curious about this and trust your thoughts on EUT in the past.

I don't know how much I trust QAnon's cryptic messages but what is indisputable is that he/she posted a number of pictures showing he/she is on Air Force One and often accompanies the POTUS. And some of the pics were sent on demand as verification that he/she is "legit". So, it does seem to be somebody high enough in the administration because very few people are allowed direct access to the POTUS. Aside from his family member all other people accompanying the POTUS must have "Yankee White" clearance.
Yankee White - Wikipedia

Given how few people are given such clearances during the lifetime of each administration, you can guess that QAnon is somebody pretty high up in the pecking order. Some of his posts refer to conspiracies that have serious evidence behind them. But so far nothing major has transpired in terms of acting against those conspiracies and his "hints" remain just that - hints. But it does suggest something very unique is going on inside this administration.


Jan 25, 2014
Given how few people are given such clearances during the lifetime of each administration, you can guess that QAnon is somebody pretty high up in the pecking order. Some of his posts refer to conspiracies that have serious evidence behind them. But so far nothing major has transpired in terms of acting against those conspiracies and his "hints" remain just that - hints. But it does suggest something very unique is going on inside this administration.

Well, there is one major thing that happened right after Q started posting, though I'm sure a lot of American's overlook it's significance.... The Saudi Purge. Prince Bin Salman arrested quite a few high ranking members of his government in November of last year, while quite a few others died violently trying to evade arrest. That's pretty significant since Saudi Arabia has been a key factor in the petrodollar, basically forcing the world to purchase oil in the US Dollar (or more accurately, the US Federal Reserve Note).

In other words, Saudi Arabia is key to the US having the world's "reserve currency." There would be a lot of changes, especially in the US, if it were replaced (say, by Gold, the Yaun, Bitcoin, or no "official" world currency.)

One of those arrested was "Dopey" Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal (referenced from a now very significant Trump tweet before he was President), and was held imprisoned with others in the Ritz Carlton. If you remember the Vegas Shooting, look up what hotel is on the top four floors of the Mandalay Bay, and who owned or invested in that fancy hotel chain.

Beyond that, there have been lots of interesting things happening like a lot of members of congress stepping down nor seeking reelection, and a lot of CEOs forced out, but beyond the Saudi Purge, I haven't seen anything "massive" happening either, although there are lots of signs something "massive" might be going down soon.

I was probably a lot more open to believing something like Q than the average person, as I had spent a significant amount of time in 2017 reading books like "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr, "The Franklin Coverup" by John DeCamp, "Trance-Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien and "Operation Mind Control" by Walter Bowart. I was very convinced, before October 2017, that the world was not at all like we a told it is, and that there are some very, very sinister people and organizations controlling significant aspects of our lives, all while selling us an illusion of freedom. And also, distracting us from our true potential and power as humans.

Take Food and Medicine, for example. The FDA, DEA, CDC, and USDA are all government organizations that influence our choices. None of them are constitutional. There is also Medicare, Medicaid, and the "Affordable" Care act. Same deal. Beyond government, there are also health insurance companies and HMOs..... again, influencing your choices, whether you are aware they are influencing you or not. For food, we have things like the Food Pyramid and subsidies (and what are subsidies other than legal bribes to farmers to grow or not grow certain crops?) You also have pseudo government agencies like the UN sponsored WHO, and also the AMA. And that's really just a small sampling that I can come up with off the top of my head.

So yeah, I may have strayed a bit from the original topic, but @lisaferraro, hope the was helpful or insightful!


I don't know how much I trust QAnon's cryptic messages but what is indisputable is that he/she posted a number of pictures showing he/she is on Air Force One and often accompanies the POTUS. And some of the pics were sent on demand as verification that he/she is "legit". So, it does seem to be somebody high enough in the administration because very few people are allowed direct access to the POTUS. Aside from his family member all other people accompanying the POTUS must have "Yankee White" clearance.
Yankee White - Wikipedia

Given how few people are given such clearances during the lifetime of each administration, you can guess that QAnon is somebody pretty high up in the pecking order. Some of his posts refer to conspiracies that have serious evidence behind them. But so far nothing major has transpired in terms of acting against those conspiracies and his "hints" remain just that - hints. But it does suggest something very unique is going on inside this administration.
Thank you @haidut - appreciate your strong logic. Feels like something is up and I want to be careful not to slide down into heavy conspiracy mentality. Things like the crimes of pharma are easier to see.


Well, there is one major thing that happened right after Q started posting, though I'm sure a lot of American's overlook it's significance.... The Saudi Purge. Prince Bin Salman arrested quite a few high ranking members of his government in November of last year, while quite a few others died violently trying to evade arrest. That's pretty significant since Saudi Arabia has been a key factor in the petrodollar, basically forcing the world to purchase oil in the US Dollar (or more accurately, the US Federal Reserve Note).

In other words, Saudi Arabia is key to the US having the world's "reserve currency." There would be a lot of changes, especially in the US, if it were replaced (say, by Gold, the Yaun, Bitcoin, or no "official" world currency.)

One of those arrested was "Dopey" Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal (referenced from a now very significant Trump tweet before he was President), and was held imprisoned with others in the Ritz Carlton. If you remember the Vegas Shooting, look up what hotel is on the top four floors of the Mandalay Bay, and who owned or invested in that fancy hotel chain.

Beyond that, there have been lots of interesting things happening like a lot of members of congress stepping down nor seeking reelection, and a lot of CEOs forced out, but beyond the Saudi Purge, I haven't seen anything "massive" happening either, although there are lots of signs something "massive" might be going down soon.

I was probably a lot more open to believing something like Q than the average person, as I had spent a significant amount of time in 2017 reading books like "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr, "The Franklin Coverup" by John DeCamp, "Trance-Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien and "Operation Mind Control" by Walter Bowart. I was very convinced, before October 2017, that the world was not at all like we a told it is, and that there are some very, very sinister people and organizations controlling significant aspects of our lives, all while selling us an illusion of freedom. And also, distracting us from our true potential and power as humans.

Take Food and Medicine, for example. The FDA, DEA, CDC, and USDA are all government organizations that influence our choices. None of them are constitutional. There is also Medicare, Medicaid, and the "Affordable" Care act. Same deal. Beyond government, there are also health insurance companies and HMOs..... again, influencing your choices, whether you are aware they are influencing you or not. For food, we have things like the Food Pyramid and subsidies (and what are subsidies other than legal bribes to farmers to grow or not grow certain crops?) You also have pseudo government agencies like the UN sponsored WHO, and also the AMA. And that's really just a small sampling that I can come up with off the top of my head.

So yeah, I may have strayed a bit from the original topic, but @lisaferraro, hope the was helpful or insightful!
Totally helpful @tankasnowgod - thank you for spending the time.


New Member
Sep 3, 2018
We are a GO.
[Hammer] time.
Rats running.
Timing is everything.
Panic in DC.


Mar 7, 2017
After following Q for nearly a year, I think there is a major signal-to-noise problem where the average citizen can't get any reliable information to verify the veracity of most of the claims presented in Q's cryptic statements. This creates a vacuum where amateur pundits (see gatekeepers) present themselves as decoders of Q's posts while asking for donations through paypal and patreon. Much of this reads like conspiracy fan-fiction, which just clouds the real story even more.

It appears the most uncomfortable response we can have as "informed" citizens is "I don't know", but perhaps it's the most honest and accurate, given the information overload.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I'm with @Elchapchapchapo on this..
I agree he is most likely a Government psyop designed to keep us distracted, and/or more importantly divided. Real whistleblowers aren’t given so much attention and promotion by the main stream media. They are ignored at best, or killed at worst, with every abuse imaginable in between. Whatever deep state cabal that is working against Trump is there by design with him as a willing participant in the puppet show.

IMO Trump’s role is 1) to further divide the Nation and 2) to set off a huge left wing reaction that will then continue our march towards Socialism. This is why there are so few Obama era policies being undone. He is just as likely to build the wall as Obama was to shut down Guantanamo. They never undo what they worked so hard to get done in the first place.
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 3, 2018
The Q-anon movement is real. Too many Q proofs to deny. Mathematically impossible.
The Awakening is real. All things will come to Light. As IT is WRITTEN.
The Patriots have regained control.
The hammer has dropped.
Where WE Go ONE, WE Go ALL



May 6, 2014
I have been following Q since about February. I believe it's a communication operation of Trump and military intelligence, used as an end run around the corporate media and tech giants. There is admittedly disinformation in the drops, as they can't let the opposition know their every move. Apart from Q's big topics, there have been some Peaty ideas along the way: warnings about Big Pharma, the food supply, autism, and other Big Lies by the bad actors.


Oct 7, 2015


Aug 6, 2015
I don't see any difference in those who spend a good chunk of their life energies on these sort of conspiracy theories and chronic masturbators, chronic gamers, chronic Netflix watcher and Joel Olsteen's audience ... just another dopamine-seeking behaviour. Good look with that!

human beings are dopamine seeking organisms

not routine/habit/mechanical ones


Feb 13, 2016
I don't see any difference in those who spend a good chunk of their life energies on these sort of conspiracy theories and chronic masturbators, chronic gamers, chronic Netflix watcher and Joel Olsteen's audience ... just another dopamine-seeking behaviour. Good look with that!

The best way to disguise a real conspiracy is to fabricate 10 other more sensational/thrilling ones, get people hooked on those to draw attention away from the real one, and then denigrate all alternative thinkers as a group.


Dec 21, 2014
Apart from Q's big topics, there have been some Peaty ideas along the way: warnings about Big Pharma, the food supply, autism, and other Big Lies by the bad actors.
Do you know where I can find those posts? Is there an archive somewhere? Google wants to make sure I see that it's all a conspiracy theory but they sure don't want me to see what he has actually said.


May 6, 2014
Do you know where I can find those posts? Is there an archive somewhere?

Qanon.pub (compilation of all Q drops) is searchable by word. Here is the result for "pharma":


And for "23andme" (DNA tester):

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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