PUFA Deficiency Is Actually A Symptom Of Vitamin B6 Deficiency


Jul 13, 2014
B6 is easy to get with beef, sweet potatoes and regular potatoes….

….dairy, eggs, carrots, and garbanzo beans, a little hummus, have enough too, to add up in a “Peat” eating day ….

if youve got pyroluria youre constantly excreting b6 and zinc. it causes huge deficiencies in both. its a lot more common than people realise.
Mar 10, 2021
if youve got pyroluria youre constantly excreting b6 and zinc. it causes huge deficiencies in both. its a lot more common than people realise.
“Sometimes known as Malvaria, Pyroluria is a curious term that describes potentially harmful levels of something called kryptopyrroles in the body. While it's not a recognised medical condition, several studies suggest that a high percentage of people with a history of mental illness test positive for Pyroluria.”

“The symptoms of Pyroluria are largely non-specific and as a result, sufferers are often diagnosed with a range of more common conditions before Pyroluria is considered. The symptoms include:

  • anxiety
  • white flecks in the fingernails
  • depression
  • irritability and short temper
  • poor short-term memory
  • moodiness
  • inability to handle stress.
In more severe cases, symptoms may also include:

  • inability to tan
  • abnormal fat distribution
  • sensitivity to light
  • intolerance of loud noises.“
These people in the link below needs to hear about this, as I never heard of the syndrome before now…



Mar 6, 2022
I see the connection now. My child feels much better after taking large doses of fish oil. I stopped it because I fear cancer, but immediately after stopping, she regresses, (nervous and unfocused). Now, I have hope to switch from fish oil to vitamin B6. However, I will first try everything on myself. This is an example of a situation where one needs PUFA and don't want to use them. I guess. By the way, she never eats potatoes! I think Rinse & rePeat, just helped me to find out something more too.
@haidut @Hans
Mar 10, 2021
How much fish oil were you using? Would 1 gram daily fish oil do anything? Maybe not many benefits but not many side effects either?
Oh there are definitely nefarious side effects to taking fish oil, which is why I quit taking it many years ago…

"When a person uses a drug, there is generally an awareness that the benefit has to be weighed against the side effects. But if something is treated as a “nutrient,” especially an “essential nutrient,” there is an implication that it won't produce undesirable side effects." -Ray Peat
Mar 10, 2021
“The good thing about fish oil is that it’s so unstable that most of it doesn’t survive to reach your bloodstream where it would inhibit your thyroid function; so it breaks down into other compounds which are actually toxic, and the first thing you see affected is the immune system. The breakdown products of the spontaneously oxidizing fish oil include acrolein, which is a carcinogen, and ethane which you can measure on the breath after people eat fish oil. But several of these toxic breakdown products are immunosuppressive, so they have an antiinflammatory effect that in the short run makes them seem beneficial.” Ray Peat (audio interview)


Jun 6, 2016
I see the connection now. My child feels much better after taking large doses of fish oil. I stopped it because I fear cancer, but immediately after stopping, she regresses, (nervous and unfocused). Now, I have hope to switch from fish oil to vitamin B6.

The reason fish oil helps here is probably something else. The experiments using the pufa-deficient diet happened to be low in B6 as well, this doesn't translate into the real world except if your child also is on a pufa-deficient diet low in B6.

It could be that taking the fish oil masks some kind of deficiency. But fish oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory (immunosuppressive) effect in the short-term, that's the primary reason for it's positive effects.

The effect is so pronounced that fish oil has been used to wake people up from a coma, when nothing else helped (not even progesterone).

One of the breakdown products of EPA and DHA is resolvin. The resolvins powerfully resolve inflammation.

Instead of searching for a deficiency, you need to figure out the cause of the chronic inflammation. A whole-foods diet takes care of nutrients.
Mar 10, 2021
“Some of the foods most often recommended are among the worst. For example: fish oil and other polyunsaturated fats, nuts and legumes, and raw salad vegetables. They contain substances that inhibit the metabolism, and that support bacterial overgrowth in the intestine. Although some sea food, once or twice a week, will assure that we get enough of the essential nutrient selenium, popular culture recommends fatty fish, such as salmon (rather than low fat fish, such as cod). These fats oxidize so fast that they don’t accumulate in the body as easily as the polyunsaturated seed oils do, but they begin to oxidize into toxins even before we eat them, especially with slow cooking.” -Ray Peat
Mar 10, 2021
“Between the first and second world wars, cod liver oil was recommended as a vitamin supplement, at first as a source of vitamin A, and later as a source of vitamins A and D. But in the late 1940s, experimenters used it as the main fat in dogs' diet, and found that they all died from cancer, while the dogs on a standard diet had only a 5% cancer mortality. That sort of information, and the availability of synthetic vitamins, led to the decreased use of cod liver oil.” -Ray Peat


Forum Supporter
Oct 13, 2023
Thank you all for the amazing and so shocking information :( I once treated a painful pneumonia with large amounts of fish oil, but the subsequent side effects were so severe that it felt like a nightmare for three months. People told me that the fish oil was bad and that I needed a different brand. Now, everything is starting to make sense in my mind. :(
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you all for the amazing and so shocking information :( I once treated a painful pneumonia with large amounts of fish oil, but the subsequent side effects were so severe that it felt like a nightmare for three months. People told me that the fish oil was bad and that I needed a different brand. Now, everything is starting to make sense in my mind. :(
Fish oil was the same for me, it helped my son’s eczema more than anything else and helped my cystic acne, but with longterm use we both ended up with histamine intolerance. I don’t know that fish oil was the only reason for both of us, but it certainly was a contributor of some of that hot mess.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
“Some of the foods most often recommended are among the worst. For example: fish oil and other polyunsaturated fats, nuts and legumes, and raw salad vegetables. They contain substances that inhibit the metabolism, and that support bacterial overgrowth in the intestine. Although some sea food, once or twice a week, will assure that we get enough of the essential nutrient selenium, popular culture recommends fatty fish, such as salmon (rather than low fat fish, such as cod). These fats oxidize so fast that they don’t accumulate in the body as easily as the polyunsaturated seed oils do, but they begin to oxidize into toxins even before we eat them, especially with slow cooking.” -Ray Peat

Im just wondering isnt cod what mcdonalds and fried fish places often use? Maybe due to cheap cost or maybe since it doesnt have a stronger fish smell like tilapia or salmon?

Fish oil was the same for me, it helped my son’s eczema more than anything else and helped my cystic acne, but with longterm use we both ended up with histamine intolerance. I don’t know that fish oil was the only reason for both of us, but it certainly was a contributor of some of that hot mess.

Does fish oil raise histamine or reduce its breakdown?

The reason fish oil helps here is probably something else. The experiments using the pufa-deficient diet happened to be low in B6 as well, this doesn't translate into the real world except if your child also is on a pufa-deficient diet low in B6.

It could be that taking the fish oil masks some kind of deficiency. But fish oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory (immunosuppressive) effect in the short-term, that's the primary reason for it's positive effects.

The effect is so pronounced that fish oil has been used to wake people up from a coma, when nothing else helped (not even progesterone).

One of the breakdown products of EPA and DHA is resolvin. The resolvins powerfully resolve inflammation.

Instead of searching for a deficiency, you need to figure out the cause of the chronic inflammation. A whole-foods diet takes care of nutrients.

Can you explain why would it help raise people from a coma? Does the immune system cause people to go into a coma, so immunosuppressive substances help rise from a coma? Also how much fish oil is needed, does even 1 gram (usually one capsule) have a powerful immunosuppressive effect

Im also wondering if B6s involvement with arachidonic acid has something to do with this? Doesnt it increase arachidonic acid production or conversion, additionally cant b6 in larger amounts raise serotonin?


Jun 6, 2016
Can you explain why would it help raise people from a coma? Does the immune system cause people to go into a coma, so immunosuppressive substances help rise from a coma? Also how much fish oil is needed, does even 1 gram (usually one capsule) have a powerful immunosuppressive effect

Im also wondering if B6s involvement with arachidonic acid has something to do with this? Doesnt it increase arachidonic acid production or conversion, additionally cant b6 in larger amounts raise serotonin?

Here's one of the stories:

First, they used progesterone, and this made him emerge from the coma. But it wasn't enough. Only the fish-oil gave him his cognitive abilities back.

Forty-eight hours after receiving high-dose fish oil, Grant Virgin asked a nurse for a cell phone to call his mother, and proceeded to have a conversation with her.

“Unbelievable,” she said. “Unbelievable.”

Unbelievable, especially considering that was only two months after Grant Virgin’s parents had been told to “let him go.”

Regarding the mechanism:

The theory behind fish oil as a therapeutic intervention for traumatic brain injury is at once simple and complex.

Simply stated, the brain’s cell wall is, in part, composed of omega-3 fatty acids.

“If you have a brick wall and it gets damaged, wouldn’t you want to use bricks to repair it?” said Dr. Michael Lewis, founder of the Brain Health Education and Research Institute. “By supplementing using (omega-3 fatty acids) in substantial doses, you provide the foundation for the brain to repair itself.”

More complicated is how omega-3 fatty acids might control inflammation – or damage – in the brain. Sears likens it to quelling a metaphorical fire in the brain.

That “fire” begins when the brain is traumatized – as with a profound injury like Grant Virgin’s, or milder insults like concussions suffered on a soccer field. Neurons snap, setting off a wave of inflammation in the brain that can smolder for long periods of time – sometimes weeks or months after the injury has occurred.

“That (inflammation) will continue over and over unless there’s a second response that turns it off,” said Sears, president of the Inflammation Research Foundation.

The fatty acid that Sears says can effectively “turn off” that inflammatory fire is a metabolite (what remains after the body breaks something down) of eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, called resolvin.

EPA is found in fish oil.

“What we think is happening is, high levels of EPA coursing in the brain metabolize into resolvins, turning down and turning off inflammatory process,” said Sears.

They used 20g.
Mar 10, 2021
Im just wondering isnt cod what mcdonalds and fried fish places often use? Maybe due to cheap cost or maybe since it doesnt have a stronger fish smell like tilapia or salmon?

Cod is what Mc Donald’s used when that sandwich was high quality. Cod and sole is recommended by Ray Peat, because they are smaller fish with less heavy metals and lower fat….

“McDonald's originally used Atlantic cod, before declining cod catches forced McDonald's to find sustainable fish elsewhere. McDonald's is trying to maintain fish only from areas certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council, but that is becoming more difficult each year. Hoki is still a major ingredient.[16]

As of March 2009, the Marine Stewardship Council[17] placed the Alaska pollock fisheries in a re-assessment program[18] due to catch numbers declining by over 30% between 2005 and 2008, and by-catch problems with salmon.”



May 10, 2022
“Between the first and second world wars, cod liver oil was recommended as a vitamin supplement, at first as a source of vitamin A, and later as a source of vitamins A and D. But in the late 1940s, experimenters used it as the main fat in dogs' diet, and found that they all died from cancer, while the dogs on a standard diet had only a 5% cancer mortality. That sort of information, and the availability of synthetic vitamins, led to the decreased use of cod liver oil.” -Ray Peat

Dogs are very different than people. I'm sure you know there's all kinds of things that people can have, that would poison a dog. Just like so many rat studies mean very little, because you cant prove the absorption of the specific compound is the same in humans, without human trials.
Mar 10, 2021
Dogs are very different than people. I'm sure you know there's all kinds of things that people can have, that would poison a dog. Just like so many rat studies mean very little, because you cant prove the absorption of the specific compound is the same in humans, without human trials.
Dogs are different than people as are rats, and giving a dog macadamias and chocolate can poison them, but they don’t cause cancer. Dogs can eat fish just fine, but cancer is cancer and it likes the the same thing, no matter the host, toxic fats.


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Oct 13, 2023
Here's one of the stories:

First, they used progesterone, and this made him emerge from the coma. But it wasn't enough. Only the fish-oil gave him his cognitive abilities back.

Regarding the mechanism:

They used 20g.
This is so interesting; thanks for sharing. I recently read an article about a 100-year-old woman who is incredibly mentally sharp and physically good-looking, and she claims to have used fish oil throughout her life. There seems to be a connection between fish oil and cognitive abilities. I've also noticed its positive impact on my daughter's cognitive abilities.
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