Prostate Enlargement (BPH) May Be Due To Endotoxin



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Aug 6, 2015
Procaine and the other anesthetics from the *caine family have almost nothing in common with cocaine. The name similarity is very unfortunate. Yes, cocaine is serotonergic as is MDMA.
Is a novocaine related to cocaine? - The Boston Globe
From Procaine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :

Procaine is an occasional additive in illicit street drugs, such as cocaine. MDMA manufacturers also use procaine as an additive at ratios ranging from 1:1 up to 10% MDMA with 90% procaine, which can be life-threatening.[7]


Application of procaine leads to the depression of neuronal activity. The depression causes the nervous system to become hypersensitive producing restlessness and shaking, leading to minor to severe convulsions. Studies on animals have shown the use of procaine led to the increase of dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain.[8] Other issues may occur because of varying individual tolerance to procaine dosage. Nervousness and dizziness can arise from the excitation of the central nervous system, which may lead to respiratory failure if overdosed. Procaine may also induce weakening of the myocardium leading to cardiac arrest.[9]


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Well, I am sure in high doses it has side effects. It is still the safest anesthetic out there, barring high dose progesterone and IV magnesium. Btw, high dose IV magnesium can produce the same side effects,e specially the weakening of the myocardium. In pharmacological doses, and not (ab)used everyday like drug "addicts" do, it is probably one of the safest drugs in a hospital.
Btw, not sure what the reference to use with MDMA conveys. If you add methylene as a cutting agent to MDMA that can also be life threatening due to serotonin syndrome. It means nothing about procaine by itself.


Apr 2, 2016
Is it safe to apply novocaine (2ml, 2%=40mg procaine hydrochlorite) topically with DMSO or alcohol? I always read that novocaine is injected intracutaneously.


Jul 20, 2014


New Member
Oct 9, 2016
The safest drugs are the *caines - i.e. procaine, lidocaine, benzocaine, etc. They actually have pro-metabolic and anti-aging effect, which is probably why Peat has spoken so fondly of them. Apparently oral procain is the well-kept anti aging secret in Hollywood.
BUSM Researcher Warns Banned Fountain of Youth Drug May be Making a Comeback » Boston University Medical Campus | Blog Archive | Boston University
Gerovital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where can you obtain Gerovital?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Where can you obtain Gerovital?

Don't know, but a quick Google search shows quite a few results, including OTC products available in the USA.


Sep 16, 2017
So I guess my tomato ketchup habit could be kind of destructive? I eat far too much if it (daily). I absolutely can't get enough of it. It contains vinegar (acetic acid), along with concentrated amounts of tomato which, according to @haidut in the thread Vitamin E (tocopherol) Is A Potent Aromatase Inhibitor , it seems that the combination of vinegar and concentrated amounts of tomato is a potential death warrant to my prostate/colon/sexual health?

Am i overblowing this?

I think i need to leave the ketchup.

Although, looking at the lycopene wikipedia page for dietary sources, it doesn't look like ketchup has a large amount per tablespoon. But I can easily eat up to ten tablespoons per day, so perhaps it can add up and become an irritant.

So maybe I'm worrying about nothing. Maybe the vinegar is bad, though.

I have big problems with my gut, and endotoxin. So I want to develop an approach that antagonises this tl4.

Anyway, that's enough of my waffling on about ketchup. As you were, guys.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So I guess my tomato ketchup habit could be kind of destructive? I eat far too much if it (daily). I absolutely can't get enough of it. It contains vinegar (acetic acid), along with concentrated amounts of tomato which, according to @haidut in the thread Vitamin E (tocopherol) Is A Potent Aromatase Inhibitor , it seems that the combination of vinegar and concentrated amounts of tomato is a potential death warrant to my prostate/colon/sexual health?

Am i overblowing this?

I think i need to leave the ketchup.

Although, looking at the lycopene wikipedia page for dietary sources, it doesn't look like ketchup has a large amount per tablespoon. But I can easily eat up to ten tablespoons per day, so perhaps it can add up and become an irritant.

So maybe I'm worrying about nothing. Maybe the vinegar is bad, though.

I have big problems with my gut, and endotoxin. So I want to develop an approach that antagonises this tl4.

Anyway, that's enough of my waffling on about ketchup. As you were, guys.

I think eating the ketchup in reasonable amounts is probably OK. The doses they used are not easy to achieve with food.


Feb 22, 2014
BPH is a very common problem, apparently affecting more than 70%of men over 50. Ray has said in some email exchanges that prostatitis and BPH are linked with endotoxin. I was not able to find much published research on the topic but this new study finally makes that claim. What is more important, blocking the endotoxin "receptor" TLR4 may treat BPH and even prevent it from happening. Niacinamide and emodin are two of the most well-known TLR4 antagonists.
Of note is that the study also found strong associations between TLR4 expression and BMI, and PSA. So, endotoxin makes you fat and balloons your prostate.

LPS/TLR4 Signaling Enhances TGF-β Response Through Downregulating BAMBI During Prostatic Hyperplasia : Scientific Reports
Inhibition of TLR4 Signaling May Decrease BPH Chronic Inflammation, According to Study - BPH News

"...Novel therapeutic targeting of TLR4 signaling pathway may halt chronic inflammation leading to benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), according to a study, “LPS/TLR4 Signaling Enhances TGF-β Response Through Downregulating BAMBI During Prostatic Hyperplasia,” published in the journal Scientific Reports."

"...The transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) cytokine is a strong extracellular inducer of EMT and it was shown to induce EMT phenotypes in prostatic epithelial cells. In follow-up studies, researchers found that TGF-β1 expression was increased with LPS treatment. LPS, short for lipopolysaccharide, is the major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Researchers also observed that injection of LPS into rat prostates leads to an EMT phenotype."

"...Researchers analyzed TLR4 expression in BPH tissues with inflammation, and found it to be significantly higher, when compared to BPH tissues without inflammation. Correlation studies also suggested TLR4 expression (at the level of messenger RNA) associated with age, BMI, serum PSA levels, urgency and nocturia in the inflammatory group. In conclusion, these results suggest a link between prostatic hyperplasia and inflammation mediated by modulation of TGF-β induced EMT by LPS/TLR4 axis. Therefore, therapeutic targeting of TLR4 signaling may benefit BPH patients."


My husband is 59 and taking antibiotics for prostatitis following an acute infection, for the first time ever. Began with flu-like symptoms, fever, chills. On Cipro per +urine/blood cultures of non-resistant E. coli. Doing well, normal activities, not sure how long he'll be on, but discharge doc wanted 30 days. I asked for 14 days Cipro, then switch to Bactrim or other, family doc to determine further course. He was on Ancef IV 2 days in hospital, now on Cipro day 4.

Question- if you were on Cipro, what would you do to get off? Would it be cavalier to stop after 7-10 days and try these other options- high dose niacinamide, MB, etc? Not sure doctor would work with us, feel stuck. Any help or experienced suggestions appreciated!

P.S. I know I'm a sceptic, but is it clear-cut sepsis when blood tests positive for a bug (in his case, nonresistant e.coli), and probably ignorant here, docs tell him "this is a serious blood infection", and his blood is "clear" of organism in 24 hrs? How objective is the diagnosis, and do only acutely ill people have e.coli in their blood? Just seems strange he recovered so quickly, unless it is a bad actor that he caught in time.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

My husband is 59 and taking antibiotics for prostatitis following an acute infection, for the first time ever. Began with flu-like symptoms, fever, chills. On Cipro per +urine/blood cultures of non-resistant E. coli. Doing well, normal activities, not sure how long he'll be on, but discharge doc wanted 30 days. I asked for 14 days Cipro, then switch to Bactrim or other, family doc to determine further course. He was on Ancef IV 2 days in hospital, now on Cipro day 4.

Question- if you were on Cipro, what would you do to get off? Would it be cavalier to stop after 7-10 days and try these other options- high dose niacinamide, MB, etc? Not sure doctor would work with us, feel stuck. Any help or experienced suggestions appreciated!

P.S. I know I'm a sceptic, but is it clear-cut sepsis when blood tests positive for a bug (in his case, nonresistant e.coli), and probably ignorant here, docs tell him "this is a serious blood infection", and his blood is "clear" of organism in 24 hrs? How objective is the diagnosis, and do only acutely ill people have e.coli in their blood? Just seems strange he recovered so quickly, unless it is a bad actor that he caught in time.

I would ask for another antibiotic if possible as the cipro can be quite toxic. Search the the forum for "cipro toxicity". If there is indeed blood infection then I would everything possible to treat it. I think even something like gentamicin would be safer than the cipro or other fluoroquinolones.


Feb 22, 2014
I would ask for another antibiotic if possible as the cipro can be quite toxic. Search the the forum for "cipro toxicity". If there is indeed blood infection then I would everything possible to treat it. I think even something like gentamicin would be safer than the cipro or other fluoroquinolones.

Thanks Haidut. Not sure if the bug e.coli is sensitive to gentamicin. From the culture findings, the fluoro class had the lowest number match to e.coli sensitivity, which may be why they are the preferred drug of choice. Apparently too, the fluoros are better at penetrating the prostate. Based upon my limited understanding, from what I've read, although they have some bad side effects, their bad rap in part is that they have been used too indiscrimately, such as in sinusitis and uncomplicated UTI, to name a few. Looks like he'll be on Cipro 14 days unless we can get a doctor sooner who's willing to change course.
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Sep 20, 2015
Endotoxin is there because of the bacteria in the gut, and that bacteria being fed on resistant starch and other undigested food. So, no starch or resistant starch in the diet should greatly limit the endotoxin produced. Also, avoiding things that activate the TLR4 like alcohol and even acetic acid would also help. And for the more adventurous, keeping the gut clean with antibiotics could provide even more drastic reductions in endotoxin levels. But given all the other chemicals that activate TLR4 I think it is more important to be aware of those activators and keep endotoxin low with diet vs. trying to kill the bacteria completely as it won't solve the problem completely.
Finally, keeping metabolic rate high ensures good levels of gastric acid which reduces the amount of undigested food reaching the colon.
Hmm . . . In Nathan Hatch's article on SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) at he recommends acetic acid to, among other things, reduce endotoxin.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hmm . . . In Nathan Hatch's article on SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) at he recommends acetic acid to, among other things, reduce endotoxin.

My reservations towards acetic acid are mostly due to its known role in inducing colitis. There is some preliminary evidence that it increases TLR4 expression but not enough to equate it with known TLR promoters like alcohol. That's why I said "even acetic acid".
Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine on acetic acid-induced colitis in a porcine model


Aug 4, 2017
Emodin? I've seen this mentioned in many places on this forum, but when I go to Amazon there is nothing there. How / where does one go to obtain it?

A Google search for 'Emodin purchase' does bring up some sites, but I've never heard of them and not sure. The Wikipedia page on Emodin talks about it causing diarrhea.

So - good / bad? Any advice on using emodin for BPH?


Aug 4, 2017
A Google search for 'tlr4 natural antagonist' :

Curcumin Analog L48H37 Prevents Lipopolysaccharide-Induced TLR4 Signaling Pathway Activation and Sepsis via Targeting MD2

I'm very new to all this - and I've read elsewhere that Turmeric / curcumin is estrogenic. Should I care if I've got a PSA > 5 and a prostate the size of a tennis ball? Shrinking my prostate and reducing my PSA seems to be more important than worrying about 'estrogenic' herbs, especially if I'm doing aspirin, Vit A, niacinimide, etc. etc. which should counter the estrogen. Right? Advice please?


Aug 4, 2017
Here's another result from my Google search for 'tlr4 natural antagonist', Role of berberine in anti-bacterial as a high-affinity LPS antagonist binding to TLR4/MD-2 receptor :

Role of berberine in anti-bacterial as a high-affinity LPS antagonist binding to TLR4/MD-2 receptor

And just like Curcumin, Berberine is available on Amazon (as compared to Emodin). Sounds good, but as a newcomer to Peatland there is so much here that is contradictory to other health 'experts', like CO2 vs NO, etc. that it is hard to know what to believe when I find something on the internet.

I'll stop here and hope that somebody responds to my questions / requests for advice.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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