Progesterone Supplement And Hormones Metabolism

gilson dantas

Jun 13, 2016
I´m reading all I can find on Ray Peat´s papers and articles. R Peat changed my holly conception of human physiology and health/disease.
I was for a long long time searching information about how to heal my prostate tumor and months ago I did find R Peat. Now I am working on to undestand his revolutionnary way of think the metabolism, and at the same time I´m trying to heal myself [the tumor is worse now and I have estrogen dominance and urinary symptoms]. I´m using T3 and progesterone and changing - and learning to change - completely my diet in a peatarian way among other things.
My questions [perhaps silly for all of you] are:
1--I´m using 30 to 40 mg of progesterone by day [suppositories]; if metabolically progesterone normally generates estrogen, why I will not have that bad effect using progesterone supplementation?
2 ---If I use progesterone by many months, why I will not have a adrenal atrophy? What risks I will have of adrenal atrophy by using progesterone at that dose or lower dose? [One author, James Sloage, says it happens if you uses it for months]
3 ---Anyone of you have a experience of using progesterone [and T3] on a prostate tumor? Or anything to say about it?
My best regards,
G Dantas [sorry my english; I´m brazilian, 68, and I read well the english, but writing is difficult to me by now]
gilson dantas

gilson dantas

Jun 13, 2016
Hi Blossom,
yes, thanks, I readed that thread; it is very useful: I learned there about the importance of estrone and prolactine [and ACTH; and relation testosterone to estrogen etc] to watch the tumor evolution and the degree of evolution of my estrogenic burden [predictors that the urologists here don´t use; they only know to do surgery and chemo etc etc];
but I still searching to understand 1) the risks of to use progesterone [in terms of adrenal athrophy] and 2) and I would like to understando why the progesterone, used on supplementation, will not to convert in estrogen?
Thanks Blossom,
G. [IMO means....?]


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
1--I´m using 30 to 40 mg of progesterone by day [suppositories]; if metabolically progesterone normally generates estrogen, why I will not have that bad effect using progesterone supplementation?
2 ---If I use progesterone by many months, why I will not have a adrenal atrophy? What risks I will have of adrenal atrophy by using progesterone at that dose or lower dose? [One author, James Sloage, says it happens if you uses it for months]
I've not read anything from Peat that supports the view of progesterone generating estrogen or causing adrenal atrophy. I'm not going to claim that I've read everything he has written or listened to every interview though so I hope if there is anyone with more information they will reply.
gilson dantas

gilson dantas

Jun 13, 2016
Thanks Pointless! I´ll read that thread [Achilles...]
Blossom: yes I will see that podcast [when I back of my work], I actually have it but I couldn´t hear it yet;
And of course R Peat never said - I think and I suppose - about progesterone supplementation and adrenal athophy; I read this on J Sloane who says not to use progesterone for more than 2 months [J Sloane is a ecletic thinker, not very serious; but I would like to undestand more about this issue: progesterone´s supplementation impact on adrenal gland]; which means: I need to undestand why progesterone supplementation can´t promote that ´indesirable effect´on adrenal gland]
Thank you for the attention!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Ray said,
"Progesterone won't turn into estrogen, but along with thyroid and aspirin it will tend to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body." Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki

Here's more- not sure if you've read this from Peat,
"In experiments, progesterone was found to be the basic hormone of adaptation and of resistance to stress. The adrenal glands use it to produce their antistress hormones, and when there is enough progesterone, they don't have to produce the potentially harmful cortisol."
Progesterone Summaries
gilson dantas

gilson dantas

Jun 13, 2016
Thanks Blossom and thanks Pointless!
Now things are becoming much more clear to me. The "Progesterone summaries" is excelent and also the R Peat forum Wiki; and the text Achilles heel is very good [I already knew it, but I read it again]
More progesterone can´t generate more estrogen. The mechanisms that generate estrogen are "outside", on stress-mechanisms; more progesterone put down cortisol and stress pathways.
I see, now why progesterone supplementation cannot generate cortisol or estrogen; these two are progesterone antagonists; cortisol and estrogen become high by others pathways [diet, stress, liver disfunction, high level of stress, low thyroid, etc etc]; but supplementation of progesterone lowers cortisol, and low cortisol goes against high estrogen etc; is more a problem of protective/adaptative hormones versus stressfull/disadaptative hormones. This is the standpoint. And at the middle [or at the base] we have thyroid, also affected by diet, liver disfunction, toxins like instable oils etc and against estrogen.
Estrogen become dominant or by a low progesterone or by other mechanisms "external" to progesterone that elevates estrogen burden [low protein-low thyroid, high toxic oils-low thyroid, high prolactin or ACTH, etc]; I´m thinking about these things, clearing my mind.
I see now that I need to have very clear the relationship between the hormones [the protectives and stress hormones] and the cascade; any suggestions of article of R Peat specifically about it it would be wonderful. [By the way I couldn´t hear the Podcast of R Peat yet]
Now we have the other question: what is the logic [antilogic, actually] of people like J Sloane to talk about adrenal atrophy?
Good night for all of you [here in Brasilia we have 7 AM]
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