Progestene - Liquid Progesterone (bioidentical)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
SAFarmer said:
post 102132 Do you think Haidut's product is worth 5 TIMES as much as Progest-E ?
You have stated your case many times now, I even quoted it for you again. Time for you to move on.

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Jul 31, 2013
Charlie said:
post 102133
SAFarmer said:
post 102132 Do you think Haidut's product is worth 5 TIMES as much as Progest-E ?
You have stated your case many times now, I even quoted it for you again. Time for you to move on.

I hope you say the same for Haidut's "If you don't like it don't buy it" too Charlie ?
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Jul 29, 2014
SAFarmer said:
post 102132
schultz said:
post 102131

Another thing Ray talked about is how when he first started making the Progest-E supplement, he was working with another guy. That "other guy" kept buying ingredients that were, in Ray's words "not quite progesterone or not quite vitamin e", in order to lower costs. I'm not saying that this is happening now, but if Ray actually isn't connected to the product anymore, how do we know if it isn't?

This is a straw man argument and irrelevant to the discussion. The same could be said of Haidut's products ...

The difference is we can directly talk to Haidut, whereas I don't know the people at Kenogen. We are trying to compare the two supplements on a value basis. I personally put value in knowing who is making the supplement, so I take that into consideration, and for me it's relevant. I like to know (and trust) what is in a supplement, as much as I can at least, since I am going to be taking it everyday. I was also talking specifically about topical application. Haidut's supplement is not meant to be taken orally, whereas it is recommended to take the Progest-E orally(Ray says this in the clip above).

SAFarmer said:
Do you think Haidut's product is worth 5 TIMES as much as Progest-E ?

As a topical application, I think Haidut's is worth the price.

If someone doesn't care about taking it orally vs topically then I think the Progest-E is a better deal. Plus, it has vitamin E to boot.

My wife takes Progest-E. I'm not against it at all. For her, she doesn't like the DMSO smell and feel on her skin.

Another reason I'm arguing with you is because I think you are being very rude towards Haidut. Asking questions about his supplement and comparing it cost wise to another is not rude (I think it's an excellent discussion actually), but it's the way you asked. That's just my opinion though, and I might be being a little unfair in that regard. I also might be overly polite (I am Canadian... :? )
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Jul 29, 2014
Charlie said:
post 102133
SAFarmer said:
post 102132 Do you think Haidut's product is worth 5 TIMES as much as Progest-E ?
You have stated your case many times now, I even quoted it for you again. Time for you to move on.


Oh sorry Charlie, I started writing this reply before you posted the above. :?

You can delete my reply if you think it's unfair to SAFarmer.
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Jul 31, 2013
schultz said:
post 102137
Another reason I'm arguing with you is because I think you are being very rude towards Haidut. Asking questions about his supplement and comparing it cost wise to another is not rude (I think it's an excellent discussion actually), but it's the way you asked. That's just my opinion though, and I might be being a little unfair in that regard. I also might be overly polite (I am Canadian... :? )

...and now you are being rude to me. I don't think I was rude to Haidut. Did you read my previous posts ?
Let's keep at just the facts and keep personal "opinions" about others supposed "rudeness" or not, to ourselves , shall we ?
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Dec 1, 2012
SAFarmer said:
I hope you say the same for haidut's "If you don't like it don't buy it" too Charlie ?

My curiosity is too high not to interject here. What equivalence do you see between the two? Because I see none other than they are both repetitive comments in this thread. haidut's repetitive reply seems justified as a reasonable counter to your repetitive pressing the price issue. Your repetitive pressing seems bizarre as haidut''s "If you don't like it, don't buy it" response is justified in it's own right, and he's gone above and beyond that in providing additional justifications to back up the pricing.


Jul 29, 2014
SAFarmer said:
post 102140
schultz said:
post 102137
Another reason I'm arguing with you is because I think you are being very rude towards Haidut. Asking questions about his supplement and comparing it cost wise to another is not rude (I think it's an excellent discussion actually), but it's the way you asked. That's just my opinion though, and I might be being a little unfair in that regard. I also might be overly polite (I am Canadian... :? )

...and now you are being rude to me. I don't think I was rude to Haidut. Did you read my previous posts ?
Let's keep at just the facts and keep personal "opinions" about others supposed "rudeness" or not, to ourselves , shall we ?

I agree, I'm being unfairly argumentative. Please accept my apology. :hattip
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Apr 28, 2015
Can Progestene be used as birth control? I have read various threads and ideas on this and am still confused as to how progesterone can promote fertility and at the same time work as a contraception. My girlfriend has been taking the contraceptive pill for many years, recommended by her doctor to regulate her periods, which are highly irregular without it. I have finally convinced her to switch to natural progesterone. I am confident it can also work to regulate her menstrual cycle, but am unclear on the contraceptive effects...I may start a separate thread on this


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
PTP said:
post 107505 Can Progestene be used as birth control? I have read various threads and ideas on this and am still confused as to how progesterone can promote fertility and at the same time work as a contraception. My girlfriend has been taking the contraceptive pill for many years, recommended by her doctor to regulate her periods, which are highly irregular without it. I have finally convinced her to switch to natural progesterone. I am confident it can also work to regulate her menstrual cycle, but am unclear on the contraceptive effects...I may start a separate thread on this

I think Peat said several times that high doses of progesterone can prevent pregnancy. I am not sure how much progesterone is needed though. He mentioned something about 10mg daily keeping progesterone high enough to prevent miscarriage even in eclampsia patients so maybe this is high enough to work as contraceptive as well.
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Apr 28, 2015
I found suggestions from this website for contraception - ... z2PsRrU292

"Start on Day 8 of the cycle with a low dose of progesterone, and keep it up until menstruation or - for PMS sufferers - the day when you start on the bigger, anti-PMS dose. A daily dose of 100 mg (half a 200 mg suppository) or a 400 mg suppository are equally effective. (Many women who will use 400 mg of progesterone two to six times daily from ovulation onwards prefer to take one 400 mg suppository in the follicular phase rather than having to get 200 mg suppositories as well.)

Progesterone contraception for PMS...

A low dose (100-200 mg) of progesterone from Day 8 of the cycle
Increase to optimum progesterone dosage at ovulation
Continue progesterone until menstruation"

100-200mg doesn't seem like a low dose to me, seems like it could end up being very expensive. Plus I have no idea how she would know when Day 8 of her cycle is, her cycle is completely irregular if natural...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I've read where has Peat mentioned women coating a diaphragm with Progest-e and keeping it in place through out the fertile period. If anyone else has read that and remembers where the information can be found I'd appreciate it! I'll look around myself for a direct quote.


Apr 28, 2015
I hadn't, thanks for pointing it out to me, still a little confused, seems like it's much better to combine with other contraceptive methods. Just glad to be getting her off the pill, but don't want to get blamed for an unwanted pregnancy. I'm not going to discuss this here any more as you've shown me been discussed elsewhere and is more about progesterone in general rather than directly about progestene, thank you Haidut and Blossom for your help.


Sep 16, 2015
I am a young woman, PCOS, no periods.
How should I supplement Progestene?
14 days on, 14 days off?
Let me add that I just started taking Vitex tincture.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
naninani said:
post 109772 Hey,
I am a young woman, PCOS, no periods.
How should I supplement Progestene?
14 days on, 14 days off?
Let me add that I just started taking Vitex tincture.

Most people use the single daily dose (20mg) of Progestene, spread throughout the day. This means 8 drops in the morning, at noon and then at night for a total of 24 drops. Some people use less due to the sedating effects, opting for a single larger dose at night. It would really depend on the context of use. If battling high estrogen, you may need the full daily dose and maybe even more. I would start with 20mg and only increase if you don't feel any effects.
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Feb 22, 2014
haidut said:
post 101989
SAFarmer said:
post 101984 Why do you compare Progestene with an oral product like Prometrium though , and not a "Peat approved" product like Progest-E ?

Because the comparison that ultimately matters is the amount of progesterone you absorb, not how much you are buying, right? Btw, some people on the forum take Progestene orally so I thought the comparison is somewhat valid.
The topical products on the market are mostly junk and this is the reason doctors only prescribe oral micronized progesterone or vaginal/rectal suppositories. If there was a comparable topical product I would be using it as a baseline.
The reason I don't compare Progestene to Ray's product is that I don't want this to turn into an argument who has the better topical product. I encourage people to try both and stick with the one that makes them feel better. If that means less sales for me and more for Ray then I have no problem with that. The man deserves it.

Hello Haidut,

Just curious about the mention of oral intake of your products (Progestene and Pansterone- I see you have responded to several posts about taking them orally). Can you briefly explain when/why you recommend oral vs. topical? Is topical overall safer over an extended period of time because of liver processing? I am all for taking it topically, but just want to make sure I know if there are situations when oral is preferred.

Thank you-
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