Possibility of False Flag Nuclear attack on NYC/NJ and US Cities?


Jun 22, 2021
Seriously not meant to scare anyone but I've been noticing a few things:

1) Today July 11th NYC releases official PSA about a nuclear attack on the city:

View: https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk

2) in 2017 - Operation Gotham Shield - military exercise which exercised nuclear attack on the NYC Metropolitan area - simulated attack that destroyed Upper NJ and half of NYC


" Operation Gotham Shield was a 2017 exercise conducted by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) which tested civil defense response capabilities to a nuclear weapons attack against the New York City metropolitan area

The operation involved the hypothetical ground burst of a nuclear device at the New Jersey-side entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel, resulting in "hundreds of thousands" of killed and injured persons
and 4.5 million refugees from the initial blast and subsequent fallout.[2][3][4]

"... final phases
the exercise, a hypothetical "massive influx" of refugees from the attack "overwhelmed" the resources of neighboring states..."

3) I remember watching the movie watchmen (movie blockbuster) in 2009 - in the end of the movie Ozymandias launches a nuke on NYC and makes it look like it was Dr.Manhattan in order to create a World peace movement to unite countries against Dr.Manhattan - now this is all coming back to me

View: https://youtu.be/sdTpMmePhZI

So what's going on here? This is quite concerning - anyone have any other relevant info ? I need to know what kind of timeline I'm looking at here
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Dec 17, 2018
Seriously not meant to scare anyone but I've been noticing a few things:

1) Today July 11th NYC releases official PSA about a nuclear attack on the city:

View: https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk

2) in 2017 - Operation Gotham Shield - military exercise which exercised nuclear attack on the NYC Metropolitan area - simulated attack that destroyed Upper NJ and half of NYC

View attachment 38906

"... final phases
the exercise, a hypothetical "massive influx" of refugees from the attack "overwhelmed" the resources of neighboring states..."

3) I remember watching the movie watchmen (movie blockbuster) in 2009 - in the end of the movie Ozymandias launches a nuke on NYC and makes it look like it was Dr.Manhattan in order to create a World peace movement to unite countries against Dr.Manhattan - now this is all coming back to me

View: https://youtu.be/sdTpMmePhZI

So what's going on here? This is quite concerning - anyone have any other relevant info ? I need to know what kind of timeline I'm looking at here

Its precautionary because of whats going on between ukraine and russia. The advice is mostly useless unless you are far enough away from the blast. And if you are far enough away to not die instantly or get exposed to much radiation you should immediately drive as far as possible from the affected area anyways. A nuclear attack is not likely in the US. There is no benefit to a nuclear attack from any side. Everyone loses. One nuke from one side is met with more from the other. So tbh I would not think twice about it.


Aug 6, 2015
Something big is coming



Sep 12, 2018
All part of the show...inclusive of real mass murder...this is part of the hate Russia and the Great ReSet campaigns to usher in world feudalism through fear. Russia if attacked will take out strategic targets first. not first strikes on cities....


Apr 20, 2017
Does anyone remember Project Blackjack, the creepy comic strip about a false flag nuclear attack on major western cities.


Sep 24, 2016
Its precautionary because of whats going on between ukraine and russia. The advice is mostly useless unless you are far enough away from the blast. And if you are far enough away to not die instantly or get exposed to much radiation you should immediately drive as far as possible from the affected area anyways. A nuclear attack is not likely in the US. There is no benefit to a nuclear attack from any side. Everyone loses. One nuke from one side is met with more from the other. So tbh I would not think twice about it.
And get iodine and a good gun. Once a nuclear Bomb drops, all shackles are off regardless where you are in the affected countries and world regions. Commodities of all kinds will be highly competed.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I used to think this described an asteroid strike, but now I think it's referring to nuclear war and its aftermath. Obviously some figurative language being used because someone seeing this 2000 years ago wouldn't understand science and technology like we do. If it happens, know the time is near. My literal translation:

"And the seven messengers having the seven trumpets prepared themselves that they could trumpet. And the first trumpets, and hail and fire mixed in blood became, and it was cast into the land. And the third part of the land, the third part of the trees, and all green grass was burned up. And the second messenger trumpets, and as a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. And the third of the sea became blood, the third of the creatures having souls in the sea died, and the third of the ships were destroyed. And the third messenger trumpets, and a great star burning as a torch falls out of heaven. And it falls upon the third of the rivers and upon the springs of water. And the name of the star is called wormwood (αψινθος). And the third of the waters became bitter (αψινθον). And many men died out of the waters because they were made bitter. And the fourth messenger trumpets, and the third of the sun, the third of the moon, and the third of the stars were struck so that a third of them be darkened, and that the third of the day not appear, and the night likewise." Revelation 8:6-12


Sep 24, 2016
I used to think this described an asteroid strike, but now I think it's referring to nuclear war and its aftermath. Obviously some figurative language being used because someone seeing this 2000 years ago wouldn't understand science and technology like we do. If it happens, know the time is near. My literal translation:

"And the seven messengers having the seven trumpets prepared themselves that they could trumpet. And the first trumpets, and hail and fire mixed in blood became, and it was cast into the land. And the third part of the land, the third part of the trees, and all green grass was burned up. And the second messenger trumpets, and as a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. And the third of the sea became blood, the third of the creatures having souls in the sea died, and the third of the ships were destroyed. And the third messenger trumpets, and a great star burning as a torch falls out of heaven. And it falls upon the third of the rivers and upon the springs of water. And the name of the star is called wormwood (αψινθος). And the third of the waters became bitter (αψινθον). And many men died out of the waters because they were made bitter. And the fourth messenger trumpets, and the third of the sun, the third of the moon, and the third of the stars were struck so that a third of them be darkened, and that the third of the day not appear, and the night likewise." Revelation 8:6-12
Same tendency and desire of humans back then to design orgiastic Fantasy of death and destruction.
It’s the dystopian nonsense some claim nowadays because of climate change or because of alleged coming nuclear war.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Same tendency and desire of humans back then to design orgiastic Fantasy of death and destruction.
It’s the dystopian nonsense some claim nowadays because of climate change or because of alleged coming nuclear war.

Unlike man-made climate change, with the lunatics we have in charge nuclear war is a very real possibility. Actually, they are so mad it is almost a certainty.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Seriously not meant to scare anyone but I've been noticing a few things:

1) Today July 11th NYC releases official PSA about a nuclear attack on the city:

View: https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk

2) in 2017 - Operation Gotham Shield - military exercise which exercised nuclear attack on the NYC Metropolitan area - simulated attack that destroyed Upper NJ and half of NYC

View attachment 38906

" Operation Gotham Shield was a 2017 exercise conducted by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) which tested civil defense response capabilities to a nuclear weapons attack against the New York City metropolitan area

The operation involved the hypothetical ground burst of a nuclear device at the New Jersey-side entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel, resulting in "hundreds of thousands" of killed and injured persons
and 4.5 million refugees from the initial blast and subsequent fallout.[2][3][4]

"... final phases
the exercise, a hypothetical "massive influx" of refugees from the attack "overwhelmed" the resources of neighboring states..."

3) I remember watching the movie watchmen (movie blockbuster) in 2009 - in the end of the movie Ozymandias launches a nuke on NYC and makes it look like it was Dr.Manhattan in order to create a World peace movement to unite countries against Dr.Manhattan - now this is all coming back to me

View: https://youtu.be/sdTpMmePhZI

So what's going on here? This is quite concerning - anyone have any other relevant info ? I need to know what kind of timeline I'm looking at here

By all means, do SCARE as many people as you can. We passed the point of no return long time ago. Now, there is no time left to "convince" people that things are THAT bad. Unless they get shocked out of their shell/bubble, nothing else would work.
The Great Reset is a failure. At its core lies the assumption that AI will achieve human-like intelligence and will make humans obsolete. That is now known to be false. So, no AI = no economic growth and also no immortality as the elite had hoped. This means economic growth will still be highly dependent on natural resources, which are mostly in Russia and some are (almost) fully controlled by China (i.e. rare earth metals). In tandem, Russia/China and the Middle East possess the majority of resources needed to maintain Western "civilization" in its current shape/form. In that scenario the West is fully done, and you can see what is happening now in Europe (rationing, official govt warnings in the biggest economies Germany/France/UK economic disaster is coming, winter will be brutal, etc) as a prelude to what's coming to the entire West. If the West cannot be economically self-sufficient (through AI) and has to go back to resources, which are now out of reach, then war with Russia/China is the only option left. Nuclear war, that is. It would also have the "benefit" of wiping out most of the plebs so the elite doesn't have to concoct elaborate scams like "vaccines" to slowly wipe people out.
Anyways, the video is useless as any strike in Manhattan or the boroughs will wipe out entire NYC and any "response" measures are laughable. Google for the the govt models on even a small nuclear weapon detonated in NYC - i.e. 3mil dead immediately (evaporated) and another 3mil dying within the next 24h from trauma/radiation, with another 3mil dying from radiation poisoning or injuries in the next 2 weeks.
If somebody has an idea how the West gets out of the predicament, in which it put itself on purpose by the idiotic elite, without war, I am all ears. All you need to know about where we are and how dumb the people that rule us are is the recent admission by Jerome Powell that "we now understand how little we know about inflation". After gaslighting and censoring anybody (including Nobel laureates in economics) who dared say inflation is not transitory and the Fed printing 6 trilion out of thin air is suicide:):


Jan 28, 2013
If somebody has an idea how the West gets out of the predicament, in which it put itself on purpose by the idiotic elite, without war, I am all ears.
Well, there is the old Jefferson/Paine idea of an agrarian democracy, the land-based economy that Wendell Berry has written about for the last 50 years.

So there is an option, in the US. At least there was. The (widespread) know-how is gone though, not to mention the land "ownership" issue.

Then, of course, there is the (lack of) will. Getting your hands dirty used to be for slaves or serfs, now it's for suckers. The vast majority of people can't even fathom a life without Starbucks, TV and the internet, the manual/menial work being done cheaply by the suckers (and minorities) or the financial contrivance- based economic system that made the rampant materialism and convenience culture possible.

The irony is that those that want to survive through another feudal dark age in the West will have to get their hands dirty anyway, eventually- as a slave or serf once again.


Sep 24, 2016
All you need to know about where we are and how dumb the people that rule us are is the recent admission by Jerome Powell that "we now understand how little we know about inflation". After gaslighting and censoring anybody
I have trouble believing this.

It could be a sharade and plausible deniability to pretend it’s a poor understood phenomena out of control.

Monetary stuff is their domain since the beginning. I won’t exclude for now they are executing a staged plan where dispossesing huge portions of the populace by a planned inflation is set in motion.

Otherwise, everybody could see something like that coming since Lehmann latest?
Or the ECB financing Euro-Zone states via printing euros instead of keeping inflation in check. As you said, countless of scientists have predicted what now transpires.

Also, the turning away from fossil energy with an ideological zeal towards „renewables“ which already cost billions during only a few years.

Could all be a plan instead of an incredible dimension of failure


Sep 24, 2016
Economics seem still a broad science with poorly understood concepts in detail.

On the other hand, economy and the monetary and credit system mirrors thermodynamics, energy. I think it is subject to the same laws.

Creditor and debtor is the main pillar of their rule. I also assume they perfectly understand the concept of energy in a Ray Peat way of thinking, as fundamental to all healthy and functional existence.

They then would also understand how to destroy that Fundation for many while gaining for themselves


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Well, there is the old Jefferson/Paine idea of an agrarian democracy, the land-based economy that Wendell Berry has written about for the last 50 years.

So there is an option, in the US. At least there was. The (widespread) know-how is gone though, not to mention the land "ownership" issue.

Then, of course, there is the (lack of) will. Getting your hands dirty used to be for slaves or serfs, now it's for suckers. The vast majority of people can't even fathom a life without Starbucks, TV and the internet, the manual/menial work being done cheaply by the suckers (and minorities) or the financial contrivance- based economic system that made the rampant materialism and convenience culture possible.

The irony is that those that want to survive through another feudal dark age in the West will have to get their hands dirty anyway, eventually- as a slave or serf once again.

Right, I agree that there are options. It's just that none of them seems to be without enduring either a major/world war or a massive die-off of the people either incapable of (due to true physical/mental retardation from decades of environmental assault) self-sufficiency or capable but deliberately being handicapped due to land ownership control issue, access to even basic technology (i.e. we can't just go back to horse-ploughs), control of transportation, etc. So, one way or another, civilization in its current form is doomed and already collapsing. May God spare as many as possible on the way down.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I have trouble believing this.

It could be a sharade and plausible deniability to pretend it’s a poor understood phenomena out of control.

Monetary stuff is their domain since the beginning. I won’t exclude for now they are executing a staged plan where dispossesing huge portions of the populace by a planned inflation is set in motion.

Otherwise, everybody could see something like that coming since Lehmann latest?
Or the ECB financing Euro-Zone states via printing euros instead of keeping inflation in check. As you said, countless of scientists have predicted what now transpires.

Also, the turning away from fossil energy with an ideological zeal towards „renewables“ which already cost billions during only a few years.

Could all be a plan instead of an incredible dimension of failure

I agree that they have a plan, but I don't think they can control markets, inflation, etc at will. Markets are irrational, as the elite knows quite well. There is definitely also incompetence. The war in Ukraine (plan vs. reality), the Afghanistan fiasco, the strategy towards China, etc, etc. If I were to guess I'd say 50:50 ratio of evil:rollingocy in the powers that be.


Jan 28, 2013
Yes, the ship has sailed on anything resembling a smooth transition or even something that would eventually be able to be looked back on as anything other than cataclysmic-- at least in the most developed West, where people no longer know how to do even the most basic essential things.

Lots of suffering. The ones that aren't spared (or don't feel the need to spare themselves) will be the relatively fortunate ones.

In the East, they may pull off a transition to technocratic authoritarianism. In the less developed West, where people still live close to the ground, there will be pockets of survival, maybe even a little thriving as a renewal of authentic life occurs.
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Dec 8, 2016
Very compelling piece.

If you don’t have ten minutes to watch-
The general speculation is that the government will release bio warfare in NYC.
Subways are especially vulnerable.

He does give plenty of evidence as to how he concluded this.

I’ve included some screenshots for you.

For me- if I gained anything- it was the truth that this plan has been set in motion for a very long time. And reinforcement that the cabal hates us very much.
This must be a fun game for them.

View: https://youtu.be/tb4iTebEp2Q


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