Pomegranate Seeds- 300mg Of Vitamin E Per 100g!

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
If interested in CLA, pomegranate seeds could be a good option...

Ray said that CLA is useful if you're loaded with PUFA, but it otherwise has bad effects of its own, amounts in butter/milk are safe

CLA supplements on the market seem to have major issues. all are sourced from safflower oil which is processed or tinkered with in some way to turn it into CLA. there seem to be thousands of complaints on amazon and bodybuilding forums about CLA being helpful for fat loss but causing GI distress and severe acne/pimples. the effect does not seem to be related to the PUFA, plenty of people have PUFA, maybe even regular safflower oil and don't get the severe sort of acne like from CLA supps.

dairy/beef tallow gets more CLA when cows are grass fed, but even then, the amount of cla in them is small

pomegranate seed oil or extract may be a much safer way to supplement CLA, if theres supplements for those

Do seeds from desert plants have relatively more Vitamin E? In the heat they should need more to avoid PUFA oxidation.

Seeds from desert plants or tropical areas, iirc would just have less vitamin E because fat should be more saturated. look at palm oil and palm kernel oil for instance... palm kernel oil is even more saturated than palm oil. palm oil is only 9% PUFA or less IIRC, which is almost as low as milk and beef tallow which are like 3-6% depending on diet. I think palm oil is one of the best sources of tocotrienols and seems it has lots of carotenes too.
i dont know which seeds are present in warmer areas though. cactus would be one? id be curious to see their oils and the PUFA content. finding oils for them would probably be tough, even macadamia nut oil seems very hard to find.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I bought, and ate some pomegranates, and their arils today. The vitamin E is in the seeds, and the seeds only represent about 10% of the aril weight. The rest is red stuff around the seed. Arils are about 34% of the actual pomegranate weight. Sooo the vitamin E content of whole arils is only 30mg per 100g, and in a 550g pomegranate there is 187g of arils making for 56mg vitamin e per pomegranate which is still not bad but not the top source. Looks like annatto seeds with 160mg/100g are still the top source.
Pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds have 40mg per 100g. French cheese 90mg per 100g.

Here is a textbook on vitamin E

http://www.anme.com.mx/libros/Vitamin E - Food Chemistry, Composition, and Analysis.pdf
how is the french cheese getting that much vitamin E? being a cheese wouldnt it be very low in PUFA, high in SFA and MUFA? typically the high SFA foods dont seem to have much vitamin E...
by the way apparently sesame seed extract improves vitamin E absorption somehow. life extension had a daily health booster product with vitamin K2 and k1, gamma tocopherols, blueberry extracts and also sesame seed extracts, they said its in there due to its effects on boosting vitamin E... but sesame seed oil itself is mostly PUFA i think. but it looks like theres something in sesame seeds that helps absorption

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
IIRC its vit E that protects from lipid peroxidation but vitamin C helps recycle the vit E so it can be "used again"
does orange juice work for this vitamin E recycling effect


Feb 22, 2022
You don't need a lot of vitamin E if you are low in PUFA. It can help in estrogenic conditions. There probably isn't a practical source of vitamin E in nature separate from PUFA, because vitamin E's role is to prevent the PUFA from spoiling. High vitamin C fruits also have proportionally more PUFA than low vitamin C fruits, for similar reasons - to stop the PUFA oxidising.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Good quote
@Tenacity would vitamin E then actually have negative side effects if you eat a low pufa diet but supplement it regularly
What about vitamin D3
Dont meat and milk have vitamin C. And thats Interesting so would vitamin C supplements be useful to work against PUFA consumption then
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