Polyester Is Dangerous and Bad for your Health


Nov 18, 2019
& @Kvothe There are people who I know suffering arthritic like symptoms when wearing fibers which encourage static buildup, especially in dry weather. Even TCM warns against wool even though it's a natural fiber because of its ability to mess with the bodies more intricate communication systems/ flow of chi.

maybe someone who is completely sedentary who never sweats would be "fine" wearing this crap but those who are sweaty and actually do stuff are at risk. Sweat is warm, salty and the skin acidic perfect condition to leach crap from plastic clothes. I don't know if Dr. Peat has actually said that 1 and if he has he must not realize how much of everyone's stuff is plastic from carpet, jackets, shoes, socks, underwear, couches, blankets, bedding, pillows etc and like mentioned above people then wash all this plastic and dry it... getting the plastic in the air of their home and municipal water supply.

Imo it's definitely a concern


Aug 23, 2018
Damn, so the gym apparel from Gymshark and other big brands is bad? What am I supposed to wear?
Wearing cotton makes you sweat a lot if you do physical activity.
I don't think cotton makes you sweat. It's just that it absorbs the sweat better.

Wearing polyester only when exercising can be a trade off.


Aug 10, 2012
I got some of this new anti-sweat stuff when I moved to a hot place. Use it for morning walk but that's enough. I switch to something more comfortable after that. It begins to irritate my skin.
Jul 11, 2020
So is it still mainly organic then? It sounds like it from what you're saying. Would you consider it a safe alternative?
Not really. Rayon is a scam. If it doesn't say "bamboo fibers"in the fabric compositions list and just says rayon or viscose bamboo then it means it is mostly made from the cellulose of bamboo that is extracted with chemicals and there is no actual bamboo in it. I have socks and some other things made with proper machine pressed bamboo fiber as my body runs pretty hot 24/7 and they are the only things that keep my feet cool during the day and night. They are amazingly cooling, but also quite the investment.


Jun 7, 2019
How do you completely avoid synthetics in clothing? I haven't seen any underwear that requires a belt, so even cotton underwear will still have an elastic waistband. Some of them have cotton sewn around the elastic waistband, is that better?
Men's pants are liable to have polyester linings, and who knows what the pockets are made of.


Jan 9, 2019
How do you completely avoid synthetics in clothing? I haven't seen any underwear that requires a belt, so even cotton underwear will still have an elastic waistband. Some of them have cotton sewn around the elastic waistband, is that better?
Men's pants are liable to have polyester linings, and who knows what the pockets are made of.
Yeah do your best but one can tuck in a cotton shirt under the underwear band. I have also found brands that have cotton over the polyester and rubber underwear band Or you know... go commando.


Thanks for highlighting this. It's really important, it's getting harder and harder to find natural fibers. I'd add to this things like rayon which have a lot of people suffering from chronic headaches especially when worn on the head as caps.

Bamboo processing can be really involved and to toxic like other fabrics, you can't really win when the product is new. Consider also that the dryer releases these fumes into the house if there isn't good venting and in people's faces when they open the dryer, there are micro and nano particles literally everywhere because of these in everyone's houses.

I buy as much second hand stuff as possible, natural fabrics and it's actually easier to find than regular department stores. Just make sure to give it a smell and avoid moldy or heavily soiled clothes.

I also buy second hand my stainless steel cookware. The metals leach the most when new and become more stable after many uses.

Body odor is much more apparent with synthetic fibers too. Many are now using antimicrobial nano particles and Teflon related chemicals to "waterproof" things. There are even garments with infused pesticides...

Thanks for the tips!
I wear scrubs almost everyday of the week (6 days/wk) and it's going to be tough finding all cotton scrubs as most of them are poly/cotton or with spandex blend.


Jul 25, 2020
Thanks for the tips!
I wear scrubs almost everyday of the week (6 days/wk) and it's going to be tough finding all cotton scrubs as most of them are poly/cotton or with spandex blend.
I have a sister, a sister-in-law and various friends who are nurses and they have been able to find 100% cotton. It is not easy and sometimes only found online. I even purchased a short sleeve blouse thing with 2 pockets by "Landau - Made Better"


Nov 18, 2019
Thanks for the tips!
I wear scrubs almost everyday of the week (6 days/wk) and it's going to be tough finding all cotton scrubs as most of them are poly/cotton or with spandex blend.
Same with me. I have a blended one. I have yet to see all cotton scrubs. If you find some, would you post a link?


Nov 18, 2019
I have a sister, a sister-in-law and various friends who are nurses and they have been able to find 100% cotton. It is not easy and sometimes only found online. I even purchased a short sleeve blouse thing with 2 pockets by "Landau - Made Better"
Would you be able to find out a link for the 100% cotton scrubs? Somehow my searches are not resulting in 100% cotton - only blends. Even when they say “cotton” they are actually blends. Thank you in advance.


Jul 25, 2020
Would you be able to find out a link for the 100% cotton scrubs? Somehow my searches are not resulting in 100% cotton - only blends. Even when they say “cotton” they are actually blends. Thank you in advance.
I will look around whenever I am on a site. I have found that the internet has changed so often if we search via google or amazon they only give links to something that makes money for them. If you know of a company that sells what you want go directly to that company and search or better call them. A few times I made a phone call and found places that had items in their warehouse I wanted but not enough of them to add to a catalog or website. If they tell me oh we have some left then I place an order immediately using my CC and avoid doing anything online. I have not done it for scrubs except for that one shirt as I dont have a need for them. I like cotton, it is a black (favorite color) sortof blouse thing. I wont post. If I find a winner I will send a pm.


Thanks @LA ! Women seems to have more selection and option than men.

@Lollipop2 - I like to wear scrubs that are a little fitted and jogger pants from UA (uniform advantage) but I just looked for all cotton scrubs on their site and they have a unisex brand (fashion seal) and koi for womens. Bro, I'ma bring back the MC Hammer look if I wear that Fashion Seal to work. Maybe for Halloween! Lol...

There's also Angelica by Medline on scrubsunlimited com... If I work in the OR, then maybe..

S.C.R.U.B.S brand from smartscrubs com.. eh, not really into the side slits and flair waist but the summer bamboo top is a must buy! Ha ha.

I definitely agree on the cotton fabric and I probably won't be buying the blend anymore. I might have to sacrifice the style but I'll also wait on spending the money b/c who knows if I'll even have a job tomorrow.


Jul 25, 2020
Thanks @LA ! Women seems to have more selection and option than men.

@Lollipop2 - I like to wear scrubs that are a little fitted and jogger pants from UA (uniform advantage) but I just looked for all cotton scrubs on their site and they have a unisex brand (fashion seal) and koi for womens. Bro, I'ma bring back the MC Hammer look if I wear that Fashion Seal to work. Maybe for Halloween! Lol...

There's also Angelica by Medline on scrubsunlimited com... If I work in the OR, then maybe..

S.C.R.U.B.S brand from smartscrubs com.. eh, not really into the side slits and flair waist but the summer bamboo top is a must buy! Ha ha.

I definitely agree on the cotton fabric and I probably won't be buying the blend anymore. I might have to sacrifice the style but I'll also wait on spending the money b/c who knows if I'll even have a job tomorrow.
Forget the style. Hey do they allow males to wear 100% cotton Levi's 501 or else boot-cut with a "scrubs" shirt? All guys, all sizes look great in 100% Levis and the pants get better with age.


Jan 11, 2013
@Lollipop2 - Have you checked on Etsy?
I did a quick search and there are folks making 100% cotton scrub shirts.
You can also find clothes made from hemp or organic cotton on Etsy. Most items are either handmade or vintage.


Oct 19, 2019
H and M do a lot of decent quality 100% cotton t-shirts etc.


Forget the style. Hey do they allow males to wear 100% cotton Levi's 501 or else boot-cut with a "scrubs" shirt? All guys, all sizes look great in 100% Levis and the pants get better with age.
I know a lab in the hospital allow their techs to wear chinos but not my job. I wish jeans were acceptable but yes, on the 100% Levis!

And thanks @Surfari ! I've bought stuff at Etsy before but I'll now search for 100% cotton scrubs.


Jul 25, 2020
H and M do a lot of decent quality 100% cotton t-shirts etc.
Good news and thankfully here in CA it is relatively easy to find 100% cotton T-shirts especially for my husband. Plus when the cotton Ts finally wear out they are good for clean up and safe for mirrors, windows and screen monitors since soft 100% cotton wont scratch the surfaces.


Jul 25, 2020
I know a lab in the hospital allow their techs to wear chinos but not my job. I wish jeans were acceptable but yes, on the 100% Levis!

And thanks @Surfari ! I've bought stuff at Etsy before but I'll now search for 100% cotton scrubs.
hopefully someday the heads of departments will realize that 100% cotton jeans can be easily washed in HOT water and unlike polyester they will not retain germs


Nov 18, 2019
@Lollipop2 - Have you checked on Etsy?
I did a quick search and there are folks making 100% cotton scrub shirts.
You can also find clothes made from hemp or organic cotton on Etsy. Most items are either handmade or vintage.
Fantastic thank you! I have not looked and would have never thought to look ?


Oct 19, 2019
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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