Policosanol might be effective against COVID-19 and the spike protein



Feb 26, 2018
When you supplement with policosanol do you happen to notice if it makes you sleepy or influences your metabolism? I have some but have been hesitant to use it because many supps and vitamins make me either sleepy or keep me from sleeping. Yes, I have a very sensitive metabolism and am an insomniac so have to have a very disciplined timeline. I also only have 100 mg capsules of policosanol so it looks like I'll be opening up yet another supp and only taking a portion of it if the 20 mg is what is recommended.
Maybe if I take it too close to bedtime. But that is probably more related to its blood sugar lowering effects rather than any inherent stimulating effect. So I dont think it should cause insomnia taken during daytime.


Apr 26, 2018
Maybe if I take it too close to bedtime. But that is probably more related to its blood sugar lowering effects rather than any inherent stimulating effect. So I dont think it should cause insomnia taken during daytime.
Thanks Mauritio!

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Maybe if I take it too close to bedtime. But that is probably more related to its blood sugar lowering effects rather than any inherent stimulating effect. So I dont think it should cause insomnia taken during daytime.
ray said too much can interfere with digestion and assimilation of fats... and liver can be affected if digestion of fats is improper. he didnt say which dosage is ideal. he also said the best way to get it is to chew sugarcane! isnt it in the wax of sugarcane though!


Feb 26, 2018
ray said too much can interfere with digestion and assimilation of fats... and liver can be affected if digestion of fats is improper. he didnt say which dosage is ideal. he also said the best way to get it is to chew sugarcane! isnt it in the wax of sugarcane though!
Ok ,thanks .
Sep 28, 2020
I've transcribed some parts of the interview about Nano Soma since I found it rather exceptional and intriguing. As someone who has problems with autoimmune diseases and has bad reaction to supplemental VIT D and many other supplements I found out early - by researching on my own - that VIT D receptor (VDR) plays a huge role in the autoimmunity. The fact that studies you shared talked about how policosanol can substitute or be agonist or antagonist depending on the situation to the VDR left me excited. Here are the most important parts of the interview.

Nano Soma Interview Richard + Jeffery
Polycosanol is understood to have some impact on cholesterol levels but that's about it. The magic happens when you take that and turn it into a nano particle and put it in the body in a way that's accessible to the body. I describe it as natural magic because it is that powerful. I've seen enough evidence now to be willing to say that this carries the blueprint for life and so it's been - you might say - talking to our bodies literally forever in terms of biological life. Places where you tend to find (Policosanol) are unrefined sugar from sugar cane, unrefined rice, peanuts...
Its developer Dr. Raghavan who just spent about 25 years in the in pharmaceutical industry before he got disillusioned and left. The key is that this little Polycosanol is in all - as he says - "the sun splashed area of plants" and it performs a role apart from the lipid envelope. It performs a role in protecting plants and may even play a role in germination. And a small percentage of the policosanol in its normal form is in the Nano form - Only a very small amount. And what happens is - and what's happened is - that when we've refined our food one of the things that gets taken out is policosanol, so this has been removed from our diets.

There is yet to be a human health condition that this hasn't been tested against that it doesn't trigger the body to heal itself. It's been formally tested against 18 pathological viruses including the one we can't talk about.
It's been tested against the 10 most infectious diseases and the body heals all of them in the presence of this little magical particle.

We have 48 or 49 what are called nuclear receptors in our cells and basically they are the core - you might say operating system of the body. They really control most of what's going on. The most important one perhaps is the vitamin D receptor. And so vitamin D turns that receptor on. That's effectively one of its key roles in the body. But if the vitamin D receptor is overactive, vitamin D can do nothing for it. And this is why we have a bunch of autoimmune diseases, parkinson's disease, ALS - all of these are actually caused by an overactive vitamin D receptor. So looking at Parkinson's specifically - it's triggered by an excess of a protein called TNF alpha.
So when when you put Nano Soma in the body if the vitamin D receptor is overactive it turns it down, so this excess of TNF alpha or for example the cytokine storms that we hear about associated with COVID 19 they can't happen. They simply can't happen because that vitamin D receptor is regulated. This is unheard of. It's never been seen before and it's actually part of Dr. Raghavan's patents. Because this is widely patented around the world. There are three patents in the U.S on this extraordinary technology. We've got another 47 of them. Raghavan said it actually works on all of them (Nuclear Receptors). It turns out there are only tests available for 27 of them. For 22 of them the results are absolutely clear that it regulates without question. For the other five results are unclear and there are no tests for the others. So this little particle is like the key to the functioning of our bodies that we didn't know existed until this showed up and our bodies begin to operate on levels and in ways we didn't think was possible. So in addition to regulating all of the nuclear receptors it also triggers the body to produce its own vitamin c. We lost the ability to produce vitamin c genetically I don't know maybe four million years ago. It applies to all primates and guinea pigs some people suggested fruit bats as well.
Other animals have the ability to produce their own vitamin C. What this product does is trigger the body's innate ability to take oxidized vitamin C and turn it back into vitamin C in the body. Most the vitamin c that we consume gets pretty rapidly oxidized because the body recognizes that it's not its own vitamin C. I don't know how this happens. So it can sustain levels of vitamin C when it needs to for healing and other conditions that you could never sustain using supplementation. Raghavan has demonstrated that this little particle triggers effectively a replication of the human genome so if our DNA has been interfered with, whether it be genetic defects, whether it be environmental, whether it be intentional. And there's certainly some evidence that these vaccinations - any impact they might have is swept out of the body completely. So any interference that's planned from this technology the body will clear it for itself.

Humanity will look back and will wonder how it was that we walked through this time when we lived with illness and disease and aging because it'll all be swept away. It'll no longer be in our experience and in my opinion the whole environment of big pharma with vaccination and so many of these other things will disappear. In fact many of the nutritional supplements that people take today won't be required either because many people take them because they believe there's a lack of nutrition in our food. Raghavan says for the most part that's simply not the case. The issue has been that the mechanisms for supplying nutrients and energy into the cells have been compromised and it's one of the first things that's fixed. The mitochondria delivery of nutrients and energy into the cells is transformed. This is why many people experience almost instantly a boost in energy because these things are repaired.

"Nano Soma" is the name of the product and it's it's one of the names that Dr. Raghavan has for it. As a as a brand name the product itself is actually patented under the name of "Metadichol" which is an anagram for methodical.

These autoimmune diseases basically arise because our immune system is not working correctly and primarily they are caused by an overactive vitamin D receptor. It can be other receptors but primarily it's the vitamin D receptor. So when you put Nano Soma in the body the vitamin D receptor is regulated. Autoimmune diseases will disappear. And related conditions. Maybe not overnight but you keep using it all of these things disappear the body heals itself.

There have now been at least three cases where people have been in a coma for months and their relatives became aware of Nano Soma and they basically sprayed it in their mouth once a day and within a week all three of them had woken up.

: Start with one spray for a few days and then build up to five sprays for a week and then use what is really the startup protocol. If you have any existing health condition and that is as Dr. Raghavan describes it: "A bottle in a week, a second bottle in two weeks and the third bottle in four". The normal usage of this is five sprays once a day in your mouth. That's the ongoing use. And so if you have an existing health condition there is clear evidence of benefit from using five sprays four times a day, which basically uses up a bottle in a week. Then after you've done that use fire sprays twice a day - which will take you two weeks to use a bottle and then you settle down into the fire sprays once a day. Of course you can use it more than that - this is food.


Jul 17, 2018
I think this stuff work better and better as i take it....ive not look for a regular policosanol but probably its better taken as nano-sized . To me NanoSoma has a very regulating effect, could also boost energy. I dont see many reports of personal experiences, anyone else using nano-policosanol?
Sep 28, 2020
I think this stuff work better and better as i take it....ive not look for a regular policosanol but probably its better taken as nano-sized . To me NanoSoma has a very regulating effect, could also boost energy. I dont see many reports of personal experiences, anyone else using nano-policosanol?
I'm planning to take it very soon hopefully, so It's pretty encouraging that you've talked positively about it.
Here is from where I've talked a little bit about metadichol, different studies and also some different interview with the scientist who patent it.

Definitely planning to get to it as soon as I can.


Mar 20, 2021
When you supplement with policosanol do you happen to notice if it makes you sleepy or influences your metabolism? I have some but have been hesitant to use it because many supps and vitamins make me either sleepy or keep me from sleeping. Yes, I have a very sensitive metabolism and am an insomniac so have to have a very disciplined timeline. I also only have 100 mg capsules of policosanol so it looks like I'll be opening up yet another supp and only taking a portion of it if the 20 mg is what is recommended.
I have been taking the 20 mg capsules from Swanson for a couple weeks now. They make me sleepy! My favorite time to take a capsule is about an hour before I intend to take a nap. All around warm and cozy and very relaxing.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Here's a case study showing metadichol [nano-policosanol] decreases TSH to about a third of what it was in hypothyroid patients. And it significantly increases vitamin C levels without supplementing it .
I think normal policosanol should be able to do the same as the nano-delivery is probably just for increasing bioavailability/ sales .

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Aren’t certain types of hypothyroidism caused by too little tsh? In that case, if someone does have the low tsh hypothyroidism, would policosanol worsen issues for people with that type of hypothyroidism?
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