PETA Calls For a Strike on Sex With Meat-Eating Men


Dec 4, 2021
Is it really even a plausible scenario that a barbecuing meat eating man and a carrot stick eating women would even be together? This must be a handful of women who have no prospects banding together with this excuse for their cobwebs.
You'd think they wouldn't but considering at this point people just swipe left and bang somebody random they do.

Now she'll take a moment to ask if he eats meat before sleeping with a total stranger 😅
Mar 10, 2021
You'd think they wouldn't but considering at this point people just swipe left and bang somebody random they do.

Now she'll take a moment to ask if he eats meat before sleeping with a total stranger 😅
Those kind of women just get with men and then try to change them.


Great story for this thread



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Good point. This is the second "sex strike" I have heard mentioned, this year, the other being those that want to protest the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade. I've seen that in California, which doesn't make any sense, really. Since all the Dobbs decision did was return regulation to the states, you just know that California isn't banning abortions anytime soon. They already want this to be an abortion tourism state, and probably want it to be an option up to, and probably even beyond, birth.

The only time when I heard of a "sex strike" for political/social purposes that I entertained as a" just might work" thought for a minute or two is the event below from back in 2015.

Though...I immediately realized if the above worked politicians would be all over the news calling for a sex strike until all Americans turn in their guns. So...better to leave the sex strikes to Ancient Greek dramas, which is where this idea was first reported as a political technique:):
Mar 10, 2021
So...better to leave the sex strikes to Ancient Greek dramas, which is where this idea was first reported as a political technique:):
The only thing I can see as a result of a strike, especially in ancient times, is a rise in rapes. Wives withhold sex from their husbands all the time because they aren’t getting their way and all that becomes of that is an unhappy marriage and a lot of infidelity. These sex strikes just leave more men for meat eating women to choose from. I think it’s funny!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
These sex strikes just leave more men for meat eating women to choose from.

I can see slogans on T-shirts coming soon saying "want a**? eat meat":):


Feb 18, 2016
I can see someone doing a catfishing experiment on a member of PETA with a meat eating model.
Most vegans are another western expression of pathological narcissism, I understand aspects of Indian culture are vegan, I think its a different context to be fair, we see socially defeated narcissists with unmet expectations doing vlogs of their hippy au natural vegan journeys into a subtle reclusiveness with their partner, they are searching for new victims in alternative bubbles to exert their toxic narcissism over others.

A lot of these men and women are femcels and incels in denial looking for relevance, they are going through narcissistic rage after realising they are average looks wise, they can't get the partner they truly desire, this compounds their existential crisis, they deny the meaning in having kids because their offspring won't have the ideal gene's, they seethe with rage when they see a beautiful family, the rest of us have to put up with this "toys thrown out of the pram" verbose meltdown, lets burn society because I'm not ideal, they suppress these issues also, their narcissistic persona won't allow them to address it, most coherent human beings are ok with not being perfect physically and being in a relationship with someone who isn't perfect physically, in the past it was ok to be this kind of person, the media has made them feel inferior in contemporary times, the commodification of everything has caused this, people go shopping for partners nowadays.
To send this mentality into total lunacy they should only cast absolute models for every role in media, also use filters to make them even more perfect, better still is hijack the woke industry with top models spouting their talking points, only hire models for academic positions etc

We have created a world where people cannot handle not being desired, one narcissistic injury and thats it, total dismay for life.


Feb 18, 2018
I can see someone doing a catfishing experiment on a member of PETA with a meat eating model.
Most vegans are another western expression of pathological narcissism, I understand aspects of Indian culture are vegan, I think its a different context to be fair, we see socially defeated narcissists with unmet expectations doing vlogs of their hippy au natural vegan journeys into a subtle reclusiveness with their partner, they are searching for new victims in alternative bubbles to exert their toxic narcissism over others.

A lot of these men and women are femcels and incels in denial looking for relevance, they are going through narcissistic rage after realising they are average looks wise, they can't get the partner they truly desire, this compounds their existential crisis, they deny the meaning in having kids because their offspring won't have the ideal gene's, they seethe with rage when they see a beautiful family, the rest of us have to put up with this "toys thrown out of the pram" verbose meltdown, lets burn society because I'm not ideal, they suppress these issues also, their narcissistic persona won't allow them to address it, most coherent human beings are ok with not being perfect physically and being in a relationship with someone who isn't perfect physically, in the past it was ok to be this kind of person, the media has made them feel inferior in contemporary times, the commodification of everything has caused this, people go shopping for partners nowadays.
To send this mentality into total lunacy they should only cast absolute models for every role in media, also use filters to make them even more perfect, better still is hijack the woke industry with top models spouting their talking points, only hire models for academic positions etc

We have created a world where people cannot handle not being desired, one narcissistic injury and thats it, total dismay for life.

I feel like that could be one aspect of the narcissistic/jealous psyche but idk if that’s why veganism is so popular. I see it more driven by misanthropic anthropomorphism of animals and a need for a just/ultimate cause. It is their modern day social atrocity that they are fighting the holy war for. Combine this with the totally false narrative that an animal free diet is healthy for us, and they’ve got just cause for an all out assault on eating animals.

If I were on that vegan side I’d also tell that woman to back the **** off and cut it out. She’s literally giving him what he wants, and every insult she throws is fuel for the viewing audience to have a laugh at how ridiculous she’s being.

I believe that veganism has gotten so popular because of the atrocity that is factory farming and in general the modern industrial complex. It alienates every aspect of life and eventually people have enough and will aim to attack it directly. I believe there are seriously important conversations that need to be happening in terms of how can we live more HUMANELY, in every aspect of our lives, from work, food, customs, culture, etc….

In regards to veganism, we need embedded into our culture regenerative farming practices across the country, for the animals and our own well-being. We do not thrive on eating animals kept in a cage fed seed oils. If we figured out a model that worked, at whatever cost, we would have a healthier population and more productive one, with citizens are not so damn emotional and unintelligent and irrational and in general operating at 20% what a human should truly be existing at.

Naysayers will say that we are too large a body, too disorganized, too polarized, too disjointed for such an endeavor to work, but this is defeatist doom thinking that must be ripped out and trampled upon by forward thinking minds who want to have a better world to live in.
Jan 25, 2021
If enough women were vegan and they participated in this I wonder if it would actually work.

I'm speaking purely hypothetically of course but imagine if 90 percent of all women went vegan and participated in this. I wonder how many men would give up meat for poontang.
Wouldn't effect me in any case since I am a vegan for the past 20 years.


Jan 24, 2014
Texas USA

Ah yes because we all know that women, being the coy and pure amoung us, have no sexual desires and cannot breath the thought of having sexual needs. Withholding sex from even more of the scant population of eligable partners can only benefit women, who by their very nature suffer sex and are nurtured by its absence.

furthermore indeed yes quite so
Using sex and consent as a commodity can only help and never hinder our precious mental and spiritual wellbeing oh dearie me no


Feb 26, 2016
Next thing you know sex will be by permit only because if its “carbon footprint.” The “smart house” will report you. I mean, if the food supply gets any worse the articles about sexless “mating” or whatever will disappear because the urbanites won’t think that’s unusual.

In vitro fertilization has probably produced around 8 million children. So far.

The Lysistrata was a comedy. And most of it was about how ridiculously lusty the women as well as the men got during the moratorium. It was giving ancient Greeks a giggle at how the passion of war pales in comparison to the passion of love, while they were deep into a war that compromised all their principles.

That won’t happen with this. The gender-free culture is lost to human nature. Show them that healthy hetero sex between people who love & trust each other can be fun & funny & they won’t know what you’re talking about.

The hand sanitizer culture probably thinks sex between a man & woman is “icky.”

we need embedded into our culture regenerative farming practices across the country, for the animals and our own well-being. We do not thrive on eating animals kept in a cage fed seed oils. If we figured out a model that worked, at whatever cost, we would have a healthier population and more productive one, with citizens are not so damn emotional and unintelligent and irrational and in general operating at 20% what a human should truly be existing at.



Mar 10, 2016
I feel like that could be one aspect of the narcissistic/jealous psyche but idk if that’s why veganism is so popular. I see it more driven by misanthropic anthropomorphism of animals and a need for a just/ultimate cause.
Yeah, I agree. Both the pet obsession and the vigilante spirit are big right now. Also, the meat industry is ugly, and vegans do have a point about that.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Next thing you know sex will be by permit only because if its “carbon footprint.” The “smart house” will report you.
It's already happening. Some of the articles are not even hiding their anti-sex agenda and calling for "regulating" sex due to carbon footprint...regardless of its impact on child-bearing.

The hand sanitizer culture probably thinks sex between a man & woman is “icky.”

The social manipulation for this was already underway back in the 1960s. This is where the term "unprotected" sex came from and now anything other than "protected" sex is basically demonized, even (actually, especially) by medical professionals. So, it's not just the hand sanitizer culture using this term, society as a whole has already internalized it as part of the common culture. The next phase, already under way, is demonizing sex altogether. This is what Meta is heavily advertising and positioning themselves to take over - i.e. why even "risk" having a partner in real life, when you can have virtual sex in Meta, where you are in full control, can choose an "ideal" partner you like best, and the carbon footprint is as low as possible.
Even if Meta flops, if society is manipulated into doing mostly "protected" sex - a woman on multiple contraceptives AND the man using a condom (which is the current standard medical recommendation guidelines), the nefarious goal has been achieved (and not just in regards to population control). A good deal of the health benefits of sex depend precisely on the fluid exchanges that occur during sex. Since those exchanges do not occur during "protected" sex, it is no wonder for many people sex has become a kind of routine, bland activity that most of them probably grow to detest eventually. If the powers that be can sack even a powerful and highly respected "medical expert" like the one below for promoting an anti-establishment opinion, then you know the war on sex is real and likely a very important part of the war against humanness in general.
"...Lazar Greenfield, M.D. is no ordinary surgeon. Until last week, he was the president-elect of the American College of Surgeons. The man is the inventor of the Greenfield Filter, a device that has saved countless lives as a means of preventing blood clots during surgery. He's a professor emeritus of surgery at the University of Michigan. He has written more than 360 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, 128 book chapters and two textbooks. He has served on the Editorial Board of 15 scientific journals and was also the lead editor of the Surgery News, the trade publication in which his writing initiated Semengate."
"...Dr. Greenfield noted the therapeutic effects of semen, citing research from the Archives of Sexual Behavior which found that female college students practicing unprotected sex were less likely to suffer from depression than those whose partners used condoms (as well as those who remained abstinent). Presumably it was the closing line that caused the controversy: "So there's a deeper bond between men and women than St. Valentine would have suspected, and now we know there's a better gift for that day than chocolates."
"...The attempt at Jackie Mason-humor apparently didn't sit well in certain quarters. Dr. Greenfield resigned as editor of the Surgery News and gave up his stewardship of ACS after learning that his article had spurred threats of protests from outside women's groups."
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