Pet rats and optimal nutrition


New Member
Sep 9, 2021
united states
Hey guys, I’m looking for tips on how to create a diet for pet rats that would help them live a long and healthy life. Before learning what I have now, I previously had rats and primarily fed them oxbow food block with additions of fresh vegetables and fruit. Now I’m on the process of getting rats again and began looking at different food formulations for rats and they all have soybean oil, canola oil etc. which is completely unreasonable, these oils are also present in variety mixes. Many rat owners have actually found an increase in tumors in rats that were fed oxbow, connecting it to the soybean oil present (unsurprisingly). I have decided to create my own food mix but many of the recommendations still include flax seed, chia seeds, roasted unsalted soy beans, and sunflower seeds as healthy fats, although shredded coconut is also listed. They also suggest wild rice, and different grains that I don’t really have a huge problem with, considering this would probably be a food they would eat in the wild. I’m just looking for the best options to include in their diet for carbohydrates, protein (although lean meats, eggs, dehydrated shrimp, chicken with bones, yogurt) are what I’m leaning towards although I’m also considering adding gelatin as well, and best sources of fats for them.


Nov 6, 2022
Humboldt, California
Hey guys, I’m looking for tips on how to create a diet for pet rats that would help them live a long and healthy life. Before learning what I have now, I previously had rats and primarily fed them oxbow food block with additions of fresh vegetables and fruit. Now I’m on the process of getting rats again and began looking at different food formulations for rats and they all have soybean oil, canola oil etc. which is completely unreasonable, these oils are also present in variety mixes. Many rat owners have actually found an increase in tumors in rats that were fed oxbow, connecting it to the soybean oil present (unsurprisingly). I have decided to create my own food mix but many of the recommendations still include flax seed, chia seeds, roasted unsalted soy beans, and sunflower seeds as healthy fats, although shredded coconut is also listed. They also suggest wild rice, and different grains that I don’t really have a huge problem with, considering this would probably be a food they would eat in the wild. I’m just looking for the best options to include in their diet for carbohydrates, protein (although lean meats, eggs, dehydrated shrimp, chicken with bones, yogurt) are what I’m leaning towards although I’m also considering adding gelatin as well, and best sources of fats for them.

When I had rats I would give them a variety of things and let them choose. I can’t remember the mix I bought them but I know it did not have oil added. If I remember I’ll post back.

I would give them a small bowl of seed mix and then give them fresh meals at least 2x a day. I would buy organic puffed cereals as a treat.

They loved avocado, sweet potato, yogurt. I would usually make them a little salad with different greens and carrots and berries. I would often give them a little bit of whatever meal I was eating and they enjoyed that. They lived very long lives (for rats) with no health issues

Have fun, rats are a treasure. I miss mine every day.


Sep 12, 2020
In the wild many rodents eat a lot of bugs and worms. Maybe try some wild crickets or grasshoppers or buy mealworms and crickets live from a pet store and "gut load them" for a few days before feeding. This is what exotic pet owners and zoo's do for rare, delicate or expensive animals. There is nothing like watching a teddy bear hamster take down a dozen crickets in the blink of the eye.
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