
Sep 1, 2013
"Thank you for leaving us alone but giving us enough attention to boost our egos" MJ


Sep 1, 2013
And I raise my hand to do KMUD: Altitude 2012 (?) & KMUD: Environmental Enrichment & The Brain 2013
if no one else has nominated to do them?
Thanks BLC for the brilliant idea in the first place. Both you and loess are doing a fabulous job behind the scenes.


Nov 18, 2014


Jan 3, 2014
I'm happy to do another whole one. Don't mind which so long as it's easy to download and isn't already being done by someone else! Please send suggestion or better still link!
Sorry Burt you've gone to a lot of trouble to clarify so we don't have to ask you questions like this, but I'm frankly somewhat lost. I'm blaming brain fog.
(Well that's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it!)
Many thanks!


Jan 1, 2013
The more, the merrier. :lol:
Thanks Sueq.

Here's a suggestion: Dogmatism in science, 2008: ... 2.8.15.mp3

Or, a bit less time-consuming, you could verify the ten remaining transcribed parts of the ONE RADIO NETWORK interview viewtopic.php?f=78&t=5196 ?
It's already segmented in parts, so you could go at your own pace.

By the way, thanks to anyone who participate in this long ( but-oh-so rewarding) effort.
Doing myself a whole interview at the moment, i highly recommend to segment those in 5 or 6 parts , so one can re listens the particular moment easier.



Jan 3, 2014
First 16 or so minutes:

Dogmatism in Science 2008
Transcribed by sueq

Intro: The following episode of Politics and Science nutrition interview with Dr Raymond Peat, endocrinologist and physiologist from Eugene Oregon was recorded on July 24th 2008. More information about Dr Raymond Peat can be found at

Q: Thanks for joining us again. We’re picking up where we left off last time. We were talking about fats in our diet, the use of fats by humans over the years and also as animal feed. Yesterday you were talking about cholesterol, and you mentioned a fellow named Chris Masterjohn. One of the things that you said yesterday that shocked me was that for years we’ve heard that cholesterol is something we get from fat, from butter, especially beef fat, any of those meats that are full of saturated fats, and that’s why we’re being so poisoned by cholesterol, and it turns out that perhaps cholesterol isn’t the bogeyman we always thought it was, it’s actually something we need to function.

RP: Yes, but eating cholesterol if you’re healthy, you’d have to eat a tremendous amount, like the experiment where they had healthy, I think they were young men, eat eggs until they could see an increase in blood cholesterol, and it took 22 eggs before they saw a rise in the day’s cholesterol. And it does rise if you’re very sick and can’t compensate, but in a practical situation where a person might want to raise their cholesterol, you can usually do it just by eating lots of fruit, because for several reasons the minerals and sugar in the fruit give the liver the energy it needs to make adequate cholesterol. And there’s, they call it the U-shaped curve of mortality; you have an ideal range of cholesterol for a given age, and when you’re below that range your mortality increases.

Q: What are those ranges?

RP: The published – the people who talk about the curve – usually put the bottom of the U around 160 to 180, but when you look at the figures, the bottom really varies with age. Like one study looked at people in a nursing home situation, and saw that the ones who had the highest cholesterol, I think in that group, those with 270 lived the longest. So you have to think about the relation of the cholesterol to the stress you’re under, and consider it an anti-stress hormone.

Q: My father recently was told that he has to start taking statins, and a lot of people are on statins. What’s your opinion?

RP: Well, years ago, they started seeing increased mortality as they used drugs to lower cholesterol, and there was one, I think it was Hungarian, in the 1980s that showed a great increase in cancer mortality as they lowered cholesterol. And that somewhat accorded with the Veterans’ Administration study in the 1960s that they stopped when they saw that the people on the so-called heart protective low fat diet were dying at a higher rate from cancer. There are still some lingering data showing that the statins might increase total mortality, but the marketing is so intense that they’ve managed to place articles convincing people how good it is.

A recent book by Melody Petersen, I think the title is “Our Daily Meds”, gives a lot of information about how the drug industry manipulates the culture, paying doctors – well, writing articles for doctors, and just getting them to sign their names, and then publishing them in prestigious journals, promoting their products. It gives a little bit of the inside information about how they’re actually buying the medical literature. And Marcia Angell, seeing it from an editor’s viewpoint at the New England Journal of Medicine, emphasizes that the editorial decisions can completely bias the results of a topic, where if people choose not even to submit their data because it doesn’t support the efficacy of a drug, or the safety, a lot of studies will simply not get submitted. And then if the editors introduce more bias, you might have 50 studies showing a drug is harmful and useless, and one that gets published showing that it’s beneficial. And increasingly, Melody Petersen shows how the drug industry is not only modifying the research that gets done, and how the universities treat their research, and how the journal publishers and finally how the doctors use it. So the system is pretty well sewed up now, anything relating to drug therapy, you simply can’t trust the Anglo American literature. And increasingly it has spread into Italy, Chile, France, Japan and the industry’s become influential in those countries. And India and Russia were relatively outside the commercial pharmaceutical influence but now they’re moving in that direction too.

Q: An effect of globalization I suppose that the same corporate policies …

RP: Yes. Still, some of the more backward economies have still managed to do some real research.

Q: So I’ve heard it said that we’ve got one of the most effective propaganda systems in world history basically, in this country at this time, with access to the media pretty much sewn up by the corporations, and alternative voices only heard on stations like ours, which are community stations. There’s quite a few of them around the country, but there’s a lot of space in between them. How’s the media situation now in Oregon?

RP: Well in my lifetime the Pacific stations have been the outstanding exceptions. The university public radio station, I guess ten years, 15 years ago it changed its format so that students don’t have the access they used to and now it sounds like one of those big city, furniture advertising classical music stations.

Q: That used to be more of a community station?

RP: Yes, it used to be a really good station, but the ???villners/milliners/villains/millionaires??? needed a sound like one of those upper class nothing but classic music stations.

Q: We have a pretty small range here but we do have an affiliation with Pacific and with other community stations around the country so we try to network our programming and share it between us all. Getting back to cholesterol, you spoke about Chris Masterjohn.

RP: Yes, I’ve read several of his articles that are very good, my only disagreement with him is that he persists in believing in essential fatty acids.

Q: Yes that’s something a lot of alternative health people believe in. In a nutshell, what’s your view on the essential fatty acids, just so that everybody knows?

RP: Well, the first claim was that it was linoleic acid then maybe linolenic was added, but already after the Burrs’ studies of the late 20s and early 30s – by the 1940s, they had a rare disease that was shown to be nothing but a vitamin B6 deficiency.

At just about the same time, the agricultural researchers were showing that linolenic and linoleic acid were the causes of brain degeneration, testicular degeneration, and infertility, and muscle degeneration. And fish oils, around the same time were causing mink degenerative diseases. And then the yellow fat disease was showing up in more and more animals as they were fed fish waste, because of an excess of the polyunsaturated fat and the fish fat.

So the linoleic acid finally was recognized to be essential for cancer, but not at all essential for nutrition. The publicity coming out that the original essential fatty acids were essential for cancer kind of discouraged the marketing in that direction, and that’s when it shifted to marketing fish oil, as the new version of the essential fatty acids. And that’s where we are now, at the, pretty much the peak of the fish oil promotion, because the new fatty acids that are being recommended, at higher intake levels to actually function as drugs to supposedly cure a lot of diseases, but in fact the old research going back 40, 50 years shows that it is simply a temporary suppression of inflammatory symptoms while in the long run increasing the inflammatory, degenerative processes.

Q: So the reason people have a subsiding of their symptoms is just their immune system has been knocked down?

RP: Yes. David Horrobin who was a big promoter of polyunsaturated fat and who died of brain cancer and was trying to treat himself with his own fats, he published work showing that fish oil is very immune suppressive. And others looking at why fish oil is anti-inflammatory found that it wasn’t the original long chain polyunsaturated fats that are found in the fish, but when they are processed and in the hot organs of a mammal, they break down. And it’s the breakdown products, the aldehydes and free radicals that are decomposed from the fish oils, which are actually the anti-inflammatory substances. So it’s the deterioration of the material that produces temporary relief but it’s also those things which contribute to serious long range problems such as brain damage and vascular damage and so on.

Approx. 16:30


Jan 3, 2014
"Intro: The following episode of Politics and Science nutrition interview with Dr Raymond Peat, endocrinologist and physiologist "
Can that be right?


Jan 1, 2013
Of course it can.
Why wouldn't it ?


Nov 18, 2014
The Herb Doctors - January 2015

Raymond Peat, Ph.D.
Digestion and emotion, The Herb Doctors: January 2015

AM: Please introduce yourself.

RP: After working several years in humanities areas I decided to study biology because of wanting to get a concrete grasp of how the brain works in making language, images, and so on. So I intended to work on a Ph.D. at University of Oregon starting 1968 in brain biology. I quickly found that that was the most ......

Cheers, Bskory :hattip
I've created the Word and PDFs files, and posted a thread in the transcripts section:


Sep 1, 2013
I shall transcribe Rainmaking Time: Energy-Protective Materials (2014) and should be done by the end of this month.
Unless someone has already nominated to do this one?


Apr 11, 2015


Sep 1, 2013
moss said:
I shall transcribe Rainmaking Time: Energy-Protective Materials (2014) and should be done by the end of this month.
Unless someone has already nominated to do this one?

Confirming the above audio has been completed and awaiting verification and will be posted soonest.


Apr 11, 2015


Sep 1, 2013
Hi burtlancast

Giving you the heads up, moss & Sheila will transcribe the
New Generative Energy Podcast with haidut


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Nice! :D



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Last edited:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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