People who got anabolic effects from Progesterone/Pregnenolone/DHEA, how?

Feb 7, 2020
If you got anabolic/androgenic effects from Progesterone/Pregnenolone/ I feel like I'm going crazy reading all the science posted on this site about how theyre all anabolic/androgenic yet using Cortinon+ just gives me estrogenic side effects and pansterone didnt really do anything for me. I'm taking them all orally if that matters. Anyone who's experience positive "masculinizing" effects, sound off please.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If you got anabolic/androgenic effects from Progesterone/Pregnenolone/ I feel like I'm going crazy reading all the science posted on this site about how theyre all anabolic/androgenic yet using Cortinon+ just gives me estrogenic side effects and pansterone didnt really do anything for me. I'm taking them all orally if that matters. Anyone who's experience positive "masculinizing" effects, sound off please.

The reports from people using CortiNon for muscle building were mostly in regards to the 3:1 version, in tocopherols. The 8:1 version gets better reports in regards to inflammation.
Pansterone has not really received reports of anabolic effects, but more about muscle strength, libido and mood. If you check out the respective threads for both products you will see the comments of actual users. The science claims progesterone has about half of testosterone's "anabolic" effects when used in similar doses, However, since progesterone is also thermogenic, beyond a certain dose the pro-metabolic effects may start to interfering with its muscle-anabolic effects, and this is something that has been observed with T3 supplementation as well. For DHEA there is not much published evidence on how it stacks up against AAS and at what doses. There is good evidence that DHEA opposes excessive cortisol but most of that evidence is in regards to the immune system.
So, given that DHEA is not really safe to use in doses above 15mg daily and that progesterone doses above ~75mg daily have been shown to become more thermogenic than anabolic, then if one uses CortiNon (the 3:1 version) that means using 15 drops daily is probably the maximum safe amount, and at those doses the regimen is probably similar to using 15mg-20mg T daily. Such T doses would probably be good enough to stop muscle catabolism and even build muscle above untrained baseline, but won't give you a bodybuilder physique. Keep in mind bodybuilders usually take T in doses of 100mg+ daily while ALSO adding other steroids such as Trenbolone, Masteron, etc. So, if you expect CortiNon to match those "juice" effects I don't think it would work that way, and I also don't think anybody on the forum (or the studies posted in support) has made such claims either.
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Mar 12, 2017
You're probably (and already seem to be) going to be very disappointed using any or all of those steroids if you expect any significant muscle growth beyond what you'd get from a well designed and implemented training program with a good diet. If you're deficient in anabolic hormones to begin with, getting back to baseline levels could help reduce any muscle wasting you had as a result of being in a catabolic state but as long as you're healthy, they're not going to be the deciding factor. I truly think androgen receptors are the main factor for muscle growth. That's why some people grow like weeds while others struggle to gain any muscle. I know someone heavily stressed, in their mid 40s and with clearly high cortisol and estrogen and they're still gaining muscle rapidly working out 3-4 days a week. I doubt this individual has high levels of androgens, either. Now, part of this may just be down to him having a reduced metabolism but still. The good news is that working out properly and with high intensity increases the sensitivity and density of androgen receptors. I'd focus mostly on that and then add in hormones only if you can't progress anymore.


Dec 28, 2021
If you got anabolic/androgenic effects from Progesterone/Pregnenolone/ I feel like I'm going crazy reading all the science posted on this site about how theyre all anabolic/androgenic yet using Cortinon+ just gives me estrogenic side effects and pansterone didnt really do anything for me. I'm taking them all orally if that matters. Anyone who's experience positive "masculinizing" effects, sound off please.
It's not anabolic at all. Maybe slightly anti-catabolic, but barely.
In one week of 50mg/day testosterone I get more anabolism than a year on 25mg DHEA + 100mg pregnenolone/day.
Feb 7, 2020
It's not anabolic at all. Maybe slightly anti-catabolic, but barely.
In one week of 50mg/day testosterone I get more anabolism than a year on 25mg DHEA + 100mg pregnenolone/day.
anyway you could dm me your source?


Jun 7, 2016
It’s better to spend time reducing stress hormones and aromatase to allow yourself to produce anabolic hormones than to just take an anabolic hormone.


Mar 6, 2022
Pregnanolone 100mg in the mourning and 100mg before bed did nothing anabolic for me at all. It made my penis numb, less responsive and retract or shrink. Killed my sex drive! I also got fatter and smoother.

I stopped taking it about a week ago. One day after I stopped taking it my penis became less numb. 2 days latter all numbness was gone. Penis is not as retracted as it was the 3 or 4 months I took it but not sure it is back to normal. Probably going to take more than 1 week to wash out of system and get back to normal.

I was trying to improve T2D, sleep issue and improve my memory. It did nothing for the first too issue but did feel like it improved my memory.

On the other hand my wife suddenly started having sleeping issue so I gave my pregnanolone to her 100mg at bed time and she is sleeping great now!

It seems like Pregnanolone as a man either works fantastic for you or it is a train wreck waiting to happen.

I know my TSH, T3,T4 are good but I do not know my Testosterone or Estrogen levels are.

For the record the one thing I have never had any issues with is penis size, erections, sex drive, feeling of numbness in my penis.

I searched for hours and days until I found similar information posted by another person on this site. I thought I was odd or strange or that it must be something else. Once I stopped taking it though all of those systems started to go away. Oh and my testicle started to get smaller and softer as well. This is also not something I have ever experienced before. One week latter they are starting to get back to their normal size and firmness.

Maybe my dose was too high it was based on a recommendation I got from a book discussing melatonin and pregnanolone for various health issues especially Alzheimer's other issue.

I have never taken anything that produced these effects. I would also add that the first month I looked better in the mirror as if I was getting leaner and more muscular not drastically but noticeable but by month 3 it seemed like the opposite was happening and I was getting some gynecomastia. I truly wanted pregnanolone to work for me so I toughed it out one more month but it was clear something was not working for me. I wanted to improvement in sleep, diabetes, joint pain etc...

Not trying to be a "Debbie Downer" but it seems like almost no one reports negative side effects from this stuff just rainbow and sunshine. I thought it was important. I am just glad I did not have anything negative mental/mood related.

P.S. I have no clue if this also caused my bad fasting lipid panel but my lipid panel was terrible like 2x-3x higher than ever in my life triglyceride's were 4X higher than ever in my life. In just under 3 months I will have another lipid panel and HbA1c so we will see if it has come back down to normal by than! I hope this helps someone and they do not feel alone or like an odd duck now!
Feb 7, 2020
Yeah, I'm starting to realize ofc people don't post about underwhelming/negative experiences with substances so the overall slant of the supllement experiences is overwhelmingly positive . Oh well.


Feb 7, 2017
It’s better to spend time reducing stress hormones and aromatase to allow yourself to produce anabolic hormones than to just take an anabolic hormone.
This is the epitome of Peat's suggestions, yet "most' are still addicted to the idea of doing a somehow 'healthier" version of what most meatheads do.



Mar 9, 2022
United States
If you got anabolic/androgenic effects from Progesterone/Pregnenolone/ I feel like I'm going crazy reading all the science posted on this site about how theyre all anabolic/androgenic yet using Cortinon+ just gives me estrogenic side effects and pansterone didnt really do anything for me. I'm taking them all orally if that matters. Anyone who's experience positive "masculinizing" effects, sound off please.
These are all mildly anabolic or anti-catabolic but like Haidut says far from the potencies or dosages used by professional bodybuilders. The most common effect, provided it's not all aromatizing, is to eliminate the cortisol "spare tires" around one's stomach & waist. What are your side-effects exactly? Typically, an excessive focus on "aesthetics" or over-expectations for muscle anabolism from hormone therapy leads to a neglect of the mental & energetic aspect. Personally, applying a small amount of Pansterone or snorting DHEA powder gives me a clearer head. Peat's advice has always been to attend to your whole organism, your patterns of thought & feelings, your dreams, & determine which substances push things towards coherence:
This is the epitome of Peat's suggestions, yet "most' are still addicted to the idea of doing a somehow 'healthier" version of what most meatheads do.



Mar 6, 2022
My wife on the other hand is doing fantastic on the exact same pregnanolone that did not agree with me.

Not only is she sleeping much better but her mood is so much improved at work that the people at work asked her if she was high and what she was on. She doe not do any drugs at all. She hardly even drinks alcohol.

I have her taking 1x 100mg Pregnanolone at bed time. So it is very very noticeable and positive in some people!


Mar 18, 2017
My wife on the other hand is doing fantastic on the exact same pregnanolone that did not agree with me.

Not only is she sleeping much better but her mood is so much improved at work that the people at work asked her if she was high and what she was on. She doe not do any drugs at all. She hardly even drinks alcohol.

I have her taking 1x 100mg Pregnanolone at bed time. So it is very very noticeable and positive in some people!

pregnanolone after a certain dose threshold will increase progesterone more than the androgens. If you want a more androgenic effect you might want to keep the pregnanolone dose around 20mg or under.


Dec 28, 2021
pregnanolone after a certain dose threshold will increase progesterone more than the androgens. If you want a more androgenic effect you might want to keep the pregnanolone dose around 20mg or under.
Or take testosterone with it.


Mar 6, 2022
I was taking it to help with memory, sleep and diabetes not to boost my testosterone.

I tried it for 4 months too many sides that all went away when I stopped taking it! Way too feminizing especialy the way it affected my penis and libido which have always been fine strong in fact!

I have taken DHEA in decades past even as much as 300mg each night at bedtime with ZERO negative side effects!

over 15 years ago I played around with HRT that can not aromatize to estrogen like Deca and Trenbolone taking them alone with no test base and together again no test base and never had any side effects at all great libido and no negative effects on penis. So for Pregnanolone to cause me issues when these did not is interesting? Definitely not as benign as people on this site make it out to be! Other's males on this site have also reported issues with it.

No one is telling you to stop taking it rather myself and other's are reporting the odd but very real and similar effect it had on us.

I would say this. If you are ingesting a hormone or pro-hormone you should have your blood work checked. In fact I wonder if recent bad cholesterol and triglyceride which were seriously out of line with my norm was due to the pregnanolone. In about 21/2 months I will find out.


Dec 28, 2021
I would say this. If you are ingesting a hormone or pro-hormone you should have your blood work checked. In fact I wonder if recent bad cholesterol and triglyceride which were seriously out of line with my norm was due to the pregnanolone. In about 21/2 months I will find out.
My blood work tells me my pregnenolone is low (out of range), but still, taking 50mg pregnenolone in the morning makes me feel really bad. No libido and kills social interactions.


Mar 6, 2022
What was your test, estrogen looking like and TSH, FSH and Thyroid looking like? It would be good to look at them pre and post pregnanolone supplementation. I took Pregnanolone for 4 months at 200mg per day 100mg in the morning and 100mg before bed. Nothing but bad side effects for me I stuck with it though hoping the sides would go away. They never did until I stopped taking it.

Bloodwork and norms is a great place to start but unlike a car as humans we do not all share a fixed setting where we all universally work right.

So at this point you have two choices. Increase the dose and see if things get better or worse. The second is stop taking it and see if things get better. Well there is a third choice try taking it at bed time.

It really shut down my libido and made my penis numb or tingle like when a limb falls asleep. It also made it retrace more than normal kind of like when you jump into an ice cold pool. 1 day off and most of that had dialed down and by day 7 not taking it all of that went away. Well my libido is not back to raging bull level yet but like I said all the other stuff went away.


Oct 3, 2018
Pregnanolone 100mg in the mourning and 100mg before bed did nothing anabolic for me at all. It made my penis numb, less responsive and retract or shrink. Killed my sex drive! I also got fatter and smoother.

I stopped taking it about a week ago. One day after I stopped taking it my penis became less numb. 2 days latter all numbness was gone. Penis is not as retracted as it was the 3 or 4 months I took it but not sure it is back to normal. Probably going to take more than 1 week to wash out of system and get back to normal.

I was trying to improve T2D, sleep issue and improve my memory. It did nothing for the first too issue but did feel like it improved my memory.

On the other hand my wife suddenly started having sleeping issue so I gave my pregnanolone to her 100mg at bed time and she is sleeping great now!

It seems like Pregnanolone as a man either works fantastic for you or it is a train wreck waiting to happen.

I know my TSH, T3,T4 are good but I do not know my Testosterone or Estrogen levels are.

For the record the one thing I have never had any issues with is penis size, erections, sex drive, feeling of numbness in my penis.

I searched for hours and days until I found similar information posted by another person on this site. I thought I was odd or strange or that it must be something else. Once I stopped taking it though all of those systems started to go away. Oh and my testicle started to get smaller and softer as well. This is also not something I have ever experienced before. One week latter they are starting to get back to their normal size and firmness.

Maybe my dose was too high it was based on a recommendation I got from a book discussing melatonin and pregnanolone for various health issues especially Alzheimer's other issue.

I have never taken anything that produced these effects. I would also add that the first month I looked better in the mirror as if I was getting leaner and more muscular not drastically but noticeable but by month 3 it seemed like the opposite was happening and I was getting some gynecomastia. I truly wanted pregnanolone to work for me so I toughed it out one more month but it was clear something was not working for me. I wanted to improvement in sleep, diabetes, joint pain etc...

Not trying to be a "Debbie Downer" but it seems like almost no one reports negative side effects from this stuff just rainbow and sunshine. I thought it was important. I am just glad I did not have anything negative mental/mood related.

P.S. I have no clue if this also caused my bad fasting lipid panel but my lipid panel was terrible like 2x-3x higher than ever in my life triglyceride's were 4X higher than ever in my life. In just under 3 months I will have another lipid panel and HbA1c so we will see if it has come back down to normal by than! I hope this helps someone and they do not feel alone or like an odd duck now!
Bro check out my thread "Help! My Facial Features Changed From Taking Progestorone, Pregnenlone And Dhea"

Pregnenlone ****88 me up. I feel your pain but yours situation sounds like it clearing up quickly.
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