Peats comments on EFA, zinc, b6 experiment

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Peat mentioned an experiment maybe 100 years back where rats had a skin rash or acne like condition that was cured when given small amounts of EFA (omega 3 and omega 6), or when given b6 and zinc.

I was looking into this more last year and the Weston Price website mentioned something about B6 increasing arachidonic acid production in the body. There's other websites mentioning vitamin B6 is a cofactor for producing serotonin from tryptophan. I think that seems to be true, because ZMA supplements are marketed as a sleep aid and anti anxiety supplement, and they work for those purposes, but i think its because they do boost serotonin. and this also means the very low amounts of B3 and B6 in cows milk are intentional. the low B3 and B6 in cows milk helps ensure the tryptophan in it doesn't go towards serotonin. this is also one more factor in my opinion (besides calcium:phosphate ratio) that explains why ground meat consumption causes more issues compared to dairy or whey protein. Anytime I have tried to swap out milk or whey protein and replace it with ground chicken or ground beef, I get all the anti metabolic effects. I think its due to calcium phosphate ratio, but probably also other things like iron and potentially the B3 and B6 since ground meats have similar tryptophan to dairy but more b3 and b6. Liver is better and safer, it has more B3 and B6 but its also an extremely lean meat and you wont get much protein or tryptophan from an ounce of liver.

Zinc itself also can have an anti metabolic effect due to its effects on iron and copper. It'll have a pro metabolic effect if youre overloaded on either of those, but anti metabolic if youre not. this is exactly what happened to me with zinc. When I had been drinking tap water for years, eating iron fortified grains for years, eating an iron containing multivitamin for years (which had 18mg ferrous fumarate and 15mg or 11mg zinc oxide), I got significant benefits from adding in zinc supplements.

But over time as I learned more, when I completely stopped tap water, when I drastically reduced fortified and other grain consumption, when I stopped all iron supplements, I would actually get severe side effects from zinc. things like fatigue and basically all the anemia type symptoms. the same thing happened with vitamin C. it helps significantly if youre drinking tap water because it helps detox the copper and chlorine in the tap water. but if you cut out that tap water, and probably especially if your diet is lower in copper, youll get side effects from it. vitamin C increases iron absorption supposedly, so that would mean it actually decreases both copper and zinc levels. if you stack zinc on top of it, you would deplete copper even further.

so in the case of those rats, whether they used EFA or a supplement of b6 and zinc, both those interventions had anti metabolic effects. a small amount of EFA might actually be the safer option, since it wouldn't cause the imbalances that a b6/zinc supplement would. for most of human history, people had the capability to get 1-2g omega 3 and omega 6 from the diet, whether doing all meat, all dairy, all eggs etc but would never have had access to an isolated zinc/b6 supplement. if those rats werent eating an iron fortified diet, copper containing tap water, the b6 and zinc would have more potential to mess things up and cause an imbalance. Ray also mentioned increasing liver/vitamin A intake if the skin is getting bad on a higher metabolism. I think he actually said increasing vitamin A or eating cabbage would help. So all these interventions for skin care seem to be based around decreasing the metabolism on some level.

on an all grass fed milk and fruit juice diet, with things like burgers and cheesecake sparingly, I actually seem to do better if I add in 1g fish oil and 500mg black seed oil daily. the fish oil is pure omega 3, the BSO, per 500mg is about half PUFA, a quarter SFA and quarter MFA. and the PUFA ratio is 2:1 omega 6:eek:mega 3.
I've had severe reactions to supplements of potassium iodide, progesterone, pregnenolone, 7 keto dhea, T3, and vitamin D3/vitamin E if used regularly. like sjogrens symptoms, autoimmune thyroid symptoms, thyroid inflammation. adding in the fish oil/BSO in just those tiny amounts seems to improve those things drastically. whereas the other things drastically worsen it. I think my overall ratio of things is still pretty good. total fat intake per day is basically 64g from grass fed whole milk which I think is about 40g saturated fat, 22g MUFA and 2g PUFA. Plus about 8g SFA from virgin coconut oil and 6g MUFA from extra virgin olive oil. But adding in that tiny amount fish oil and BSO seems to have a beneficial effect.

Jack Kruse agrees with Peat on some things but strongly disagrees on omega 3. I dont remember his reasons for it, but remember he had some posts on why he thinks omega 3 is necessary in modern times specifically. Also I have tried things like vitamin E and aspirin, and if those are used regularly they cause hair shedding. so the anti inflammatory effect of fish oil is doing something different from the anti inflammatory effect of things like vitamin E, D, aspirin. and things like pregnenolone or progesterone cause significant hair loss.

Maybe Peats benefits from things like pregnenolone, progesterone, and more is because he was never vaccinated. Whereas people who received childhood vaccines, get some sort of benefit from adding a little omega 3, and have a harder time tolerating pregnenolone, progesterone etc.


Jul 18, 2018
@Dr. B Thanks for the very informative article. Having the scalp itch lately and taking a supplement containing iron, copper, zinc and b6 did nothing to help. Somehow foods high in these vitamins always makes me sick, I guess lowering one another in the process. Will get some fresh sardines or mackerel and see if it helps.
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