Peaters amongst the metabolic ruins: The loneliness of being pro-metabolic. How is everyone carrying on?

faust jaeger

faust jaeger

Jul 3, 2023
Most of the "developed" world is already in an state of open collapse. Hence the distractions like UFO, freak accidents (the Titanic sub), celebrities doing crazy things, etc to prevent people from stopping for even a second to perceive what is happening around them. Things will probably become worse this fall/winter after the competing BRICS+ currency is launched and the "developed" world plunges further into inflation and supply shortages.
In this time of crisis, it is actually easy to spot the few good remaining people. They are usually very practical, empathetic, realistic, and results-oriented. They also tend to not watch TV and/or use social media like Facebook/Insta, except maybe for their business (if they own one). Look for those people and try to associate with them. I'd stay away from the delusional types who keep repeating that everything is fine and things are even getting better. As tempting it is to "indulge positivity", IMO it is very detrimental, even in the short run, as it creates a kind of psychosis due to its constant clash with (current) reality - i.e. harms our brain by putting us mentally in a state of constant conflict. In my experience, the people to look for are, to quote one movie, realists that are masking as pessimists, but hoping they become optimists. I'd look for those and know that there are many like you out there. However, most such people are actively hiding due to the system now hunting them down to avoid, as Ray once said in an interview about CIA's attitude, the danger of "even a single good example" that can wake people up and turn them against the system. So, they can be hard to find, but will come out when the going gets even tougher. Nothing last forever and this, too, will pass.
Thank you so much for this Haidut. Your works regarding the youth feeling more alone than ever have been on my mind as of late and I was thinking about them as I wrote my original post.

"vincit omnia veritas"​



Dec 8, 2016
Jumping in to say
We are in total collapse

It’s the ups (and downs) on purpose that give us hope
But it’s intentional
They think we will forget

Then they change the laws in the process
Vote in more of their own
Buy more land
Buy more institutions

Insider data I do have:
Many of their actions are decided in real time
If we resist
And others resist
They will ease up
Then retest the waters

It’s been FAR too easy for them

This ship is going down
Off with my head
Fck them

Source: Bible
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Collapse is not inevitable, change certainly is. How we utilize technology to re-organize our society will determine whether we enter an age of unprecedented prosperity or collapse into dark ages again. Plenty of rational reasons to be optimistic, while of course conceding that it is not guaranteed (nothing ever is).

Collapse is already here and the only question is when it actually materialized enough to become impossible to ignore (for the people not on psychotropic drugs, that is).


I'd say it was after 2008 when it became obvious to anybody following the real developments (and not the fake news) that the Western financial situation is unsolvable. Though, real wages - perhaps the best indicator of systemic economic health - adjusted for even official inflation have actually been flat/negative since the 1970s. Given the amounts of both public and private debt (not to mention the so-called "unfunded liabilities", which are in the quadrillions), the only options are hyperinflation, default or...a major war (which can get everybody killed if it goes nuclear). None of this is news actually. Not even mainstream politicians are trying to deny that any more - i.e. there are no other viable solutions, short of a scientific miracle that will provide abundant, cheap energy (and I am not seeing much in that respect currently). Any one of these options (and there could be a combination of them) will result in a very large number of people dying, prob more so than the already elevated mortality from the covid-19 jabs. Though, if Dr. Montagnier is right and the mortality from the jab really picks up after 5+ years then war will be the only thing that can conceal the genocide, or at least prevent the masses from retaliating. We had an open attempt to install complete and global dictatorship precisely b/c of the ramifications of a hyperinflation/default being inevitable. The media called it the "pandemic". We now know there was no excess mortality in any of the "developed" countries where science is apparently very advanced and tracks these things closely, even in Germany which was touted back in 2020 as one of the "hotbeds" of the pandemic in Europe.
"... In 2020, there was barely any excess mortality in Germany for both approaches...."

When the "pandemic" failed, the powers that be started a war (so, option #3) and are trying to start a few more currently (Iran, China, etc). On a more social theme - the health of the "young" is now at the levels of 60-70 year olds, especially when it comes to diseases such as cancer, liver disease, CVD, etc. One in two couples under 30 years of age cannot conceive naturally and just a decade ago such a thing would have been unthinkable and would have led to resignation of the govt in most civilized countries. Just take a look at Japan, whose own govt said they are completely and utterly finished as a country if the birth rate of the Japanese does not change for the better in the next 5-10 years (highly unlikely). Nowadays, such abysmal "fertility" is accepted as the new normal in all "developed" countries. Even if the young are/were able to have children, vast majority of them can barely afford to feed even themselves, let alone feed/raise children. Their financial situation is so bad that half of them live with their parents...even in their 30s and 40s.

The ones who do not have the option to live with Mom/Dad and delay the "reality bite", invariably turn to drugs and delusion to cope with their desperate situation (the article actually uses the word nihilism, which is worse than desperation).

The chronic diseases they have and the obvious lack of prospects make them (understandably) toxic, unproductive and largely parasitic, yet these are the people who are supposed to be the engine of the economy and society. Without their contributions, collapse is guaranteed...and this is probably why we are living through one. Most jobs currently available in the "knowledge" economy are meaningless, soul-sucking underpaid nightmares and the end result is a record number (and always increasing) of people on psychotropic drugs as a way to numb that realization, which further destroys their health. The ones that are healthier, simply quit the system and that actually accelerates the collapse as there are fewer suckers doing valuable work to support the system. Suicides are at an all time high (and rising) - in all age groups, but especially in the young.

These are all points Peat himself was making for years though he always struck an optimistic note...until circa late 2021. It was really painful to watch his dismay and disgust and heavy dampening of his inherent optimism, when he realized the situation is so dire that 2/3 of the population will fervently fight/vote for a nightmarish slavery system, as long as it promises (but won't deliver) them just a few more years of delusional. relatively pain-free existence (see article above about Gen Z's coping mechanisms). Here is one of his last quotes on the topic (emphasis mine).

"...Oppression leads to destruction of community and social ties due to people turning on each other. Thus oppression = isolation and overload of individuals with trauma that cannot be diffused through others. And to make things worse, if everybody has high levels of trauma as well then nobody can diffuse theirs even if the community was tight. Truly a tragedy." --Ray Peat

He has other, darker ones, and they all came out in the last couple of years, but I think you get the point. As the article at the very top says, collapse is not a destination or a clearly definable point in time, it is a process that can only be understood after-the-fact (as is all history) and it rarely looks like the apocalyptic scenes shown in movies with dilapidated buildings (though it certainly can go that way). For most people, all it means is a slow but relentless deterioration in their quality and meaning of life due to deliberate assaults by the system on all fronts - social, personal, financial, dietary, psysiological (health), and mental. By any objective measure, the "developed" world is in open collapse mode and has been for at least 10-15 years.

I am all for imagining new possibilities, but they are always bounded/limited by the current reality - I am myself plus my circumstances - as that Spanish philosopher said, and he always reminded his readers that circumstances are invariably oppressive and put a break on the free-spirited "self". I don't think trying to avoid/prevent a collapse is beneficial. When things are so fake and decrepit, it is better to let it all collapse, so people rebuild their lives anew, with as much freedom as possible. The ones who would still be capable, that is. It is better to think that we will fall but have the means/tools to get up again and go on, than to constantly try to prevent a "collapse" at the expense of destroying the very meaning of life. See below for examples of destroying the meaning of life, and those are very much already here.

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Feb 18, 2018
Collapse is already here and the only question is when it actually materialized enough to become impossible to ignore (for the people not on psychotropic drugs, that is).


I'd say it was after 2008 when it became obvious to anybody following the real developments (and not the fake news) that the Western financial situation is unsolvable. Though, real wages adjusted for even official inflation have actually been flat/negative since the 1970s. Given the amounts of both public and private debt (not to mention the so-called "unfunded liabilities", which are in the quadrillions), the only options are hyperinflation, default or...a major war (which can get everybody killed if it goes nuclear). None of this is news actually. Not even mainstream politicians are trying to deny that any more - i.e. there are no other viable solutions, short of a scientific miracle that will provide abundant, cheap energy (and I am not seeing much in that respect currently). Any one of these options (and there could be a combination of them) will result in a very large number of people dying, prob more so than the already elevated mortality from the covid-19 jabs. Though, if Dr. Montagnier is right and the mortality from the jab really picks up after 5+ years then war will be the only thing that can conceal the genocide, or at least prevent the masses from retaliating. We had an open attempt to install complete and global dictatorship precisely b/c of the ramifications of a hyperinflation/default being inevitable. The media called it the "pandemic". When that failed, the powers that be started a war (so, option #3) and are trying to start a few more currently (Iran, China, etc).
On a more social theme - the health of the "young" is now at the levels of 60-70 year olds, especially when it comes to diseases such as cancer, liver disease, CVD, etc. One in two couples under 30 years of age cannot conceive naturally and just a decade ago such a thing would have been unthinkable and front-page news for days. Now it is accepted as the new normal. Even if they are able to have children, vast majority of them can barely afford to feed even themselves, let alone feed children. Their financial situation is so bad that half of them live with their parents...even in their 30s and 40s.

The ones who do not have the option to live with Mom/Dad and delay the "reality bite", invariably turn to drugs and delusion to cope with their desperate situation.

The chronic diseases they have and the obvious lack of prospects make them (understandably) toxic, unproductive and largely parasitic, yet these are the people who are supposed to be the engine of the economy and society. Without their contributions, collapse is guaranteed...and this is probably why we are living through one. Most jobs currently available in the "knowledge" economy are meaningless, soul-sucking underpaid nightmares and the end result is a record number (and always increasing) of people on psychotropic drugs as a way to numb that realization, which further destroys their health. The ones that are healthier, simply quit the system and that actually accelerates the collapse as there are fewer suckers doing valuable work to support the system. Suicides are at an all time high (and rising) - in all age groups, but especially in the young.

These are all points Peat himself was making for years though he always struck an optimistic note...until circa late 2021. It was really painful to watch his dismay and disgust and heavy dampening of his inherent optimism, when he realized the situation is so dire that 2/3 of the population will fervently fight/vote for a nightmarish slavery system, as long as it promises (but won't deliver) them just a few more years of delusional. relatively pain-free existence (see article above about Gen Z's coping mechanisms). Here is one of his last quotes on the topic (emphasis mine).

"...Oppression leads to destruction of community and social ties due to people turning on each other. Thus oppression = isolation and overload of individuals with trauma that cannot be diffused through others. And to make things worse, if everybody has high levels of trauma as well then nobody can diffuse theirs even if the community was tight. Truly a tragedy." --Ray Peat

He has other, darker ones, and they all came out in the last couple of years, but I think you get the point. As the article at the very top says, collapse is not a destination or a clearly definable point in time, it is a process that can only be understood after-the-fact (as is all history) and it rarely looks like the apocalyptic scenes shown in movies with dilapidated buildings (though it certainly can go that way). For most people, all it means is a slow but relentless deterioration in their quality and meaning of life due to deliberate assaults by the system on all fronts - social, personal, financial, dietary, psysiological (health), and mental. By any objective measure, the "developed" world is in open collapse mode and has been for at least 10-15 years.

I am all for imagining new possibilities, but they are always bounded/limited by the current reality - I am myself plus my circumstances - as that Spanish philosopher said, and he always reminded his readers that circumstances are invariably oppressive and put a break on the free-spirited "self". I don't think trying to avoid/prevent a collapse is beneficial. When things are so fake and decrepit, it is better to let it all collapse, so people rebuild their lives anew, with as much freedom as possible. The ones who would still be capable, that is. It is better to think that we will fall but have the means/tools to get up again and go on, than to constantly try to prevent a "collapse" at the expense of destroying the very meaning of life. See below for examples of destroying the meaning of life, and those are very much already here.


You obviously have very true points about the dire nature of most people's financial, physical, mental, emotional health, but none of this means that we are beyond repair or that we should just let collapse happen and allow an untold amount of suffering come to terms. Re-iterating my prior point, we are fully capable of and have the technology to solve many of our problems. You even mentioned how preventing this requires cheap, abundant enery. We already have the technology, we are just lacking the organization.

Collectively as a society everyone is defeated, pessimistic, and cynical about our future, but this is a self-fulfilling prophecy that only guarantees a future with untold suffering. We can be rationally optimistic, with calculated, measured, logical steps towards prosperity, by making the right societal choices, and it starts here, on the individual level, by sharing these attitudes with others and discussing how a clean, sustainable future with technology disruptions in our food, energy, transportation, and resources can and will bring about prosperity among the world. There is no more powerful force in the world than the collective will of an organized human species, and there is no greater cause to rally behind than the collective transformation of our species to bring about prosperity and avoid catastrophe.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Collectively as a society everyone is defeated, pessimistic, and cynical about our future

There is a difference between defeated, pessimistic and cynical, and being a realist. Most young people I interact with on a daily basis are very optimistic about their future...after we come out of the collapse mode. It is not the lack of organization or ideas that prevent progress, it is the current system that is absolutely dehumanizing/satanic and will stop at nothing to put everybody and everything under its control, or kill everybody if it fails to control. Until that system collapses, I (and it looks like most people under 40 feel the same way) see little point trying to rally people up behind ideas that require health, energy and personal freedom to materialize, since all 3 of these are at an all-time low, and that will not change for the better under the current system. All I am saying is that the misery/destruction is already here, was brought upon deliberately by a genocidal system, and will likely stay around until the system collapses. So, from that point of view, the collapse is a good thing, a change. No attempts at reform will work, at least in my opinion.
Though, if you your experience is different then by all means please continue to do what you do. I don't want misery/destruction any more than you do.
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Dec 8, 2016
I am physically driving a car right now, but I do believe Ray Either publicly or privately to me, referred to the killing fields in Cambodia as an illustration for our future

Miss him



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I am physically driving a car right now, but I do believe Ray Either publicly or privately to me, referred to the killing fields in Cambodia as an illustration for our future

Miss him


Quite possible, though in our case I think it is more likely to be a delayed destruction process trough the effects of the jab, deteriorating health, suicide, substance abuse, and maybe even open major (civil?) war if the financial system becomes unstable enough that it can no longer be maintained through fake money. If you find the direct quote from him, please post here...when you are not driving, of course:):


Feb 18, 2018
There is a difference between defeated, pessimistic and cynical, and being a realist. Most people I have interacted with are very optimistic about their future...after we come out of the collapse mode. It is not the lack of organization or ideas that prevent progress, it is the current system that is absolutely dehumanizing/satanic and will stop at nothing to put everybody and everything under its control, or kill everybody if it fails to control. Until that system collapses, I (and it looks like most people under 40 feel the same way) see little point trying to rally people up behind ideas that require health, energy and personal freedom to materialize, since all 3 of these are at an all-time low, and that will not change for the better under the current system. All I am saying is that the misery/destruction is already here, was brought upon deliberately by a genocidal system, and will likely stay around until the system collapses. So, from that point of view, the collapse is a good thing, a change. No attempts at reform will work, at least in my opinion.
Though, if you your experience is different then by all means please continue to do what you do. I don't want misery/destruction any more than you do.

Ok I can see where we can come to agreement, which is that the current system we have in place is going to be done away with. When I was seeing collapse, I was thinking a devolution into anarchy/dark ages, but it's much more productive to think of this as a birth of a new system, one in which we have sustainable, renewable, abundant means of energy generation, clean, regenerative food, water, and medicine, and freedom of time to spend as one wishes. All of these are acheivable, but WE have to work for it. Health can very quickly turn around. A tremendous amount of suffering in the chronic disease space comes about from poor dietary choices and environmental toxicity. Even living in a toxic system, anyone can avoid PUFA, consume ample carbohydrates, take thyroid/preg/dhea/prog/b-vitamins/etc..., drink sufficient clean water, move their body properly, ground themselves, sleep 8 hours. I remember Peat's quote, which is something along the lines of an organism can handle a huge amount of toxicity so long as it has a healthy enough metabolic functioning. This will then increase the energy, mental, and physical capabilities of each member of our society, who then can work towards bringing about a new system that revolves around the technology disruptors I mentioned.

I would disagree with you that young people are not motivated to create a better world with sustainable, regenerative, renewable means of energy, food, transportation, and living. Very simple arguments can convince many to rally behind logical, practical, positive transformations. Do you want to slave away 40 hours a week? Do you want to live in sub-par, sick, health conditions from dietary and environmental toxins? Do you want the freedom to spend your time how you see fit, away from the bounds of work you don't care about? I think most people want a system and would actively work for a system that can give them much more than our current one does.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
When I was seeing collapse, I was thinking a devolution into anarchy/dark ages

Nope, it rarely becomes that way as long as the elite has an incentive to avoid full apocalypse since it would threaten them as well. See the first article in my original, longer post about the civil war in Sri Lanka. In most types of collapse, basically life goes on, but with much higher (relative to prosperous times) rates of death, disease, famine, etc while also having a significant portion of the population have enough to eat and distract themselves with as to not experience the worst side of the collapse (death, disease, suicide, etc).



Dec 8, 2016
Quite possible, though in our case I think it is more likely to be a delayed destruction process trough the effects of the jab, deteriorating health, suicide, substance abuse, and maybe even open major (civil?) war if the financial system becomes unstable enough that it can no longer be maintained through fake money. If you find the direct quote from him, please post here...when you are not driving, of course:):
Yeah, I’m still driving but for clarification I believe the context he was speaking in was countryman turning on countryman neighbor, turning on Neighbor

Don’t forget the days of toilet paper 2020

Will try to find tonight if I can remember


Dec 8, 2016

Here ya go
But you see his bend

“In 1789, many people in France finally understood that their rulers weren’t agents of god. If their basic ideology is confused, they can become followers of someone like Pol Pot. France was lucky to have alternative ideologies based on reason and a logical universe. In the US, I think the ideological problem makes a good solution very unlikely.“


Nov 11, 2019
we are fully capable of and have the technology to solve many of our problems.

But the only way to solve the problem of Western neofeudalism is by collapsing the banking system.

I'd say it was after 2008 when it became obvious to anybody following the real developments (and not the fake news) that the Western financial situation is unsolvable. Though, real wages - perhaps the best indicator of systemic economic health - adjusted for even official inflation have actually been flat/negative since the 1970s.

Exactly. The 2008 financial crisis taught us is that the banks can't fail because the oligarchic control of the ruling class over the government is so systemic that they're quite frequently incentivized to crash the economy and cast the general population further into poverty.

And at the same time that real wages has been declining, the percent contribution of the finance, insurance, and real estate industries has grown to over 20%:


When the Fed says the economy is strong, this is what they mean—the plebs have more debt and less income, but the financial sector is generating more revenue from interest-bearing debt. At this point, the only alternative to a collapse is the solution the elite are proposing: depopulation to cull the serfs who aren't paying the banks.
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Jun 22, 2021
Living in society, especially in a City while Peating is Hell, because having a high metabolism makes us "human beings", being able to feel things and communicate at a deeper level and be empathetic with one another.

This goes completely against what current society is like - NPC's/Zombies are incapable of making their own decisions and who's minds are easily molded into whatever degenerate agenda is being pushed And who do not generate enough energy to genuinely care about another person.

I've seen my family change, my friends change, and the World change during COVID into something I don't recognize and I don't really "hate people" anymore - because I suppose it's not really their fault that their minds are molded a certain way and that they make bad decisions but I am frustrated at my inability to have convinced people to go through the high-metabolism route and I am frustrated that everyone in my family and all my friends got the shot even though I really tried to prevent them from doing so.

the World can't be saved - In my opinion, It brings me a lot of pain when I'm near people in my family or friends that got the shot and I can feel the spike protein shedding off of them and I can feel the suffering they are going through and it makes me sad that I couldn't save then even though I tried.

People are victims of the system and the Suffering that the system imposes on these people has a negative impact on me and they are too far gone to be saved. I expect cities like NYC, etc. to have a "Sodom and Gomorrah" type collapse in the near future (Inevitable).


Aug 17, 2016
Nope, it rarely becomes that way as long as the elite has an incentive to avoid full apocalypse since it would threaten them as well. See the first article in my original, longer post about the civil war in Sri Lanka. In most types of collapse, basically life goes on, but with much higher (relative to prosperous times) rates of death, disease, famine, etc while also having a significant portion of the population have enough to eat and distract themselves with as to not experience the worst side of the collapse (death, disease, suicide, etc).


that was a trememdous article. I think about it from time to time. It is asking for a log on to read full article now. Would you happen to have it as .pdf. ? I want to send that to Clay Martin for his comments. He was saying that each region of the US will have its own thing to deal with, and then neighborhood by neighborhood will be different vulnerabilities.
We won't have antifa/BLM where we are now. But the neighbors will eat each other. That was the opposite in Chicago. The unarmed passive neighbors there will stay quietly at home and be afraid to sound racist and would starve before hurting their neighbor. But here? They are heavily armed. The looters will be your neighbors.


Aug 17, 2016
Most of the "developed" world is already in an state of open collapse. Hence the distractions like UFO, freak accidents (the Titanic sub), celebrities doing crazy things, etc to prevent people from stopping for even a second to perceive what is happening around them. Things will probably become worse this fall/winter after the competing BRICS+ currency is launched and the "developed" world plunges further into inflation and supply shortages.
In this time of crisis, it is actually easy to spot the few good remaining people. They are usually very practical, empathetic, realistic, and results-oriented. They also tend to not watch TV and/or use social media like Facebook/Insta, except maybe for their business (if they own one). Look for those people and try to associate with them. I'd stay away from the delusional types who keep repeating that everything is fine and things are even getting better. As tempting it is to "indulge positivity", IMO it is very detrimental, even in the short run, as it creates a kind of psychosis due to its constant clash with (current) reality - i.e. harms our brain by putting us mentally in a state of constant conflict. In my experience, the people to look for are, to quote one movie, realists that are masking as pessimists, but hoping they become optimists. I'd look for those and know that there are many like you out there. However, most such people are actively hiding due to the system now hunting them down to avoid, as Ray once said in an interview about CIA's attitude, the danger of "even a single good example" that can wake people up and turn them against the system. So, they can be hard to find, but will come out when the going gets even tougher. Nothing last forever and this, too, will pass.
"They are usually very practical, empathetic, realistic, and results-oriented. They also tend to not watch TV and/or use social media like Facebook/Insta, except maybe for their business." That describes me.
I think the younger people are far less delusional than the 50+ crowd where appearance of propriety (the false self) is the single most important thing to tuckpoint and maintain.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
that was a trememdous article. I think about it from time to time. It is asking for a log on to read full article now. Would you happen to have it as .pdf. ?
Archived version.

Apparently, there are also parts II & III since the original article generated so much interest the author wrote more about the "collapse" experience.

But the neighbors will eat each other.

Immortal, archetypal scene from Batman. Do "normies" always eat each other? No need to answer, I was just thinking out loud:):

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Aug 17, 2016
Archived version.

Apparently, there are also parts II & III since the original article generated so much interest the author wrote more about the "collapse" experience.

Immortal, archetypal scene from Batman. Do "normies" always eat each other? No need to answer, I was just thinking out loud:):


THANK YOU!! Appreciate it.

And that clip was devastating.


Feb 18, 2018
i.e. there are no other viable solutions, short of a scientific miracle that will provide abundant, cheap energy (and I am not seeing much in that respect currently).

With a commercial price of 1c/kwh, Helion claims to have commercially viable fusion by 2028!

Combine that with Solar/Wind/Battery systems projected to be 3c/kwh by 2030, the future of cheap, abundant energy is very promising!

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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