PAIN - Unusual Causes & Unusual Remedies

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Papaya has a long-standing reputation for its wound-healing properties. The aqueous extract of the papaya fruit has been found to possess impressive antimicrobial activity and promote significant wound healing.”

“Hospitals worldwide have used papaya for ulcer dressings. Papaya’s extraordinary healing properties extend to burn wounds as well!”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This story as horrific as it is, just goes to show all the “guessing” the medical industry does….

“The woman, from southeastern New South Wales, was first admitted to hospital in January 2021 with a three-week history of abdominal pain, diarrhea, night sweats, and a dry cough. Scans revealed lesions on the woman’s lungs, liver, and spleen, but further tests showed no evidence of cancer, infection, or autoimmune disease.

The doctors concluded that the patient was suffering from eosinophilic pneumonia of unclear etiology, and treated her with steroids. However, three weeks later she was back in hospital, and her problems only worsened from there.

Over the next 18 months, the woman was given various treatments, but nothing seemed to fully relieve her symptoms. By June 2022, she was experiencing forgetfulness and depression, so the medical team performed an MRI scan on her brain. Co-author Karina Kennedy, Director of Clinical Microbiology at Canberra Hospital, explained that the scan showed “an atypical lesion within the right frontal lobe of the brain.”

Atypical is an understatement. As Senanayake told the Guardian, the neurosurgeon tasked with investigating the strange lesion made a “once-in-a-career finding,” reportedly shouting, “Oh my god, you wouldn’t believe what I just found in this lady’s brain – and it’s alive and wriggling.””

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Subnormal temperatures cause a shift from phagocytosis to inflammation. Light, especially the red light which penetrates easily into tissues, activates the formation of new cells as well as their differentiation. It affects energy production, increasing the formation of mitochondria, and the activity of the DNA methyltransferase enzymes. Red light accelerates wound healing, and improves the quality of the scar, reducing the amount of fibrosis." -Ray Peat

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a term that describes physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms occurring before the start of a menstrual period.

Studies show that saffron may help treat PMS symptoms.

In women ages 20–45, taking 30 mg of saffron daily was more effective than a placebo at treating PMS symptoms, such as irritability, headaches, cravings, and pain (15Trusted Source).

Another study found that simply smelling saffron for 20 minutes helped reduce PMS symptoms like anxiety and lowered levels of the stress hormone cortisol (16Trusted Source).”



Apr 17, 2017


Chronic pain is a prevalent and debilitating condition with significant impacts on individuals and society. While the role of diet in chronic pain is well-known, the relationship between special dietary choices and chronic pain remains unclear. This study investigates the causal associations between 20 dietary habits and chronic pain using a Mendelian randomization (MR) approach. Publicly available genome-wide association study data from the UK Biobank dataset were utilized for secondary analysis, and genetic instrumental variables strongly correlated with 20 different dietary habits were selected. Multisite chronic pain (MCP) scores were used as the primary outcome, with site-specific chronic pain (SSCP) including back pain, headache, knee pain, neck pain, and hip pain as secondary outcomes. The inverse-variance-weighted (IVW) method was the primary method used in the MR. The weighted median (WM) and Mendelian randomization pleiotropy residual sum and outlier test (MR-PRESSO) methods were used as sensitivity analyses. This study identified causal associations between specific dietary habits and chronic pain. A high intake of cheese, cereal, dried fruits, and fresh fruits was associated with lower MCP scores. Conversely, high alcohol, salt, pork, and poultry intakes were associated with higher MCP scores. Similar associations between special dietary habits and some types of SSCP, such as back and neck pain, were also observed. The findings were consistent across different statistical methods, and sensitivity analyses confirmed the reliability of the results. In conclusion, our study provides evidence of a causal relationship between various dietary habits and different types of chronic pain based on secondary analysis of the UK Biobank dataset. Adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet, including increased consumption of fruits and cereal while reducing salt and pork intake, may potentially alleviate chronic pain symptoms.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Lectins are also resistant to human digestion since they are extremely small and sticky. This allows them to attach themselves to our gut cells, leading to leaky gut. They can then enter the bloodstream and bind to any organ, connective tissue, joint, or blood vessel by binding to its cell membrane. For example, one of the reasons that we can’t consume castor beans or raw kidney beans is because they contain lectins that attach to our red blood cells–leading to the same kind of reaction that occurs when receiving the wrong blood type during a transfusion.“

“Soaking, fermenting, sprouting, and cooking may help deactivate lectins by removing their sticky coating.

But since each plant is so different, processing some types of lectins may make them more easily absorbed. Take red kidney bean for instance. Soaked overnight may help remove the outer coat, but they become more toxic when heated to 80 degrees Celsius (175F). “

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“If we consume too much calcium, and without sufficient magnesium, the excess calcium is not utilized correctly and may actually become toxic, causing painful conditions in the body. Many researchers and nutritionists now believe magnesium is more important than calcium in order to maintain healthy bones.”

“Yet after 40 years, it has become evident that taking calcium alone does not stop or even slow bone loss and does not prevent osteoporosis.”

“For example, the body tends to hold calcium and either store it or recycle it again and again. Magnesium, however, is either used up or excreted and must be replenished on a daily basis. So, even though the daily need for calcium is greater, we are much more likely to become deficient in magnesium.

  • insomnia
  • muscle tension or spasms
  • muscle cramps
  • constipation
  • headaches
  • heart palpitations
  • PMS
  • calcification of tissues or joints
  • nervousness or irritability”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@Jamo77 posted this very good video, in my thread below, on mold and fungus spores that brew toxic spores in humid conditions, like in Winter, from building materials, carpet and furniture in buildings, where we reside, work and shop. To cut to the case listen at the ten minute mark, and you’ll get the jest of it…


Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I found the perfect Ray Peat chocolate! It not only has the orange peel in it that he recommends, and said it is good for pain, but also the coconut oil and sugar. It is a good point, in the excerpt below, about the cacao I in it too and short term pain being a good thing. I know too many people who continually mask their pain with pain relievers, or better named killers, which never lets the body do it’s job, which is to fix the problem. Then because the body is “protected” from pain for so long, it loses it’s ability to cope with even normal pain, that everybody has, by becoming sensitive to it. I have seen this happen in my mother and others…

“Some research suggests that flavanol-rich cacao powder may help to reduce inflammation. That’s in line with what antioxidants do. Whether that means that cocoa lowers the risk of conditions that are marked by chronic inflammation remains to be seen. Remember, all inflammation isn’t bad. Short-term inflammation is part of your body’s defense system.”


Nov 21, 2015
BTW, I find a little progesterone dissolve in olive oil and swallowed helps a huge amount if my stomach is upset from a restaurant.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Dr. Weston A. Price did extensive research on the potential dangers of root canal treatment. The full research is mentioned in his book: Dental infections, oral and systemic.

The book is a practical guide to dentistry and dealing with infections and degenerative diseases. The book also contains a variety of original studies on infectious processes in the teeth and a case story of a patient dealing with arthritis for 22 years. He also suggests ways to remove dental implants that were installed incorrectly, which is not sure still relevant nowadays, a lot has changed since the 20s of the last century until our days with the advanced technological revolution and modern materials used by dentists.

Today there are quite a few believers in the “principles of holistic dentistry” based on the research of Dr. Weston Price and Francis Pottenger and thanks to the daily work of the foundation named after Weston A. Price, Dr. Price’s life’s work continues to be distributed to the general public.

Most of Dr. Weston Price’s principles are based on a very important principle and in order to get a clearer picture on why it’s best to avoid root canal procedures you must first understand the principle. A principle that most dentists today tend to miss: a tooth is a living organ, an organ with its lymphatic system, its nerve cells, and its own blood supply. The teeth should be treated just like any other organ.

Now that you understand that the tooth is an organ, you have to imagine a situation where they decide to cut off your heart, liver, or kidney and simply leave the organ in place. Your heart stops beating but it’s there meaning it doesn’t contribute to life.

The same thing happens in root canal treatment according to Dr. Weston A. Price. Dentists are taught how to remove the entire root of the tooth and sterilize it. I recommend reading this excellent article by Dr. Devon Ewing from the website of the Foundation named after Dr. Weston Price.

The main principles of holistic dentistry and Weston Price root canals recommendations are: you should eat whole foods rich in nutrients that are grown properly and cooked properly, and you should avoid root canals as much as possible.”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
At about the 143 minute mark in this video, the doctor talks about vitamin C being an antidote for every snake venom….

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Experiments have shown that progesterone relieves anxiety, improves memory, protects brain cells, and even prevents epileptic seizures. It promotes respiration, and has been used to correct emphysema. In the circulatory system, it prevents bulging veins by increasing the tone of blood vessels, and improves the efficiency of the heart. It reverses many of the signs of aging in the skin, and promotes healthy bone growth. It can relieve many types of arthritis, and helps a variety of immunological problems.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“A diet that provides enough calcium to limit activity of the parathyroid glands, and that is low in phosphate and polyunsaturated fats, with sugar rather than starch as the main carbohydrate, possibly supplemented by niacinamide and aspirin, should help to avoid some of the degenerative processes associated with high phosphate: fatigue, heart failure, movement discoordination, hypogonadism, infertility, vascular calcification, emphysema, cancer, osteoporosis, and atrophy of skin, skeletal muscle, intestine, thymus, and spleen. The foods naturally highest in phosphate, relative to calcium, are cereals, legumes, meats, and fish. Many prepared foods contain added phosphate. Foods with a higher, safer ratio of calcium to phosphate are leaves, such as kale, turnip greens, and beet greens, and many fruits, milk, and cheese. Coffee, besides being a good source of magnesium, is probably helpful for lowering phosphate, by its antagonism to adenosine.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“It is extremely important to realize that calcium deposits in soft tissues become worse when the diet is low in calcium.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Several researchers have reported excellent results with using niacinamide for arthritis. While niacin opens up the blood vessels near the surface and causes a flushing sensation, niacinamide only opens up the deep blood vessels like those surrounding the joints.

In cases of moderate arthritis, outstanding results have been produced by taking 1,000 to 1,500 mg of niacinamide a day. In more severe cases, as much as 3,000 mg to 4,000 mg have been recommended.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“This is exactly what the study below found. By the second week of embarking on a keto diet, the balance between fat oxidation and fat storage starts to get heavily skewed in favor of the latter and the organism develops obesity and diabetes (II). That alone should be enough to give every keto follower a pause. Namely, the low-carb diets do not work even for the basic goal of fat loss, and will in fact make a person even fatter than before embarking on the diet. On top of that, the effects of chronically upregulated fatty acid oxidation (FAO) as well as fat storage are a separate and highly detrimental aspect of low-carb diets and has been implicated in virtually all chronic degenerative conditions but especially cancer, CVD, and neurological disorders.”
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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