P.E.T scans


May 23, 2013
As if I haven't had enough radiation throughout my 52 years on this planet, my ENT doc wants a PET scan done to see if my cancer is metastasizing anywhere beyond my head. I know this Positrons are a form of radiation AND the dye they give you beforehand is slightly radioactive.
There are plenty of posts here about what you can do to abate some of the radiation damage, but due to the nature of the test, some of the "peaty" abatement processes may not be possible.
1. Radiologists prefer you eat a high protein, low carb diet 24 hours prior to the exam - so no sugar
2. No caffiene or exercise 12 hours before
3. Just water 6 hours prior to the scan

So my primary concern is how to chelate/remove the radioactive dye after the scan. Here are some various methods found online plus mine in red:
  • Drink plenty of filtered water. This will help flush the radioactive tracers out of your body. (Silica Water??)
  • Eat cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables all contain sulfur, which is a powerful detoxing agent that can help remove radiation from the body. (maybe for the magnesium or sulpher?)
  • Eat organic apples. Apples are very high in pectin, which can bind with radioactive residues to help remove them from the body.
  • Take magnesium supplements. Doing this both before and after your PET scan will help your body to detoxify.
  • Get a glutathione (GSH) IV. See my article about glutathione, which has been called the “mother of all antioxidants.” Probably not Peat approved)
  • Take Epsom salt baths. Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, is known for its ability to draw out toxins through your skin.
  • Take a clay bath. Place 1 cup of bentonite clay bath (usefull??).
  • Take certified pure bio-cultured Chlorella daily. Chlorella is a single-celled fresh water algae. While it is rich in chlorophyll, protein, iron, magnesium, amino acids and other nutrients, it is also used as a detoxifying supplement because of its ability to bind to heavy metals and unwanted chemicals and radioactive particles in the body. (Not Peat approved?)
  • Inosine - Good posts by @haidut but will it effect the PET scan and do you need to take it before the scan??
  • Activated Charcoal - before or after?
  • Coffee
  • Blood donation
  • Taurine
Also, should I do the niacin/amide and/or methylene blue 7 hours before or will that effect the scan?

Please let me know your thoughts & recommendations. @Peatness @haidut


This is not medical advice. Knowing what I know now I would not get this scan under any circumstances. I am sorry you have a difficult choice to make. Perhaps email Dr Peat to discuss your options.


Oct 18, 2021
My doctor wants to do another CT to look at my head mass. That's not going to happen.
In my case it doesn't matter what the CT shows, as YHWH will either heal me or he won't.
There will be no cutting, burning, poisoning or additional radiation in an attempt to deal with this problem.


Apr 28, 2018
My girlfriend undergoing chelation therapies with a natureopath takes a hot bath with magnesium sulphate 2cups, Utah salt 1 cup, and the clay she slathers face, neck upper body everything not underwater then soaks it off as she eases in


Apr 29, 2018
As if I haven't had enough radiation throughout my 52 years on this planet, my ENT doc wants a PET scan done to see if my cancer is metastasizing anywhere beyond my head. I know this Positrons are a form of radiation AND the dye they give you beforehand is slightly radioactive.
There are plenty of posts here about what you can do to abate some of the radiation damage, but due to the nature of the test, some of the "peaty" abatement processes may not be possible.
1. Radiologists prefer you eat a high protein, low carb diet 24 hours prior to the exam - so no sugar
2. No caffiene or exercise 12 hours before
3. Just water 6 hours prior to the scan

So my primary concern is how to chelate/remove the radioactive dye after the scan. Here are some various methods found online plus mine in red:
  • Drink plenty of filtered water. This will help flush the radioactive tracers out of your body. (Silica Water??)
  • Eat cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables all contain sulfur, which is a powerful detoxing agent that can help remove radiation from the body. (maybe for the magnesium or sulpher?)
  • Eat organic apples. Apples are very high in pectin, which can bind with radioactive residues to help remove them from the body.
  • Take magnesium supplements. Doing this both before and after your PET scan will help your body to detoxify.
  • Get a glutathione (GSH) IV. See my article about glutathione, which has been called the “mother of all antioxidants.” Probably not Peat approved)
  • Take Epsom salt baths. Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, is known for its ability to draw out toxins through your skin.
  • Take a clay bath. Place 1 cup of bentonite clay bath (usefull??).
  • Take certified pure bio-cultured Chlorella daily. Chlorella is a single-celled fresh water algae. While it is rich in chlorophyll, protein, iron, magnesium, amino acids and other nutrients, it is also used as a detoxifying supplement because of its ability to bind to heavy metals and unwanted chemicals and radioactive particles in the body. (Not Peat approved?)
  • Inosine - Good posts by @haidut but will it effect the PET scan and do you need to take it before the scan??
  • Activated Charcoal - before or after?
  • Coffee
  • Blood donation
  • Taurine
Also, should I do the niacin/amide and/or methylene blue 7 hours before or will that effect the scan?

Please let me know your thoughts & recommendations. @Peatness @haidut
Did you did the PET Scan? How you been feeling?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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