Orthodoxy And The Religion Of The Future


Nov 29, 2017
Mainly for those interested in Christianity and it’s battle with the Occult/New Age religion that we are being indoctrinated into (opinion of mine as a disclaimer).
Not looking to have a religious/spiritual debate on what’s true/false but I recently read this book by an Orthodox Father named Seraphim Rose (he was a convert in the later part of his life). This dude went through a lot of eastern religions and occult practices in his life early life until finding his way to orthodox Christianity. He was even a student of Alan Watt in the early 60s. This book really resonated with me as it ties in with my own experiences and thoughts in my younger days when I also was interested in the occult and eastern mysticism.

For those that have read Constance Cumbey’s The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow, this book was regarded as an inspiration for her.

I know there will be some on this forum that will be triggered simply by the words religion or Christianity so for you, please ignore this post. For anybody else interested , check it out. Really worth a read.

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Seraphim Rose


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Mainly for those interested in Christianity and it’s battle with the Occult/New Age religion that we are being indoctrinated into (opinion of mine as a disclaimer).
Not looking to have a religious/spiritual debate on what’s true/false but I recently read this book by an Orthodox Father named Seraphim Rose (he was a convert in the later part of his life). This dude went through a lot of eastern religions and occult practices in his life early life until finding his way to orthodox Christianity. He was even a student of Alan Watt in the early 60s. This book really resonated with me as it ties in with my own experiences and thoughts in my younger days when I also was interested in the occult and eastern mysticism.

For those that have read Constance Cumbey’s The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow, this book was regarded as an inspiration for her.

I know there will be some on this forum that will be triggered simply by the words religion or Christianity so for you, please ignore this post. For anybody else interested , check it out. Really worth a read.

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Seraphim Rose
Thank you. This looks like a really interesting book. I’m definitely going to read it!


Apr 30, 2015
nice recommendation! Same boat...eastern in my 20s to western in my 30s


Oct 31, 2012
Religion and occultism are different sides of the same coin. Find a copy of the french film "Under the sun of Satan". Or book. I'm not sure what you imagine new age to be. The first thought for me is the American religions created in the early 1800's. As American life evolved the Christianity that was being practiced fell prey to the longing for spiritual experience. The Woodstock of the moment took place in Cane Ridge Illinois. In 1825, 25000 people camped and sang and danced and listened to sermons for a month. In proportion to the US population it was bigger than Woodstock. After that religions sprang up like weeds. All rifting off Jesus.


Mar 2, 2016
Have you seen work by Daniel Andreyev? He wrote "Rosa Mira" or the Rose of the World, and while I'm not very familiar with Seraphim Rose's work, they appear to be similar.

I do wonder sometimes - there are decidedly gnostic themes in both bodies of work, which according to many council's would be heretical. So how can we know what to believe?

Personally, grace was the crux. If it was God's will that all would come to the knowledge of salvation, then what could stop him from doing that? Is anyone greater than anyone else in the light of grace? When Jesus was dying on the cross, there were two criminals beside him. One scoffed and asked if he were the king of the Jews, why did he not save himself? The other asked Jesus to remember him when he went to his kingdom. And Jesus said to the one that believed "Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."

I continually wonder about the parable of the ten virgins. What does it mean to be a virgin? What is oil? What is the lamp? Because I feel soon we will be without light. Though who knows when?

I like what the other Russian Orthodox saint Seraphim of Sarov said, "Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved"


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I continually wonder about the parable of the ten virgins. What does it mean to be a virgin? What is oil? What is the lamp? Because I feel soon we will be without light. Though who knows when?
To be a virgin means that you have not jumped in bed with satan when he comes to earth and tells everyone he is the Messiah. When the true Christ comes, most everyone will think He is already here. The Groom is coming back and wants a clean bride. If you are worshipping satan, thinking he is God. Well, you wont be at the marriage because you whored after satan.

The oil is Truth. And you are right, there will not be much Light for a while when satan comes to earth and sets himself up as God. As Father says, it will be the worst time on earth ever, except, for most it will be a big party because they think Christ is here and that the Messiah has finally come.

We know this will all happen before the generation born in 1948 dies. You can read up on the "parable of the fig tree" for clarity.


Nov 29, 2017
“Even the elect will be deceived” @charlie

@Diokine i have read some of Seraphim of Sarov stuff as well though not well versed.

I’m an Elder Paisios (of mount athos) fan boy
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2012
Ever hear the story of Sabbatai Levi? Born in Smyrna 1626, at some point declared himself the Messiah. He really divided the Mediterranean Jewish community. Eventually he was betrayed and found himself on trial in Istanbul. In a surprise courtroom conversion he professed Islam. The Sultan was pleased and gave him a post office to run. Many of his followers did likewise, made formal profession to Islam and continued to practice their rituals in private.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Have you seen work by Daniel Andreyev? He wrote "Rosa Mira" or the Rose of the World, and while I'm not very familiar with Seraphim Rose's work, they appear to be similar.

I do wonder sometimes - there are decidedly gnostic themes in both bodies of work, which according to many council's would be heretical. So how can we know what to believe?

Personally, grace was the crux. If it was God's will that all would come to the knowledge of salvation, then what could stop him from doing that? Is anyone greater than anyone else in the light of grace? When Jesus was dying on the cross, there were two criminals beside him. One scoffed and asked if he were the king of the Jews, why did he not save himself? The other asked Jesus to remember him when he went to his kingdom. And Jesus said to the one that believed "Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."

I continually wonder about the parable of the ten virgins. What does it mean to be a virgin? What is oil? What is the lamp? Because I feel soon we will be without light. Though who knows when?

I like what the other Russian Orthodox saint Seraphim of Sarov said, "Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved"

Saint Seraphim meant grace that comes only from the Spirit of peace, that is the Spirit of the one true living God

As for your questions about the parable of the ten virgins, great questions!

St. Seraphim of Sarov actually has an amazing understanding of it

St. Seraphim of Sarov's Conversation With Nicholas Motovilov


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Mainly for those interested in Christianity and it’s battle with the Occult/New Age religion that we are being indoctrinated into (opinion of mine as a disclaimer).
Not looking to have a religious/spiritual debate on what’s true/false but I recently read this book by an Orthodox Father named Seraphim Rose (he was a convert in the later part of his life). This dude went through a lot of eastern religions and occult practices in his life early life until finding his way to orthodox Christianity. He was even a student of Alan Watt in the early 60s. This book really resonated with me as it ties in with my own experiences and thoughts in my younger days when I also was interested in the occult and eastern mysticism.

For those that have read Constance Cumbey’s The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow, this book was regarded as an inspiration for her.

I know there will be some on this forum that will be triggered simply by the words religion or Christianity so for you, please ignore this post. For anybody else interested , check it out. Really worth a read.

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Seraphim Rose
I`ll definitely read something from such an extraordinary man as Pater Rose.


Jun 8, 2020
Mainly for those interested in Christianity and it’s battle with the Occult/New Age religion that we are being indoctrinated into (opinion of mine as a disclaimer).
Not looking to have a religious/spiritual debate on what’s true/false but I recently read this book by an Orthodox Father named Seraphim Rose (he was a convert in the later part of his life). This dude went through a lot of eastern religions and occult practices in his life early life until finding his way to orthodox Christianity. He was even a student of Alan Watt in the early 60s. This book really resonated with me as it ties in with my own experiences and thoughts in my younger days when I also was interested in the occult and eastern mysticism.

For those that have read Constance Cumbey’s The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow, this book was regarded as an inspiration for her.

I know there will be some on this forum that will be triggered simply by the words religion or Christianity so for you, please ignore this post. For anybody else interested , check it out. Really worth a read.

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Seraphim Rose
Great book! Fr Rose is one of the reasons I am a catechumen in ROCOR.


Jun 16, 2016
Mainly for those interested in Christianity and it’s battle with the Occult/New Age religion that we are being indoctrinated into (opinion of mine as a disclaimer).
Not looking to have a religious/spiritual debate on what’s true/false but I recently read this book by an Orthodox Father named Seraphim Rose (he was a convert in the later part of his life). This dude went through a lot of eastern religions and occult practices in his life early life until finding his way to orthodox Christianity. He was even a student of Alan Watt in the early 60s. This book really resonated with me as it ties in with my own experiences and thoughts in my younger days when I also was interested in the occult and eastern mysticism.

For those that have read Constance Cumbey’s The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow, this book was regarded as an inspiration for her.

I know there will be some on this forum that will be triggered simply by the words religion or Christianity so for you, please ignore this post. For anybody else interested , check it out. Really worth a read.

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Seraphim Rose
Fantastic book that I can't recommend enough.


May 4, 2019
Thanks for sharing, I'll see if I can get my hands on it!

I think you might also be interested in Father Spyridon's work, he talks about many of the same things and has written a similar book on the topic:

(here's the book https://www.amazon.com/ORTHODOXY-KINGDOM-Father-Spyridon-Bailey/dp/1786979519)

His short sermons that he do on his youtube channel are also very good. Over the past couple years I've been gravitating more towards christianity and it's been a great comfort in my life

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
New Agers are not in conflict with you guys. We just want to do our thing. We are not sending missionaries out, while I see Christian missionaries all the time. We are not converting anyone by violence either. People join New Age movement because it's fun, it provides solutions and it allows for independent thinking.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
Mainly for those interested in Christianity and it’s battle with the Occult/New Age religion that we are being indoctrinated into (opinion of mine as a disclaimer).
Not looking to have a religious/spiritual debate on what’s true/false but I recently read this book by an Orthodox Father named Seraphim Rose (he was a convert in the later part of his life). This dude went through a lot of eastern religions and occult practices in his life early life until finding his way to orthodox Christianity. He was even a student of Alan Watt in the early 60s. This book really resonated with me as it ties in with my own experiences and thoughts in my younger days when I also was interested in the occult and eastern mysticism.

For those that have read Constance Cumbey’s The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow, this book was regarded as an inspiration for her.

I know there will be some on this forum that will be triggered simply by the words religion or Christianity so for you, please ignore this post. For anybody else interested , check it out. Really worth a read.

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Seraphim Rose

Thank you I have just ordered it on kindle. I found Orthodoxy about 10 months ago after 40 odd years of being an evangelical mainly and read widely about it coming to the conclusion that it is the nearest true expression of Christianity there has been.
This was confirmed when I attended a few services but then came lockdown.


Nov 29, 2017
New Agers are not in conflict with you guys. We just want to do our thing. We are not sending missionaries out, while I see Christian missionaries all the time. We are not converting anyone by violence either. People join New Age movement because it's fun, it provides solutions and it allows for independent thinking.

I was a New Ager for about 10 years @Hugh Johnson .... Didn’t work for me or make me a better person, just somebody that had free will to do whatever I wanted, as “long as it didn’t hurt others”..... Just my opinion dough

@Korven +1 for Fr. Spyridon


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
“Even the elect will be deceived” @charlie
It's true. Father had to shorten the time of satan's tribulation because satan will be so convincing that no flesh would be saved because everyone will think he is the Messiah. The elect will waiver during that time, but the "very elect" along with Father's help will step in and sway the elect back. satan will be pulling fire from the sky, doing miracles in front of man, and will look like the lamb slain(Jesus).


May 4, 2019
I was a New Ager for about 10 years @Hugh Johnson .... Didn’t work for me or make me a better person, just somebody that had free will to do whatever I wanted, as “long as it didn’t hurt others”..... Just my opinion dough

@Korven +1 for Fr. Spyridon

One of my favourite videos from his channel, it has a nice peaceful vibe to it :)



Mar 26, 2014
It's true. Father had to shorten the time of satan's tribulation because satan will be so convincing that no flesh would be saved because everyone will think he is the Messiah. The elect will waiver during that time, but the "very elect" along with Father's help will step in and sway the elect back. satan will be pulling fire from the sky, doing miracles in front of man, and will look like the lamb slain(Jesus).

Could Satan be a new "System" rather than a person?
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