Ordering thyroid to Canada?


Oct 4, 2018
Is meds.com.mx a reliable source to ship Cynomel/Cynoplus to Canada. They say they ship internationally but what's preventing them from seizing this at the border? It's not like they send it stealth and I'm sure a bottle of pills will trigger some attention. How long will it take to arrive anyways? Also I have been dealing with years of liver damage, slow gut motility, gastritis/low acid, Hashimotos, freezing temps and menstrual/estrogen issues. I'm sure T3 will benefit me but I've been running on adrenaline/cortisol for years due to getting off SSRIs/Benzos. I do not have a low heart rate. Will T3 just make my heart rate and high strung nature skyrocket? I'm also worried that i'm so deficient in nutrients due to gut issues, that T3 may extract even more nutrients due to creating a higher metabolism. But I cannot not try due to my freezing temps and slow motility. Slow motility has caused raging SIBO and Candida infections.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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