Obesity Increasing; Is NOT Due To The Cliche Urban, Gluttonous, Sedentary Lifestyle


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The study below shows that obesity rates are rising worldwide. A doctor would immediately suggest that this is due to urban overpopulation, with hordes of gluttonous, chips-eating, video-game-playing, sedentary, bored people who do little more than eat and sleep. However, the study below found the exact opposite to be true. In other words, the rise of global obesity rates is driven by dramatically increasing obesity in rural populations that tend to eat a lot less than their urban cousins AND also move a lot more. So, obviously something other than gluttonous laziness is driving this process, and the authors think it is food quality. While I agree that the food supply is incredibly compromised, rural populations still enjoy access to relatively better food than their urban cousins, even though they may choose not to eat it and gorge on the PUFA-laden "goodies". But on average, rural and urban dwellers have about the same access to crappy, processed foods so it is not all bad food driving this. I suspect that endocrine disruptors, and environmental pollution (including EMF) are taking a big toll on the health of people in developed countries and rural people may be even more exposed due to more lax control/oversight. Over the last decade, whenever news about toxic chemical exposure, toxins in tap water, contaminated food/drugs/air, etc broke, it was always in small towns located in remote rural areas that many urban dwellers had never even heard about. In confirmation of the environmental quality decline hypothesis, there is quite a bit of evidence that wild animals are also becoming obese. Since those wild animals do not really munch on PUFA all day long, then it must be something else in the environment.

Since those wild animals do not really munch on PUFA all day long, then it must be something else in the environment. Whatever that is something is, it has been increasing in effects since the early 1970s, which is when the steep trends of decline of testosterone levels and sperm count in males, IQ in both sexes, and rise in chronic disease in all age groups (but especially the youngest) started.

Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults | Nature
Worldwide rise in obesity driven by country dwellers, study finds
Study Shatters Preconceived Notions About Urban Vs. Rural Obesity

"...Around the world, obesity is on the rise. A global uptick in body mass index, or BMI — a measure of whether a person’s weight is healthy for how tall they are — has coincided with rapid urbanization, leading to the assumption that urbanization is the main reason behind the global obesity epidemic. Now, a large new report reveals the rise of global BMI comes from people living in rural areas rather than people living in urban areas. The finding contrasts theories that urban lifestyles contribute to the rise in obesity and suggests public health policies that stress food quality are needed." “More than 55 percent of the rise in BMI in the world in men and women has been due to a rise in rural populations, so this is entirely opposite to the current paradigm,” Majid Ezzati, a public health expert at the Imperial College London in the United Kingdom, who led the new research, said in a press briefing.


Aug 3, 2018
I think it’s pufa consumption.

But this misses @haidut's point that wild animal obesity is also going up. Wild animals haven't had an increase in PUFA consumption (except for those that eat human trash, which can be super-fat).

While I think there is good evidence the obesity epidemic (among people and animals) is multi-factorial, I suspect EMF is a big piece of the puzzle. That is the a variable that has changed for even the wild animals.


Apr 13, 2019
Is there any shred of any semi-trustworthy evidence for the EMF, other than ‘I suspect’?

My equally wild hunch would be that a lot of people are actually becoming a lot more health conscious, unfortunately taking it from the wrong end. If today you decide to start eating healthy, and start with the respective google search, the first thing you’ll go for is omegas, chia seeds, salmon, essential oils, whole wheat crap etc.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
We are under a Curse. It is about to be lifted though. :pray


Aug 3, 2018
Sure, there is tons. Starting with radio operators getting cancers at a higher rate back in the early days of radio. Nobody wanted to hear it then, but especially not the radio operators. Nobody wants to hear it today.

See THE 5G CRISIS and other threads here.


Apr 13, 2019
It should be illegal to give canola oil to children

Yes, and the Greger crowd would like to put you in jail for depriving kids of omegas and feeding them saturated fat and sugar.

How do you reconcile that?

You don’t.

Instead you should respect everyone’s choices and the fact that they make those choices on behalf of THEIR children. They are NOT your children.

Also, a little humility would be in order as well. I too like what Peat says, but the history shows us that people are often wrong. One is less likely to look like a complete fool when conceding that even though this may be the best we have right now, who knows what the truth will be in the end. Disseminating Peat’s message with a 100% certainty of this BEING IT, is unlikely to be taken seriously by anyone, thus doing a great disservice to the man. Listen to him when he talks, humility is the undertone of everything he says.
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Feb 13, 2016
What's the point in trying to fight it if even wild animals are aging quickly and getting obese.

This planet is a wrap. Humans have polluted it beyond repair with plastic and estrogen and EMF. Whether deliberate or accidental it doesn't matter, the result is the same. We have degenerated past the point of no return.


Apr 9, 2018
What's the point in trying to fight it if even wild animals are aging quickly and getting obese.

This planet is a wrap. Humans have polluted it beyond repair with plastic and estrogen and EMF. Whether deliberate or accidental it doesn't matter, the result is the same. We have degenerated past the point of no return.

cue learned helplessness


Feb 21, 2017
What's the point in trying to fight it if even wild animals are aging quickly and getting obese.

This planet is a wrap. Humans have polluted it beyond repair with plastic and estrogen and EMF. Whether deliberate or accidental it doesn't matter, the result is the same. We have degenerated past the point of no return.

I mean.... Look around - they're not.

I see wild animals literally every day (birds and squirrels and cows and sometimes foxes and deer) and absolutely none of them are obese.

The only animals I see that become that way are some pidgeons (that eat lord knows what including cigarette ends) and the occasional pet dog.

Observe for yourself before allowing panic or defeat to set in.

Also, while being sedentry might not have a direct correlation to obesity, it absolutely has a correlation to liver health and definitely insulin resistance - things that are imperative barriers to metabolic health.

This can easily be explained by the ever increasing numbers of sedentry jobs and the ever increasing demand for hours and stress under business in the neoliberal era.

Being sedentry and playing a complex game of chess or poker or competitive rts is better than simply watching TV or other non brain activity imo, but not as good as non sedentry life.


Aug 3, 2018
I mean.... Look around - they're not.

I dunno, I saw a decidedly chunky fox the other evening. I tend to assume it's because they have been eating out of the garbage.


Mar 15, 2014
Wild animals haven't had an increase in PUFA consumption (except for those that eat human trash, which can be super-fat).
pufa could explain it all. Lots of wild animals eat human pufa trash, and higher up animals like grizzly bears, eat those animals.


Feb 13, 2016
I mean.... Look around - they're not.

I see wild animals literally every day (birds and squirrels and cows and sometimes foxes and deer) and absolutely none of them are obese.

The only animals I see that become that way are some pidgeons (that eat lord knows what including cigarette ends) and the occasional pet dog.

Observe for yourself before allowing panic or defeat to set in.

Also, while being sedentry might not have a direct correlation to obesity, it absolutely has a correlation to liver health and definitely insulin resistance - things that are imperative barriers to metabolic health.

This can easily be explained by the ever increasing numbers of sedentry jobs and the ever increasing demand for hours and stress under business in the neoliberal era.

Being sedentry and playing a complex game of chess or poker or competitive rts is better than simply watching TV or other non brain activity imo, but not as good as non sedentry life.

The people I know who care the most about exercise tend to be the unhealthiest ones - and Dr. Peat in the Jodelle interview said that there has been an intensification of misinformation indoctrination in the last 2-3 years for whatever reason. So it is deeper than people being "lazy" there are industries backed with immense money and power actively seeking to suppress human vitality. Which is why I am kind of in a learned helpless state. BTW pessimists have been found to be much more accurate than optimists.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Actually, being sedentary, eating healing foods in ample quantities and ample rest are the quickest ways to recover from hypothyroidism and my experience has showed me any attempts to be active while still sick just makes me more sick. Whenever I have like a week off and can just rest, my waking temps are consistently good and I feel a lot better and typically weekends I have my best waking temps/pulses and moods.

The fitness industry has horribly misinformed people. In RP's latest podcast with Jodelle, Ray basically says all it takes is a couple of dumb bell exercises followed by one or two sets of squats and you can already start to be in a stress response and tanking T3, especially if you're hypo.

Hormones drive muscle gain more than arbitrarily performing exercises in the gym. Just look at people taking steroids, they can gain muscle mass without even going to the gym. Sure, if you want to compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting you'll have to touch a weight now and then of course. However, I think by definition BB and powerlifting is stressful and not a good idea to professionally compete in if being optimally healthy is your goal. But if you eat and train smart, and keep a very low stress lifestyle, I am sure you can make incredible gains with very little effort... Probably with weightlifting sessions 15 minutes or less even. It doesn't take much signalling (sets) for your muscles for them to grow and become a testosterone "organ" as RP put it (that was rather interesting when he said that, I hadn't quite considered it like that). When I start to get well I'm probably gonna design my own program that has me doing just a few key sets, just enough to signal my body to increase testosterone but not enough for cortisol to rise or T3 to drop.
Feb 26, 2018
If the epidemic has little to do with diet or activity levels then my guess would be it has less to do with EMF and more to do with light pollution, melatonin deficiency, excessive screen-time.


Feb 21, 2017
The people I know who care the most about exercise tend to be the unhealthiest ones - and Dr. Peat in the Jodelle interview said that there has been an intensification of misinformation indoctrination in the last 2-3 years for whatever reason. So it is deeper than people being "lazy" there are industries backed with immense money and power actively seeking to suppress human vitality. Which is why I am kind of in a learned helpless state. BTW pessimists have been found to be much more accurate than optimists.

People that become neurotic about exercise are likely to be already sick, that's true, but it doesn't have to be something borne of neuroticism.

The reason the fitness industry has various intense pushes from different and sometimes obscure angles is simply to make money. It's to convince people that this workout scheme or product set are the ONLY way to go. As opposed to letting people know that good old fashioned basic intuitive movement like walking and running and climbing will do the job.

You cannot get around the fact your lymph system is created to function properly via movement.

I'm not calling it laziness - there are times when exercise isn't a good option, but there are also times when the energy is kind of there to move but people simply don't use it, either because of learned helplessness or other distractions.

I have experienced such a state - sometimes the need to move is simply a feeling of restless agitation in me as opposed to a concrete desire or perceivable energy abundance.

It's dangerous to become too locked into the ideas of others, especially sick people who might not be able to gain a clear perspective in their struggles.


Apr 5, 2016
Is it possible that the increase in obesity in rural areas is due to advances in technology making people more sedentary.

Think on a farm how much technology has lessened the need for physical labour. You need less workers doing less physical tasks. Many of the physical labour jobs in rural areas have disappeared to the point where many of these rurual towns are no different to a city just less densely populated.

I'm sure there are other factors at play but I would wager the change in the type of work people do in the rural areas is a big factor also.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I think it’s pufa consumption.
I dont agree, the best example for this are people from Europe. You can compare old european with american and will see that americans are doing better when older but europeans were much better looking when young. I can show you photos of my grandpa and especially dad who was hypothyroid till birth. You would not think that he was but taking thyroid and his lifestyle improved his life to the point that he was able to move on his own legs instead of using wheel chair, but the way he looked when younger, so much hair and energy, I hate myself when I found this fact.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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