No Need For Mutations, Mitochondrial Stress Alone Can Trigger Cancer


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
As Ray said, the official story on cancer and many other conditions thought to be genetic is slowly changing. The powers that be won't admit overnight that genetics has little (if anything) to do with cancer, but the evidence for metabolic dysfunction as a cause of cancer is slowly building up. Last year, I posted a seminal study claiming that the Warburg "effect" is not just an effect but a driver and cause of cancer development. Now, this study adds to the evidence that cellular stress, especially in the mitochondria, is sufficient to cause and drive cancer progression.

"...Yet new findings from University of Pennsylvania researchers suggest that such efforts might have missed a key pathway that enables the changes in metabolism that benefit tumors. Their work finds that mitochondrial stress alone can trigger metabolic shifts through a pathway that involves p53, a protein widely known to play multiple important roles in cancer."

"...Further investigation revealed that p53 reduced HIF-1α levels in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cells and that genes responsive to HIF-1α were blunted when mitochondrial DNA was depleted. Notably, they found that the expression of several genes involved with glycolysis, a metabolic process by which cells break down sugar to make energy, jumped dramatically in cells in which mtDNA was depleted. Some of these were the same genes that HIF-1α normally regulates, pointing to mitochondrial stress as a similar but completely separate pathway by which a metabolic shift can occur in cancer cells."


Apr 30, 2015
Not sure what it is like where you are at Haidut, but a lot of the advertising for cancer treatment is around genetics where I am at. The Mayo clinic really pushes the personalized treatment where they use the cancer's DNA to make "guided missiles" to take the cancer out. From what I have heard it will cost you in the six figure range.

Ads like this:

And sayings like "You didn't plan for cancer, but we did." Gives me the absolute creeps.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Not sure what it is like where you are at Haidut, but a lot of the advertising for cancer treatment is around genetics where I am at. The Mayo clinic really pushes the personalized treatment where they use the cancer's DNA to make "guided missiles" to take the cancer out. From what I have heard it will cost you in the six figure range.

Ads like this:
View attachment 3212

And sayings like "You didn't plan for cancer, but we did." Gives me the absolute creeps.

Oh yeah, I live within a few miles of NIH - a vast complex full of people working dead-end careers in genetics and wasting billions of our money. If you look at the poor woman in the picture you can immediately see the signs of high estrogen in her face - irregular facial structure, weaker jaw and larger ears (relative to other facial elements). Of course, it could have been caused by the chemotherapy, but every time I see a face like that I am thinking "yeah, it's genetics that gave her cancer, not hormones like estrogen or PUFA...NOT!"


Oh yeah, I live within a few miles of NIH - a vast complex full of people working dead-end careers in genetics and wasting billions of our money. If you look at the poor woman in the picture you can immediately see the signs of high estrogen in her face - irregular facial structure, weaker jaw and larger ears (relative to other facial elements). Of course, it could have been caused by the chemotherapy, but every time I see a face like that I am thinking "yeah, it's genetics that gave her cancer, not hormones like estrogen or PUFA...NOT!"
Interesting @haidut your correlation with facial features and high estrogen. Where can I learn more? Have you written about it before? Please forgive if you have and I missed it while combing this site...thank you for pointing me there!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Interesting @haidut your correlation with facial features and high estrogen. Where can I learn more? Have you written about it before? Please forgive if you have and I missed it while combing this site...thank you for pointing me there!

There are a few older studies, and Peat has told people over email that facial and body deformations are most likely an estrogen issue. Bone deformities are almost always estrogen driven. In older times there was a blanket condition called "cretinism", which Ray talks about in his articles. While it is most often associated with mental deficiency, most cretins also have severe facial and/or body deformities. It can be cause by exposure to estrogens during pregnancy or in early life of the baby. DDT, DES, and all of the *fene drugs can cause it.
Radiation is estrogenic as Peat has mentioned and I discussed on the Danny shows. Chemotherapy is almost always estrogenic as well. No matter how targeted and personalized these "treatments" are sold as they will still cause much damage than the cancer itself and even if they induce remission they will cause secondary cancer a few years later due to the systemic shift towards estrogen dominance.


There are a few older studies, and Peat has told people over email that facial and body deformations are most likely an estrogen issue. Bone deformities are almost always estrogen driven. In older times there was a blanket condition called "cretinism", which Ray talks about in his articles. While it is most often associated with mental deficiency, most cretins also have severe facial and/or body deformities. It can be cause by exposure to estrogens during pregnancy or in early life of the baby. DDT, DES, and all of the *fene drugs can cause it.
Radiation is estrogenic as Peat has mentioned and I discussed on the Danny shows. Chemotherapy is almost always estrogenic as well. No matter how targeted and personalized these "treatments" are sold as they will still cause much damage than the cancer itself and even if they induce remission they will cause secondary cancer a few years later due to the systemic shift towards estrogen dominance.
Fascinating, thank you...


Apr 30, 2015
Fascinating, thank you...

That is really fascinating. I also find it interesting that the woman in the ad above would be considered pretty and in a very normal kind of prettiness that is very common now days. Not like the days of old pretty:


  • image.gif
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That is really fascinating. I also find it interesting that the woman in the ad above would be considered pretty and in a very normal kind of prettiness that is very common now days. Not like the days of old pretty:
Amazing how the photos you posted are round, healthy, balanced faces!! I have noticed that since "peating" (whatever that really means - lol) low PUFA for a year now my face has begun to be more round and full like these :): Feeling better all the time with my face shape change, was a bit worried before...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That is really fascinating. I also find it interesting that the woman in the ad above would be considered pretty and in a very normal kind of prettiness that is very common now days. Not like the days of old pretty:

Note the fuller faces and bigger jaws of both men and women in these older pictures. This is not a coincidence, lack of estrogen exposure creates such features. Estrogen exposure and stress emasculates men and masculinizes women in a very unattractive way. Birth control pills with pure estrogen cause the same effects. Men these days are also on "birth control pills". The synthetic estrogens in those pills are almost impossible to degrade, so they end up in water, food, air, clothes, everything. City-dwelling men these days have the hormonal profile or menopausal women.


Apr 30, 2015
Amazing how the photos you posted are round, healthy, balanced faces!! I have noticed that since "peating" (whatever that really means - lol) low PUFA for a year now my face has begun to be more round and full like these :) Feeling better all the time with my face shape change, was a bit worried before...

Ha, yeah me too. My jaw is so much bigger it's kind of frightening sometimes. That's what taking estroban everyday for 6 months will do I suppose. I wonder why the skinny unhealthy people, both men and women, are considered so desirable? Maybe it's like a reverse psychology they are so unhealthy and yet they are alive so they must be strong.


Note the fuller faces and bigger jaws of both men and women in these older pictures. This is not a coincidence, lack of estrogen exposure creates such features. Estrogen exposure and stress emasculates men and masculinizes women in a very unattractive way. Birth control pills with pure estrogen cause the same effects. Men these days are also on "birth control pills". The synthetic estrogens in those pills are almost impossible to degrade, so they end up in water, food, air, clothes, everything. City-dwelling men these days have the hormonal profile or menopausal women.

Truly out right scary...and most people don't "get" this:

"Men these days are also on "birth control pills". The synthetic estrogens in those pills are almost impossible to degrade, so they end up in water, food, air, clothes, everything. City-dwelling men these days have the hormonal profile or menopausal women."


Ha, yeah me too. My jaw is so much bigger it's kind of frightening sometimes. That's what taking estroban everyday for 6 months will do I suppose. I wonder why the skinny unhealthy people, both men and women, are considered so desirable? Maybe it's like a reverse psychology they are so unhealthy and yet they are alive so they must be strong.
Why does reading your post give me such a sigh of relief? There ARE reasonable thinkers out there :dancingsmileyman
Nov 11, 2014
There are a few older studies, and Peat has told people over email that facial and body deformations are most likely an estrogen issue. Bone deformities are almost always estrogen driven. In older times there was a blanket condition called "cretinism", which Ray talks about in his articles. While it is most often associated with mental deficiency, most cretins also have severe facial and/or body deformities. It can be cause by exposure to estrogens during pregnancy or in early life of the baby. DDT, DES, and all of the *fene drugs can cause it.
Radiation is estrogenic as Peat has mentioned and I discussed on the Danny shows. Chemotherapy is almost always estrogenic as well. No matter how targeted and personalized these "treatments" are sold as they will still cause much damage than the cancer itself and even if they induce remission they will cause secondary cancer a few years later due to the systemic shift towards estrogen dominance.

That is really fascinating. I also find it interesting that the woman in the ad above would be considered pretty and in a very normal kind of prettiness that is very common now days. Not like the days of old pretty:

Note the fuller faces and bigger jaws of both men and women in these older pictures. This is not a coincidence, lack of estrogen exposure creates such features. Estrogen exposure and stress emasculates men and masculinizes women in a very unattractive way. Birth control pills with pure estrogen cause the same effects. Men these days are also on "birth control pills". The synthetic estrogens in those pills are almost impossible to degrade, so they end up in water, food, air, clothes, everything. City-dwelling men these days have the hormonal profile or menopausal women.

The largest contributing factor to the wide faces and well developed jaws is chewing and the resulting correct tongue posture. Form follows function and it's most clear in indigenous/hunter gatherer people than in later generations. The use of their jaws for chewing tough food and for other non-eating purposes like creating leather and tools is what allowed them to develop well proportioned faces, with strong cheekbones and jaws.

When Western Price traveled and noticed poor dental structure and narrow faces, he assumed the cause was the lack of nutrients in their processed-food heavy diets but he was wrong. It wasn't the food per se, it was the toughness of the food. The modern diet with its highly processed and soft food doesn't exercise the jaw muscles nearly enough for a well developed face to form.

You'll noticed nearly every kid wearing braces, and they often have narrow faces, a long nose and flat cheekbones. That's got nothing to do with hormones but everything to do with a lack of tough-food chewing and correct tongue posture from childhood. Another case of the environment heavily impacting the organism for the worse.

Check this link for more info: A Food and Breathing Problem - MAHB


Apr 30, 2015
The largest contributing factor to the wide faces and well developed jaws is chewing and the resulting correct tongue posture. Form follows function and it's most clear in indigenous/hunter gatherer people than in later generations. The use of their jaws for chewing tough food and for other non-eating purposes like creating leather and tools is what allowed them to develop well proportioned faces, with strong cheekbones and jaws.

When Western Price traveled and noticed poor dental structure and narrow faces, he assumed the cause was the lack of nutrients in their processed-food heavy diets but he was wrong. It wasn't the food per se, it was the toughness of the food. The modern diet with its highly processed and soft food doesn't exercise the jaw muscles nearly enough for a well developed face to form.

You'll noticed nearly every kid wearing braces, and they often have narrow faces, a long nose and flat cheekbones. That's got nothing to do with hormones but everything to do with a lack of tough-food chewing and correct tongue posture from childhood. Another case of the environment heavily impacting the organism for the worse.

Check this link for more info: A Food and Breathing Problem - MAHB

Pretty interesting article. This probably has some contributing factor. But WP treated people with many carries with forms of fat solubles and had good results. Can't be all hormesis. Vitamin K definitely affects jaw size


Feb 20, 2013
If what cantstoppeating is saying is right than a peat diet that consists mostly of soft foods like milk and OJ seems really bad..
Nov 11, 2014
If what cantstoppeating is saying is right than a peat diet that consists mostly of soft foods like milk and OJ seems really bad..

It is, especially for kids when their jaws are growing and they're learning how to position their tongue (which when your mouth is closed, should be resting against the ceiling of your mouth).

I was in a third world country recently. In the city, almost everyone had overcrowding, teeth that were't straight, faces that were narrow with long or hooked noses (the tel tale sign of a collapsed maxilla). Look at the below image: the bone behind and to the sides of the nose (the maxilla) does't grow forward but downwards and backwards, which pulls the nose downwards and backwards. This stops the bottom jaw growing forward. All this is, surprisingly, controlled by the teeth which are controlled by the tongue and chewing. The white outline is how his face should have looked had it grown properly.

In the villages however, I saw perfectly straight teeth, wide faces, short and straight noses.


No one can achieve the broad and well developed faces of our ancestors without chewing and resting the tongue against the ceiling of the mouth. From the ages between 2-10 years, having only OJ and Milk would literally make a child uglier because of poor jaw development. A liquid diet wouldn't be bad in adulthood when the jaws have set providing one learns how to rest their tongue on the roof of their mouth and chews something hard periodically.

(@haidut) Anyone who has kids, make sure to feed them tough cuts of meat!
Last edited:


Apr 26, 2014
@cantstoppeating that's very interesting, thanks.

When you say kids should chew something hard periodically, how often is periodically? I ask, because my three year old son eats lots of fruit and dairy, oats for breakfast, occasional bread, but also has rice or potatoes and veggies once a day with a protein (beef, liver, seafood, chicken).

Do you think the once a day hard chewing is sufficient for proper jaw and tooth development?


Jul 29, 2014
Weston Price recognized "excercizing" of the jaw for development. In the book he talked about how the inuit (the people in the pictures posted above) would carry things in their mouth. He said the strong guys could carry something like 100lbs in each hand and another 100lbs holding it with his teeth. He thought this was one reason their teeth were ground down so far. Another reason he thought was because they used their teeth to prepare leather or something (I read it several years ago, so don't remember specifics). Even with the teeth ground down so far, they didn't seem to get many cavities. In the pictures posted above, there is 1 woman with a missing tooth... from what I remember, she had like 22 children or something crazy lol.

I'm going to guess and say jaw development is both hormonal and mechanical. Why does it have to be one or the other? God forbid it be based on multiple factors, that's too confusing!!
Nov 11, 2014
@cantstoppeating that's very interesting, thanks.

When you say kids should chew something hard periodically, how often is periodically? I ask, because my three year old son eats lots of fruit and dairy, oats for breakfast, occasional bread, but also has rice or potatoes and veggies once a day with a protein (beef, liver, seafood, chicken).

Do you think the once a day hard chewing is sufficient for proper jaw and tooth development?

Yes, daily hard-chewing is ideal. Kids going through weaning should be introduced to relatively hard foods like apples, carrots and meats as soon as possible. You seem to be doing the right things.

Weston Price recognized "excercizing" of the jaw for development. In the book he talked about how the inuit (the people in the pictures posted above) would carry things in their mouth. He said the strong guys could carry something like 100lbs in each hand and another 100lbs holding it with his teeth. He thought this was one reason their teeth were ground down so far. Another reason he thought was because they used their teeth to prepare leather or something (I read it several years ago, so don't remember specifics). Even with the teeth ground down so far, they didn't seem to get many cavities. In the pictures posted above, there is 1 woman with a missing tooth... from what I remember, she had like 22 children or something crazy lol.

I'm going to guess and say jaw development is both hormonal and mechanical. Why does it have to be one or the other? God forbid it be based on multiple factors, that's too confusing!!

Jaw development is both hormonal and mechanical. The derangement of jaws however, that's so prevalent in modern society, which is what I'm talking about in this thread, is caused largely by the mechanical side and little if any by the hormonal side. Visit Africa, have a look at all the starving children who lack nutrients to make their Peaty hormones and note their strikingly straight teeth and developed jaws.

At the expense of being too graphic:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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