NIH/Fauci-funded study shows transgenderism can be induced/modulated with estrogen


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The ever-rising rates of LGBTQ are a very controversial topic in society and we have discussed them here quite a few times, with the focus being on environmental factors as a probable cause. As such, the revelation provided by the links below is probably not a surprise to most forum readers, but I thought I'd post the links not only for the shock factor (i.e. Anthony Fauci involved in yet another controversial experiment), but also for the open admission by a government-funded study that transgenderism in males can be directly induced/modulated by administration of estrogens. This is in perfect agreement with another recent post of mine about the (in)famous "Gay Bomb" research, which was ridiculed by the press at the time and even given an (Ig)Nobel Prize, but the science behind it is very much real and the methods used (e.g. estrogens) are the same as the methods used by the Fauci-funded study.

So, while we are being gaslighted 24x7 by all of MSM that rapidly rising rates of transgenderism are perfectly "natural", have nothing to do with environment, and cannot be influenced (other than "affirming" the preferred gender of the patient) actual research conducted by both government and academic scientists claims the exact opposite. Moreover, the research even suggests the "transgender" people may be immunologically compromised and thus more vulnerable to all kinds of infections diseases. Nothing surprising here and, in fact, Ray has several articles on his website specifically about the primary role of estrogen in immunodeficiency and autoimmunity.

I don't think it would be far-fetched claim that Fauci and his ilk at the pharma companies would use this research to further increase the propaganda in regards to vaccines, and it would be an easy sell if a rapidly increasing portion of the population is indeed chronically immunocompromised. Once again, they give us the poison (estrogen) and the "remedy" (vaccines), with the "remedy" being in quotes since in this case it is not a remedy at all and may even be much worse than the poison itself. Not to mention the depopulation effects of mass exposure to environmental estrogens since even if the portion of the population identifying as LGBTQ remains a minority, most of the heteros would be infertile (something we are already seeing on a global scale) and won't reproduce anyways.

"...Under Dr. Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(NIAID) was back in the business of wasting your money and torturing animals. This time, instead of tormenting puppies with ravenous sandflies, a Florida lab is trying to feminize male monkeys. That’s right, the NIAID isusing $477,121 of your tax dollars to fund the forced feminization of male rhesus macaques.Utilizing taxpayer funds from NIAID, a Florida lab set out to examine what would happen if female hormones were given to male monkeys. After receiving the hormones, biopsies from the force-feminized, male monkeys were tested to see if they were more susceptible to HIV. The lab worked to make male lab monkeys“transgender” to address “social injustices”suffered by “transgender persons” such as“transgender women (TGW)-individuals who were assigned a male set at birth but express their gender along a female spectrum."

"...HIV/AIDS thrives in the margins of society, where low education, unstable housing, and poverty heighten people's vulnerability to HIV. No population is more affected by these social injustices than transgender persons. A case in point is transgender women (TGW}-individuals who were assigned a male sex at birth but express their gender along a feminine spectrum. Sadly, TGW have some of the highest concentrated HIV epidemics in the world, with a pooled global prevalence of 19% and a 49-fold higher odds ratio of acquiring HIV than non-transgender adults. A key part of gender affirmation in TGW is feminizing hormone therapy (FHT), of which the main drug is the hormone estradiol."


Mar 4, 2019
I am of the opinion that thinking you are trans is an element of autism. It wouldn’t shock me that if there was a cure to autism, it would affect the trans-identifying group.

Aug 3, 2016
Cannot leave out progestogens.

"...The researchers then measured progesterone in 92 women's saliva and found that as progesterone increased, so too did openness to the idea of engaging in homosexual activity."

"Scientists have discovered that people whose mothers took progesterone while pregnant identify as heterosexual less often than those whose mother did not receive progesterone treatment."

There are many reports from users of anabolic steroids talking about how trenbolone makes them feel different sexually.
Trenbolone appears to be a androgen and progestogen agonist, and does not agonize estrogen.





Jul 26, 2018
Here you go - xenoestrogens and plant progestogens

"Phytoprogestogens, also known as phytoprogestins, are phytochemicals (that is, naturally occurring, plant-derived chemicals) with progestogenic effects.[1][2]

Relative to their phytoestrogen counterparts, phytoprogestogens are rare.[1] However, a number have been identified, including kaempferol, diosgenin (found in yam), apigenin (found in chasteberry),[1][3] naringenin, and syringic acid, among others.[2] In addition, 3,8-dihydrodiligustilide from Ligusticum chuanxiong is a potent progestogen (EC50 = 90 nM), whereas riligustilide is a weak progestogen (EC50 ≈ 81 μM).[4][5]"


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Trenbolone appears to be a androgen and progestogen agonist, and does not agonize estrogen.

Good points, thanks for the link.
I suspect the progestogen effects on sexuality/gender are mostly confined to women, as that first study you linked to mentions, and even then I am not sure if it was biodentical progesterone used in such studies or the synthetic progestogens, most of which are estrogenic. If you can find some studied with bioidentical progesterone I would be very interested in reading them.

As far as the anabolics - Trenbolone, just like nandrolone (perhaps the two most widely used anabolic steroids) is an estrane steroid - i.e. the core of the steroid is the same as in estrogens such as estradiol. There is evidence that androstane, the core of androgens such as T/DHT, is highly androgenic without having any functional groups (e.g. ketone on C-3 or OH on C-17). So, it is plausible that estrane steroids would be estrogenic and there is indeed evidence for both nandrolone and trenbolone that at higher doses they act as full agonists on both estrogen receptors and induce estrogenic effects in-vivo, while in lower doses they seems to have an anti-estrogenic effect, though not through ER antagonism, but rather through interference with estrogen uptake into the cell due to structural similarity.
"...Forsgren et al. (2014) assessed the relative estrogenicity of 17β-trenbolone, 17α-trenbolone, and trendione using a rainbow trout cell line. Both 17β-trenbolone and trendione showed some limited estrogenic activity, whereas 17α-trenbolone did not (Kurauchi et al. 2008). Interestingly, at relatively high water concentrations, 17β-trenbolone has been reported to exhibit estrogenic activity in fish in vivo, inducing vitellogenin (egg yolk protein precursor) in adult male fathead minnows (Ankley et al. 2003) and vitellogenin mRNA in estrogen-sensitive, transgenic medaka larvae (Kurauchi et al. 2008)."

Direct evidence of trenbolone's estrogenic effects (in higher doses only) in humans are the numerous reports that trenbolone raises prolactin and can cause a gyno. Another estrogenic sign in humans is the infamous "tren cough", which is driven by histamine and (to a lesser degree) serotonin releases, both of which effects are estrogenic signs. Not only are estrogen and histamine as closely-related as estrogen and prolactin (which is why Peat wrote in articles that antihistamines are antiestrogenic), but progesterone inhibits both histamine synthesis and release and is also a TPH inhibitor so it would reduce serotonin too. So, we know that higher doses trenbolone's estrogenic effects dominate over its progestogenic effects otherwise those effects on breasts and cough would not be happening. Btw, both testosterone and DHT (and its derivatives such as Proviron and Masteron) are also agonists on both progesterone receptors (weaker than trenbolone, but still relatively potent progestogens), so if progestogenicity was driving the sexuality/gender changes we would be seeing such changes with those steroids too. I am not aware of any such reports, published or anecdotal, which seems to suggest that the estrogenicity of estrane anabolic steroids is the explanation of the reported effects on sexuality/gender.
I think pure progestogens, such as progesterone, increase pedomorphism, and that can draw attention from pedophiles, most of whom seem to be male-oriented. So, sudden increased attention from certain groups of males can contribute to perceptions/doubts of being gay. User @ecstatichamster mentioned this happens often apparently in people with heavy porn use so it is plausible that it can happen in the pedomorphic adults too.
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Feb 14, 2022
Thanks haidut! There is cleary al pattern in this - estrogen, immunocompromised, HIV and all the things that we call "viruses"

Being aware means we can take action to protect ourselves


Apr 21, 2021
Good points, thanks for the link.
I suspect the progestogen effects on sexuality/gender are mostly confined to women, as that first study you linked to mentions, and even then I am not sure if it was biodentical progesterone used in such studies or the synthetic progestogens, most of which are estrogenic. If you can find some studied with bioidentical progesterone I would be very interested in reading them.

As far as the anabolics - Trenbolone, just like nandrolone (perhaps the two most widely used anabolic steroids) is an estrane steroid - i.e. the core of the steroid is the same as in estrogens such as estradiol. There is evidence that androstane, the core of androgens such as T/DHT, is highly androgenic without having any functional groups (e.g. ketone on C-3 or OH on C-17). So, it is plausible that estrane steroids would be estrogenic and there is indeed evidence for both nandrolone and trenbolone that at higher doses they act as full agonists on both estrogen receptors and induce estrogenic effects in-vivo, while in lower doses they seems to have an anti-estrogenic effect, though not through ER antagonism, but rather through interference with estrogen uptake into the cell due to structural similarity.
"...Forsgren et al. (2014) assessed the relative estrogenicity of 17β-trenbolone, 17α-trenbolone, and trendione using a rainbow trout cell line. Both 17β-trenbolone and trendione showed some limited estrogenic activity, whereas 17α-trenbolone did not (Kurauchi et al. 2008). Interestingly, at relatively high water concentrations, 17β-trenbolone has been reported to exhibit estrogenic activity in fish in vivo, inducing vitellogenin (egg yolk protein precursor) in adult male fathead minnows (Ankley et al. 2003) and vitellogenin mRNA in estrogen-sensitive, transgenic medaka larvae (Kurauchi et al. 2008)."

Direct evidence of trenbolone's estrogenic effects (in higher doses only) in humans are the numerous reports that trenbolone raises prolactin and can cause a gyno. Another estrogenic sign in humans is the infamous "tren cough", which is driven by histamine and (to a lesser degree) serotonin releases, both of which effects are estrogenic signs. Not only are estrogen and histamine as closely-related as estrogen and prolactin (which is why Peat wrote in articles that antihistamines are antiestrogenic), but progesterone inhibits both histamine synthesis and release and is also a TPH inhibitor so it would reduce serotonin too. So, we know that higher doses trenbolone's estrogenic effects dominate over its progestogenic effects otherwise those effects on breasts and cough would not be happening. Btw, both testosterone and DHT (and its derivatives such as Proviron and Masteron) are also agonists on both progesterone receptors (weaker than trenbolone, but still relatively potent progestogens), so if progestogenicity was driving the sexuality/gender changes we would be seeing such changes with those steroids too. I am not aware of any such reports, published or anecdotal, which seems to suggest that the estrogenicity of estrane anabolic steroids is the explanation of the reported effects on sexuality/gender.
I think pure progestogens, such as progesterone, increase pedomorphism, and that can draw attention from pedophiles, most of whom seem to be male-oriented. So, sudden increased attention from certain groups of males can contribute to perceptions/doubts of being gay. User @ecstatichamster mentioned this happens often apparently in people with heavy porn use so it is plausible that it can happen in the pedomorphic adults too.
@haidut Your posts are amazing, they help me a lot to understand my health problems. Congratulations on the beautiful work.

Have you seen any studies that show what dose of TREN is high or low in this regard regarding sexual preference?

I can't stand trt, but I did well with Deca Only, but I couldn't lose fat even in a calorie deficit.

I discovered that my nighttime salivary cortisol is 100x above normal, which is why I haven't slept since I was 15 (I'm now 43) and I developed obstructive sleep apnea even when I was thin, and make 3 surgeries thinking in obstructions. Probably a pulmonary nodule.

In the last few months I've been able to sleep very well with alprazolam, which they usually use for Cushing's. It's incredible how I started dreaming every day, I imagine it's due to the decrease in cortisol, which reduces apnea in this case (patients with Cushing's have a high prevalence of OSA, so I hypothesize that high cortisol is a cause of obstructive apnea).

TRT was the worst thing I did in my life, I imagine that due to the high cortisol, estrogens rose too much with exogenous testosterone, in other words, it was like throwing kerosene on a fire. And with the "zoles" everything got even worse.

I did it for 7 years and I almost went crazy, bordering on psychosis, schizophrenia... in addition to boobs and a lot of subcutaneous fat, the impossibility of losing weight on any diet, insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, high homocysteine, low shbg, high serum serotonin, high insulin/ glycemia.

I was interested in TREN precisely because it acts on glucocorticoid receptors more strongly, without aromatizing, as I read in several posts you made over the years.

I started yesterday with 30mg/day of TREN ACE. I noticed a huge decrease in anxiety. Yesterday I managed to sleep with half the dose of alprazolam. My nose has always been very dry and it started to run all day today, I don't know if it was an increase in histamine, but I plan to test cirproheptadine today for that reason. Before, it was impossible to sleep well with cirproheptadine because my nose was so dry that it made sleeping difficult.

I tested pregnenolone + 5mg of exemestane + alprazolam per day for a few days. I liked. I feel bust of energy when take pregnenolone in morning. My morning cortisol always was low. But it was a small test, as I have not been able to buy exemestane and pregnenolone in Brazil.
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