Newbie here...and lots of help needed!



Nov 21, 2012
peatarian said:
I'm sorry, this is not what you want to hear - but I would suggest to get rid of that therapist. He is obviously a great danger to your health. What would it be in orange juice and cocoa that is bad for you?

The things you don't want to or are not allowed to eat are pretty much the core of what Ray Peat suggests. What if you just try it for two weeks and assess the success?

Maybe you start by reading Ray Peat's work on and search it especially for your problems. I guarantee you'll come away with some new ideas.

There is another member diagnosed with 'Lyme disease'. Maybe you'd like to read the (for now) 'progesterone thread'?

@Peatarian It's not a lifelong thing,but according to her there's some substance in both that hinders the gallbladder or liver,not sure anymore. Besides that I only miss cacao,bc I never liked OJ or oranges for that matter.
She said she hasn't measured the Lyme for a while anymore,which would mean that one is already gone,but haven't let it check somewhere else.
All the metabolic disregulations and yeast/funghi/Candida? are the main issues still (I have these huge white strips on my toenails,which indicates bad bacterial overgrowth? Last week I spooned up some goatsmilk kefir and boy did that make me feel tired/lethargic/depressed....I actually start to think more&more I need to feel like crap in order to heal my gutflora/leaky gut?/digestive system,bc I only feel kinda normal and wanting to workout(partly out of fear) eating all the wrong unnutritional foods:(.....which really is causing lots of problems,regarding totally unnormal eating pattern,cravings,for some reason fear&anxiety at the thought of eating at home,financially leading towards bankruptcy etc.)


Sep 18, 2012
Look, I don't want to make you feel worse but from what I read you feel really bad. Are you sure this woman is good is for you?
Don't eat yogurt or kefir or anything else with bacteria and lactose. Drink milk if you can and eat cheese if you can.
I suppose you don't want to use antibiotics for two weeks to get rid of the bacterial growth in your intestines?
In that case I suggest you use 4 tablespoons of charcoal powder every second night before going to bed. Just dissolve it in water and drink it. It will take care of bacteria and endotoxins.
Another thing you could try is potato pudding. Your make potato juice using a centrifugal juicer and fry the juice with refined coconut oil like scrambled eggs until its gold brown. Eat it with salt. It will clean your stomach.
If you don't drink OJ you don't get magnesium. Make sure to drink lots of coffee (with sugar) and Coca-Cola and take baths with Epsom Salt.
You don't use the pill or anything other estrogenic, do you?
How is your thyroid? Have you measured your temperature when you wake up and before you get up? How is your resting pulse?


Nov 21, 2012
peatarian said:
Look, I don't want to make you feel worse but from what I read you feel really bad. Are you sure this woman is good is for you?
Don't eat yogurt or kefir or anything else with bacteria and lactose. Drink milk if you can and eat cheese if you can.
I suppose you don't want to use antibiotics for two weeks to get rid of the bacterial growth in your intestines?
In that case I suggest you use 4 tablespoons of charcoal powder every second night before going to bed. Just dissolve it in water and drink it. It will take care of bacteria and endotoxins.
Another thing you could try is potato pudding. Your make potato juice using a centrifugal juicer and fry the juice with refined coconut oil like scrambled eggs until its gold brown. Eat it with salt. It will clean your stomach.
If you don't drink OJ you don't get magnesium. Make sure to drink lots of coffee (with sugar) and Coca-Cola and take baths with Epsom Salt.
You don't use the pill or anything other estrogenic, do you?
How is your thyroid? Have you measured your temperature when you wake up and before you get up? How is your resting pulse?

Hi Peatarian,

Thanx for the recommendations,but I unfortunately can't incorporate many of I never drank coffee,nor liked it. And I gave up soda's a long time ago. It's not that I distrust you guys here,I appreciate your help,but I seriously wonder if all this sugar&caffeine doesn't stress adrenals even more,cause diabetes like symptoms etc.
I seriously don't know what I'm doing anymore,apart from destroying myself I guess......not being able to eat 3meals a day,lots of anxious moments(with lots of anxious/OCD thoughts/fear of getting fat,exercising more etc.), not even knowing anymore what to eat. The last couple of days I seriously sometimes crave bread(....what about making sourdough bread and not using wheat for it?),pizza taco with lots of PUFA-alcohol tacosauce(though I never drank alcohol nor like it.Don't know if the amount of alcohol in the sauce is very high anyway as it doesnt taste alcoholy),sate,waffels,hot chocolatemilk etc.

All I know,is that I don't have the idea I seem to be getting rid of Candida/funghi (I really have this huge white line across my toenail and some nights I have itchy face/scalp. I also seem wake up most nights bc I need to pee and my morning anxiety/depression/restlesness seems to become worse after my (night&)morning pee. I also seem to experience lots of anxiety,OCD thoughts,fear and sometimes hunger/cravings right before I'm able to poop,after that it usually is completely gone) nor doing myself any other favors except for the (brief) period of relaxation of eating out. I know you mentioned charcoal,so I went to the healthshop but they informed me that's not so beneficial for people dealing with frequent constipation,so I guess that's a no-no either.
I also wonder what helps to seal the gutlining so Candida can't overgrow anymore and stream into the blood?...bc I guess I'll never heal intolerances and lots of my issues,I guess.

I know people mention whole and skim milk over here,but is Goat'sMilk ok too? and like I said I'm still on the fence regarding lots of foods as in honey,banana/plantain,pumpkin,beets,bread,rice,potato. Today I heard about Coconut Sugar and that it's low GI and contains lots of minerals,so should be a good substitute for regular sugar,but is it high in free fructose?....and are there people here who have experience with Coconut Sugar.?
Then there's Josh Rubin's video talking about avoiding fatty fish/salmon,but I really crave it now&before my destructive pattern,probably bc of the anti-inflammatory O3 fat....and I really can't imagine that source of PUFA being harmful.


Nov 7, 2012

I'm no expert, but if I were you, I would deal with psychological and behavioural
issues first. The anxiety and over-thinking of food is getting in your way of making
dietary changes in an experimental and controlled fashion. It also sounds like it is
just making you unhealthy in general.

I really wish you the best of luck!

- Scott


Oct 14, 2012
Hi Dutchie,

Have you read Ray Peats articles? Most of the things you are saying suggest that you haven't?

The reason I ask is because they are extremely informative, VERY empowering and allow you to piece everything together. Take charge of your own health and learn everything you can.

I have said it many times, and sctb mentions it above - So many people worry so much about what they can/cant eat that they cause undue stress - The main thing we are trying to avoid.

I am currently cooking lamb shanks in a slow cooker with tons of root vegetables, stock and a good dose of red wine - That isn't 100% Peat, likely not Peat at all but I know for sure it will increase my metabolism and whatever nasties there are in there will be burned or gotten rid of pretty sharpish.

I simply eat foods that encourage an oxidative metabolism. When I don't, I mitigate that with things like vitamin E, aspirin, calcium, caffeine, coconut oil etc, and little, if any damage is done, and on the plus side I know im fueling my body with the nutrients it needs to continue to heal and eventually flourish.

I do believe in the early stages a certain amount of strictness is a good idea, especially if you are not feeling healthy (Physically or mentally) BUT that isn't forever and you can set an amount of time you are going to be strict for and then re asses. If you are not in a mental state where this is possible, don't go for that strictness! You want to get better, not worse. Better the devil you know, for now then go from there.

What I had been doing was: OJ, Milk, cheese, 90% cocoa chocolate, liver, eggs, Melons, grapes, salt, aspirin, Vit K prawns/shrimp, Oysters/Mussels when I could stomach them, coffee. If there are foods you don't like, ask people here for potential alternatives, even if only for the short term so you can start introducing foods you don't like to ensure they start to grow on you (Which the will, I guarantee it).
I lived on that stuff for a while. That was my interpretation of reading Mr Peats work. My variety of food has now expanded, and when I eat foods I consider less than ideal, I will use things to mitigate the less than ideal content, and as a result suffer no ill effects that I know of, and if I do it is minimal - At worst im slowing my full healing down by an hour or two, certainly not reversing it.

A good place to start: Avoid foods high in PUFA, avoid grains, use coca-cola when eating meat, cook your vegetables thoroughly when you eat them, use coconut oil and salt daily and snack on melon, OJ, cheese and grapes.

Doing just those things lowers your phosphate intake, your iron intake, your PUFA intake, your endotoxin production and therefore all of your stress hormones.

That is a BIG step in the right direction and takes only small changes like swapping out vegetable oils for butter and coconut oil, using potatoes and maybe rice instead of other grains served with a generous amount of butter.

You could make yourself some nice broth soups or slow cooked lamb in a nice stock with lots of root veg as I mentioned above.

What I am really trying to say is make only small changes that you can handle doing, get used to them so they become your new normal and then make another small change. Just swapping out vegetable oils for saturated fats will make you feel better and as always, see it as achieving a small goal on your way to better health.

Small steps you can manage will get you to where you want to be, don't try and change everything immediately as this only results in overload and crisis. You have the rest of your life to make changes for the better and every small change you make will only make you healthier, happier and extend your time.

Don't despair and there are always experienced kind people here willing to offer support.

Edit: I do have to say - Peatarian is right, and I will be so bold as to say it bluntly, that the information your therapist has been giving regarding oranges and cocoa you is incorrect. I have never seen evidence that backs up her views on that nutritional advice and plenty of evidence that backs up the positive benefits.


Aug 10, 2012
Just a little note to say that a lot of us who felt doctors' instructions were rational, whether alternative docs or not, changed our minds when we started reading Dr Peat's research.



Nov 25, 2012
Different perspective.

There was a time when I didn't think it was right that I had certain problems (health or other). I didn't complain about it , but rather , I sensed that other's thought I should not have them, and so my strength to face my particular challenges was sapped ...

I lost trust over time in the institutions and authorities and in their ability or desire to solve my problems in return for money.... so on a tangent, I also lost confidence in money's ability to command a strong effort from others.

Our modern culture fosters a belief that everything should be easy... and especially, that thought is not needed and everything is clear and known. It's as simple as 123! Just buy this! Easy off! Quick wipes!

Things become scary once we realize that we will have to take responsibility for solving our problems... and those problems are usually profound, all consuming, and inescapable ( - example, I met a young lady in Europe who looked very robust but who nevertheless was diagnosed with cancer- she put her trust and money in the conventional medical authorities- she went for bone marrow transplants - 8 months later she was dead. If she had done nothing she would likely still be alive, and if not, still her parents wouldn't have spent $50,ooo to have her killed).

The biggest hinderance to my progress was not all the lies and misinformation... but the sense from others, from society, and the media that I should not think about my problems, and that individual decisions should not require time and effort to make. Ha! Just do this or that and don't worry. Just go to the doctor, just call a lawyer, just just just just....

IN jest:
"You are confused and uncertain... other's are telling you that it should not be so, it isn't right that you are confused and uncertain. Why... this is the republic of x, not only are you "wrong" to be confused and uncertain, but you also should be "happy".... the fact that you are not happy is a thing to be also very concerned and confused about! And it makes us unhappy that you are unhappy!!"

One is told or made to believe: don't be confused! So one is divided against one's self.

Once I accepted my confusion and my need to make careful and thoughtful decisions about each thing, I started to grow in psychological strength.

So if you believe yourself to be "sui juris" (legally capable) you will have made your first move.

You determine whether you are sui juris or not. I recommend that you believe you are, or at least that in the next moment you will be.

You think that what you are doing is making you sick.

Try to remember why you started to behave in certain ways.

Common genesis of this is : Aspiration to be more than you were (better), Hidden (or not) recognition that "where" and "what" you were was not adequate according to what you imagine, covert factors in food air and water that can destabilize our behavior.

I'm sure if you calm down and think about what caused you to initiate change you will find that you were pressed by previous circumstances known and unkown. If you think about what caused your behavior to become "less stable" I'm sure you will also find out that there are many forces at work, most of which you could never have known about.
Contrary to what may be said, I firmly believe that YOU are your own best advocate and caretaker. All of your behaviors are just the first strivings and attempts to help yourself. And you will improve with persistence (sometimes quiting also helps... so then we can "try again")

So while in a sense what you are doing/going through is "causing you to be sick" --- you should find the faith that you are making every effort to do what is right, even to endure discomfort for the sake of a better future. You should believe that your previous decisions were the best that you could make. You can recognize some things both as "failures" and "not failures" in order to learn from both perspectives. You you can then believe that you will make better decisions and will be more careful.... NO DOUBT!

One must face discomfort in the search for higher ground. No one can get better without facing unique difficulties, whatever they may be.

When you see that you must, you will find the correct place for comfort and rest, in partaking and in abstaining, be it in food or otherwise.

Believe that you can do what is right... you are your own Ray Peat. That's what I really learned from studying Ray Peat. I gobbled up the spirit of Ray Peat, in all it's beautiful truth.

Of course the devil is in the details, he likes to dress up and imitate the good (ex. 80 bpm heart rate from thyroid or from adrenalin?).... so you will have to take time to understand why you feel certain feelings, and especially to discern between similar physical markers when only your inner feelings can tell you whether something is good or not good.

I hope not to offend, but I'm certain there must be a place for this final statement to stand:

The future is always unknown- and once we've struggled all we can to do everything in our power then shouldn't it be acknowledged --- the place of blindness arrives forcing us to have faith...
If we can have blind faith in humanity (and we do), maybe then it is not too bad here and there to have a blind faith or two in a higher power as well---


Nov 21, 2012
@Kettlebell I really admire the fact that you guys actually love what you eat,as in broths/soups,potato etc. It all is so 'blah' to me,added even by the fact that I'd have to prepare it myself.
That's the thing,the food I should eat that are healthy for me is also the stuff that's the least appealing to me......that's the problem I've always been addicted/felt 'happy' (for a moment) eating stuff that's bad. For instance lately I crave Pizza Taco with lots of Tacosauce very much....when I would leave the sauce out,the pizza isn't appealing anymore....the sauce is what does the trick in the entire equasion and ofcourse the sauce is very high PUFA:(....and so I've got lots of stuff like this,so I hope one can imagine why I've (gotten) food issues.

@WilltoBelieve That's quite a post and I'm not sure I get all of what you're saying/meaning , but a big problem for me now,apart from the not-so nutritious/healthy stuff I'm craving&eating, is the fact that I can't eat at home anymore and want to be eating at (buffet)restaurants......bc I somehow feel such anxiety through the roof even thinking about having to be&eat at home,let alone the fact I'd have to prepare the meal myself after coming from the gym(as my membership only allows me to enter until 17u).

(Ordering something unhealthy such as pizza and eating it at home,would even be an improvement I guess...:s But I'm too afraid to do so,bc I'm most likely gonna pay for it the day after also in regards towards energy,while the thing which I'm doing now isn't good either but usually makes me warm and more energetic.But this really can't go on anymore,not lifestyle wise,but most of all from a financial and addicting point of view)


Aug 9, 2012
Dutchie said:
I crave Pizza Taco with lots of Tacosauce very much....

So what in the taco-sauce is appealing to you? Analyze by looking at the ingredient list. Perhaps it's the salt?
I get a craving for chips, but it's mostly a craving for salt and potato, both of which I can provide in a more healthy fashion.


Nov 7, 2012
Dutchie said:
... I can't eat at home anymore and want to be eating at (buffet)restaurants......bc I somehow feel such anxiety through the roof even thinking about having to be&eat at home,let alone the fact I'd have to prepare the meal myself after coming from the gym..

A few thoughts:

Why the anxiety about eating at home? What's the rationale?

Is the gym making you healthier? I very much doubt it. I can think of much more
productive ways that you can spend your time: preparing healthy, delicious food,
relaxing, reading, etc. I can't imagine that the gym is a relaxing experience.

You are engaging in what you describe as unhealthy behaviour, and yet you're
willing to fight to the death to preserve the status quo. Do you see that?

Warm regards,

- Scott


Nov 21, 2012
sctb said:
Dutchie said:
... I can't eat at home anymore and want to be eating at (buffet)restaurants......bc I somehow feel such anxiety through the roof even thinking about having to be&eat at home,let alone the fact I'd have to prepare the meal myself after coming from the gym..

A few thoughts:

Why the anxiety about eating at home? What's the rationale?

Is the gym making you healthier? I very much doubt it. I can think of much more
productive ways that you can spend your time: preparing healthy, delicious food,
relaxing, reading, etc. I can't imagine that the gym is a relaxing experience.

You are engaging in what you describe as unhealthy behaviour, and yet you're
willing to fight to the death to preserve the status quo. Do you see that?

Warm regards,

- Scott

I can't relax anymore or sit my **** down for that matter.....why?I don't know....
It started about 3years ago when I became aware of everything (the hidden Lyme,the dietary/healthy eating,the Paleo movement etc...)....all of a sudden I got these weird crippling-anxious feelings whenever I want(ed) to do something that used to relax me.....and all these things have gotten even more worse(paired with all the Paleo talk about too much sitting etc.). I lately notice that being busy/moving all day usually does make me feel better and then going to the gym afterwards,before I head to the resaurant......I just can't relax anymore. Sometimes when I'm somewhere or at the movies,I get this really strong inner urge like "I need to get up&move or else I'll start tearing out my hair....what's left of it anyway".

I've never been this restless,on the contrary in my prior days when I was still "naive/oblivious' regarding it all and ate the kinda standard food over here,lots of bread/pasta/pizza and such....after college I'd make myself go to the gym to do some strenuous Cardio for an hour 5 to6days a week,while fantasizing about the bread dinner or HFCS-yoghurtdressing mealsalad with entire focaccia(which I whipped up myself) that was 'waiting' for me at home(though I did have to prepare it myself,but my meals never required any cooking) and then coming home whipping up the dish and with it sink on the couch in front of the tv till bedtime exhausted with my favorite series/movie....that was my relaxation. And then dragging myself out of bed the next morning when the alarm went off
(Lots of my symptoms/hormonal imbalances were already at play,but I didn't know anything about it so figured it was just I also frequently got told by my former GP.Like I said,I was far from healthy but I sometimes long for those days....being naive/unknowing about everything.)


Nov 25, 2012
CO2 is a fast remedy/stabilizer.

I was going down the tubes fast. I was full of anxiety and confusion.

I tried nicotine and that worked for a little while... but I got sick from it (oral not smoked). I took careful notes of the various new feelings good and bad.

I read about the use of various amounts of co2 mixed with oxygen to treat mental illnesses... also of course, I read Peat's articles about c02, high altitude etc.

You can get a soda sifon, some co2 cartridges and some balloons.
Fill the balloon half or 1/3 with c02, then add 1/2 or 2/3 "air" by exhaling into the balloon. By doing this the co2 is diluted so as to avoid irritating the throat.
Slowly inhale a small amount to become familiar with the various sensations.
One 7 gram cartridge (2-3 balloons) is very effective at eliminating hysteria, thinning the mucous, and giving overall relaxation. It's a very effective anti-psychotic... it also stimulates the digestion.
One should have a basic understanding of buteyko method also...
Just make sure to breath through the nose after inhaling from the balloon. Otherwise, if you breath through the mouth you can end up with lower co2 levels than when you started...

This is probably just going over your head... but who knows, maybe some day you'll find it useful.

Like any new and unusual endeavor, it can be slightly scary, but I think it would be impossible to hurt oneself with it... except maybe if you tried doing it while riding a bike or driving... ha ha.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA

I would suggest magnesium and salt in addition to the CO2. No matter what you eat these will be beneficial. Magnesium is said to be the most common dietary deficiency in the first world, it's likely you are deficient.

Topical magnesium chloride oil was the missing piece of the puzzle for me. You spray it on your skin and leave it for 20 minutes then wash off, or just leave it on. The first several times I used it I felt something akin to a minor methamphetamine rush, my whole body was vibrating. That is the only form of magnesium that I've ever felt a calming effect from, even today. I still take magnesium glycinate, too, a couple web sites say most people should over supplement for 3-4 months to replenish tissue levels. There are a couple links on this page.

Some of Ray Peat's advice is contrary to widely held opinion and recommended daily allowances. I've never read how much salt should be taken but I try to get 2g per day. Maybe someone else can expand on salt intake.


Nov 21, 2012
WilltoBelieve said:
CO2 is a fast remedy/stabilizer.

I was going down the tubes fast. I was full of anxiety and confusion.

I tried nicotine and that worked for a little while... but I got sick from it (oral not smoked). I took careful notes of the various new feelings good and bad.

I read about the use of various amounts of co2 mixed with oxygen to treat mental illnesses... also of course, I read Peat's articles about c02, high altitude etc.

You can get a soda sifon, some co2 cartridges and some balloons.
Fill the balloon half or 1/3 with c02, then add 1/2 or 2/3 "air" by exhaling into the balloon. By doing this the co2 is diluted so as to avoid irritating the throat.
Slowly inhale a small amount to become familiar with the various sensations.
One 7 gram cartridge (2-3 balloons) is very effective at eliminating hysteria, thinning the mucous, and giving overall relaxation. It's a very effective anti-psychotic... it also stimulates the digestion.
One should have a basic understanding of buteyko method also...
Just make sure to breath through the nose after inhaling from the balloon. Otherwise, if you breath through the mouth you can end up with lower co2 levels than when you started...

This is probably just going over your head... but who knows, maybe some day you'll find it useful.

Like any new and unusual endeavor, it can be slightly scary, but I think it would be impossible to hurt oneself with it... except maybe if you tried doing it while riding a bike or driving... ha ha.

It actually isn't that much going over my head;)......years ago,the psychotherapist I had back then and still in my "oblivious days",I frequently had to do an exercise called Transitional Breathing (if I'm remembering it correctly) which also increased the CO2 in my body. I got some more energy through it in my exhausted days,but it really has no influence on anxiety even though I didn't experience it that much back then(but tried it the last couple of years)...or maybe wasn't aware of it,I dealt more with depression,fears,emotional/crying/overly sensitive and during some parts of the year feeling like this 'total angerball' for no apparent reason.....

The anxiety I talk about isn't so much an attack as in hyperventilation,sweating and so's this total innercore feeling of crippling fear :s I don't know why,maybe it's an old unsubconscious 'survivalmechanism' that kicks in,alarming me that ***t/danger is on it's way/it can't go on this 'great/easy', whenever things are going/feeling good....


Nov 21, 2012
BingDing said:

I would suggest magnesium and salt in addition to the CO2. No matter what you eat these will be beneficial. Magnesium is said to be the most common dietary deficiency in the first world, it's likely you are deficient.

Topical magnesium chloride oil was the missing piece of the puzzle for me. You spray it on your skin and leave it for 20 minutes then wash off, or just leave it on. The first several times I used it I felt something akin to a minor methamphetamine rush, my whole body was vibrating. That is the only form of magnesium that I've ever felt a calming effect from, even today. I still take magnesium glycinate, too, a couple web sites say most people should over supplement for 3-4 months to replenish tissue levels. There are a couple links on this page.

Some of Ray Peat's advice is contrary to widely held opinion and recommended daily allowances. I've never read how much salt should be taken but I try to get 2g per day. Maybe someone else can expand on salt intake.

Thanx 4 the tip.....I actually have magnesium oil :)
I used it twice when I had the flu and all my muscles ached.....the next day I'd wake up with no musclepain at all anymore,however it also made me really 'mellow/sluggish' which is actually a feeling I don't like either and makes me feel 'lazy' like back in the days when I was chubby/obese. So,yeah at the moment I'm totally unbalanced and just don't know what "I like" anymore....

On a sidenote,weirdly enough magnesium also makes me gain weight immediately


Oct 31, 2012
It seems to me like you may be suffering from some form of "adult selective eating" (google it). I feel like most of us on this forum have suffered from some degree of this in our quest towards health. My concern is that your obsession with food and health is actually making you unhealthy. Restricting yourself of entire food groups can lead to deficiencies over time. Also, if you feel guilty when you do eat something "unhealthy" it can have a worse effect on your health than the food actually does. After reading your posts, I fear your problems are more psychological than physical. One thing I've learned is the internet can be a dangerous place and it's important not to go overboard on some of the information floating around. The most important skill we can have is learning to listen to the feedback from our body instead of aimlessly following all of the dogmatic ideologies about food and health being spread around. Food is a very important part of health but there are many more factors as well.


Nov 30, 2012
I eat mostly dairy foods (lots of milk & cheese), orange juice, coconut oil, a few potatoes here and there, butter, and dates. I also drink quite a bit of Mexican Coke (may be drinking less though due to things I've read lately) and Red Bull. I also have 1-2 cups of coffee.

Prior to Peat, I was semi-paleo, with an emphasis on cold water fish, low carb/low sugar, low gluten (I avoided wheat), and a daily dose of olive oil on my cooked kale. A year or so in to this regimen I stopped sleeping and had to go on the birth control pill. Milk was always on my avoid list, though I had periods where I ate kefir, which always made me bloated and gave me headaches.

I honestly think the best way to get used to the Peat approach is to make a grocery list and go buy it. Just jump in to it and see how you feel. I didn't drink milk for 20 years and the day after I watched Josh Rubin's video on PUFAs went out and bought a gallon. Having a glass of milk made me as happy as anything I've done in years. If it doesn't work for you, you can always go back to the way you eat now.


Nov 25, 2012
Dutchie wrote:
"t actually isn't that much going over my head;)......years ago,the psychotherapist I had back then and still in my "oblivious days",I frequently had to do an exercise called Transitional Breathing (if I'm remembering it correctly) which also increased the CO2 in my body. I got some more energy through it in my exhausted days,but it really has no influence on anxiety even though I didn't experience it that much back then(but tried it the last couple of years)...or maybe wasn't aware of it,I dealt more with depression,fears,emotional/crying/overly sensitive and during some parts of the year feeling like this 'total angerball' for no apparent reason.....

The anxiety I talk about isn't so much an attack as in hyperventilation,sweating and so's this total innercore feeling of crippling fear :s I don't know why,maybe it's an old unsubconscious 'survivalmechanism' that kicks in,alarming me that ***t/danger is on it's way/it can't go on this 'great/easy', whenever things are going/feeling good...."

Yes... that's what I understood. I know this well, and it is what I also struggled with and was referring to .

You have to use exogenous co2.
Endogenous co2 is not adequate. Especially if the metabolism is already slow, and co2 production is low.

Exogenous co2 is very effective, potent, and fast acting.
But of course... the difficulty is not only to believe it, but also to get the equipment (a siphon is not hard to obtain) and actually make oneself do it. (It took me a year of thinking about it and suffering before I finally got the gumption to actually do it)

Also, we should note , as RAY PEAT has so beautifully stated:

'in biology, causation is always more complicated than we would like to believe.'
And in the life and health of a human being... it is even more so.

One of the most difficult things to do, especially when ill (and when we are ill we are not in our best mind for difficult problem solving, careful thought, and accurate reasoning) is to refrain from hasty judgments about what works and what doesn't - which food items are guilty and which are not guilty, which remedies are true and which are false, etc.

As the simplest example, we see that the PUFA's act as a hidden criminal on the biological scene... causing a multitude of innocent bystanders to take the blame for a host of miseries, the PUFAs having "painted everyone red".

IN addition:
If any possible remedy is not used with the goal in mind, and in a therapeutic manner, there can be no lasting structural result, if any at all.

The search for the result guides one's actions, and the hope of finding a real result, in combination with reasons to believe the result is within reach, creates impetus to make an effort and take action. But reason is a key... the less one acts out of reason, the more failures will precede any true and lasting result. If after so many failures you can still find the will power to try again, then there's no stopping you... (this virtue can be hard to find and learn)

But of course, since time and energy run out in the search for health and healing (not only is there one's illness, but also weight of aging and time), each attempt to find and believe in a new remedy will usually be marked by the need for stronger reasons and reasoning, more evidence, and a then a more careful application of the remedy to one's self. It should really be clear that there is never 1 external remedy--- but an ever more accurate personal choreography in the service of regeneration and healing and search for true results that incorporates all of the available tools at your disposal. And the biggest tool of course is an increasing carefulness of thought and action
Well... knowing how we all come and go... I write these posts more to clarify my own thoughts for myself and help myself rather than thinking my particular statements will be the ones to fit someone else's changing spirit. In every thing - do it for one's self.

We are often obsessed with our symptoms and pains, ever clarifying for ourselves the multiple facets of them, expanding our experience with them and knowledge of them. Typically (as you mentioned in a previous post), we accelerate in performing actions and acting out behaviors that bring out these problems, caught in a kind of koan puzzle. Becoming obsessed with the details of the illness

So it's good to realize that one paramount element of Ray Peat's work has been to elucidate and clarify the characteristics of the healthy state, so that with full vigor we can go about looking for it and regenerating those sensations in ourselves.
He has defined many aspects of the healthy state with an accuracy that is unprecedented-

The "energized quiescence" for example - and he has summarized the fundamental tools to begin the work towards that state.

To highlight my exhortation let me testify to the following : the breath (of life) is the foundation on which all material remedies rest, and the quality of the air we breathe is the ruler thereof. (See RP's article about high altitude)

This is why so many people must smoke ( "fight fire with fire" --- but of course in addition to the breathing, nicotine stimulates thryoid, and increases co2, as long the thyroid is able to respond -the benefit outweighs the smoke, soot, and otherwise toxic nature of the nicotine --for those who have no choice or understanding.)

Re: co2, it has been used to cure schizophrenia, although it was never developed as a therapy.... probably because there's no money to be made in it. (For nicotine to be curative, the thyroid (and other glands) must function... otherwise it exacerbates illness --- see studies on schizophrenia showing it cures and showing it causes)

Of course, you could go for a walk in the woods or in a place of nature where there is relatively clean and sweet air and possibly a hill to gently walk up (increasing co2, blood circulation, seeing beauty and absorbing peace)... but it takes a certain sensitivity and humility to accept such a trivial sounding remedy and realize the great power of it.

I'm so convinced about it that as I write this I'm getting excited to go to the woods for a hike tomorrow.

Finally: I have spent many hours in courtrooms and with judges, etc... and where a judge is not willing to work through the necessary philosophy of an issue, to understand the truth of a matter... there is rarely any justice served --- only cruel fortune.

So we have to be or become:
Pro se (for ourselves - no one will hand us health on a platter)
Sui juris (legally capable - to examine the evidence and make a case for ourselves)
We must be judges also... ( to say - true or not true, guilty or not guilty, act or don't act)

( I wish I could think of a quote from Alice in Wonderland right now... oh well)

Though Dr. Peat has provided us with such a great defense, still we have to win our own case.

.... enough of my babbling....

See you at altitude!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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