Netherlands Legalizes Euthanasia Of Children / Babies

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
i sympathize with your position but realistically a very small percentage of adults in todays day and age would have the guts to take that step, even when realizing its necessary. the average person today is not the average spartan from 2000 years ago.

I think most people just do what needs to be done when they are in the situation. That isn't something difficult to do. Infanticide is much more common than society wants to admit. Most children with down syndrome don't survive the first 12 month. I saw some severe cases who made it because the mothers wanted them to live and other more mild cases unexpectedly dying, the parents moving on. SIDS is mostly heart defects but the rest is infanticide. Post partum turns her crazy, high serotonin and she kills the baby.

The biggest problem I see is that euthanasia has been turned into a commodity. We will see the definition of terminally ill child going really broad and fuzzy really quickly and the next organ harvesting scandal has been just started. Also these things can take some really unexpected turns. Like this super hot teen who demanded to be euthanized because she was raped and suffered from depression and every feminist was cheering he on in order to "stick it to the man". The euthanasia laws were passed to give relief to old people in pain mostly from cancer but then a new clientele discovered this "service".
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Nov 21, 2019
I think most people just do what needs to be done when they are in the situation. That isn't something difficult to do. Infanticide is much more common than society wants to admit. Most children with down syndrome don't survive the first 12 month. I saw some severe cases who made it because the mothers wanted them to live and other more mild cases unexpectedly dying, the parents moving on. SIDS is mostly heart defects but the rest is infanticide. Post partum turns her crazy, high serotonin and she kills the baby.

The biggest problem I see is that euthanasia has been turned into a commodity. We will see the definition of terminally ill child going really broad and fuzzy really quickly and the next organ harvesting scandal has been just started. Also these things can take some really unexpected turns. Like this super hot teen who demanded to be euthanized because she was raped and suffered from depression and every feminist was cheering he on in order to "stick it to the man". The euthanasia laws were passed to give relief to old people in pain mostly from cancer but then a new clientele the discovered this "service".

i disagree. most people follow whatever path society/the state gives them basically. it's why our whole system is relatively stable in the first place despite being so corrupted. barely anyone is making decisions for themselves that differ from social norms/laws.
maybe you are right and a child is something that could perhaps transcend this but I doubt even 10% of parents (and with this I mean mostly men, I think women doing this is for biological reasons even less likely) would be capable of doing this. It would probably either involve a pillow "to get it over with" or extensive planning, dark web orders and what not. IDK man. Sounds unlikely to me.


Jan 25, 2014
Post-birth abortion in disguise?

Don't forget Gov. Ralph Northam's comments regarding this-

Listening to his answer, he very clearly states-

"...the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue......."

So, the infant might be left to die after birth, if the mother or family wished it?

And what, exactly, would that "discussion" entail? Would it simply be about options like adoption at that point, or is this truly venturing into the realm of Post Birth Abortion?


Jun 12, 2016
It is absurd direction modern liberal individualism is leading society - the idea of "my body, my choice" has lead to all manner of ills.

If a society is there to protect life, how is it just to enable someone to flaunt it's most fundamental tenets everyone else abides by.

When a principle ceases to be a principle, you have lost rights, not gained them.

The concept of life is always under attack and undermined because tbtb know this our defense against their wishes.


That's exactly how the system collapses and corrupts. Disregard basic principles and the knock on affects assuredly follow.

Take for example the types of incentives that occur when a choice between say, improving prenatal nutrition and just letting children die. Not to mention normalizing this...

I think most doctors and so on want to follow the principles of first do no harm - but we've been led astray by the terms and commands of our oppressors who use the media and education to bulldoze common sense and morality.


Jun 12, 2016
If the system truly honored first do no harm, it would put an end to many lucrative treatments.

As egregious as this particular topic is, the sudden rise of gender "reassignment" is another problem.

As soon as you accept young people that assuredly suffering from poor nutrition and toxins in their environment causing gender issues, you reform the entire system from looking at those issues through a lens that prevents anyone from studying the problem.

The gender department now controls the science department.

If you have a grasp of how campus politics are run, you have a dismal view of how anyone can now investigate specific health issues without being labeled politically incorrect.


Nov 21, 2019
It is absurd direction modern liberal individualism is leading society - the idea of "my body, my choice" has lead to all manner of ills.

If a society is there to protect life, how is it just to enable someone to flaunt it's most fundamental tenets everyone else abides by.

When a principle ceases to be a principle, you have lost rights, not gained them.

The concept of life is always under attack and undermined because tbtb know this our defense against their wishes.


That's exactly how the system collapses and corrupts. Disregard basic principles and the knock on affects assuredly follow.

Take for example the types of incentives that occur when a choice between say, improving prenatal nutrition and just letting children die. Not to mention normalizing this...

I think most doctors and so on want to follow the principles of first do no harm - but we've been led astray by the terms and commands of our oppressors who use the media and education to bulldoze common sense and morality.

good comment, however, I want to add to this, that our entire medical system is arranged in way that keeps us alive, and not to make us healthy, which is the most fundamental problem of it (keep in mind that on average we get older and older).

following this thought, helping a dying person to die is not necessarily an attack on the concept of life. putting someone through their fifth chemo might as well be conceptualized as an attack on the concept of life, or not giving them the best pro-metabolic treatment, because it's slightly carcinogenic or increases the chance of heart attack etc.

quality of life and living are not balanced at all as concepts in our "no error" society, and this is at least an attempt for extreme cases


Jun 8, 2020
I was diagnosed by many specialists with no hope they could do anything for me. While I didn’t have terminal cancer or a major neurodegenerative disease, etc I had recurring rhabdomyolysis that was taking ~5lbs of muscle from me within days (I’m only ~110lbs too) every time. I also wasn’t putting on enough muscle in between events, so my life was headed for a short end.
God, Peat, micronutrients (especiallly B vitamins), etc have all reversed this. And I haven’t had a case of rhabdo in a year now. I’m also putting on muscle again. Also, my “genetically determined” muscle dysfunction (EMG, NCS, and MRI) are returning to normal function.
There’s always a chance someone (even the child with the “terminal” illness) finds a cure.
As always, this is reductionist and for some reason people and our “leaders” fail to take things to their logical conclusions.


Aug 6, 2017
The medical establishment is an environment that breeds psychopathology as well as attracting it.

Sadly this is so true, and even more sad is that it started happening only once governments in their infinite wisdom put everyone as slaves under the doctor class. Before doctors wanted to help people. Nowadays psychopaths outcompete the honest ones because what is a better way of exerting power over others than being one of those that decide over their health/treatment? Especially psychiatrists and surgeons have almost unchecked authority.

I once witnessed someone administering electroshock treatment that clearly enjoyed frying the patient's brain and often did not stop increasing the current on successive sessions until there was some adverse effect like excessive convulsions, sometimes leading to bruises, heart arrhythmia etc. It seemed like some of the patients "got cured" because what they went through scared them so fundamentally that they started acting like things are better just so they could get out before dying. They knew.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I was diagnosed by many specialists with no hope they could do anything for me. While I didn’t have terminal cancer or a major neurodegenerative disease, etc I had recurring rhabdomyolysis that was taking ~5lbs of muscle from me within days (I’m only ~110lbs too) every time. I also wasn’t putting on enough muscle in between events, so my life was headed for a short end.
God, Peat, micronutrients (especiallly B vitamins), etc have all reversed this. And I haven’t had a case of rhabdo in a year now. I’m also putting on muscle again. Also, my “genetically determined” muscle dysfunction (EMG, NCS, and MRI) are returning to normal function.
There’s always a chance someone (even the child with the “terminal” illness) finds a cure.
As always, this is reductionist and for some reason people and our “leaders” fail to take things to their logical conclusions.

This is amazing! Thanks for sharing your story. Yet another example that hopeless cases are often anything but, and that makes the normalization of euthanasia so much more grotesque and appalling. The conspiracist in me thinks that maybe (some) doctors are in favor of euthanasia just so sick people are quickly killed without many questions. Since, you know, if something in the environment suddenly changes and those "hopeless" cases start recovering in droves they may turn violent on their doctors. The same doctors who just yesterday (figuratively speaking) were gunning for those people to prematurely end their lives and whose "treatments" may have actually made things worse, and sometimes may have even been the reason those patients have become "hopeless" cases to start with.


Sep 30, 2020
I was diagnosed by many specialists with no hope they could do anything for me. While I didn’t have terminal cancer or a major neurodegenerative disease, etc I had recurring rhabdomyolysis that was taking ~5lbs of muscle from me within days (I’m only ~110lbs too) every time. I also wasn’t putting on enough muscle in between events, so my life was headed for a short end.
God, Peat, micronutrients (especiallly B vitamins), etc have all reversed this. And I haven’t had a case of rhabdo in a year now. I’m also putting on muscle again. Also, my “genetically determined” muscle dysfunction (EMG, NCS, and MRI) are returning to normal function.
There’s always a chance someone (even the child with the “terminal” illness) finds a cure.
As always, this is reductionist and for some reason people and our “leaders” fail to take things to their logical conclusions.

Inspiring account. Thank you for sharing!
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Jul 6, 2013
There’s always a chance someone (even the child with the “terminal” illness) finds a cure.
As always, this is reductionist and for some reason people and our “leaders” fail to take things to their logical conclusions.

for sure there’s always a possibility of a cure but for many people they don’t get better and continue to degenerate. They can spend years of day in day out suffering just to die in the end anyway, usually with little dignity left. And the potential of a cure and not the reality of actualising it, does little to alleviate the suffering meanwhile. The medical establishment just doesn’t offer cures for most ailments. And even with the knowledge I have re Peat, bioenergetics etc, there are still some problems I’ve been unable to fix myself so I don’t even know if all that necessarily offers a cure for terminal patients


Feb 18, 2016
Sadly this is so true, and even more sad is that it started happening only once governments in their infinite wisdom put everyone as slaves under the doctor class. Before doctors wanted to help people. Nowadays psychopaths outcompete the honest ones because what is a better way of exerting power over others than being one of those that decide over their health/treatment? Especially psychiatrists and surgeons have almost unchecked authority.

I once witnessed someone administering electroshock treatment that clearly enjoyed frying the patient's brain and often did not stop increasing the current on successive sessions until there was some adverse effect like excessive convulsions, sometimes leading to bruises, heart arrhythmia etc. It seemed like some of the patients "got cured" because what they went through scared them so fundamentally that they started acting like things are better just so they could get out before dying. They knew.

It’s the only way to survive in a medical career these days it seems, it’s an adaptation in the name of survival, maintaining income to pay off med school loans.
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