Need Help Desperate: Need To Force Bowel Movement. Serious Constipation

Aug 18, 2015
theres some other 3rd party thin going on i cant figure out. sometimes, i will feel my bones ache in random places. like something is missing. just now i felt it in my wrist.

sometimes when I drink something very sugary, like orange juice, i will feel it in the tips of my fingers.

it started when i was doin high amounts of coca cola and I took it too far.

could it be magnesium? i just megadosed magnesium to see if it would stop it.

here's how I see things.. magnesium and calcium lower prolactin on top of protein consumption.

it seems like estrogen cant be high unless prolactin is high. if i have nough calcium and magnesium, you would think it would go down. maybe my requirements are not enough, i need way way more than normal.
Aug 18, 2015
its not over yet... my endotoxins are out of control... now i realize this. that must be why my estrogen is out of control and could never be tamed ever.


Sep 11, 2013
the thing thay helps me with regular bowel movents, eating a carrot in between meals, eating mushroom soup every evening, lapodin on my arms, and massaging tensed muscles in my belly

if I do this, i have bowel movements, one or two hours after waking up.

sometimes i dont do mushroom soup, and i dont have bowel movements

when i did high potatoes diet, having bowel movements was easier for me
May 26, 2016
I would stop trying to find a "quick fix" of sorts to this. Kiss the hair goodbye for now and stop stressing over it; Danny Roddy and others have shown that it can be re-grown later. The good news is, at 27, the cumulative damage can only be so bad, thus you can expect a strong recovery in the coming years if you make good, healthy decisions. Get back to the basics and make sure you're getting plenty of nutrient dense foods, plenty of salt, calcium/phosphorus and other ratios are in check, coffee & aspirin, plenty of sleep, sunlight, etc. Imagine yourself at 32 years old and in abundant health and feeling even better every year--that wouldn't be so bad, would it?

We always hear about these people making miraculous recoveries in just a few days or whatever, and Ray Peat likes to mention them as examples of how quickly one can turn things around. There's nothing wrong with deriving inspiration and hope from these instances, but they're not the norm and there's a lot of luck involved. It's easy to get depressed and drive yourself into a frenzy if you're expecting a fast recovery when it's just not in the cards for you. Play for the long run and tweak as needed.


May 4, 2015
The only thing that has proven to regrow hair is minoxidil and finasteride (with pics), and that is if the hairs are not too damaged and you are lucky that the treatment works for you. If the damage is due male pattern baldness and the hair is too miniturized then there is no hope, stop giving false hope.

Also finding out whats wrong with oneself is simply too complicated. You can try things around but its a lottery to be honest. The human body is too complex and unless you are rich, you can't be doing labs frequently to be as accurate as possible.


May 4, 2015
Can you prove that such people exist, and that they have been using the drug for at least 2 years?

There were pictures posted here a while back of a pair of balding twins, one of whom took fin, while the other took nothing. The control lost hair steadily and aggressively, while the fin one maintained hair, at the cost of facial puffiness and a weak chin.
I know a guy personally and seen in real life, his hair loss was stopped. Of course he started right when he saw a tiniest amount of miniturization. His dad is a cueball and he is 30 with great black hair. Im sure he would be bald by now. He takes 1mg of fin for years now, more than 6 years.
Then there's other people that get sides, other people that get sides and the drug does nothing to the hair, or even makes hair fall faster... its such a lottery.


May 4, 2015
How do I make a proper temperature log? how often should I take the temp measurements a day and for how long?

Eating a fat free high carb diet can help restore insulin sensitivity. But you MUST create an energy deficit to use up all the excess sugar in your blood, and dump the fat from your liver and pancreas. The deficit is going to depend on how much you are overloaded. If it's really high, you may need stop eating almost entirely for a few days to shut down the adrenalin.

I'm not suggesting you starve yourself. But if you have a a bunch of bodyfat, and a ton of sugar in your blood, you are NOT starving even if you don't eat. That's why we store energy.
You cannot go from barely eating straight into slamming sugar and expect all things to heal. You need to increase your intake or carbs/calories slowly. If you have pushed to hard too fast, and are overburdening your system, then you need to dial back before you do serious damage. Continuing to slam food that's putrefying inside you,because your colon is siezed with high adrenalin, is a terrible idea.

Same question goes for how to make a proper blood sugar log, how often should I use the glucometer? I assume it fluctuates through the day so single readings will not be enough and a log is needed?

In my case im lean, always been lean, you can see my abs. I have no idea how many kcals I eat, but since I work with computers I don't feel the need to eat a lot. I just don't know wtf more would I eat. I eat 4 times a day, and im not sure how to count calories, I just don't see how it's accurate to trust what tags say on foods, it may be really off. So I just eat by feel, and right now I don't feel like I need to eat more (and again, I don't know what else I would eat.. unless I eat more quantity of what I already eat).
Also, I find all those "needed kcals" a bit arbitrary.. a 5'9'' guy like me is going to need less kcal than a 6'3'' guy for example.
Anyway, I would like to join a gym and put on some muscle mass which would look great on my lean body but I have a hard time waking up, my schelude is terrible, I go to bed at 4 am and wake up late, when I try to go to bed earlier I still wake up tired, I asume that im simply not sleeping properly or something is going on. I wake up fatigued and cold.

Sorry for the multiple posts.
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Aug 7, 2014
its not over yet... my endotoxins are out of control... now i realize this. that must be why my estrogen is out of control and could never be tamed ever.

I have gone through portions of this thread but not all, so forgive me if this part has already been discussed. I saw a mention of mushroom soup; I have been boiling white button mushrooms ever since Dr. Peat's newsletter months back. Boiled mushrooms for 2-3 hours cleans me out 90% of the time. I used to do them everyday and now 1-2x a week as my schedule has been all over the place. Carrots, coffee, and mushrooms clean me out the most.


May 21, 2016
So I just eat by feel, and right now I don't feel like I need to eat more
Listening to the body is the best way to know how much do we need to eat, specially if our stress hormones are under control.
I'm pretty sure if you start going to the gym, you will have much more hunger.
Aug 18, 2015
Soneone who isnt me got antibiotic and it cleared the nose very well. Two days later funus

Ate cheesr
Was horribly constipated

Sigh. Very bad fungus tongue. Very very bad. Might be new coffee.

Genetically im screwed or something. I want to die im so sick of this lol. God
Aug 18, 2015
I also ate a lot of watermelon and peaches whole yest in an act of desperation to go to the bathroomm.. Maybe that was why the fungus exploded


May 21, 2016
Can't you just go to a Hospital? Emergency, or something like that? Isn't it allowed here on Peat's World?
I think if you keep giving sugar to your bacteria, they will continue to spread even more (but I am noob, I don't know if this is how it really works).
May 26, 2016
I dunno man maybe calm down and just keep trying different things. More salt or more protein or less liquid, etc. And possibly just more calories of whatever foods you're craving.

And as far as the above sentiment about eating when it "feels right" to eat, it's more complex than that.

What if you never feel like eating? Appetite can be a decent guide and one should certainly use it to his advantage when he has intense cravings for a particular food but it's a heuristic that's failed miserably for some people, and it leads to the complete demise of those with eating disorders.

Peat is all about getting loads of calories, and assuming you're not taking in monumentally large amounts of PUFAs, you can't go too wrong just smashing in the calories. I think.

Still, you should strongly consider just going to the hospital if it's as bad as you're describing. Jesus.


May 21, 2016
What if you never feel like eating?
That's why I mentioned about the stress hormones. For example me, since I did IF, I don't feel hungry as I used to anymore (which makes me sad, because now I don't know when I should really eat. So I have been eating normally: breakfast, lunch, dinner). But it seems that anything satisfies me :/

Also, there's an interesting thing: when animals are sick, they usually don't eat, because their defense system is weakened, and they don't want to burden the system even more. With people it often happens the exact same way: you feel sick and then you have less hungry. It seems there's a reason behind it after all. People just say "you have to eat, because you're sick", but perhaps it is the other way around.
Sometimes eating more doesn't really mean getting cured. Maybe you're just making the job harder for your body.
Still, you should strongly consider just going to the hospital if it's as bad as you're describing. Jesus.
+1! Seriously, I don't even know you, but I feel really bad and scared knowing that you are feeling that way. Don't play with your health please!
May 26, 2016
That's why I mentioned about the stress hormones. For example me, since I did IF, I don't feel hungry as I used to anymore (which makes me sad, because now I don't know when I should really eat. So I have been eating normally: breakfast, lunch, dinner). But it seems that anything satisfies me :/

Also, there's an interesting thing: when animals are sick, they usually don't eat, because their defense system is weakened, and they don't want to burden the system even more. With people it often happens the exact same way: you feel sick and then you have less hungry. It seems there's a reason behind it after all. People just say "you have to eat, because you're sick", but perhaps it is the other way around.
Sometimes eating more doesn't really mean getting cured. Maybe you're just making the job harder for your body.

Yes, I 100% agree with the above. I also come from IF and I fear my appetite will never be what it once was. I'm full on 2,000 calories when I used to be able to take in 4,000 easy. It really is depressing. And in my case, IF with tons of cardio seemingly multiplied the effect on my appetite.

I do wonder whether the solution to this "Tiny Stomach & Ultra Slow Digestion Syndrome" is a "continuous force feed" approach or more of a "listen-to-the-body-very-closely-and-reduce-stress-at-all-costs-even-if-it-means-under-feeding-for-a-while" approach. The latter is tempting.


May 21, 2016
Yes, I 100% agree with the above. I also come from IF and I fear my appetite will never be what it once was. I'm full on 2,000 calories when I used to be able to take in 4,000 easy. It really is depressing. And in my case, IF with tons of cardio seemingly multiplied the effect on my appetite.
Don't tell me anything... Foods before seemed so tasty and I just wanted to eat. But now, they don't feel that much satisfying anymore. It's something like I'm eating in order to survive and be healthy, instead of really enjoying what I am eating :/. Even if I am full, it's not the same full as before.
How much time did you do IF? I also did intense cardio, sometimes after 14 hours of fasting.
I do wonder whether the solution to this "Tiny Stomach & Ultra Slow Digestion Syndrome" is a "continuous force feed" approach or more of a "listen-to-the-body-very-closely-and-reduce-stress-at-all-costs-even-if-it-means-under-feeding-for-a-while" approach. The latter is tempting.
Does your stomach do noises when you are hungry? My stomach don't do burps sounds that often anymore.- Which I always thought it was a good thing. But now I really miss those frequently noises of hunger...
What are you eating atm? Are you taking any supplements? And how is your mood? I think I don't remember having a real good laugh nor a real good cry. Seriously, I am more apathetic/neutral mood since then.
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May 26, 2016
Don't tell me anything... Foods before seemed so tasty and I just wanted to eat. But now, they don't feel that much satisfying anymore. It's something like I'm eating in order to survive and be healthy, instead of really enjoying what I am eating :/. Even if I am full, it's not the same full as before.
How much time did you do IF? I also did intense cardio, sometimes after 14 hours of fasting.
Does your stomach do noises when you are hungry? My stomach don't do burps sounds that often anymore.- Which I always thought it was a good thing. But now I really miss those frequently noises of hunger...
What are you eating atm? Are you taking any supplements? And how is your mood? I think I don't remember having a real good laugh nor a real good cry. Seriously, I am more apathetic/neutral mood since then.

I wish my stomach would only make noises when I'm hungry, but it just makes noises randomly and there's no longer any correlation with hunger or fullness. It's like the signaling mechanism is just malfunctioning. If I don't eat for a while, I get hungry, but as you mention above, I get full very quickly and am never hungry for second or third helpings. That's the worst part; I used to always have seconds, and I used to love buffets. I still hope to regain that at least to some degree. But it's a long road back, and I'm concerned about how much irreparable damage I've done to my thymus.

Again, I blame IF, which I did variations of for over a decade, along with lots of cardio, and a high fiber, low sugar diet and "standard nutrition advice" (ROFL). The mainstream acts like being skinny is healthy. Ray Peat's articles make it painfully obvious that skinny people can be and often are less healthy than overweight people. I never suffered from anything remotely close to anorexia or bulimia, but now it feels like I'm recovering from those things because it feels like my caloric requirements are so damn low and I'm freakishly skinny and freezing cold when people around me aren't even slightly cold.

Seeing keto and intermittent fasting becoming more and more popular these days is disheartening. People with perfectly good metabolisms are needlessly heading down a path of destruction, and many of them won't realize they're full, yet malnourished, on 1300 calories a day until the damage is severe. The damage is sinister and is slow to accumulate over many years. Like, people who follow Mark Sisson, Jimmy Moore, Dave Asprey, Gary Taubes, etc. have no idea what they're in for. One day they'll just feel cold and weak and tired and be like, "wtf is going on with me?" And it'll be way too late at that point. It's a damn shame.

Right now I'm eating a modified Peat (ish) diet; I drink milk (usually with cereal) and orange juice and eat eggs, cheese, beef jerky, gummy bears, raw carrot, apples cooked in grass fed butter, bananas, occasional other fruit, chocolate, lots of coffee, typically with sugar and grass fed butter in it (for the vitamin K2), and my only supplement is low dose aspirin, the dosage of which I base roughly off of my K2 intake (eggs and butter). I cheat a lot though (canned soup, granola bars, etc.) and will eat random ***t if I crave it and eat out from time to time.

My mood is typically ***t but I consider that a natural consequence of working hard to eat right and be healthy for years and years and then realizing I was making myself "underweight" and sicker and [permanently?] destroying my metabolism all along. I think many Peatarians are in this "grumpy old man" phase earlier in life because they just happened to stumble upon the truth decades earlier than 99% of people and are desperately trying to right the ship. Most people are old by the time they realize their bodies are failing them and understandably just say, "**** it."

But yeah, I think it's normal to be pissed off or, at the very least, stunned when you realize you've been lied to and it's caused you a ton of harm. Our food supply is a ******* minefield and mainstream nutrition science is atrocious at the moment.

Consider this: a person could eat whatever the hell he wants, and he'd likely be eating almost as healthfully as someone eating the "optimal diet" as recommended by the scientific mainstream (because while hed be eating less vitamins and minerals (bad) and more starch (bad), he'd also be eating less fiber (good), a lot more sugar (good), less PUFAs (good) and more calories (good)). If completely disregarding the science is almost as good as following it with perfect precision, something is very wrong with the science.

Anyways, how's it going mayweatherking, any update?
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Aug 18, 2015
I dunno man maybe calm down and just keep trying different things. More salt or more protein or less liquid, etc. And possibly just more calories of whatever foods you're craving.

And as far as the above sentiment about eating when it "feels right" to eat, it's more complex than that.

What if you never feel like eating? Appetite can be a decent guide and one should certainly use it to his advantage when he has intense cravings for a particular food but it's a heuristic that's failed miserably for some people, and it leads to the complete demise of those with eating disorders.

Peat is all about getting loads of calories, and assuming you're not taking in monumentally large amounts of PUFAs, you can't go too wrong just smashing in the calories. I think.

Still, you should strongly consider just going to the hospital if it's as bad as you're describing. Jesus.

Haha, yeah I was honestly considering it if my problem got worse.

That's why I mentioned about the stress hormones. For example me, since I did IF, I don't feel hungry as I used to anymore (which makes me sad, because now I don't know when I should really eat. So I have been eating normally: breakfast, lunch, dinner). But it seems that anything satisfies me :/

Also, there's an interesting thing: when animals are sick, they usually don't eat, because their defense system is weakened, and they don't want to burden the system even more. With people it often happens the exact same way: you feel sick and then you have less hungry. It seems there's a reason behind it after all. People just say "you have to eat, because you're sick", but perhaps it is the other way around.
Sometimes eating more doesn't really mean getting cured. Maybe you're just making the job harder for your body.

+1! Seriously, I don't even know you, but I feel really bad and scared knowing that you are feeling that way. Don't play with your health please!

Thanks. Yeah, I don't want to play with my health, but I felt like I was dealing with something no one could help me with.. which was somewhat true.. I think I figured something out.

Have you tried to spray solban on it? Or a mixture of aspirin and niacinamide?

No, but I did start uing sulfur soap. I know the fungus has a root cuase.. and I think I found it.

I am going to hold off on explaining what I figured out until I know for sure, which I think I can figure it out this weekend.. but I will tell you what, eating more calories is not the solution... I think it's more about maintaining a good blood sugar and making sure it stays there and not spiking it or letting it go too low... milk... is not good for blood sugar if you are not in a good metabolic state.... I (un)forunately found out today
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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