My Plant Can't Grow Close To The Wi-Fi Hub


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
My bet is that one of the things that will happen is this:

- A lot of people will start feeling bad for no reason (of course doctors will never blame 5G). Strange symptoms. Myalgias, fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.
- They will struggle to find the cause but won't find it. All blood tests will come ok.
- They will go to the doc and take the prescribed meds in the hope that they can feel human again. Mostly psychmeds btw, anxiolytics and antidepressants.
- They'll go on with their lives never even thinking it is 5G. They will just addup to the already alarming statistics on psychmeds consumption.

Pretty much. Though I think one marker of EMF damage that can and does show up in a test from my researching is looking at white blood cell (an indicator of inflammation). From what I have seen, research shows a relation between exposure to EMF and white blood cell count.


Oct 5, 2014
Pretty much. Though I think one marker of EMF damage that can and does show up in a test from my researching is looking at white blood cell (an indicator of inflammation). From what I have seen, research shows a relation between exposure to EMF and white blood cell count.
Don't worry the people behind 5G are not so stupid as to make everyone's WBC go always up while under it, otherwise it could be very easily detected and traced. And hence, taken to the court.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Don't worry the people behind 5G are not so stupid as to make everyone's WBC go always up while under it, otherwise it could be very easily detected and traced. And hence, taken to the court.

Oh, people are already being taken to court and 5G isn't even rolled out yet.

Mobile user sues Nokia for up to £1m claiming using phone caused brain tumour

This was earlier last year, so not sure what ended up happening. I hope he won/wins this case. If he did, then this would be a landmark case opening the flood gates for other people to sue.


Sep 27, 2015
There are a lot of Somolian immigrants where I live, and so many of them strap their phone to their head and keep it pressed against their ear as they go about their day. :shock:


Aug 1, 2017
yo i have the same kind of plant and it almost died over a period of ~3 weeks when i put it on top of a soundbox

rescued it by putting it in another room close to the window, go figure
Jun 16, 2017
There are a lot of Somolian immigrants where I live, and so many of them strap their phone to their head and keep it pressed against their ear as they go about their day. :shock:
:jawdrop:, yeah, that's not a good idea
Jun 16, 2017
This could arguably be the worst thing we have done above and beyond DDT, lead in gas, asbestos, DDT.

If Elon Musk has his way he wants to send something like 4,000 5G satellites into space that will literally irradiate the entire globe. We are no longer talking local problems. This might be fear mongering, but worst case we may be looking at large scale population reduction.

The problem is there will be no escape.

And there is only so much mitigation you can do when it is constant, everywhere you go, at a level far beyond an acceptable level for humans. We are talking levels 100x current levels which are ALREADY causing cancers as you have just pointed out.

The "Internet of Things" as 5G is being referred to, is going to connect EVERYTHING - houses, appliances, cars, phones, street lights, probably even people will have 5G devices which directly connect them to this global "5G network". Not to bring religion into things, but I now believe this was predicted in the book of Revelation as the "mark of the beast" which will be needed to even function in modern society. This "mark" I now believe is probably a 5G device or implant that every person will have, instead of credit cards etc. which will double as ID's and method of payment and other things. You won't be able to opt out unless you wanna live off the grid away from all people. If 4G devices already cause cancer being in your pocket, how much worse will be 5G devices on your person, which will emit 100x+ the radiation?

I hope I'm proven wrong, but we all know that technology tends to advance at the expense of peoples' health.
If 5G turns out to be as bad as it is for animals and is widely used, then high doses of calcium channel blockers would be an absolute must, dosed probably everyday, multiple times a day. But there is most likely other ways through which EMF's are bad, since cells use EMF's to communicate with each other, and adding random additional EMF's can disrupt cell communication.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
5G is supposed to be pretty dangerous, and I suppose there will be some schools with 5G and everyone with a 5G device. If such schools come into being, it should be easy to get statistics on child mortality and cancer rates. That is emotional enough to wake up people, and solid enough as evidence they will have hard time suppressing it.

Yeah the sad thing is you're probably right. Already, even with just 3-4G, schools nowadays are rather problematic. Nothing good can come with being a closed room with several routers and virtually everyone in the classroom packing a cellphone. I react badly enough to just 1 router and/or one or two phones let alone a room full of 20-50 phones.

Even so, people have their heads pretty deep in the sand even when it comes to health of kids. Vaccines are quite problematic for children, and yet that has managed to generally get buried or ridiculed.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The problem is there will be no escape.

There is escape - homes developed as Faraday cages or at least secondary measures like EMF-blocking sheets on the walls, floor and ceiling. There are quite a few people (not in millions) but likely hundreds of thousands who live nearby long-distance power lines or other sources of powerful EMF and cannot move out, so they do these countermeasures. You want to make good money sell your soul to the devil in the process? Start a company that sells these things and within 5-10 years it will probably dwarf Amazon in sales. Literally EVERY person on the planet will be your client :( My guess is that one of the big home retailers is already planning products lines along this issue. Not because they believe in it but simply because they have done their research and know a significant minority of the population will want protection "just in case" (like a home alarm). And of course, if the fears turn out to be well-founded then the floodgates of money will open. From the company perspective, it does not hurt to have a product like that at all because they know 5G is not going away or getting blocked. Honestly, I am starting to really hate the Internet at this point. I mean, its main selling point is exchanging information. Arguably at this stage, it already provides all that most people need. What is the need to have 100 times higher bandwidth? What is the dire necessity for the average person?? None. It is entirely driven by corporate business greed. Interconnecting several billion devices won't make your like dramatically better, cure cancer, or make you live to 150. But it will make you so dependent on technology that at some point you may have to call customer service and beg them to allow the toilet to flush because it stopped working after the latert firmware update, or ER because your "smart" insulin delivery device malfunctioned and you are about to go into a hypoglycemic coma because it injected you with a massive dose of insulin.
The reason I am so "cynical" is that Pfizer has been selling an SSRI drug called Zoloft for decades, which causes havoc and death, and at the same time they bought the drug terguride (simply lisuride with an extra H atom) and run clinical trials with it to treat all the issues Zoloft will cause.
Terguride - Wikipedia
This approach of selling both the poison and the remedy, and the government keeping it perfectly legal, is the real "crime against humanity".
On a more renegade note, I would also not be surprised if people start sabotaging these devices and the system as a whole. A "pinch" device, even a locally acting one, could easily take out the devices in your building and provide a week or two of freedom. I have been noticing more and more website selling these and it means demand is growing. I wonder why...
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Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Ah, when I said no escape I meant that the moment you step outside you will be bombarded. Sure you can mitigate it to a degree in your own house, but that's about it.

I also share most of your conspiracy theories. I guess we'll just have to see how this all plays out.

It's especially frustrating for someone like me who is still not well and trying to get better.

One guy theorized that this is one way the powers that be are trying to "weed out" the "undesirables" (sick, old, ETC) and keep only the healthy people. But even healthy people are going to suffer at least a little bit from 5G...
Jun 16, 2017
One guy theorized that this is one way the powers that be are trying to "weed out" the "undesirables" (sick, old, ETC) and keep only the healthy people. But even healthy people are going to suffer at least a little bit from 5G...
I think that it makes more sense that those who control everything want everybody to be sick at some level. It's much easier to manipulate sick people. Increasing serotonin will lower your critical thinking, and even when a decision makes no sense, you will be numb to reason, and won't notice what is being done to you.Also, if even many people die because of EMF's, the powers won't care, since, for them, controlling the majority of people is worth the sacrifice of many others.


Jan 31, 2017
Good point Haidut and Cirion,

If anyone is interesting in teaming up

on a plot of land in a remote area

where telecomm will not be interested

in installing 5g let me know.I would be

glad to join you on this journey.I am

glad this forum is discussing the real



Jan 31, 2017
Haidut im curious can MB be a

Adjunct with Mirtizipine say

5-10 mg MB and 15-45 mg of

Mirtizipine for cortisol lowering

without significant interaction ?

Or perhaps MB/Cypro daily would

be a good combo with cypro taken


For those who would like to seek

the benefit of both meds

I heard that MB can improve

mitochondrial functioning and am

curious what dose this poops out at

as well as maximum mirtizipine

dose for cortisol?

Thanks Haidut

There is escape - homes developed as Faraday cages or at least secondary measures like EMF-blocking sheets on the walls, floor and ceiling. There are quite a few people (not in millions) but likely hundreds of thousands who live nearby long-distance power lines or other sources of powerful EMF and cannot move out, so they do these countermeasures. You want to make good money sell your soul to the devil in the process? Start a company that sells these things and within 5-10 years it will probably dwarf Amazon in sales. Literally EVERY person on the planet will be your client :( My guess is that one of the big home retailers is already planning products lines along this issue. Not because they believe in it but simply because they have done their research and know a significant minority of the population will want protection "just in case" (like a home alarm). And of course, if the fears turn out to be well-founded then the floodgates of money will open. From the company perspective, it does not hurt to have a product like that at all because they know 5G is not going away or getting blocked. Honestly, I am starting to really hate the Internet at this point. I mean, its main selling point is exchanging information. Arguably at this stage, it already provides all that most people need. What is the need to have 100 times higher bandwidth? What is the dire necessity for the average person?? None. It is entirely driven by corporate business greed. Interconnecting several billion devices won't make your like dramatically better, cure cancer, or make you live to 150. But it will make you so dependent on technology that at some point you may have to call customer service and beg them to allow the toilet to flush because it stopped working after the latert firmware update, or ER because your "smart" insulin delivery device malfunctioned and you are about to go into a hypoglycemic coma because it injected you with a massive dose of insulin.
The reason I am so "cynical" is that Pfizer has been selling an SSRI drug called Zoloft for decades, which causes havoc and death, and at the same time they bought the drug terguride (simply lisuride with an extra H atom) and run clinical trials with it to treat all the issues Zoloft will cause.
Terguride - Wikipedia
This approach of selling both the poison and the remedy, and the government keeping it perfectly legal, is the real "crime against humanity".
On a more renegade note, I would also not be surprised if people start sabotaging these devices and the system as a whole. A "pinch" device, even a locally acting one, could easily take out the devices in your building and provide a week or two of freedom. I have been noticing more and more website selling these and it means demand is growing. I wonder why...
There is escape - homes developed as Faraday cages or at least secondary measures like EMF-blocking sheets on the walls, floor and ceiling. There are quite a few people (not in millions) but likely hundreds of thousands who live nearby long-distance power lines or other sources of powerful EMF and cannot move out, so they do these countermeasures. You want to make good money sell your soul to the devil in the process? Start a company that sells these things and within 5-10 years it will probably dwarf Amazon in sales. Literally EVERY person on the planet will be your client :( My guess is that one of the big home retailers is already planning products lines along this issue. Not because they believe in it but simply because they have done their research and know a significant minority of the population will want protection "just in case" (like a home alarm). And of course, if the fears turn out to be well-founded then the floodgates of money will open. From the company perspective, it does not hurt to have a product like that at all because they know 5G is not going away or getting blocked. Honestly, I am starting to really hate the Internet at this point. I mean, its main selling point is exchanging information. Arguably at this stage, it already provides all that most people need. What is the need to have 100 times higher bandwidth? What is the dire necessity for the average person?? None. It is entirely driven by corporate business greed. Interconnecting several billion devices won't make your like dramatically better, cure cancer, or make you live to 150. But it will make you so dependent on technology that at some point you may have to call customer service and beg them to allow the toilet to flush because it stopped working after the latert firmware update, or ER because your "smart" insulin delivery device malfunctioned and you are about to go into a hypoglycemic coma because it injected you with a massive dose of insulin.
The reason I am so "cynical" is that Pfizer has been selling an SSRI drug called Zoloft for decades, which causes havoc and death, and at the same time they bought the drug terguride (simply lisuride with an extra H atom) and run clinical trials with it to treat all the issues Zoloft will cause.
Terguride - Wikipedia
This approach of selling both the poison and the remedy, and the government keeping it perfectly legal, is the real "crime against humanity".
On a more renegade note, I would also not be surprised if people start sabotaging these devices and the system as a whole. A "pinch" device, even a locally acting one, could easily take out the devices in your building and provide a week or two of freedom. I have been noticing more and more website selling these and it means demand is growing. I wonder why...
There is escape - homes developed as Faraday cages or at least secondary measures like EMF-blocking sheets on the walls, floor and ceiling. There are quite a few people (not in millions) but likely hundreds of thousands who live nearby long-distance power lines or other sources of powerful EMF and cannot move out, so they do these countermeasures. You want to make good money sell your soul to the devil in the process? Start a company that sells these things and within 5-10 years it will probably dwarf Amazon in sales. Literally EVERY person on the planet will be your client :( My guess is that one of the big home retailers is already planning products lines along this issue. Not because they believe in it but simply because they have done their research and know a significant minority of the population will want protection "just in case" (like a home alarm). And of course, if the fears turn out to be well-founded then the floodgates of money will open. From the company perspective, it does not hurt to have a product like that at all because they know 5G is not going away or getting blocked. Honestly, I am starting to really hate the Internet at this point. I mean, its main selling point is exchanging information. Arguably at this stage, it already provides all that most people need. What is the need to have 100 times higher bandwidth? What is the dire necessity for the average person?? None. It is entirely driven by corporate business greed. Interconnecting several billion devices won't make your like dramatically better, cure cancer, or make you live to 150. But it will make you so dependent on technology that at some point you may have to call customer service and beg them to allow the toilet to flush because it stopped working after the latert firmware update, or ER because your "smart" insulin delivery device malfunctioned and you are about to go into a hypoglycemic coma because it injected you with a massive dose of insulin.
The reason I am so "cynical" is that Pfizer has been selling an SSRI drug called Zoloft for decades, which causes havoc and death, and at the same time they bought the drug terguride (simply lisuride with an extra H atom) and run clinical trials with it to treat all the issues Zoloft will cause.
Terguride - Wikipedia
This approach of selling both the poison and the remedy, and the government keeping it perfectly legal, is the real "crime against humanity".
On a more renegade note, I would also not be surprised if people start sabotaging these devices and the system as a whole. A "pinch" device, even a locally acting one, could easily take out the devices in your building and provide a week or two of freedom. I have been noticing more and more website selling these and it means demand is growing. I wonder why...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut im curious can MB be a

Adjunct with Mirtizipine say

5-10 mg MB and 15-45 mg of

Mirtizipine for cortisol lowering

without significant interaction ?

Or perhaps MB/Cypro daily would

be a good combo with cypro taken


For those who would like to seek

the benefit of both meds

I heard that MB can improve

mitochondrial functioning and am

curious what dose this poops out at

as well as maximum mirtizipine

dose for cortisol?

Thanks Haidut

I would not use MB with any of the psychotropic chemicals. Many of them have unknown effects on MAO and the combination of MB with one of them may be risky. Cypro is probably the only one I would ever consider combining with since it has been used to stop serotonin syndrome caused by MB+SSRI, but even that combination gives me second thoughts. I think MB is best used on its own.


Jul 13, 2014
Anyone who doesn't think EMF is a problem nowadays has their head in the sand (Not saying anyone here in this thread necessarily!)

5g is exponentially worse. One UN member called 5G a crime against humanity, and rightfully so.

5G is going to start with actual bodies dropping instead of the slightly slower-killer which is 4G and below. Sadly, that's what it'll take for people to finally wake up to the threat.

A test in Australia was done and hundreds of birds dropped dead out of nearby trees.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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