My Peat Journey - Need suggestions plz


Apr 5, 2013
Hi all,

New to the forum and curious if I could get some thoughts on my diet. I am a 31 yr old male, 5'8", and recently lost 35 pounds (205 to 170) following a Primal/Paleo diet. Overall, I don't feel bad, but have some nagging issues that lead me to want to experiment a bit with Peat (constipation, dry eyes, lightheadness, and just a feeling that I should have more energy you know?). I still would like to keep my meals more "traditional" as I have a wife and 2 kids that are not on board yet, but I feel I should be able to do a "Peatish" version (correct me if I am wrong).

My plan is to eat the following:

2 Egg, 8 oz Milk, Melon, Coffee (2 tsp sugar, milk)


8 oz OJ, 1 oz Cheese


Meat (Lean beef or chicken... shellfish 1 time per week), Starch (potato, sweet potato, or white rice), Orange, Coffee (2 tsp sugar, milk)


Raw carrots, 8 oz Milk


Meat (Lean beef or chicken... shellfish 1 time per week), Starch (potato, sweet potato, or white rice), Orange


Grapes, 8 oz Milk

This daily menu adds up to roughly 2200 calories, at roughly 110g of protein and 250g of carbs.

My goals are to lose 10 lbs more of fat (160lbs) and HOPEFULLY solve those nagging issues mentioned above. I have transitioned slowly to this menu over the past 3 weeks, and have seen pretty decent results so I am hopeful.

So, after reading through your board I know there are many smart people here! I was wondering if any of you who have been eating this way for longer than I could comment on my menu. I would love to hear your thoughts (good or bad) in hopes to either get confirmation that I am on the right track, or get suggestions on how to make it better.

Finally, my last comment. Ideally I would like to fit some gelatin into my coffee's, but I have yet to find a good source in my area. I live in Canada and so far haven't been able to source any in sufficient quantities (I have found a 3 pack in a health food store, but it was $6!!! Obviously not very cost effective).

Well that's it, a long post, but I appreciate any help you can offer.




Feb 24, 2013
Yes, you need some gelatin to balance the meat, preferably in the same meal as the meat. You need some good fat in there too. You can get it from amazon .com or (cheaper) in bulk. It keeps very well. I go through 2.5 lbs/month per person, we don't have young children in the household at this point in time.

You need the equivalent of 8 oz of OJ per egg in carbs to prevent blood sugar spikes.


Feb 20, 2013
Your meal plan looks good. Few suggestions. If water melon is not fully ripe it is full of starch.
It can feed bacteria and increase endotoxins, which in turn creates lots of other problems.
RP suggests to avoid fiber( except for raw carrot and cooked bamboo shoot) and starch.

Egg white is allergenic and egg yolks are rich source of PUFA. RP thinks egg yolk has better protein quality and
number of egg should be limited. Egg protein also stimulate insulin and thus lowers blood sugar.
You always need to add good amount of sugar with egg to counter that affect.

It is better to have your carrot separate from other foods.

Potato and white rice should be boiled for at least 40 minutes and you will need to add good amount of saturated fat with it

I think RP has some reservation about sweet potato. Do not remember what was the exact reason.
Sweet potato has high oxalate and is a goitrogen.

Here is a list of peat approved fruit list



Nov 9, 2012
I would get a bit hungry between lunch and dinner with that plan. Usually Peaterians eat frequent meals to keep energy store full but small meals for easy digestions.

It seems a bit light on sugar, like your breakfast for example. For starch...I think sweet potato is least preferred potato due to beta-carotene.


Apr 5, 2013
Jenn said:
Yes, you need some gelatin to balance the meat, preferably in the same meal as the meat. You need some good fat in there too. You can get it from amazon .com or (cheaper) in bulk. It keeps very well. I go through 2.5 lbs/month per person, we don't have young children in the household at this point in time.

You need the equivalent of 8 oz of OJ per egg in carbs to prevent blood sugar spikes.

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I typically add coconut oil/butter to my starches for my fat. I also fry my eggs in coconut oil.

As for the OJ, does the sugar in the milk count? If so, I think I have enough in my breakfast (13g from milk, 20g from honeydew/cantaloupe, and 8g from sugar in coffee). Maybe a little short, could add 1 more tsp of sugar to coffee. Does that work, or should I not count the sugar in milk?


Thanks for info, will try to incorporate some of your thoughts. As for melon, sorry I meant I have honeydew/cantaloupe, not water melon. Although sometimes if we buy a big watermelon for my kids I just eat that too. Got a nice tip on this board about finding ripe melons :)

jyb said:
I would get a bit hungry between lunch and dinner with that plan. Usually Peaterians eat frequent meals to keep energy store full but small meals for easy digestions.

It seems a bit light on sugar, like your breakfast for example. For starch...I think sweet potato is least preferred potato due to beta-carotene.

I typically eat supper early (i.e. 5pm) because we start to put my little ones to bed by 6:30, so really don't have to much of a gap from my snack and supper. I usually eat/snack every 2.5 hours.

Regarding your sugar comment, do you mean I should eat more fruit, or add more refined sugar to drinks?

Thanks for info!! Appreciate it guys.


Feb 24, 2013
Milk is balanced, the sugar in the milk balances the protein in the milk. Its better than nothing, but the ideally the eggs still need to be balanced. The melon would count, but I don't know how much melon you would need to be the OJ equivalent.


Apr 5, 2013
Jenn said:
Milk is balanced, the sugar in the milk balances the protein in the milk. Its better than nothing, but the ideally the eggs still need to be balanced. The melon would count, but I don't know how much melon you would need to be the OJ equivalent.

Gotcha. I will move the OJ from snack to breakfast to go with the melon, and have my coffee at break with cheese (and maybe add 1 more tsp of sugar to the coffee too for good measure).



Feb 7, 2013
zorrich said:
Hi all,

New to the forum and curious if I could get some thoughts on my diet.

Hi Zor,

:welcome2 to the forum!

You've gotten some great input from more experienced Peatarians but I would echo the comment to have the carrot on its own and perhaps add a bit more sugar to your coffee! I know I am feeling so much better since eating more sugar and like Rayser has commented on another thread, adding more white sugar into my diet has helped me tremendously.

I am someone who was sugar starved for many years!

Good luck and welcome! There is great support here!


Apr 5, 2013
4peatssake said:
You've gotten some great input from more experienced Peatarians but I would echo the comment to have the carrot on its own and perhaps add a bit more sugar to your coffee! I know I am feeling so much better since eating more sugar and like Rayser has commented on another thread, adding more white sugar into my diet has helped me tremendously.

I am someone who was sugar starved for many years!

Good luck and welcome! There is great support here!

Thanks :)

Will try to add a little more sugar in, seems to be a common thought so far. I'm not gonna lie, I'm hessitant to go too heavy on the sugar. I thought I already was doing pretty good, haha. Will give it a whirl and see what happens!!


Feb 20, 2013
It is a good idea to increase sugar slowly. Your carbohydrate level is within good range for thyroid hormone conversion.
If your liver is not efficient you may have elevated liver enzyme handling too much carbohydrate, specially sugar.
Weight loss also has lasting impact on liver. It would be a good idea to have your thyroid hormone, PTH, Liver enzymes etc tested. You can compare later how this diet changed your numbers.


Apr 5, 2013
Thanks for all the input everyone. Lots to think about for sure.

Another question for you guys. Salt... should I be adding some to my drinks? I have always heavily salted my meat/starches, but other than that, I get zero salt in my diet. Seems to me that all this extra fluid (milk, and oj) may need a little salt to balance it out. I have definately been going pee a lot more since I've switched to a more "whole food diet", that includes Primal/Paleo. Have never taken it as far as adding salt to beverages, but I see some people here mention it in various posts.

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