My LSD Experience

Sep 10, 2012
I’ve decided that I want to share my LSD experience, at least as it pertains to how it affected my body.

I’ve tried small doses of LSD in the past, ranging from about 10mcg to 60mcg.

At 10mcg I first noticed an increase in anxiety and panic-sweating which then gave way to a cooling down of the body which I found similar to when a fever breaks. It also seemed to increase whatever effect the environment had on me.

I took it before work once and I was feeling pretty good (particularly enjoying the wind as it blew through trees) until I entered the office began to stress out from work issues. The only thing that made me feel better was going to the park and just watching the trees. It would seem that fresh air and sunlight are calming/soothing.

When I first tried 60mcg, it took a long time to kick in. I was at a bar when it began with profuse sweating and discomfort. Then when I managed to cool off and calm down, I felt much more at ease than I usually am. I didn’t feel especially different until another couple of hours later. Driving home, I noticed the lights were brighter than usual; even the night sky was brighter.

As I drove, I became filled with a sense of wonder; everything seemed so much more interesting. I wanted to wander around the neighborhood, but it was late at night and I thought it might look strange. The rest of the night I spent in my room; I felt very awake and focused and conscious. Watching television was absurd; everything just seemed fake or ridiculous. My libido was increased as well.

If I remember correctly, I felt better than usual for the next few days.

About 2 weeks ago I took enough to have a serious trip, roughly 240mcg.

Overall, it was a lot of up and down in terms of mood. I would go from ecstatic to dread filled.
I have some serious muscle tension along the left side of my body. I noticed that as the trip progressed, the tension was releasing. At times, it felt like the muscles and tendons were cracking and shedding some sort of calcification; like it was cracking and crumbling to reveal the soft tissue beneath. I also started spitting up constantly. I had some nausea and when I would retch, the only thing that came out was spit. I also had a craving for fresh, cold water. Just about everything seemed like it would cause nausea and therefore I didn’t eat anything until the next day. Only the freshest water and fruit seemed helpful.

As my body released tension, it seemed that a surge of spit would follow. When the spitting began, I could the left side of my head release tension, particularly in the sinuses. I also felt an opening up of my neck on the left side and into my torso. Then I was burping and a foul odor was coming out from the left side. I could smell sour and stale air coming out. The spit too was stale and gross; I think this is part of why fresh water was so enticing.

After the worst of the trip had ended, I was lying on the couch, letting the tension go while spitting into a cup. The spit looked a lot like lemonade. As time went on, the spit became less foul and sticky and more fresh and watery.

It seemed to me that the spleen was at work because it felt like I was having more activity in the area where the spleen is located. Part of it was just some sort of intuition that I had; it felt like the spit was stale fluid that my lymphatic system needed to purge and replace with fresh water. I also thought perhaps there was calcium in the spit that my body was clearing out from the hardened tissues.

The day after my trip, I was still spitting up, but not as often. It seemed to increase in the evening and morning. I was only able to sleep for about a half hour due to nausea. The nausea would come and go along with feelings of dread. When I wasn’t feeling anxious I was feeling optimistic and grateful for being alive. I noticed that loud, stuffy environments were overwhelming whilst fresh air and being outdoors was very soothing.

Nausea in the morning had persisted for a week, but Alka-Seltzer was very helpful in shutting it down. Another effect was getting up earlier; I had used to sleep in regularly until noon most days.

I had several revelations while tripping, one of which was that life is flow. You need air and light and movement. Being stuck indoors with artificial light and no air flow is detrimental to our wellbeing. A lack of “flow” can be not taking action to change something that bothers you. It can be doing the same thing over and over; being set in a way that is detrimental to one’s health.

Being soft and supple allows one to go with the flow, adapting to the environment rather than just trying to cope.

Overall, it was a positive experience although I cannot see why anyone would do this drug recreationally since it was as terrific as it was terrible.

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
This is really interesting. Thanks for sharing!! I've been wanting to play with LSD for ages. It seems like quite the experience.


May 16, 2013
I concur that it is not recreational. It can be wild, terrible, soothing and magnificent, all simultaneously. I regularly feel scared to take it for that reason.

But, LSD has been the single most transformative thing I have ever done for my mental health. Hands down. The most interesting thing I have ever done. The world sparkles for me now, as it never did before, even when I am down. I think it heightened my sense of apathy for politics, everyday trite-ness and pastimes I don't care for.

I have vomited copiously on it though, mostly I think because of the enormity of it all. Too much food prior, too.

All of it requires careful willingness to let go and surrender, and an atmosphere and company that encourages that.
Sep 10, 2012
I agree that things like politics and "news" programs just feel so pointless like it's all just one big distraction from real life. It's all very eye-opening.


Nov 9, 2012
Stilgar said:
But, LSD has been the single most transformative thing I have ever done for my mental health. Hands down. The most interesting thing I have ever done. The world sparkles for me now, as it never did before, even when I am down. I think it heightened my sense of apathy for politics, everyday trite-ness and pastimes I don't care for.

So you're saying it has a permanent effect even if you stop experimenting with it? I'm not sure if its a good or a bad thing. Well, good in your case it seems.
Nov 26, 2013
Did you feel an acid, sweaty feeling where your organs are? I get that with cannabis as well.
When you get too settled with your views you know some lsd will show you there is still plenty of grounds to cover. This makes it particularly dangerous for very closed minded people. But this is what they mean when they talk about permanent effects.
Sep 10, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
Did you feel an acid, sweaty feeling where your organs are? I get that with cannabis as well.

I can't say that I did. The acidic feeling was more in my mouth and saliva along with some gastric juices that I could feel coming up. But I don't think my organs felt acidic or sweaty. However, I could pump my spleen area and more of the spit would come up. Also, as muscles released tension, the spit would come up as well.
Nov 26, 2013
solaire_of_astora said:
Such_Saturation said:
Did you feel an acid, sweaty feeling where your organs are? I get that with cannabis as well.

I can't say that I did. The acidic feeling was more in my mouth and saliva along with some gastric juices that I could feel coming up. But I don't think my organs felt acidic or sweaty. However, I could pump my spleen area and more of the spit would come up. Also, as muscles released tension, the spit would come up as well.

I understand. Perhaps my stomach is more sensitive to increased acid production.


Nov 9, 2012
What's the mechanism behind the "sweaty organs"? Is it from the CNS, or is it the stuff directly being transported to the organs through the serum?
Nov 26, 2013
I have no idea! It could be the endocannabinoid system for what we know about it (nothing). Maybe the normal aches and sensations from gastritis and digestion become altered by the drug. In fact the feeling is very synesthetic: yellow, sweaty, very sour, like a day at the pool in August or something.
Jan 24, 2014
Such_Saturation said:
When you get too settled with your views you know some lsd will show you there is still plenty of grounds to cover. This makes it particularly dangerous for very closed minded people. But this is what they mean when they talk about permanent effects.



Jul 22, 2012
How are you able to measure the dosage so exactly?

I might be willing to try it again
(I did it a few times in my youth),
but only if I could take a teensy eensy bit.
I'm an LSD wuss. :lol:


Jul 22, 2012
I'm not sure,
but I believe it was Danny Roddy
who asked Peat if he would do LSD.
Peat said something like:
If I could live in a country where it was legal,
I would take a small dose every now and then
to tune up [like the electrical system or something].

Apologies for my vagueness :oops:
Sep 10, 2012
narouz said:
How are you able to measure the dosage so exactly?

I might be willing to try it again
(I did it a few times in my youth),
but only if I could take a teensy eensy bit.
I'm an LSD wuss. :lol:

It wasn't an exact measurement. I had 10 tabs at about 120mcg, but you can never be sure just how much is in it unless you make it yourself. What I did was cut the tab into 4ths which gave me about 30mcg per piece. Then you could dissolve it in 3 ounces of water and each ounce of water would equal roughly 10mcg of LSD.


May 16, 2013
jyb said:
So you're saying it has a permanent effect even if you stop experimenting with it? I'm not sure if its a good or a bad thing. Well, good in your case it seems.

Yes, precisely. I have always had the feeling that if I never took it again, that it would be of no consequence. I learnt enough in that one infinite night to last a lifetime. Not to say that I wouldn't like to continue to explore the possibilities. It isn't a physical change that I can describe - I still carry the same old baggage and have to work through the same old issues. I guess they just don't hold the same weight that they used to.

I think this description best summarises how I feel about it

"For today that me-watcher became the watched and the watcher became un-me. How can all this come out of one little capsule of LSD? Or perhaps, I should ask, where was all this before now? I can't imagine all of this "me" being bottled up and kept away from me. I have the strangest feeling that I'm slightly (?) crazy, but for some reason it doesn't really matter, since that's the way it must be. Ruth, darling, how do I tell you about the first time I didn't feel alone in my little shell? For once my aloneness was overcome.... The last of the long-desired "visual-effects" are now wearing off, the last of the numbness, the last of the gnawing pain in my stomach. But yet something remains behind; it has left something—I guess you might say a footprint, in the eternity which has come into existence since it first began to wreak its little havoc of hell and heaven, of orgasm and pain, and fear and hope, and beauty and filth. Ruth, I can't explain what it was like. I remember saying, "It's too much for me, it's too much." Was I afraid! I felt like a little boy, a naked, bare-faced little boy. And I pleaded, "Please stop, I don't want to see me." But it came anyway; and it overwhelmed me like the ocean washing over a little boy's sand castle despite the little dikes and moats. It washed over the little sand castle me and spread my sands over the ocean floor of existence and said: "Now go find yourself and live like before." To lose that ever-present feeling of being yourself, yourself as separate from everything else, and to let go to the overpowering flood of emotion, feeling, loving, hating, being together with everything else... that's where the newness comes"

(Cohen, 1970 from "The Beyond Within")

That pretty much says everything I think about the LSD experience under appropriate conditions. It gives me shivers if I really think about it. For me I think higher doses are more beneficial.

And I think it is best taken if you are happy and bored!


Jan 22, 2013
its not only the utmost disgust and realization of the futility and foolishness of all things mainstream and normal, but the opposite is also enhanced. The real stuff. You feel on the same plain as animals, can focus and feel nature, and your bodily sensations such as needing to eat, thinking about normal right brain stuff, bathroom, any kind of tension or tiredness, is non existant. I remember one time I was on shrooms with a friend, we were on an epic nature trip adventure with no plans, and ended up back in the car driving...I looked around for a second, the stop light kind of made me laugh...seeing all the huge cars all line up and stop dutifully. Then you look around and all the ads and gross stuff around, and I looked at the dude in the car next to me and broke out laughing histerically. It was the typical fat depressed armerican looking disgruntled clutching the wheel with both hands, completely stiff, clearly in his bitter right brain, nothing artistic or happy at all going was this HUGE disparity after having been in nature for a few hours, beautiful weather, plants, sounds, feels, the sun was setting, just me and a friend completely free not even really talking just like going...moving around, climbing rock walls, and then suddenly this typical fat American disgruntled guy stopped at a stoplight, completely unaware of what just happened within my reality and how I felt within this same world, at the mercy of a stop light sitting in front of a mcdonalds

yea man, the cumulative affects of these kinds of substances...sometimes we forget how profound they can be. They change the fundamentals of how you know the universe can work, and show the hilarious disparity of the polar opposite states. Incredibly liberating
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