My Breakfast of Champions


Mar 21, 2014
Sugar with your Coffee Cowbell?

Nah...Honey, salt, butter and some gelatin...cheers

After toying around with my diet for a few weeks (with Dr.Peats ideas in mind) I have concluded that the following breakfast is the best fit for myself (gives me great energy for hours).

3 eggs + a mix of liver and ground beef in coconut oil (small portion--less than 100g)

Coffee with a table spoon of honey, butter or coconut oil, pinch of salt and tablespoon of gelatin.

Perhaps some milk and cocoa if I can stomach it.

In regards to the "stomaching of milk"--I am not referring to "lactose" intollerence, as I find I can easily chug up to a litre per day if I spread it out. But I find that if I eat too much in one sitting, I feel terrible.

Perhaps this has to do with overeating causing stress to the gut and increasing the release of serotonin, perhaps not. One thing I do know is that if I stop eating before I am "full"...I tend to feel a LOT better.

Anyone else come to this conclusion?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I would probably have to have more honey or other sugar of some sort to balance the protein in that meal. I believe Ray himself has mentioned having a full glass of OJ to balance the protein in one egg alone. I sometimes have applesauce(cooked apples) but more honey alone would probably be fine as well as many other tropical fruits and even grapes. These are just Peat inspired ideas to get you adequate carbs in that meal. You may feel energized for hours due to burning fat and/or protein for fuel. Sounds yummy, accompanied by an ice cold mexican coke!


Feb 20, 2013
Ground beef is high in phosphorus and liver is very high
in phosphorus. Egg has more phosphorus than calcium.
Adding egg shell powder, oyster shell powder or calcium carbonate supplement
can improve the calcium to phosphorus ratio. RP put a lot of
emphasis on calcium to phosphorus ratio.
I have noticed that having calcium with phosphorus rich meal
works better than getting calcium in other meals.
Fructose in honey also lowers phosphorus absorption.


Mar 21, 2014
Good looking out guys.

I have started to balance this meal with honey, gelatin and calcium.

Blossom, I took a look at our coke in the supermarket yesterday (Australia) and it says it lists (cane sugar), I don't know why they insist of giving you Americanos the corn syrup crap.

100-200g of of minced lamb/beef and beef liver (I mix this myself at the start of the week then freeze it in portions)
3 eggs
4 tablespoons of honey in coffee with a tablespoon of bovine gelatin
4 tablespoons of honey in milk with salt, cocoa and egg shell powder
maybe a little rice

eggs and meat cooked in 1tbs of coconut oil

Lets round up numbers of protein to be safe and assume that there is around 20g of protein in 3 eggs.
That would take 3 cups or around 60g of sugar via OJ to metabolize.

100g of the meat mix rounded up to 30g of protein and take 90g of sugar to digest optimally.

I'll avoid drinking OJ with this meal due to the iron content of the meat mix, and go for sugary coffee instead.

So i'll need around 150g of sugar. I can get around this much from 8 tbs of honey.

It seems like an insane amount of honey, but I actually like it taste wise ha.


Feb 20, 2013
cowbell said:
Lets round up numbers of protein to be safe and assume that there is around 20g of protein in 3 eggs.
That would take 3 cups or around 60g of sugar via OJ to metabolize.

RP has mentioned that egg protein is a very powerful stimulant for insulin
release more than other sources of protein. This can cause low blood sugar
if enough carbohydrate is not there. He mentioned he needs about
1 pint of OJ to counter blood sugar lowering effect of 1 egg.
This response should be different for different person.
Main idea is to eat enough sugar with protein to prevent
low blood sugar episode. Just experiment with different amount of sugar
to figure out your need. I do not think it has to be 60 grams sugar and 20 grams
egg protein for everyone. Small frequent meals also help with managing blood sugar spike.


Mar 21, 2014
Mittir said:
RP has mentioned that egg protein is a very powerful stimulant for insulin
release more than other sources of protein.


Mittir said:
He mentioned he needs about
1 pint of OJ to counter blood sugar lowering effect of 1 egg.
This response should be different for different person.
Main idea is to eat enough sugar with protein to prevent
low blood sugar episode. Small frequent meals also help with managing blood sugar spike.
Just experiment with different amount of sugar
to figure out your need. I do not think it has to be 60 grams sugar and 20 grams
egg protein for everyone.

Yea, I'm in that's pretty much where I'm at atm...trying to optimize the food that I eat and build some intuition. Sometimes I get a little carried away with the numbers and gram scales but most days I just go with the flow.
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