Moving To The Tropics


Aug 15, 2015
For an Arab man, Ta'if in Saudi Arabia would be a very good place especially during the messed up things happening in the middle east because of western hands. Europeans are receiving the poor Syrian souls because they feel guilty. They're sharing the crime with other big countries. That also works for other unforeseen plans.

Such posted today about saudi connection with a certain event. I like to tell him it is the american media covering up for the states' devil spoiled kid involvement with the said event. Let us not kid ourselves here.

Ta'if is a big city in the mountains with very good safety and security, nice weather, sun most of the year, good fruits, easy going people, and high quality milk and meat. It's a bonus for muslims since Mecca is very close.


Aug 15, 2015
Ta'if is also very famous for its high quality honey. Fructose everywhere there.
John Frusciante
Mar 28, 2015
Venice Beach, CA
Altitude isn't mountains only, many cities and whole areas in latin america are on plateaus, like Mexico City and many others I mentioned.
Yeah, maybe the coldness but you can still order tropical fruits on even if that's expensive :ss2.

Are there mountains in Portugal or Spain? I think that Peat said that a good altitude would be at least 1000 meters?

The prices on that site are crazy, especially if these fruits are a staple. In my current location I also have problems with oranges, that are too high in acid, apparently, and give me intense symptoms.
Ray stated that there's benefits with each increase of altitude, starting from even below sea level up to 12,000 feet. So any higher is better. I think 1500-2000m is a good start; eventually 3000m, like Quito in Ecuador, would be an amazing experiment. Ray said that the insurance companies knew for a long time that cancer rates are much lower at that altitude.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
John, I lived in Quito for some time when I was a kid, for something like 5-6 years.
While it's true the altitude factor, it's a bit romanticized by foreigners. It's quite cold actually, and not that abundant compared to other tropical countries in latin america. Not that it's a bad place or anything, but unless you plan to live in a somewhat self-sustainable way, there's nothing that especial that would justify you move there. My family moved from Brazil to live there for a while and I recall that my parents constantly complained about the lack of natural produce. I guess it also depends on your background and standards.
There are places that have much more natural abundancy and are cheaper to live on the continent (but still high altitude).
There's also the factor that most people that choose to do that, are willing to trade a bit of comfort for a simpler life.

In terms of safety, latin america in general is unsafe. Which is why I mentioned a simpler lifestyle: if you plan to build a temple on a mountain, expect attention. But like West mentioned, it's just a matter of living your own life, not minding others' business and respecting boundaries; then you are probably safe, even living in an unsafe area. I already lived on many dangerous cities on this continent, with extremely high criminal rates; and I can attest that if you're kind to your robber, nothing bad will probably happen.. :ss
John Frusciante
Mar 28, 2015
Venice Beach, CA
John, I lived in Quito for some time when I was a kid, for something like 5-6 years.
While it's true the altitude factor, it's a bit romanticized by foreigners. It's quite cold actually, and not that abundant compared to other tropical countries in latin america. Not that it's a bad place or anything, but unless you plan to live in a somewhat self-sustainable way, there's nothing that especial that would justify you move there. My family moved from Brazil to live there for a while and I recall that my parents constantly complained about the lack of natural produce. I guess it also depends on your background and standards.
There are places that have much more natural abundancy and are cheaper to live on the continent (but still high altitude).
There's also the factor that most people that choose to do that, are willing to trade a bit of comfort for a simpler life.

In terms of safety, latin america in general is unsafe. Which is why I mentioned a simpler lifestyle: if you plan to build a temple on a mountain, expect attention. But like West mentioned, it's just a matter of living your own life, not minding others' business and respecting boundaries; then you are probably safe, even living in an unsafe area. I already lived on many dangerous cities on this continent, with extremely high criminal rates; and I can attest that if you're kind to your robber, nothing bad will probably happen.. :ss

Temperature seems to be moderate, or coldish sometimes, but it's fine to me. As I stated before I don't look for high temperatures, I'm fine if it isn't too cold or too hot. What do you mean by a lack of natural produce? Fruit is better in the surrounding, hotter areas of course. Proximity to these warm agricultural areas is important as well, I agree.
I'm aware that other places would be better, in fact, Mexico is on the top of my list. It's way cheaper than Ecuador, and safer in certain cities. I don't plan to do such showy stuff. According to or other sources, certain Mexican cities are safer than my current one that is in Europe. I can't see the reason to overly fear.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
The weather tends to be colder.
And I meant local tropical produce.

Regarding violence, it's just that underdeveloped countries tend to run on their own rules and laws. This is surprisingly common: visitors from developed nations come, and think that they're still protected and under cover of their country; they appear slightly arrogant and overly confident and end up involved in problems with criminals.
But you're not one of them, we've watched your interviews..


Apr 15, 2013
what about the polynesian islands, like Tonga. I dont know the elevation there but they are a very safe and lovely people.
John Frusciante
Mar 28, 2015
Venice Beach, CA
Leaving the band, solo career, etc.
I have to stop bringing up the threads with random non-sense.. :ss

Well, I haven't released any interview in the last few years, except occasionally for some indie rock based magazines. Having been so near to death in the 90s, I have learned the true value of life, and RP is an excellent asset to understand these energy-related problems more widely. Flea and Anthony are enjoying these dietary advices as well, improving their health so far.
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Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
After having established that my current food and fruit access has many problems, and being wrecked by european winters, I decided to move to a tropical locations, for a variety of health-related reasons..

'Unripe fruit is hard on your digestion and can also leave you feeling hungry. The plant hormone ethylene make fruit softer and sweeter. The problem is that most of the fruits today are picked way before they are mature. An orange is one fruit that does not ripen after it is picked- they need a long period of warm days to sweeten their 'internal juices'. Ripe oranges taste really sweet because they have more sugar (unripe fruit has more starch)! Ripe fruit is softer because the amount of pectin is lessened by pectinases. We don't like starch, we like sugar.'

It is only when I come across a batch of high quality fruit that I realise how much of the fruit I buy is overpriced, unripened and terrible. I am eating the most incredible sweet mangos at the moment and they make me feel satisfied and almost high. I can't stop thinking about them. This doesn't happen often. Fruit really is a key RP food but it really isn't easy to come by. Sweet ripe OJ happens very infrequently for me. I drink expensive organic but its really sharp tasting.

I used to go to the tropics each winter to surf during my twenties. Now staying in Europe during the winter I feel my health decline in October each year and increase when it becomes warm again in May. I have also done a few years living in the Alpes. Great altitude (and for some reason really cheap, juicy lychees in the shops) but I find living near an active ocean more healing. You also need access to quality protein. I was in India for 6 months and just could not satisfy my hunger whilst I was there.

Access to quality fruit, and sunshine is a reason to live in a tropical location. Very healing compared to Northern European winters.


Aug 30, 2012
I stayed in South Europe a few times, once in the winter everywhere in Europe was snow and cold but not where I was :)


Jul 23, 2015
Well, I haven't released any interview in the last few years, except occasionally for some indie rock based magazines. Having been so near to death in the 90s, I have learned the true value of life, and RP is an excellent asset to understand these energy-related problems more widely. Flea and Anthony are enjoying these dietary advices as well, improving their health so far.
the REAL lIfe John Frusciante???!!!1111111
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John Frusciante
Mar 28, 2015
Venice Beach, CA
'Unripe fruit is hard on your digestion and can also leave you feeling hungry. The plant hormone ethylene make fruit softer and sweeter. The problem is that most of the fruits today are picked way before they are mature. An orange is one fruit that does not ripen after it is picked- they need a long period of warm days to sweeten their 'internal juices'. Ripe oranges taste really sweet because they have more sugar (unripe fruit has more starch)! Ripe fruit is softer because the amount of pectin is lessened by pectinases. We don't like starch, we like sugar.'

It is only when I come across a batch of high quality fruit that I realise how much of the fruit I buy is overpriced, unripened and terrible. I am eating the most incredible sweet mangos at the moment and they make me feel satisfied and almost high. I can't stop thinking about them. This doesn't happen often. Fruit really is a key RP food but it really isn't easy to come by. Sweet ripe OJ happens very infrequently for me. I drink expensive organic but its really sharp tasting.

I used to go to the tropics each winter to surf during my twenties. Now staying in Europe during the winter I feel my health decline in October each year and increase when it becomes warm again in May. I have also done a few years living in the Alpes. Great altitude (and for some reason really cheap, juicy lychees in the shops) but I find living near an active ocean more healing. You also need access to quality protein. I was in India for 6 months and just could not satisfy my hunger whilst I was there.

Access to quality fruit, and sunshine is a reason to live in a tropical location. Very healing compared to Northern European winters.

You're spot on! That was the same feeling I had. In particular, right now in my current location, I can't eat any fruit (or juice) without getting intense symptoms from it. Oranges being the worst: it seems that the ripening process is even more important for these, otherwise they will be rich in acid (especially citric acid, and Ray thinks it's problematic, even the "natural" one -- he confirmed through email) and much lower in sugar and calories. The label or nutritional data about certain food, like fruit, is total BS without considering these factors. Maybe it's just an average of what you can find.
So that leaves me with a deficiency in my ideal diet, that would bring me in a state of persistent bliss, which I had when I had proper stuff handy. I'd say fruit is *the* key food in a RP inspired approach, also because it's much easier to find decent proteins and other things.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Well, while I agree that there's something wrong happening in Europe right now, I already disregarded it as an ideal place for health previously, for other reasons. The only place I'm seriously considering is Canary Islands, that compared to Mexico also has a first world appearance, much less crime, etc. Will probably try it out before giving a try to latin america.
I live in La palma....
I am in a bar and for sure I can let my cimputer on the tale when I go to the toilets.
You just get mad when you need some professionals, especially for building, they are not professionals, well if you mean they charge money, yes they are pro.... and for health service, not great either if you are not in Tenerife or Gran Canaria!
My Dutch neighbours go home for health care...


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Yeah, maybe the coldness but you can still order tropical fruits on even if that's expensive :ss2.

Are there mountains in Portugal or Spain? I think that Peat said that a good altitude would be at least 1000 meters?
Yes they have!
But the highest is El Teide, in the Canary island Tenerife. Over 3000.
In La Palma if you want to live at more than 1000, it is posible but cold in Winter.
Day lenghth vary but not as much as in the north, same as Florida.

Go only in the west or south of the island if you want a dry weather.
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