Mar 10, 2021
“STARCH and GLUCOSE efficiently stimulate insulin secretion, and that accelerates the disposition of glucose, activating its conversion to glycogen and fat, as well as its oxidation. Fructose inhibits the stimulation of insulin by glucose, so this means that eating ordinary sugar, sucrose (a disaccharide, consisting of glucose and fructose), in place of starch, will reduce the tendency to store fat. Eating “complex carbohydrates,” rather than sugars, is a reasonable way to promote obesity. Eating starch, by increasing insulin and lowering the blood sugar, stimulates the appetite, causing a person to eat more, so the effect on fat" -Ray Peat

I have asked this question many times, how does starch plus sugar not equal a cookie? How does anybody think that is not a combination for bad health and accumulated fat? I am not saying it isn't possible to lose weight eating cookies, but Ray Peat's science isn't about weight loss, it is about a healthy metabolism and slowing down the aging process, and everything that goes with it, and cookies are not going to accomplish that goal, as we can see everywhere we look!

There are many ways to lose weight as long as there is a deficiency somewhere, whether that be low fat, low protein, low carb or low calorie, but losing weight does not mean losing fat, and sugar can be a problem or it can be helpful depending on how you use it.

"People on a standard diet will typically burn 200 or 300 more calories per day when that amount of sugar is added to their diet; but if extra fat is added, too, some of the extra calories are likely to be deposited as fat. It's important to watch the signs of changing heat production as the diet changes." -Ray Peat

If you kept your fats low, let's say around 20 to 30 grams and add in "Coke freely" it is still a VERY lowfat diet that prompts you to burn your own body's fat. No matter how many calories you consume in sugar it is still a fat burning diet. A high fat diet will create fat, but again not sugar. You can lose weight eating just potatoes without added fats because it is a ZERO fat diet and your body converts that potato to sugar, so a potato in itself does not cause weight gain it is the added fats and the slowing of digestion that creates fat. I expect ancient cultures used their potatoes differently, more as a sugar source when fruit wasn't available and didn't pile on oils or butter.

The question now is why people don't lose weight with Ray Peat recommended foods? Say you have a burger on a bun and a Coke with it, that is a recipe for disaster! The bun is already the sugar source, so the Coke adds nothing except too much! The body also has to slow down to do a lot of work converting that bun/starch into a usuable sugar source before it can use it and then spend another 6 hours to break down the protein and fats, and then we dilute all those digestive juices with a Coke? More sugar at this point just equals more calories that can't be used right away so they get stored as fat. The key to weight loss in that scenerio is to make digestion easier, by eating having the burger without the bun, or fries, and leaving your body to focus on the meat, getting it broken down quickly, by having the Coke instead, or just have the burger with the bun, or better yet open faced! Weight management is about balancing, not piling things on top of each other and expecting our bodies to fight it out with good results. That all gets even harder for a body to do when age slows everything down even more. I find the phrase "Keep it simple stupid" to be wise words to live by nowadays. That means instead of the typical American plate looking like a protein source, two sides and a dessert, my strategy is the main course IS THE MEAL, no sides, but dessert stays, just a little later! The more complicated the meal the slower the digestion and more fat not burned or stored. If I want to have a side, like mashed potatoes and gravy, I make it THE MEAL. My other strategy, to keep the jiggles at bay, is to pair fats with non fats. The excess of too much fat in one sitting gets stored until it can be used.

Many people have interpreted Ray Peat's sugar recommendation as an invitation to snack on gummy bears and bowls of fat laden ice cream, and therein lies the problems. This isn't a have your cake and eat it TOO lifestyle, but rather enjoy a LITTLE dessert with your starch free dinner. Remember starch gets converted to sugar so more sugar isn't going to build muscle, and having abundant muscles IS NECESSARY for the body to burn fat. Starch is a baby pacifier, keeping the body busy for a long time, and not leaving enough room for the proteins needed to build those fat burning muscles.

There are endless possibilities of how to lose weight while anti-aging via Ray Peat! I would never again want to count calories, fast, cram down tons of meat low carbing, be vegan living on raw vegetables, or having the most cellulite I have ever had being a vegetarian or any of those other depriving diets that take the joy out of eating. I really don't know how it can get any better than this?
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Sep 23, 2021
Chandler arizona
Wow that was a very deep explanation of eating, I think I may have to rad it a few more times. Thank yu so much for accepting me into this group.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Wow that was a very deep explanation of eating, I think I may have to rad it a few more times. Thank yu so much for accepting me into this group.

I am excited to have you here! Please feel free to ask any little question. I feel like after 5 years of trial and error I have figured this stuff out. It has been like peeling an onion and getting through it one layer at a time!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Here is some easy math to remember:

Sugar + Fat = Fat (remember starches get converted to sugar so this equals baked potato with butter)

Sugar + Starch = Fat (this is sugar on top of sugar, aka cupcakes, and how diabetes happens)

To keep excess fat away, you want to stick to this formula.

Sugar + LEAN Protein = Fat Loss (this is the pairing fats with nonfats idea, example: nonfat milk with honey, fish or cheese with fruit, lean steak with Coke)

If I am having a starch I keep the rest of ingredients as low in fat as possible, examples:

-my liver tostado, I use as little fat as possible to fry my tostado in as well as the fat I fry my meat in. I use mozzarella which has 30% less fat and I dont use sour cream.

-A hamburger, I skip the mayo sauces, but have the cheese, pickle, mustard, ketchup and onion and have it lettuce wrapped with a small coke. No fries!

-pizza i will have a couple of bites with the crust (cause the crust converts to sugar, and then just eat the toppings from several pieces after that and throw away the crusts. If you want to stay away from the wheat, have a small coke with it, the toppings is more of that, bad, sugar + fat combo)

Most of the time I go starchless eating things mentioned below:

-I love to eat a pile of shrimp, and do weekly, just steamed and dipped in melted butter! That is a good "fats with nonfats" pairing. It is good to have a little fruit or honey before or a bit after that meal.

-my boil & broil, nearly fat free, wings I pair with a sugary or fruity sauce, and I eat a good amount of these in one sitting!

-a seasoned flat iron steak with sweetened espresso with a half cup of nonfat milk

-seared scallops with fresh tomato cream sauce or a lemon marmalade
and green onion sauce.

-my meatloaf with my pineapple ketchup topping is a favorite just by itself and needs no pairing except an espresso shot to block iron

-fried eggs in butter, seasoned salt and with Chinese 5-Spice and topped with green onion and coconut Aminos needs no pairings

-fruit infused water with a salty mozzarella is a favorite snack

So let's get busy and get that extra fat gone!


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Jan 26, 2021
Here is some easy math to remember:

Sugar + Fat = Fat (remember starches get converted to sugar so this equals baked potato with butter)

Sugar + Starch = Fat (this is sugar on top of sugar, aka cupcakes, and how diabetes happens)

To keep excess fat away, you want to stick to this formula.

Sugar + LEAN Protein = Fat Loss (this is the pairing fats with nonfats idea, example: nonfat milk with honey, fish or cheese with fruit, lean steak with Coke)

If I am having a starch I keep the rest of ingredients as low in fat as possible, examples:

-my liver tostado, I use as little fat as possible to fry my tostado in as well as the fat I fry my meat in. I use mozzarella which has 30% less fat and I dont use sour cream.

-A hamburger, I skip the mayo sauces, but have the cheese, pickle, mustard, ketchup and onion and have it lettuce wrapped with a small coke. No fries!

-pizza i will have a couple of bites with the crust (cause the crust converts to sugar, and then just eat the toppings from several pieces after that and throw away the crusts. If you want to stay away from the wheat, have a small coke with it, the toppings is more of that, bad, sugar + fat combo)

Most of the time I go starchless eating things mentioned below:

-I love to eat a pile of shrimp, and do weekly, just steamed and dipped in melted butter! That is a good "fats with nonfats" pairing. It is good to have a little fruit or honey before or a bit after that meal.

-my boil & broil, nearly fat free, wings I pair with a sugary or fruity sauce, and I eat a good amount of these in one sitting!

-a seasoned flat iron steak with sweetened espresso with a half cup of nonfat milk

-seared scallops with fresh tomato cream sauce or a lemon marmalade
and green onion sauce.

-my meatloaf with my pineapple ketchup topping is a favorite just by itself and needs no pairing except an espresso shot to block iron

-fried eggs in butter, seasoned salt and with Chinese 5-Spice and topped with green onion and coconut Aminos needs no pairings

-fruit infused water with a salty mozzarella is a favorite snack

So let's get busy and get that extra fat gone!
this is awesome... and much easier to understand than even that first post you had in this thread!

Can I better understand a few things and ask a couple of questions please :)

The "fried eggs in butter" seems to be counter to the theory of of sugar + LEAN protein. Where is the sugar in this one and what about the fat? (Or is this the "Fats with nonfats" which you mention but didn't get too much into in the above quote)
You mention eating the crustless pizza but saying the topping is more of the bad sugar and fat combo... am I reading that right? Or do you mean that the crust + topping is the bad fat combo?
Is chicken wings not fatty (and PUFA fatty?) I understand the boil and broil probably has the fat dripping away but can one just grill/broil the wings anyway? Or is chicken skin mostly gelatin/collagen?

Thank you! I tend to lurk a lot but find great value in the posts you have.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
this is awesome... and much easier to understand than even that first post you had in this thread!

Can I better understand a few things and ask a couple of questions please :)

The "fried eggs in butter" seems to be counter to the theory of of sugar + LEAN protein. Where is the sugar in this one and what about the fat? (Or is this the "Fats with nonfats" which you mention but didn't get too much into in the above quote)
You mention eating the crustless pizza but saying the topping is more of the bad sugar and fat combo... am I reading that right? Or do you mean that the crust + topping is the bad fat combo?
Is chicken wings not fatty (and PUFA fatty?) I understand the boil and broil probably has the fat dripping away but can one just grill/broil the wings anyway? Or is chicken skin mostly gelatin/collagen?

Thank you! I tend to lurk a lot but find great value in the posts you have.

When I say fried eggs in butter I am talking about a small amount of butter, and since coconut Aminos is a small amount amount of sugar it's a good combo. For the pizza, the toppings, especially the meats like sausage, ham and pepperoni are really fatty. So having a sugar like coke with it is likely to create fat. I find i am better off just to eat a few bites of the crust to balance the blood sugar and satisfy than to have a lot of sugar with it.if you can manage to eat just the topping off the pizza with vegetarian pizza toppings then you could benefit from a small coke to balance the cheese. For my wings, all the fat goes into the water they are boiled in, so much so that when I broil them I have rub on a bit of coconut oil or they just dry out. Without that method I think the PUFA in the skin AND meat would to be much for weight loss. Even last year my weight was creeping up until I realized all the sugar was puting weight on me because of the fats. The pizza and hamburger examples are just to help navigate through a restaurant experience so one can see it isn't the hamburger that makes people lose weight it is the coke and/or fries on top of it. For years I took the top bun/bread off of my burgers and NEVER liked soda, just ordering water, so that trick alone kept me slim. People start the Ray Peat way adding in all the sugar, but they don't take out starches and then they gain a lot of weight fast. You have to pick one or the other in a meal, not both, and the sugar burns fat faster. I am happy to hear that my ramblings are doing some good! Thank you for saying that. Ask as many questions as need be, because it is a bit to remember, but it is the key to getting the fat gone.


Nov 21, 2012
Interesting theory @Rinse & rePeat
Personally I don't have experience with it (nor with your way) so I'm just throwing it out there....;)

Do you know the Croissant diet?(lol...unlike the name, it's not necessarily about eating croissants)
It has some Peat principles; avoid pufas/unsaturated fats and eat only sat.fats high in stearic acid....(so CO fails this test in that regards).
However eating high starch+fat and keep sugar low (protein is unspoken) is said to burn fat on this diet. That basically is the opposite of what you've written.....what are your thoughts on that??


Jul 19, 2020
i loose 30pounds of fat,maintaining lean tissue just lowering a bit the fats and the carbs,maintaining the protein high,you only loose weight in a bad way if you dont excercies imo,if you actually use the lean tissue will keep up in the structure,most people here wants just to be sit on the couch or walk a bit and loose all the fat lol,not gonna happen that easy,im not even talking about heavy weight training,i was doing calisthenics and bodyweight stuff when i loose the fat,my diet was mainly lean protein sources,some eggs,raw milk and low fat cheeses,gourds,potatos,honey and lots of coffee mostly,nearly boiling all my meats in water or tomato sauce to avoid using extra fats,i agree 100% tho that starches+fat are bad as frick for that matter,instant fat deposits,now im just maintaining physique by doing mostly Peat stuff,still doing the same training schedule but with some weight training too
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Interesting theory @Rinse & rePeat
Personally I don't have experience with it (nor with your way) so I'm just throwing it out there....;)

Do you know the Croissant diet?(lol...unlike the name, it's not necessarily about eating croissants)
It has some Peat principles; avoid pufas/unsaturated fats and eat only sat.fats high in stearic acid....(so CO fails this test in that regards).
However eating high starch+fat and keep sugar low (protein is unspoken) is said to burn fat on this diet. That basically is the opposite of what you've written.....what are your thoughts on that??

I have heard of the croissant diet, and when the Ray Peat way was not working for me I considered it, as I LOVE croissants! I just couldn't bring myself to go back to eating wheat since my skin, teeth and hair were so much better giving up grains 7 years ago. I will tell you the best quick weight loss that has worked for me was the potato fast and the lemonade diet. Both of them I took off 10 pounds in 3 weeks only doing them 2 to 4 days a week and eating reasonably on the other days. So as I always say there are many ways to take off weight, but is it healthy and is that weight loss long term sustainable. Nowadays I don't want to put stress on my body dieting, so some lifestyle strategies is what I find works the best to enable me to enjoy my life without dieting or getting fat. I am starting to jot down my daily consumption, including any suppliments like Progest-E and niacin. Those are the only suppliments I use occasionally. I will start posting them. Keep in mind as long as you are getting ample amounts of protein and calcium the scale may go up, because muscle weighs more than fat. So your body will burn fat while gaining muscle. I am only going to post my daily list of food if the scale goes down to ensure that my day's menu will be more guaranteed fat loss for you.
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
i loose 30pounds of fat,maintaining lean tissue just lowering a bit the fats and the carbs,maintaining the protein high,you only loose weight in a bad way if you dont excercies imo,if you actually use the lean tissue will keep up in the structure,most people here wants just to be sit on the couch or walk a bit and loose all the fat lol,not gonna happen that easy,im not even talking about heavy weight training,i was doing calisthenics and bodyweight stuff when i loose the fat,my diet was mainly lean protein sources,some eggs,raw milk and low fat cheeses,gourds,potatos,honey and lots of coffee mostly,nearly boiling all my meats in water or tomato sauce to avoid using extra fats,i agree 100% tho that starches+fat are bad as frick for that matter,instant fat deposits,now im just maintaining physique by doing mostly Peat stuff,still doing the same training schedule but with some weight training too

Well I don't exercise. I don't sit on the couch either. I am busy doing things all day long and my legs and muscle tone is better than when I was dieting and trying hard to lose weight. I suppose if I was eating potatoes and other starches I might have to add in some power walks to get away with that and look strong.


Jul 19, 2020
Well I don't exercise. I don't sit on the couch either. I am busy doing things all day long and my legs and muscle tone is better than when I was dieting and trying hard to lose weight. I suppose if I was eating potatoes and other starches I might have to add in some power walks to get away with that and look strong.
yea,on top of that im kinda a householder in my home,i do the grocerys,i cook,i clean,thats heavy underrated,the NEAT goes sky high doing all that all day
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
yea,on top of that im kinda a householder in my home,i do the grocerys,i cook,i clean,thats heavy underrated,the NEAT goes sky high doing all that all day

Oh man I hear you! The bending, multi-tasking and quick pace all day has me tired by seven in evening and ready for that couch! I go on a 4 mile powerwalk to unwind from my usual day!


Jul 19, 2020
Oh man I hear you! The bending, multi-tasking and quick pace all day has me tired by seven in evening and ready for that couch! I go on a 4 mile powerwalk to unwind from my usual day!
now tho i focus more on the anti aging aspect of the diet,trying to low the stress as much as i can,on the last weeks on the fatloss phase i was feeling like crap,definetly a hustle and a health sacrifice at some point


Jul 19, 2020
and now that i eat white washed rice and masa harina again i do it with super lean protein sources mostly
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
now tho i focus more on the anti aging aspect of the diet,trying to low the stress as much as i can,on the last weeks on the fatloss phase i was feeling like crap,definetly a hustle and a health sacrifice at some point

You and me both! I use to be enviously thin and my health and body did not look as good as they do now since giving up the shortcut deprivation diets. My friend told me two nights ago that looking at me, if she had known that her choices could make such a huge difference she would have done things differently many years ago. People don't realize it isn't a steady decline until you're dead. I looked like I was on a quick road to being a frail older woman, with my sunken in cheeks and snake skin jiggly legs, but hey the scale weight was perfect! I just got a comment from my son's girlfriend two days ago with her saying, "I know this is random, but your legs look so good. I wish mine looked like yours", and she just turned 30!


Nov 21, 2012
I have

I have heard of the croissant diet, and when the Ray Peat way was not working for me I considered it, as I LOVE croissants! I just couldn't bring myself to go back to eating wheat since my skin, teeth and hair were so much better giving up grains 7 years ago. I will tell you the best quick weight loss that has worked for me was the potato fast and the lemonade diet. Both of them I took off 10 pounds in 3 weeks only doing them 2 to 4 days a week and eating reasonably on the other days. So as I always say there are many ways to take off weight, but is it healthy and is that weight loss long term sustainable. Nowadays I don't want to put stress on my body dieting, so some lifestyle strategies is what I find works the best to enable me to enjoy my life without dieting or getting fat. I am starting to jot down my daily consumption, including any suppliments like Progest-E and niacin. Those are the only suppliments I use occasionally. I will start posting them. Keep in mind as long as you are getting ample amounts of protein and calcium the scale may go up, because muscle weighs more than fat. So your body will burn fat while gaining muscle. I am only going to post my daily list of food if the scale goes down to ensure that my day's menu will be more guaranteed fat loss for you. don't need to eat wheat to do that 'diet'. It comes across to me more as a way of eating,definitely not a restriction/caloriecounting-type-of-diet.

I think the best way of losing fat is by following a lifestyle that you enjoy and can easily maintain.
I don't know who said it,but there's this saying of: you have to get healthy in order to lose weight.

Personally I don't own a scale bc I really can't be bothered by my actual weight. I don't even know what I weigh!
I just have unhealthy fat/jiggle in my midsection that I'd like to get rid off (along with some other issues)?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
and now that i eat white washed rice and masa harina again i do it with super lean protein sources mostly

Exactly! You gotta pick starches OR sugar not both. The problem for me with starches, besides their aging phosphorus and anti-nutrients (unless you buy sprouted) is that thet require fats (as ray Peat recommends) to keep constipation from setting in. Then you pair it with a lean protein, so it is now a higher fat diet that sugar, with fat loss being slower.


Nov 21, 2012
I have

I have heard of the croissant diet, and when the Ray Peat way was not working for me I considered it, as I LOVE croissants! I just couldn't bring myself to go back to eating wheat since my skin, teeth and hair were so much better giving up grains 7 years ago. I will tell you the best quick weight loss that has worked for me was the potato fast and the lemonade diet. Both of them I took off 10 pounds in 3 weeks only doing them 2 to 4 days a week and eating reasonably on the other days. So as I always say there are many ways to take off weight, but is it healthy and is that weight loss long term sustainable. Nowadays I don't want to put stress on my body dieting, so some lifestyle strategies is what I find works the best to enable me to enjoy my life without dieting or getting fat. I am starting to jot down my daily consumption, including any suppliments like Progest-E and niacin. Those are the only suppliments I use occasionally. I will start posting them. Keep in mind as long as you are getting ample amounts of protein and calcium the scale may go up, because muscle weighs more than fat. So your body will burn fat while gaining muscle. I am only going to post my daily list of food if the scale goes down to ensure that my day's menu will be more guaranteed fat loss for you. don't need to eat wheat to do that 'diet'. It comes across to me more as a way of eating,definitely not a restriction/caloriecounting-type-of-diet.

I think the best way of losing fat is by following a lifestyle that you enjoy and can easily maintain.
I don't know who said it,but there's this saying of: you have to get healthy in order to lose weight.

Personally I don't own a scale bc I really can't be bothered by my actual weight. I don't even know what I weigh!
I just have unhealthy fat/jiggle in my midsection that I'd like to get rid off (along with some other issues)
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