More Than One Third Of Men And Almost Half Of Women Are Energy Deficient


Sep 1, 2017
Pulse and temps, especially pre- and after eating values, and the ones taken in the morning are especially reliable. Also, is pulse and temps are high but extremities are low then it is probably adrenaline and not thyroid. In hypo people thyroid initially may lower pulse and temps.
Sorry to take this out of the grave:
AFAYK how much does it usually take in such cases for thyroid to start working and pushing temps/pulse up?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Sorry to take this out of the grave:
AFAYK how much does it usually take in such cases for thyroid to start working and pushing temps/pulse up?

There is no set dose that would be universally effective in everybody. Levels of FFA, presence of infection, and remaining endogenous thyroid function determine how much thyroid will be effective for each person. It may also take time before pulse/temps rise up, while initially dropping due to thyroid lowering stress hormones.


Sep 1, 2017
There is no set dose that would be universally effective in everybody. Levels of FFA, presence of infection, and remaining endogenous thyroid function determine how much thyroid will be effective for each person. It may also take time before pulse/temps rise up, while initially dropping due to thyroid lowering stress hormones.
I’m asking because I started on T3 and T4 (Tyronene and Eurydice) and so far I’ve even seen drops in temps and pulse and it’s being almost 2 weeks. I’ll check how are temps (fasted temp) at week 2 and adjust


Jun 19, 2014
I’m asking because I started on T3 and T4 (Tyronene and Eurydice) and so far I’ve even seen drops in temps and pulse and it’s being almost 2 weeks. I’ll check how are temps (fasted temp) at week 2 and adjust
A couple of thoughts.

Always take at least 2 weeks to assess dose before moving on. IIRC, this comes from RP himself.

Second, drops in temp/pulse are, as @haidut said, from reduced stress hormones. This is a good thing. Give it some time and move slowly. Easy to overshoot and just get garbage feedback from moving too quickly w/ thyroid. If pulse and temp don't come back after 2-4 weeks, congratulate yourself on having reduced stress and move dosage up slightly and monitor for another 2-4 weeks. Requires patience, but he reward for getting it right is huge.


Jun 8, 2020
What can be done for an 8 yr old boy that is exceedingly thin and weak (4' and 50 lbs)? He is very intelligent, happy, and well adapted generally. Physical exertion he is definitely behind his peers. Overheats and tires more quickly than them.

Obviously it would be reckless to fool around with hormones on a child and I won't consider recommendations of that kind. But dietary and nutritional recommendations I would be interested in.
How is he doing now? Anorexia/ reduced appetite is a symptom of B1 deficiency.
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Dec 12, 2019
Yes, we all have glycolysis, it is the first metabolic step. It only becomes a problem when it is excessive due to subsequent steps (Krebs cycle or ETC) are not working properly. When they are not working well the body has to upregulate the glycolysis step to provide energy and since it is a very inefficient way to provide energy the body has to use a LOT of calories and also create quite a few new cells (cancer) to stay alive. As I posted in another thread just now, this excessive glycolysis is what CREATES the cancer, it is not just a result of cancer (Warburg effect) as we have been lied to for more than 100 years.
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I wanted to note from the start that this is NOT about calories, this is about ENERGY deficiency as a result of bad metabolism. So, while not the same as hypothyroidism, this study shows just how sick the general population is (if we assume that energetic deficiency is behind all diseases). Now, I now that this study is about India but a recent comparison study of Western diet with Asian nations found that Indians eating commercial food are on average better nourished than the Westerners, so the situation in Western Europe and USA could be worse. But I probably don't need to tell you just how bad the Western diet is, most people who have travelled already know this first-hand.
This should be a wake-up call for all the naysayers who complain that we don't need to take thiamine or niacinamide. Without those nutrients we cannot properly generate energy and are stuck in glycolysis with all of its negative consequences. And keep in mind that even with proper intake from food most people probably need extra since absorption for many people is compromised due to digestive disturbances induced by all of the "safe" emulsifiers like carrageenan that are present in virtually all commercial foods. As I posted in the study on thiamine and Chron's disease - the blood thiamine levels of these patients were normal but they still had cellular thiamine deficiency, which only 600mg daily dose of thiamine was able to overcome.

44 per cent women are energy deficient

"...According to the Urban Nutrition Report which was released on Tuesday by the National Institute of Nutrition, 34 per cent of urban men and 44 percent of urban women suffer from a chronic deficiency of energy. This deficiency is observed in overweight as well as undernourished individuals. The survey has revealed that boys are excessively thin and undernourished during their teenage years as compared to girls. The deficiency of energy experienced by them is the result of the inadequate intake of micronutrients such as iron, thiamine and niacin.

Good Thing i switched to a Vitamin B-Complex....

Beef/Calf Liver, Eggs and Beef Meat in General are good sources of B-Vitamins. But like you said, this is maybe not enough, if they are Energy Deficient...


Mar 2, 2021
I know nothing about thyroid. What is the best form to take?


Dec 3, 2019
Am interested in both or either of these supplements: thiamine or niacinamide

What are they called on idealabs?


Jul 8, 2019
Thanks Nemo. :)

I have energin and just check it, so nice. But are the quantity in energin enough?

I like the way the B vitamins are balanced in Energin. If I'm going to take extra niacinamide, I want the extra thiamine, etc. with it.

So if I'm going to take 25 or 50 mg of niacinamide twice a day, I actually prefer to take 6 or 12 drops of Energin twice a day so that I also get the extra thiamine, etc. You get all the benefits you're accustomed to when you take the niacinamide alone.

If you want to take some really huge dose of just one thing, you will need something else. I've tried it both ways and prefer Energin.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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