Milk Causes Hairloss!


Jul 29, 2014
The masai used to be almost entirely pastoralists. If I recall correctly, the british killed the majority of their livestock to gain control of them and then moved them to a reservation of sorts. When this occurred corn became a staple in the diet (I think this explains the moderate atherosclerosis seen in the studies).

The current diet of the masai is likely significantly altered from their original native diet.



Oct 29, 2016
Weirdly enough I used to go to the toilet fast after drinking milk, I tried milked for the last 3 weeks and all I get now is constipation of the worst kind. But at the same time I quit gluten probably a relation there. Only warm milk, probably the cold milk would give me a quick belly ache reaction to have to go to the toilet like before.
I would have never though I could be drinking lots of milk and not have the worst diarrhea or gut pains.
Try taking ACV to help digestion. Hypothyroid people often have low stomach acid which often leads to malabsorption and low B12 too.


Oct 29, 2016
Probably just a coincidence that his mpb set in. I know that studies have linked milk consumption with acne.

i mean it could be just bad quality milk. Cow milk is full of crap these days including organic choices.

All i want to know is how this tribe has children balding. If we can understand that then that a huge piece of information!

my bet its some sort of undocumented nutritional deficiency. Theres no way they get everything they need from a cows blood and milk or meat.

i am not sayinf vegetarians dont bald. But diet with lots of vegetables and fruits often lead to alot less balding.
Did you know that they shave their heads as part of their tradition?


Sep 6, 2018
Try taking ACV to help digestion. Hypothyroid people often have low stomach acid which often leads to malabsorption and low B12 too.
Do i need more stomach acid to get rid of constipation? As far as I know people use ACV for diarrhea or loose stools.
I am already taking around 15grams of gelatin per day mixed with water, but it does seems to make any difference in tool frequency.


Oct 29, 2016
Do i need more stomach acid to get rid of constipation? As far as I know people use ACV for diarrhea or loose stools.
I am already taking around 15grams of gelatin per day mixed with water, but it does seems to make any difference in tool frequency.
I haven't heard about using ACV for diarrhea.
What about cyproheptadine? My small daughter didn't have regular bowel movements for years and giving her 0.5mg or less cyproheptadine daily for a month eliminated the constipation. I guess endotoxins play a part too. Fiber is also helpful.


Sep 6, 2018
I haven't heard about using ACV for diarrhea.
What about cyproheptadine? My small daughter didn't have regular bowel movements for years and giving her 0.5mg or less cyproheptadine daily for a month eliminated the constipation. I guess endotoxins play a part too. Fiber is also helpful.
Well on this forum people talk about sodium bicarbonate against constipation, I do not think increasing stomach acid can help in constipation.
Cyproheptadine I guess should constipate more since it has it's anti-histamine and anti-serotonin effects.
It's incredible what cyproheptadine fixed the constipation.
I started eating some boiled rolled oats, that should help if I do not boil them and just pour water on them I just get gas, bloating and other issues.


Oct 29, 2016
Well on this forum people talk about sodium bicarbonate against constipation, I do not think increasing stomach acid can help in constipation.
Cyproheptadine I guess should constipate more since it has it's anti-histamine and anti-serotonin effects.
It's incredible what cyproheptadine fixed the constipation.
I started eating some boiled rolled oats, that should help if I do not boil them and just pour water on them I just get gas, bloating and other issues.
That makes sense as raw oats is hard to digest. I buy the sprouted ones by rude health and cook them in milk.
You could buy urine pH test on eBay and monitor your urine pH. It should be 7. You could take 1/4 tsp baking soda on empty stomach and test how it changes your pH. I wouldn't recommend more than that because different organs have different pH and if you alkalise your body too much, your body won't produce certain enzymes which are required for good digestion.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I would recommend to study Jamaica od you want good hair. I saw alot of videos about Jamaica because I like this country And you can find people with no teeth but still with alot od hair ....they have good physique also and the best athletes.


Oct 29, 2016
I would recommend to study Jamaica od you want good hair. I saw alot of videos about Jamaica because I like this country And you can find people with no teeth but still with alot od hair ....they have good physique also and the best athletes.
Here's a fun fact for you about 75% of Jamaicans are lactose intolerant; meaning they will have adverse reaction to consuming it (Btw lactose is the main sugar in dairy). It's even worse for Asians, between 90-100%.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
first i want to say milk probably isnt the actual cause of hairloss but it seems to worsen things as serum igf-1 has been found to increase dht in the skin.

Recently i was doing research on african tribes and i examined their physiological traits from varying tribes.

I was specifically examining their hairlines. One of the reasons I chose studying the african tribes was I figured they would get enough sunlight as I mentioned sunlight maybe a factor in hairloss. In a way i was trying to control the variables.

Also tribes dont consume processed commercial products. So african tribes were a great case point. Here is what i noticed african tribes that consumed milk and almost exclusively milk were balding not just after puberty but i mean even before. They all had odd skull shapes. Frontal bossing and recession very very early on. Even the females showed signs of patterned hairloss. The Maasai tribe fit this bill. I uploaded photos describing what i am talking about.

Now the tribes that consumed some meats. Lots of potatoes and vegetables they had the best hairlines. I mean practically solid no recession. The zulu tribe for example they also appeared to have greater health.

This isnt really a surprise the countries that bald the most, Consume milk the most. The countries that bald the least consume milk the least. Acne has also been tied

Also lactose gets converted into d-galactose which has been shown in studies to increase aging!

Heck even when i drink milk i notice all sorts of negatives. At least for me and the maasai african genotype drinking milk may def be detrimental that is obvious

Very young children often have heads only partially coverred with hair. The hair doesn't come in for a few years.


Sep 6, 2018
Very young children often have heads only partially coverred with hair. The hair doesn't come in for a few years.

I assume that is why some people even think their new baby born look like an old man, I used to hear this before. But is a bit more complex than that I assume also the fact there are no teeth, etc. And these are generally no said by people.
Even some old medieval Mary and Jesus show baby Jesus as having MPB, but well there are some speculations that is because he was born perfect as in like and adult, which I do not quite fully believe as a beard is not present on these representations only the MPB and always Jesus as an adult is represented with a beard.
If you look closely at many babies, boys or girls they resemble MPBs of various levels, really the full spectrum of MPB looks.
Usually not the type of babies in commercials, but well just be around many newborns boys and girls and you will see it in many.
However some do get born with a full head hair and stay like that, while some parents have reported their babies as actually loosing hair after several months from birth, so there's that also.


Mar 15, 2014
I mean sure maybe blood has something do with it. But i read that they try not kill their cows and drink milk instead
you don't kill a cow for blood though. You can get blood with just a small nick to a cow.
I don't know how often they consume blood, but they could do so with far greater frequency than meat.

I also agree with the other poster about general fat content. "Standard" whole milk is 3.5% milkfat, supposedly Maasai cow milk is 10%? Higher LC fat content definitely causes hair loss, even if it's not PUFA. Coconut oil isn't long chain, so it doesn't do this.

Here's a fun fact for you about 75% of Jamaicans are lactose intolerant; meaning they will have adverse reaction to consuming it (Btw lactose is the main sugar in dairy). It's even worse for Asians, between 90-100%.

False, they're not lactose intolerant, they're lactase non-persistent. It's been said by Ray, and shown in several places that lactose fosters gram-positive (relatively benign) bacteria, and that it abolishes the process of protein putrefaction.

Studies on the etiology of milk intolerance in Japanese adults. - PubMed - NCBI
81% of Japanese people can tolerate a small glass of milk. Maybe if you increased this to a quarter gallon they might see problems, but pretty much everyone on planet earth can drink milk in substantial amounts. Native Americans were known to favor milk very heavily as one of the European products they bartered for, and I can imagine they'd only be even more "intolerant" than Northeast Asians.
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Aug 6, 2017
This sounds interesting. Can you please elaborate? Also what do you mean by activate how is DHT the most potent activator? Thanks
It makes the hair follicle metabolically active, at which point it requires more than the environment provides. So it must downsize to stay in function. This effect seems to be known to science in some capacity.

In the scalp tissues male hormone testosterone enter into hair follicle cells mainly the papilla cells, outer root sheath cells and sebaceous gland and get converted into DHT (Di-hydro-testosterone) by an enzyme 5 alpha reductase. The DHT in the outer root sheath cells, papilla cells and pilosebaceous cells of hair bind to Androgen Receptors in the cytosol. This DHT Androgen receptor complex is able to enter into the cell nucleus and bind to DNA , it leads to production of cell specific messenger RNA ,which help in the synthesis of specific follicle damaging proteins, leading to the progressive miniaturization of hair with each successive hair cycle, and eventually hair loss.

But somehow they arrived at the cell synthesizing damaging proteins in an act of masochism? No, it tries to grow (or increase phermone excretion?) and gives up. It might even be the sebaceous gland that steals all the nutrition from the hair leading to the change.
Apr 24, 2017
I think it's possible that milk can cause hair loss if taken in excessive amounts causing an imbalance with other vitamins and hormones, but women who quit veganism and start taking animal products like meat, dairy and eggs report that their hair stops falling and regrowth and thickening occurs, so I don't think it's as simple as milk being the culprit. It could also be an intolerance to it that causes it, which may imply that other problems are in the body which could indirectly be causing hair loss. The environment and lifestyle should be thought of as important factors as well, with the stress combined with the oxidation of fat possibly being one of the main reasons for balding. Bodybuilders who do excessive training for long hours are under a constant state of stress, and it's more common to see balding with them than bodybuilders who take a more relaxed approach in comparison.

Those vegans were probably iron and/or b12 deficient.
Apr 24, 2017
From my experience after discovering Ray Peat around 2016 and experimenting with dairy - it's definitely accelerates MPB. Although it might be an underlying intolerance.


Oct 29, 2016
you don't kill a cow for blood though. You can get blood with just a small nick to a cow.
I don't know how often they consume blood, but they could do so with far greater frequency than meat.

I also agree with the other poster about general fat content. "Standard" whole milk is 3.5% milkfat, supposedly Maasai cow milk is 10%? Higher LC fat content definitely causes hair loss, even if it's not PUFA. Coconut oil isn't long chain, so it doesn't do this.

False, they're not lactose intolerant, they're lactase non-persistent. It's been said by Ray, and shown in several places that lactose fosters gram-positive (relatively benign) bacteria, and that it abolishes the process of protein putrefaction.

Studies on the etiology of milk intolerance in Japanese adults. - PubMed - NCBI
81% of Japanese people can tolerate a small glass of milk. Maybe if you increased this to a quarter gallon they might see problems, but pretty much everyone on planet earth can drink milk in substantial amounts. Native Americans were known to favor milk very heavily as one of the European products they bartered for, and I can imagine they'd only be even more "intolerant" than Northeast Asians.
I just copied the info from Google.
The practice of taking blood from the cow seems sadistic and of low consciousness, in my opinion.


Feb 18, 2018
I just copied the info from Google.
The practice of taking blood from the cow seems sadistic and of low consciousness, in my opinion.

It would be sadistic if there were no purpose behind it besides seeing the cow suffer. They do it for the nourishment the blood contains, and so it wouldn’t be correct to call it a sadistic practice.

In a developed world with abundant resources, we don’t have to refer to such practices to maintain health, but in a land with limited resources, they are working with what they have to maintain their health and energy. Given the context many of us would engage in all sorts of “barbaric” practices to maintain our well-being.


Aug 6, 2017
I just copied the info from Google.
The practice of taking blood from the cow seems sadistic and of low consciousness, in my opinion.
It bothers them about as much as taking blood with a needle from a human. They stab it in a neck vein with a small knife, drain a liter (way less in proportion than humans donating blood), and let the wound heal. Almost no damage to the cow except fibrosis in the long run. But luckily they are very big so you don't have to stab same place constantly, unlike with people in hospital. So hospital is less humane.


Oct 29, 2016
It would be sadistic if there were no purpose behind it besides seeing the cow suffer. They do it for the nourishment the blood contains, and so it wouldn’t be correct to call it a sadistic practice.

In a developed world with abundant resources, we don’t have to refer to such practices to maintain health, but in a land with limited resources, they are working with what they have to maintain their health and energy. Given the context many of us would engage in all sorts of “barbaric” practices to maintain our well-being.
That's how I see it and that won't change.


Dec 29, 2015
It makes the hair follicle metabolically active, at which point it requires more than the environment provides. So it must downsize to stay in function. This effect seems to be known to science in some capacity.

But somehow they arrived at the cell synthesizing damaging proteins in an act of masochism? No, it tries to grow (or increase phermone excretion?) and gives up. It might even be the sebaceous gland that steals all the nutrition from the hair leading to the change.
Nathan Hatch's book F -Portion Control basically states this same concept of DHT and testosterone are actually important for strong hair growth. So with this theory @rei, do you think some topical DHT or testosterone would be effective at increasing hair growth?
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